Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hey everyone do you mind if I join your group? I am in need of some extra motivation!


    Come on in!

    We're a pretty chatty group.
    Some of us check in daily with our calories, exercise, water intake, and something we're proud of. We weigh in on Fridays & post the results. The person who loses the biggest percentage of weight chooses a challenge for us for the next week. You'll catch on. :smile:

    tstout -- The challenge can be annnyyyyttttthhhiiinnnngggg you want it to be. If someone doesn't think it's right for them, they can opt out of participating, no hard feelings either way! :happy:
    For example, while eating less may be a great challenge a lot of people, my body has been on freak-out mode about large calorie deficits since January so I have to tiptoe around that to keep it happy. I personally would not find it appropriate for me to intentionally participate in a challenge to eat less. But that's my own deal. :tongue: Just like if someone had kidney problems, they wouldn't participate in a water challenge or a protein challenge. It's absolutely fine -- make it whatever you want and as challenging as you want.

    I applied for a different job today. I'm not sure I have a shot but it's a position as a job coach with the state's vocational rehab department. I seriously think I'd enjoy it. I have a degree in psychology with a cognate in sociology. My coworker here actually worked at voc rehab for 20 something years. I'm tempted but too scared to ask him to call someone to refer me for the position. :ohwell: Actually getting the job could mean as much as a 20% raise (along with a job I can stand). :love: Not sure I would accept an offer for less because even though I hate my job, I just finally settled in here and I know I could handle this job while going to school full time for my Master's. Yeah, and this is all complete speculation. I probably won't even get a call. Most of the time they know who they're going to hire already, but they have to post the job externally to comply with state & federal regs. Bah. :grumble:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Elmox: way to go on your running in Central Park!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I applied for a different job today. I'm not sure I have a shot but it's a position as a job coach with the state's vocational rehab department. I seriously think I'd enjoy it. I have a degree in psychology with a cognate in sociology. My coworker here actually worked at voc rehab for 20 something years. I'm tempted but too scared to ask him to call someone to refer me for the position. :ohwell: Actually getting the job could mean as much as a 20% raise (along with a job I can stand). :love: Not sure I would accept an offer for less because even though I hate my job, I just finally settled in here and I know I could handle this job while going to school full time for my Master's. Yeah, and this is all complete speculation. I probably won't even get a call. Most of the time they know who they're going to hire already, but they have to post the job externally to comply with state & federal regs. Bah. :grumble:

    Julie: I hope you get the job, crossing my fingers for luck...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome Tracy!!

    LIttleSpy-Doesn't hurt to try for it, right?! Good luck!!

    POS Me-You kick your own butt this week girl! Don't let TOM kick it!

    lstpaul-I'm sending positive thoughts your way and that all your tests results come back ok. Nerve racking waiting for them. I been waiting on mine since Thursday. Not good times! I finally get them and the nurse is confused. Awesome! Hang in there!

    tstout-I will be more then happy to do the challenge as long as I get to workout this week. I'm thinking another day or two and my foot will be feeling good. I haven't really been limping today! But it can be whatever you want it to be. You ARE the Biggest Loser! :tongue:
  • Hey everyone, I was wondering if it would still be possible to join up with this group. I'm in desperate need of some support/motivation :( Is that ok?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks raiderape, actually I felt kind of silly at the doc office because I always seem to have aches and pains lately from working out so I probably just strained something (I think just plain age catching up with me) ... but these pains were a bit odd and persistent, plus I don't want to mess around with potential Lyme's disease so when I had the bug bite with the ring around it I thought I should at least get tested. Kind of odd, I had Lyme's disease 15 years ago and that time it was super obvious because the tick was still attached (ick) with a big ring around it. This time no tick - but a bite and ring in the exact same spot as before - on my lower back just above the waistline on my pants. But it could just be a spider bite, the ring around the bite is gone now.

    Ispaul: around the bit, Is it swollen or normal? I have had a spider bit and boy was it swollen and very itchy, but when my daughter had the tick bit, no swellen or tick jsut a ring.

    I couldn't actually see the bite because of the location - but it was itchy and my husband said it was swollen - and I had a few other spider bites - so definitely could be that. Just didn't want to take a chance, especially since I'm having some 'achy' symptoms. Hopefully the test will come back negative - but I would like them to find out what is up with my neck/shoulder/arm ... I'm liking the higher dose ibuprofen - that seems to be helping.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hey everyone, I was wondering if it would still be possible to join up with this group. I'm in desperate need of some support/motivation :( Is that ok?
    DEFINITELY! The more the merrier around here! :flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome Tracy!!

    LIttleSpy-Doesn't hurt to try for it, right?! Good luck!!

    POS Me-You kick your own butt this week girl! Don't let TOM kick it!

    lstpaul-I'm sending positive thoughts your way and that all your tests results come back ok. Nerve racking waiting for them. I been waiting on mine since Thursday. Not good times! I finally get them and the nurse is confused. Awesome! Hang in there!

    tstout-I will be more then happy to do the challenge as long as I get to workout this week. I'm thinking another day or two and my foot will be feeling good. I haven't really been limping today! But it can be whatever you want it to be. You ARE the Biggest Loser! :tongue:

    I'm confused Jess ... I thought you weren't going to the doctor for your foot ?... did I miss something else you were waiting on tests for - is all ok? I hope so.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Tracy - Welcome!! Hope you love this group of chatty girls as much as we do!

    Julie - Keeping my fingers crossed on the new job. Think positively, you never know what the hiring manager might be thinking.

    chronos - Welcome to the group! We welcome you with open arms!! As Julie said in a previous comment we are a very chatty group of girls! Here is also what she said earlier about our group, Some of us check in daily with our calories, exercise, water intake, and something we're proud of. We weigh in on Fridays & post the results. The person who loses the biggest percentage of weight chooses a challenge for us for the next week. You'll catch on.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I applied for a different job today. I'm not sure I have a shot but it's a position as a job coach with the state's vocational rehab department. I seriously think I'd enjoy it. I have a degree in psychology with a cognate in sociology. My coworker here actually worked at voc rehab for 20 something years. I'm tempted but too scared to ask him to call someone to refer me for the position. :ohwell: Actually getting the job could mean as much as a 20% raise (along with a job I can stand). :love: Not sure I would accept an offer for less because even though I hate my job, I just finally settled in here and I know I could handle this job while going to school full time for my Master's. Yeah, and this is all complete speculation. I probably won't even get a call. Most of the time they know who they're going to hire already, but they have to post the job externally to comply with state & federal regs. Bah. :grumble:
    Good luck on the new job! Maybe you can just start a conversation with your co-worker about how you are interested in the job and sent in an application, and just ask if he knows anyone to contact who might know more about whether there is someone already being considered for the job, or if he might possibly put in a good word for you? Go for it! :flowerforyou:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Littlespy - good luck with the job application! Doing something you enjoy + more money?!? That would be awesome.

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Thanks Pos_Me! I actually really enjoyed it and am looking forward to next week's run already. We're planning on going every Monday after work.
  • New job prospects are always awesome :) I'm sadly just finishing up a term, then back to looking for me. I say go for it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome New girls !!!!

    Tsout - I have beend doing that with 1/2 the cals (actually i have been doing relaly not eating most of them ), the last few days i have been eating all or at least 1/2. I started eating more at lunch and i think that is making up some

    I am drowining in water today :smile: I struggle with water (ALOT) but today i have already got 100oz and it is just 3:30 ...of course i have been in the batrhoom all freaking day, even lost some workout time due i had to go when i got to the gym :sad:, but still got in 35 min and 300 cals..

    I am loving my scale this week BTW...This morning it was 270.9...i was like no way, i think i got on like 10 times...even before gym (after breakfast, and a snack) it was 271.0 ..i am soo excited about getting out of the 270's so quickly...i stayed in the 280's for what it seems like forever (my fault since i wasn't trying very hard i think)

    I am hoping to be where i am now or a little less by fridya, under 270 would be freaking awesome but not holding my breath.

    Julie - GOod luck on the job, would be nice to get married and get a new job that you love :smile:

    Well guess i got to get back to work
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I am drowining in water today :smile: I struggle with water (ALOT) but today i have already got 100oz and it is just 3:30 ...of course i have been in the batrhoom all freaking day, even lost some workout time due i had to go when i got to the gym :sad:, but still got in 35 min and 300 cals..

    I am loving my scale this week BTW...This morning it was 270.9...i was like no way, i think i got on like 10 times...even before gym (after breakfast, and a snack) it was 271.0 ..i am soo excited about getting out of the 270's so quickly...i stayed in the 280's for what it seems like forever (my fault since i wasn't trying very hard i think)

    I am hoping to be where i am now or a little less by fridya, under 270 would be freaking awesome but not holding my breath.

    Congrats on the numbers!!! You have been whizzing (no pun intended) out of the 270's. I am going to have to get my butt in gear if I am going to keep up with you! You are doing great with the water today. I wish 100 oz would make a difference in my day but since I drink a lot already I have to drink twice as much to wash stuff out. Keep up the great work!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    *****TMI ALERT******
    I guess I didn't post this last week. I went for y yearly visit to the dr and he was concerned because he said there was blood and white blood cells in my urine. Very little but was there. So he thought I had a kindney infection which could lead to strones or possibly a bladder infection or bladder cancer or it could be due to my "signifficent" weight loss. So I been waiting since Thursday. Finally called and said everything came back normal. They are gonna re check me in 6 months. But when he threw cancer in my face I freaked out! I'm 26! So there it is. Foot seems to. Getting better so no dr yet!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    *****TMI ALERT******
    I guess I didn't post this last week. I went for y yearly visit to the dr and he was concerned because he said there was blood and white blood cells in my urine. Very little but was there. So he thought I had a kindney infection which could lead to strones or possibly a bladder infection or bladder cancer or it could be due to my "signifficent" weight loss. So I been waiting since Thursday. Finally called and said everything came back normal. They are gonna re check me in 6 months. But when he threw cancer in my face I freaked out! I'm 26! So there it is. Foot seems to. Getting better so no dr yet!

    Jess - I am glad everything is good with your tests. I am glad your foot is getting better too!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I've gained 7 pounds in 7 days. Now, 7 happens to be my favorite number, but seriously?
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    This week I have stayed within my calorie range every day, but the food was NOT clean for the most part. Which is why I have been starving, probably. You can't eat a LOT of high calorie food, enough to feel full, and stay within your cal range. So I've been eating small amounts of terrible food. Ooofta. Way to go, Nance, on messing up the threederville goal for Friday. :frown:

    OK so. Hmm. I don't want to go to the fitness center today. I haven't had a break from exercising in over two weeks. Or is it because I am mad at myself for gaining?
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    and gaining
    :sad: :sad:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - I am soo sorry that you are gaining weight...HOpefully it will start going the other weight soon.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey Blue! It's the gym! You've started working out and maybe eating iffy stuff and you're holding on to a LOT of water! You'll be fine it will even out AND you'll see a nice loss in no time! If you saw 7lbs for no good reason that's one thing -but this is totally for a VERY GOOD REASON!

    Don't worry - be HAPPY!!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Chris - :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    LittleSpy - let me tell you - a job makes a BIG BIG DIFFERENCE in your quality of life - do what you love :love: :heart: :love:

    lildebbie - you are amazing - look at you working out every day! you go girl!

    elmox - I want to run in Central Park!

    So today I had strawberries, blackberries, 3 pieces of thin crust pizza, blueberries, and an apple. Anyone spot the reason I'm already over calories? Anyone? Anyone? :sad:

    so yeah- TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cals - 1742
    Water - 128 oz ( yes that is right I drank a gallon of water today...1st time ever !!!!)
    exercise - 35 min arc trainer (300 cals )
    Proud - That i drank soo much water today and that the scale is moving and feelign great about it !!
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