Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So a girl I work with sent me a link to this. How fun would this be!?

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, so good to hear from you and I think that it's so important to record your thoughts. That's one of the reasons I love this group. When I'm having a crap day, I can let it all out. When I need to celebrate, I can do that too. I've often thought about writing a blog or a journal about my weight loss journey, but feel like this group takes the place of that. Always feel like you can put it all out there with us. :flowerforyou:

    I had a fun night yesterday. After work I met up with my hubby at his favorite bar (The Pony Bar - they serve only American Craft beers) and had two beers and the BEST BLT with avocado in my life. Seriously, this sandwich was like orgasmic good. With that sandwich came some freshly made chips. While I was totally over on my calories yesterday, I'm also going to have to say it was completely work it. No regrets. Sandwich = magic. I also noticed that I get a little buzzed a lot more quickly now! I don't remember two beers getting me all tipsy 40 lbs ago!! :ohwell:

    We also went and saw The National at Radio City Music Hall. It was a GREAT show. Probably because I was a little tipsy, I was being quite the little judger when it came to other people's clothing choices. I'm so proud of my FB status from last night, I'm going to repost it here.

    Sometimes I catch myself being all Judgey McJudgerson Fashion Police and think, "That's not very nice Lauren." But then I think, "Well, they shouldn't really be wearing that..." :laugh:

    Check in:
    Cals: OOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR = 2029, but that sandwich...so worth it.
    Water: 88 oz
    Exerice: Just some walking, probably 1.5 miles total
    Proud: That I had the best sandwich ever.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Sometimes I catch myself being all Judgey McJudgerson Fashion Police and think, "That's not very nice Lauren." But then I think, "Well, they shouldn't really be wearing that..." :laugh:

    Check in:
    Cals: OOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR = 2029, but that sandwich...so worth it.
    Water: 88 oz
    Exerice: Just some walking, probably 1.5 miles total
    Proud: That I had the best sandwich ever.

    I died laughing when I saw your fb post last night. My roommate and I are awful when it comes to stuff like that. I'm a lot more casual about it. She points. It's terrible. I try so hard not to do that. Thank you for another giggle!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So I kind of feel like I owe you all an explanation. As you all know I had lost motivation and slowly started slipping...no excercise, poor food choices...etc. It went from "I can have a cheat meal" to "I can have a cheat day" to "F@$% it". I think the last time I excercised was last Thursday when I went to spin class, and before that it had been several days since i had excercised. Slowly, I felt my life spinning out of control. I THRIVE on strict schedules, and goal setting etc...so when I stopped watching my food and excercising I started getting depressed. Any of you that have depression know that depression leads to lack of willpower, fatigue, and in my case binging. I was diagnosed as bipolar years and years ago, Im prone to panic attacks and vicious eating cycles, but over the years I have learned coping mechanisms and stuff that triggers me so I have been ok. So anyways, I felt myself surrendering to one of my infamous cycles of self destruction and none of my usual coping mechanisms helped. In the middle of it all my parents decided to tell me that they were no longer contributing to my wedding which really really hurt. Bobby and I had always kind of figured that we were on our own when it came to paying for it, which was the only reason I had agreed to a destination wedding...it would be cheaper than having a big one here and we could do it on our own. My parents are the ones who told me absolutely not we have to have the whole big spiel blah blah...got me all excited thining I'd be having the wedding I had always dreamed about...then on the day I went to put the deposit down on the wedding venue they told me they were not going to. It was just a big downer (over it now) but I was crushed at the time...I had fallen in love with this place. Anyway, so I threw myself a week long pity party stuffed my face and now here I am explaining it all to you guys....why? Because getting it all out there makes me accountable. It makes me face the choice on how to handle everything. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be miserable

    I have been feeling sooo sick physically. All this crap Im eating is literally making me want to puke and I have no energy..it just sucks. I am trying to also record how I feel because I dont want to feel like this ever again...when I started here at 255lbs I felt like this. Now I have that same miserable out of control feeling again...which is good because its the fire that needed to be lit under my *kitten*.

    So here's to choosing happiness

    thanks for listening :flowerforyou:
    I have been there several times Cris but of course for different reasons throughout my weight loss journey.I am super proud of you for recognizing it and moving on from it.It shows you are a very strong woman and you can defeat the cycle that brought you here.We will always be here for you and vent whenever you like.Thats what this group is here for .

    Jess you always make me feel so good about myself thanks for being such a sweetie all the time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- I'm glad you're here. :flowerforyou:

    elmox -- Okay, the preface to this comment is that I was vegetarian for 5 years. 3 years ago, my fiance convinced me to eat chicken. Then 2 years ago he convinced me to eat beef. But he hasn't been able to convince me to eat pork...until about a month ago when... I had a humongous craving for bacon and avocado together. So I've been eating bacon ever since, but OMG bacon and avocado together are so freaking delicious!

    Jess -- so glad your foot is feeling better! I remember when I was constantly injuring myself, I kept thinking "I thought exercising was supposed to make you *healthier!*" :huh:

    So, I got a phone call this morning from a buddy of mine. He said "What are you doing?" and I said "Eating bacon" and he said "Oh.... I won't be eating any of that for a while." He had just been to the doctor and his blood pressure was through the roof so he called me for advice on how to be healthy and lose weight (Me! I'm the healthy friend!). I was so glad he felt comfortable enough to talk to me about it and I'm soooo happy he's decided to do something good for himself instead of just relinquishing to taking medication at age 25. Very proud of him, indeed. I'll probably try to coordinate some kind of physical activity with him each week to help him stay active. It'll be fun.

    Then when I got off the phone, Scott asked who I was talking to so I told him what was going on and then he said "Maybe I should start logging what I eat on there, too. I need to eat healthier." !!! It's an epidemic. :bigsmile:

    Also, I kicked my butt at the gym again last night. My quads are *screaming* this morning (thanks, ArcTrainer!) and TOM is threatening me (I've told him I'll kick his *kitten* if he shows up before next Tuesday) so I kind of expected my weight to be a littler higher than yesterday morning. NOPE! New lowest weight ever! 195.8! I'm soooo super happy about that.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning/afternoon gals,

    Jess: glad your foot is doing better

    Cris: I am so happy you are somewhat back:flowerforyou: :heart:. You can vent anytime your want..we are here for you:heart:

    Elmox: I laughed at your FB comment too. My husband will say smart comment too, but I don't dare say anything becasue of fear they might hear me..I say to each is own :bigsmile:

    Litspy: You are an epidemic..your rubbing off on everyone..either in person or via internet..LOL. Keep doing what your are doing. You're an amazing person!:drinker:

    I am so tried. My son cried all night because he could handle his fever. He is better now, watching some tv, but he won't eat anything because his throat hurts..poor thing. I am making him things he asks for, but takes one bite and says "no thanks"

    also, Hubby is coming back for his Washington, DC trip. Can't wait. I miss my man:blushing: he has only been gone for 3 days, but we are inseparable:love: ..I know too much information. But I am happy and tired all at the same time..LOL
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- tomorrow is the big day right?! Yay! Are you super excited to become a Mrs?! I know you arent having anything big but what ARE the plans?!

    Congrats on the new lowest weight! Early wedding present to yourself :flowerforyou:

    Im thinking about trying out the elliptical and arctrainer...I still havent gotten on them since joining the gym. I used to love the elliptical in college....the arc trainer I have never tried...adding them to my rotation...monday of course :laugh: :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    littlspy - That is awesome you are the "healhty Friend" it is a great feeling to get others to want to be better and healthy!!!!

    Congrats on lowest weight ever..75 lbs is just around the corner for you !!!!!!

    Pos - I am sorry about your boy keeping you up and that he is sick...there is nothing worse than that..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- Yay on your hubby coming back!!! Im sorry about your lil man though....have you tried giving him bubbly stuff or cold stuff? It will prob feel good on his throat. Maybe a popsicle, some pudding? Hope he feels better soon!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I want to try one of these arc trainers! How can I belong to a big commercial gym and they not have these!? :sad: Just WRONG!!!

    LittlSpy-You are an epedimic! I'm so glad he reached out and asked you for help. And your hunny might be getting on board after all. Awesome!

    POS ME-Hope your lil man gets better! Poor thing. Yay for getting to see your husband tonight! You are so cute the way you talk about him. Where does a girl find a good man these days!? Lord knows I sure don't know where to find them! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I want to try one of these arc trainers! How can I belong to a big commercial gym and they not have these!? :sad: Just WRONG!!!

    Jess - Yes i love it too...hubby tell me they aren't "technically" arc trainer, but i say close enough :smile: I was doing mainly that for a while, now i mix it up with that an the elliptical...sometimes all one or other or sometimes a mix of both :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo
  • I think I did ok for yesterday! I stayed under the goal. Still didn't exercise...it was my housemate's birthday so we went to a BBQ at a friends place. It's all rainining and gross here today, so I stationary biked this morning and might do some free weights later.

    Does anyone have any good exercises to do with a resistance band? I bought a heavier one for when I use EA Active because the one that came with it wasn't doing much. But I want some that I can do during the day. I even brought it to work :P How lame is that!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo

    Oh no! This is SUPER sad. :sad: Isn't it funny that we pride ourselves so much on this? But it's so TRUE! We know that you're logging in and will add 130 to your total.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo

    Oh no! This is SUPER sad. :sad: Isn't it funny that we pride ourselves so much on this? But it's so TRUE! We know that you're logging in and will add 130 to your total.

    I was excited with logging in 40 days in a row! I'm gonna have to take a cmoputer camping so I don't break my streak! You will get back to that point Cris. YAY~~
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :tongue: :laugh: oh well....I had a good run.

    I've been sitting here all day trying to figure out how to get to 190lbs by Aug 21st (wedding to go to)

    The scale was at like 206 this morning so it looks like I have a lot to lose in 2 months but a lot of it is water retention...although I have been eating enough to constitute a lbs gained. Not stressing over it, 190 is the goal and once I start up again I can beter gage how realistic it is...I am not sure how much of the 206 is water and how much is an actual gain. My lowest was 195.2 before I went on my rampage
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    :tongue: :laugh: oh well....I had a good run.

    I've been sitting here all day trying to figure out how to get to 190lbs by Aug 21st (wedding to go to)

    The scale was at like 206 this morning so it looks like I have a lot to lose in 2 months but a lot of it is water retention...although I have been eating enough to constitute a lbs gained. Not stressing over it, 190 is the goal and once I start up again I can beter gage how realistic it is...I am not sure how much of the 206 is water and how much is an actual gain. My lowest was 195.2 before I went on my rampage

    cris - I am betting a lot of that is water...how much would be the question..i think you are right next week you will probably have a better guague if it is doable for you or not.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :tongue: :laugh: oh well....I had a good run.

    I've been sitting here all day trying to figure out how to get to 190lbs by Aug 21st (wedding to go to)

    The scale was at like 206 this morning so it looks like I have a lot to lose in 2 months but a lot of it is water retention...although I have been eating enough to constitute a lbs gained. Not stressing over it, 190 is the goal and once I start up again I can beter gage how realistic it is...I am not sure how much of the 206 is water and how much is an actual gain. My lowest was 195.2 before I went on my rampage

    cris - I am betting a lot of that is water...how much would be the question..i think you are right next week you will probably have a better guague if it is doable for you or not.

    I would agree, water! Hopefully I can start back up with you on Monday! Or Tuesday. My cousin and her husband are coming to visit. They wanna go to Six Flags and it's going to be 100 degrees outside! UGH! Hello, I wanna go to a water park! I know I fit on those rides! :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :tongue: :laugh: oh well....I had a good run.

    I've been sitting here all day trying to figure out how to get to 190lbs by Aug 21st (wedding to go to)

    The scale was at like 206 this morning so it looks like I have a lot to lose in 2 months but a lot of it is water retention...although I have been eating enough to constitute a lbs gained. Not stressing over it, 190 is the goal and once I start up again I can beter gage how realistic it is...I am not sure how much of the 206 is water and how much is an actual gain. My lowest was 195.2 before I went on my rampage

    cris - I am betting a lot of that is water...how much would be the question..i think you are right next week you will probably have a better guague if it is doable for you or not.

    I would agree, water! Hopefully I can start back up with you on Monday! Or Tuesday. My cousin and her husband are coming to visit. They wanna go to Six Flags and it's going to be 100 degrees outside! UGH! Hello, I wanna go to a water park! I know I fit on those rides! :laugh:

    We normally take a trip to the beach every year but to save money we decided to go to Busch Gardens...the only time we can go is in July due to my step son's sports scheduel..thanks for reminding me that July will be super hot on those rides!!! Luckily we are also going to water country usa which is part of the Busch Gardens theme park so that should be fun

    ok i missed stalking hehe
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    2 days of amusement parks!? That sounds like fun!! Can I come too!? HAHA!
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