Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.

    I have been using the Blistex Deep Renewal and it hasn't been working. I might have to try that one.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.

    I have been using the Blistex Deep Renewal and it hasn't been working. I might have to try that one.

    Is that the one in the sliver tube? That's what I used and it never worked for me. Only made it worse.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in:
    Calories: under, I hope I don't eat the empanada I am making for my daughter's spanish class....
    exercise: yup!!! 30 minutes on each: treadmill, elliptical, and stepper with 3 lbs. weights
    water: not enough, need to get back on track
    proud: Can I say for resisting empanada?..even though I didn't even make them yet, I finish making the dough ( waiting for it to cool in the fridge) now I'm cooking the chicken mix...I know I won't eat any! I WANT to see a loss this week!

    Have a great night girl!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I use the moisturizing chap stick brand to. It is pretty dry here in Colorado. Not only does it help moisturize it has a SPF in it! However, I find when my lips are dry it is usually related to not enough water.. Drink more water!
    Your skin is your largest organ of your body and is made up of 70% water!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.

    I have been using the Blistex Deep Renewal and it hasn't been working. I might have to try that one.

    Chapstick always used to make mine worse. Now I use Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm. I LOVE it. I've been using it for several years now and my lips pretty much never feel chapped (but I do use it *all* the time -- several times a day).
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK damn I forgot every single reply. Hold on and let me re-read.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK there's too many. LOL

    cris - glad to see your smiling...er..words. :flowerforyou: We love you! :heart:
    Julie - are you getting married this weekend? When is the actual date?
    Jess - Be good to that foot. You only get one pair! And if you're anything like me, you have a chance at losing one of the pair in the dryer.
    lildeb - I like your idea of posting the weight loss once a week so the ticker really shows an advance! I used to do that but here lately I've been so desperate I post with any loss! LOL

    Thanks for the encouragement, gals. I know in my mind that I ate many days of unclean food, calories OK, but not good food, therefore sodium is all amuck, and I know that I need to give this new Phase II workout a chance. It's just so hard convincing myself to take the chance! I should have NEVER set a goal of losing a certain amount by a certain date. That NEVER works for me! I know it works for a lot of people, and that is super, but for me, I ALWAYS FAIL. I set a goal to get into the 3's by the end of school at the end of May: failed. Set the next goal to get into the 3's by the end of this week: fail. Set another goal to lose 100 lbs. by my birthday, July 17th: will never make it now. BUT I do know I am about 75 pounds less than I was last October, even though my ticker says 82. I accomplished something! :smokin: Seriously, I'll be OK. Just thanks for letting me vent and picking me up from the pity party of one. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLue - you have came soo far!!! Be proud of that and you will start loosing again and kick those 400's in the rear end!!

    I think i have come to realazation...so at first i was not eating 1200 most days, and iddn't loose much, so i increased to make sure i ate 1200 net calories for several weeks, was working and loosing some, but this week i am pretty much eating all my normal calories and most of my exercise cals , and i have been dropping weight this week...(not huge numbers but huge for me) , so thinking that maybe i need to do this and eat my cals....i am going to at least try it for a little while ..seems to be working this week...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Burts bees is awesome! I just never could find a "flavor" that I liked!

    blue-Hang in there. You will get through phase 2! You're doing amazing. And I will treat my feet good, it's the only pair I got!

    LilDebbie-If it's working for you keep doing it girl!

    Well. I got my bags as packed as I can for my next vacation. My parents leave next weekend and I'm sending as much with them as I can so I don't have to pay to check a bag. It's not easy to pack that far in advance when you have very little clothes. I sent all my "winter" stuff, jeans, hoodies, a jacket long sleeves. Gotta love camping for the entire time I'm there. In Wisconsin you wake up and it's kind of chilly, afternoon hot as hell, evening it's cold again. You change several times a day. Gotta love it! Back to sitting on the couch I go!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Burts bees is awesome! I just never could find a "flavor" that I liked!

    blue-Hang in there. You will get through phase 2! You're doing amazing. And I will treat my feet good, it's the only pair I got!

    LilDebbie-If it's working for you keep doing it girl!

    Well. I got my bags as packed as I can for my next vacation. My parents leave next weekend and I'm sending as much with them as I can so I don't have to pay to check a bag. It's not easy to pack that far in advance when you have very little clothes. I sent all my "winter" stuff, jeans, hoodies, a jacket long sleeves. Gotta love camping for the entire time I'm there. In Wisconsin you wake up and it's kind of chilly, afternoon hot as hell, evening it's cold again. You change several times a day. Gotta love it! Back to sitting on the couch I go!

    Jess - when are you going back to Wisc.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :heart: CARMEX:bigsmile: :love: it's pretty addictive but oh my does it make lips nice! Also - try using a soft toothbrush to "buff" your lips very gently ever other day. Sometimes rough lips seem to keep getting rougher because the flakes act a little like hang nails and keep tugging the tissue apart. buffing off the flakes can stop the tugging on the good tissue. (I have no idea if that makes sense)

    Checking in -
    Calories - I haven't entered them but I'm guessing over by about 400
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - just taking the stairs and walking to lunch (where I ate more Mexican)

    Proud - I've been drinking water and eating fruit like a crazy person and I love it! (love my job - did I mention that already?)
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey ladies just checking in on the day

    As fas as chapstick in concerned I use Burts bees love the stuff!

    Well today and I did great until supper time then I blew it on pizza and now have regrets because my stomach feels like a ton of bricks yuck:

    Calories: 1776
    Excersice 40 min walking and then 1 hour cleaning
    Water: Got 8 glasses hope to drink 2 more before bed
    Proud: I did get my walking in and I did not have choc. chip cookie after dinner!

    Tomorrow hope to add more veggies and fruits into the mix and have a balance throughout the day.

    Plus I am going to go to the movies with girlfriends tomorrow night and I will be bringing apples and tea to snack on during the movie, so no movie treats for me!!!!!

    Will check back in the morning, dont let life pass your by, choose to live it!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm leaving in 2 weeks. My parents drive there with my niece and and pull the camper and usually leave a week before us, my sister and I fly up together and stay a couple of days. We have so much family up there that we camp the whole time so that way everybody has to come to us. It's too hard to try and make our rounds to everybody. They get mad and fight saying we spent more time at ones house then the other. Its crazy!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Sounds like fun !!!

    cals - 2017
    Exericse - 35 elip + 9 min treadmil + 1hr water aerobic class
    Water - 128 oz (yes that is 2 days in a row getting a gallon !!!)
    Proud - that I have gotten a gallon of water in a day for the last 2 days now...and that I was trying on clothes in my closet today, and i was able to put my size 22 shorts on, and zip them!!!! Now they aren't for public viewing but they zipped...i also have a pair of brown pants form old navy , i was right about to get to a 22 and i think my sister bought them for me , still with tags...Well i put them on..and i could zip them too...now again not for public viewing.....but that i could zip them that feels soo great..

    I still have some 24's i wish were a little looser, but i know some of it is just the cuts taht some fit smaller than others...i am just happy i can start fitting into my clothes that have been sitting..
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies :)

    Around 4:00 yesterday, I was quite sure that my trip to the dentist (which included four shots of Novocaine) would be the highlight of my day. Work was absolutely brutal!! Maybe I'm naive as this is my first "real" job... but I feel like there is just so much unnecessary un-organization and no one seems to care enough to want to change it. ::frustration::

    Even as I walked to the dentist (did I mention the car won't start? :sad: ) I was still fielding calls from work. My phone even rang three times while I was in the dentist's chair!! :explode: Adam was an absolute saint and picked me up on his way home from work! Then we went and played 7s. I was ultra nervous playing with a new team, but it went pretty well (I even scored twice!). Even better was how great it was to share the fun/time with Adam (sounds mushy? yep :smile: we are).

    Today I NEED to drink more water. I'm thinking some yoga this afternoon for my workout. I'm feeling nice and relaxed :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    So I kind of feel like I owe you all an explanation. As you all know I had lost motivation and slowly started slipping...no excercise, poor food choices...etc. It went from "I can have a cheat meal" to "I can have a cheat day" to "F@$% it". I think the last time I excercised was last Thursday when I went to spin class, and before that it had been several days since i had excercised. Slowly, I felt my life spinning out of control. I THRIVE on strict schedules, and goal setting etc...so when I stopped watching my food and excercising I started getting depressed. Any of you that have depression know that depression leads to lack of willpower, fatigue, and in my case binging. I was diagnosed as bipolar years and years ago, Im prone to panic attacks and vicious eating cycles, but over the years I have learned coping mechanisms and stuff that triggers me so I have been ok. So anyways, I felt myself surrendering to one of my infamous cycles of self destruction and none of my usual coping mechanisms helped. In the middle of it all my parents decided to tell me that they were no longer contributing to my wedding which really really hurt. Bobby and I had always kind of figured that we were on our own when it came to paying for it, which was the only reason I had agreed to a destination wedding...it would be cheaper than having a big one here and we could do it on our own. My parents are the ones who told me absolutely not we have to have the whole big spiel blah blah...got me all excited thining I'd be having the wedding I had always dreamed about...then on the day I went to put the deposit down on the wedding venue they told me they were not going to. It was just a big downer (over it now) but I was crushed at the time...I had fallen in love with this place. Anyway, so I threw myself a week long pity party stuffed my face and now here I am explaining it all to you guys....why? Because getting it all out there makes me accountable. It makes me face the choice on how to handle everything. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be miserable

    I have been feeling sooo sick physically. All this crap Im eating is literally making me want to puke and I have no energy..it just sucks. I am trying to also record how I feel because I dont want to feel like this ever again...when I started here at 255lbs I felt like this. Now I have that same miserable out of control feeling again...which is good because its the fire that needed to be lit under my *kitten*.

    So here's to choosing happiness

    thanks for listening :flowerforyou:
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Jes - way to go on your water and most of all on your smaller, size it is wonderful to fit into old clothes, that is my goal by the end of summer is to fit into my old jeans!

    tstout - I am glad you had a fun evening after a hard day, it seems to make everything have a bit more of ease to it. Hope Yoga gets you into a zen state!

    AFM: This morning started out very crazy, my DH alarm did not go off, so he was late, OH and he did not shut the apartment door all the way so I woke up to the neighbor dog barking because our dog had got out and run down 3 flights of stairs and was hanging out scared in the hallway :noway:

    Then when I got the dog in, mother mode set in and I had 2 seconds of OMG is our dd in her crib. BUT I WAS GREETED BY A BIG:happy: from our dd.

    So all is now well with the exception of the crappy rainy weather outside, so no park this morning for us :grumble:

    But hey I guess we will have some fun indoor play time and get out the crayons. On a really happy note I get to see one of my gf from high school she is going to be in town tonight with her 3 kids so cant wait for that.

    Well better run, shower to take, breakfast to eat and laundry to do!!!!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I am soo sorry you are having a rough time , we are always here for you and come vent, gripe whatever you need to do.. Planning a wedding can be very stressful, especially when everyone is not cooperating too...

    tstout - Sorry you had such a crappy day yesterday :sad:

    I can't wait for the weekend, i am soo freaking ready!!!! We are going out to this pizza place/brew house for fathers day. We are going on saturday thought to beat the crowds, they have a thing dads get a free beer glass so of course that is where hubby wants to go !!! They have really good deep dish pizza, i know i will be wayyyyy over on my cals, but I am okay with that.

    Then we are going to Hawiann falls, it is a small water park literly walking distance from my front door. Or neighboorhood HOA is having a night there , everyone in the neighbohood gets in free., from like 6:30 - 10:30 , i have never been, not sure how much i will be able to do, serena wants to ride the things (even though i think she will be scared) but the little one is too little so hoping they have some kiddy stuff.

    I can't wait to give hubby his fathers day present ...got to be careful now cause he is full blow on these boads now hahaha... I know he is going to be suprised and love it..

    well got to get back to work ...hope you all have a wonderful thursday!!!...the weekend is coming !!! THe weekend is coming !!~!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-I have only been to Hawaiian Falls once but my niece went and loved it!! I went for their Friday night dive in movie thing. That wa so neat!! If you ever get a chance to take your kids it's so cool. Sitting in the wave pool watching a movie!

    Cris-I'm so sorry you have been going through so much lately. I'm proud of you for coming here and venting. That's what were here for. Wedding planning IS very stressful. Did you guys decide to go with a destination wedding then? Suffering from depression is very tough! And it is a constant battle. I've been down all week due to my foot and my roommate moving out. I HATE being home alone all the time. I have found myself slipping into old habits I use to be in as well. So I'm here for you whenever you need to talk. *HUGS!* :flowerforyou:

    tstout-Sounds like you had one ROUGH day yesterday! Glad you got some much needed exercise in though. Good luck on the water intake. Once you get use to it, it will be second nature to you!

    frogy-Hope your day picks up and doesn't continue like it started!

    One happy note, so far not much pain at all in my foot. I was worried last night, I was getting sharp pains in my foot and thought I might have to break down and go to the doctor. Put more ice on it last night and so far this morning it feels good. Better be good for dancing tomorrow night! :laugh:
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