Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - glad to see you here...sorry you are having a rough time right now...Monday sounds like an excellent plaN!!

    julie - Get what you can done...then enjoy getting married and your wondering honeymoon!!!!

    Pos - I am still a little dizzy..i drank more water yesterday in a day than i DID ever before, you woudnlt think i would be dehydrated :laugh: :laugh: but have started my water already

    funnything, you would think since i have lost like 4 lbs so far since friday that I would lose some inches some where..but nope...Not sure if i am just loosing lbs places that i am not measuring or something...oh how i wish you could tell the fat where to come from :laugh: :laugh: If i could loose in my gut (i know i have but i mean more ) then i could fit in my clothes soo much better :smile:

    You know what i did last night that made me realize how far i have really came. I took the tape meausre put it around me and set it to the largest i was in that area, i am like i can't believe my stomach used to be that big...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie-I am so proud of your determination! You are doing so good and seeing the benefits! Andyour so close to 50 pounds!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

    blue-You have NOT gained 7 pounds. I repeat you have NOT NOT NOT gained 7 pounds. Take a day or two off from the gym. Your body is probably in freak out mode! Remember our rule, if it's a gain it's water if it's a loss it's fat! :)

    awstfall-Breakfast is behind you. Just move on from there. Make today a good day!

    Cris-Glad to hear you are taking steps in the right direction. I say me and you start fresh on Monday together. My foot should be good to go by then.

    LittleSpy-So early to have a rough morning already. That never makes for a fun day. Crossing my fingers you get that job you applied for!

    lstpaul-Keep us posted on your test results! Glad the ibproufen is helping!

    Thank you all for the well wishes on my foot and my other test results. I feel like I'm falling apart. I thought as you get in better shape you are supposed to be better health wise? Guess my body is just adjusting! Foot is MUCH better today. I can walk without a limp and only have slight soreness in my foot. I'm on the road to recovery I think! I'm afraid to go to the gym just yet so I think I will start back Monday. I'm going dancing again Friday night so we will see how that goes. Talk about being cheap and not wanting to spend money. I have a denim skirt that still has the tags on it, size 24 (However, I never fit in it when I was wearing a 24 so I think it runs small) regardless it's still too big. It has this ugly ruffle on the bottom and since it's too big it's too long. I'm too cheap to buy a new one so my roommate and I are going to cut it and make it shorter on Friday. Should be interesting! :laugh: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Thank you !!:flowerforyou: I am feeling soo great like i don't want to stop....

    Glad your foot is feeling better..have fun "altering" the skirt, i hope it turns out well
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Chris - glad to see you here...sorry you are having a rough time right now...Monday sounds like an excellent plaN!!

    julie - Get what you can done...then enjoy getting married and your wondering honeymoon!!!!

    Pos - I am still a little dizzy..i drank more water yesterday in a day than i DID ever before, you woudnlt think i would be dehydrated :laugh: :laugh: but have started my water already

    funnything, you would think since i have lost like 4 lbs so far since friday that I would lose some inches some where..but nope...Not sure if i am just loosing lbs places that i am not measuring or something...oh how i wish you could tell the fat where to come from :laugh: :laugh: If i could loose in my gut (i know i have but i mean more ) then i could fit in my clothes soo much better :smile:

    You know what i did last night that made me realize how far i have really came. I took the tape meausre put it around me and set it to the largest i was in that area, i am like i can't believe my stomach used to be that big...

    I know how you feel! I felt like it was forever before I started seeing my gut go. Honestly, I lost drastically in my to half before I saw much in my bottom. But you will get there. And once the stomach starts to go it will melt away. I think I have lost 7 or 8 inches totaly from my waist area but almost 10 from my bust area. It's crazy. This is going off memory though. I didn't write everything down when I first started. Darn it!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess - I'm so happy to hear that the tests came back negative! The C-word definitely warrants a scare. And isn't it awesome how stuff it just too big now?!?
    Blue - Echoing everyone else...patience grasshopper! You're doing everything right, your body just need to adjust.
    Mstahl - I have been on a fruit kick too lately...peaches, cherries, blackberries = YUM!
    Pos_Me - Way to keep your focus. You are such a good encourager to us! :flowerforyou:
    Frogy - Welcome to the group! Your kiddo is adorable!
    Ann - Best attitude ever: I CAN DO THIS!! I will not freak out on myself. :flowerforyou:
    Tstout - My mom and sister are joining MFP too! My mom joined this morning and my sister is supposed to join later today. They've seen my success and are challenging themselves to log their food for a full week.
    Raider - Thanks for all the encouragement! :flowerforyou:
    Cris - xoxo :smooched:
    LilDeb - You are rocking it here lately. WTG!! You will see 50 lbs lost so soon, I can feel it. I love this: I took the tape meausre put it around me and set it to the largest i was in that area, i am like i can't believe my stomach used to be that big...
    LittleSpy - In a week, you will be married and on the beach. Everything else is small potatoes.
    lstpaul - Take it easy on those painkillers. :wink: However, I guess it means they are working, so that's good!

    Well I had an AMAZING weigh-in yesterday. I am down 4.2 lbs from last week - 186.0!! I just zoomed by that halfway point of 188.2. To be totally honest, I am not 100% sure how it happened, because last week felt like a pretty normal week. While I'll certainly take 4 lbs in one week, it almost doesn't seem right. Feels like it's going too fast. It seems odd to type that, but it makes me worry that I'm not doing this in a healthy way. However, I am eating at least 1200 cals everyday and exercising 3-5 times/week. Right now I'm on the 2 lbs/week plan, but I'm wondering about making it 1.5 lbs/week. Thoughts?

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: 1339, over by 139
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: None
    Proud: 186!!! And inspiring my mom and sister to join MFP. That's pretty cool too.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Well I had an AMAZING weigh-in yesterday. I am down 4.2 lbs from last week - 186.0!! I just zoomed by that halfway point of 188.2. To be totally honest, I am not 100% sure how it happened, because last week felt like a pretty normal week. While I'll certainly take 4 lbs in one week, it almost doesn't seem right. Feels like it's going too fast. It seems odd to type that, but it makes me worry that I'm not doing this in a healthy way. However, I am eating at least 1200 cals everyday and exercising 3-5 times/week. Right now I'm on the 2 lbs/week plan, but I'm wondering about making it 1.5 lbs/week. Thoughts?

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: 1339, over by 139
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: None
    Proud: 186!!! And inspiring my mom and sister to join MFP. That's pretty cool too.

    That's so exciting!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Great job!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Well I had an AMAZING weigh-in yesterday. I am down 4.2 lbs from last week - 186.0!! I just zoomed by that halfway point of 188.2. To be totally honest, I am not 100% sure how it happened, because last week felt like a pretty normal week. While I'll certainly take 4 lbs in one week, it almost doesn't seem right. Feels like it's going too fast. It seems odd to type that, but it makes me worry that I'm not doing this in a healthy way. However, I am eating at least 1200 cals everyday and exercising 3-5 times/week. Right now I'm on the 2 lbs/week plan, but I'm wondering about making it 1.5 lbs/week. Thoughts?

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: 1339, over by 139
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: None
    Proud: 186!!! And inspiring my mom and sister to join MFP. That's pretty cool too.

    That's so exciting!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Great job!!

    Way to go Elmox!! I think you're doing a remarkable job:flowerforyou: ..Keep it up!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay girls...

    YOu know i am really really trying on this water thing...so far 54oz and not even noon...does the peeing like all the time stop...once your body gets used to allt he water...or is just something i need to learn to live with :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am awful chatty today :smile:

    YOu know i think i am just weird....I won't adjust my weight in MFP until Friday's cause i like to see that big number (or whatever it is at one time)..i guess kinda like the biggest looser way..,
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well I had an AMAZING weigh-in yesterday. I am down 4.2 lbs from last week - 186.0!! I just zoomed by that halfway point of 188.2. To be totally honest, I am not 100% sure how it happened, because last week felt like a pretty normal week. While I'll certainly take 4 lbs in one week, it almost doesn't seem right. Feels like it's going too fast. It seems odd to type that, but it makes me worry that I'm not doing this in a healthy way. However, I am eating at least 1200 cals everyday and exercising 3-5 times/week. Right now I'm on the 2 lbs/week plan, but I'm wondering about making it 1.5 lbs/week. Thoughts?

    That is great, elmox!!! My thoughts are that as long as you are eating and not depriving your body from food and eating healthy that you shouldn't worry too much unless it keeps happening week after week. I by no means have this figured out but that is what I think.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I am awful chatty today :smile:

    YOu know i think i am just weird....I won't adjust my weight in MFP until Friday's cause i like to see that big number (or whatever it is at one time)..i guess kinda like the biggest looser way..,

    I was the chatty cathy yesterday!! :laugh:

    And I do the same thing with my weight. I might weigh once or twice during the week and if I am still down on Friday then I put it in there but I don't put it in everytime because I would be on a rollercoaster all of the time. Keep up the great work!!! You are soooo close to 50 lbs!!

    I almost forgot, props on the drinking 1 gallon of water yesterday!!! And yes, once your body gets use to the water you will not be running to the bathroom as often. It might take a while but it will get there.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Whew! Got a second to breathe while I scarf down my lunch before I have to go teach a training class for field managers (and omg, if it seriously takes as long this go-round as it just took my supervisor to do the one this morning I may shoot myself).

    So far, all I've gotten accomplished of my actual work is printing labels for 15 folders and I was finally just able to actually put the labels on the folders during my lunch break (shhh, don't tell the Fed). :laugh: What an accomplishment.

    Holy crap, I can't believe how busy we've been. It's like all of our employees have, to be frank, just completely lost their damn minds.

    Thanks for letting me vent & complain!

    LilDeb -- I still pee more than I used to, but not nearly as much as I did when I first started drinking more water.

    elmox -- take the 4.2 pounds and run! Great!!
    The 2 pounds/week thing includes eating your exercise calories. So if you haven't been eating them, technically you should be averaging a bit more than 2 pounds per week depending on how many calories you burn with exercise. But you know, our bodies don't work "technically" because there are so many variables that cause fluctuations and also the metabolism variable that can reduce the amount of calories you're actually expending during the day and during exercise.

    For example, I knew my metabolism had crushed itself when I was creating daily calorie deficits of 1500-2000 calories and didn't lose any weight for 4 weeks. Everything looked right on paper for me to be losing 3-4 pounds every week but instead I was losing nothing because I wasn't burning through nearly as many calories as someone with an average metabolism would've been burning.

    I feel like my metabolim is a lot closer to being as expected now because I've lost an average of about 1.2 pounds a week for the last 6 weeks by setting myself to lose 1.5 pounds a week, eating close to 100% of my exercise calories, and having probably 6 days when I actually went over maintenance cals (birthdays and a couple of "I'm going to eat whatever I want" days).

    I feel like my weight loss is absolutely CRAWLING at this point but when I look back at the numbers, I'm actually losing at a decent average rate. Impatience is apparently my demon. And apparently my body has taken to a drop weight for 2 weeks, stick it for 2-3 weeks, drop weight 2 weeks pattern so at the end of that 2-3 week "stick it" period, I start getting a little impatient. It also likes to do this whole drop down, then go up 2-3 pounds for a couple weeks, then drop down lower, then go back up (but the "back up" is lower than the previous "back up") thing which bugs the crap out of me, too. :laugh: Seems to be kind of in line with my monthly hormonal fluctuations.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Julie - Hope the next training class is not as bad as the first one. Just think this time tomorrow you won't be dealing with it! Thanks for that explanation, at least I know that I am not going crazy for not losing weight for several weeks at a time. Ever since MFP dropped my calories I haven't lost any weight but then again I haven't been exercising either. Hopefully one day soon I will start seeing a loss again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Hope your day gets to going better!! Hang in there girl. You got your honemoon coming up! :drinker: You are going to take pictures for us right?

    Okay so I had a moment. I am a changed woman. I miss MISS MISS working out! AHH! it's driving me crazy that I can't. I want to soooo bad! Not to mention my roommate basically moved out so I'm all by myself and all I do at night since I hurt my foot is sit. It sucks! There was a time in my life where I was perfectly okay with sitting on my butt for 4 hours after I got home. Not anymore! I'm going bonkers! Okay I feel better!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I know how you feel, if i don't get to work i miss it. Can you go the gym and maybe do something not involving your foot ?? I know they have those arm cycle machine at mine (not sure what it is called but sounded good, basically like byclcle for your arms) or some weights or something.

    My hubby is doing great and he is starting to run and run, he ran a 5k on the treadmill this morning, so being compettive like i am, i want to do what he is doing and do better at it :tongue: So i go to the gym try and run , i get on a say i will do walk /run, after my first run, i just don't want to do it...my joints hurt and not fun for me...so i get on the elliptical with intervals and i do great...maybe another 50 lbs running will be better for me, or maybe not...i guess sticking to what i enjoy is what i need to do, if i hate it then i won't keep doing it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I wish my gym had those but they don't. I just keep telling myself I'm doing the right thing resting it so I can get back in the gym and not cause more damage. I may try and go to a water aerobics class tomorrow night. Just so afraid to push it. And don't feel bad about the running and the joints hurting. It will get better. I tried to run on the treadmill when I first started and I couldn't do it. You WILL get there!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I wish my gym had those but they don't. I just keep telling myself I'm doing the right thing resting it so I can get back in the gym and not cause more damage. I may try and go to a water aerobics class tomorrow night. Just so afraid to push it. And don't feel bad about the running and the joints hurting. It will get better. I tried to run on the treadmill when I first started and I couldn't do it. You WILL get there!

    I have never used it , actually dont ever see anyone on the, they have 2...take it easy let your body heal..how did you hurt your foot anyway???

    I am going to my water aerobic class tonight (hubby is coming with me :smile: ) ,

    Okay i told you i was chatty...so here is another dilema of the day.

    for the longest time i had my hrm set to weight of 285, and it would come up with my hr level that i need to be in between 143-158 , figured i have lost now quite a bit since then so i needed to chagne it, so now i changed it and my hr limits are alot lower...why is that?? you would think the fitter i got that i should increase my HR not make it lower...again i have no clue on these things...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't either. I didn't have a HRM until recently. I would think the same thing that you would want it higher. My foot started hurting after the walk on Saturday. It wasn't until about 3 hours after that it started to hurt. My cousin (who knows all about feet) seems to think I just over stretched a tendon or something. Doesn't hurt to touch it and it's not swollen. Just hurts when there's 200 pounds standing on it! But it's getting better!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    jess - Glad that your foot is feeling better!!

    jess & lildeb - You need to send some of that workout/gym mojo my way. I just can't get myself to go home and workout. I did however yesterday. It was crazy that I really wanted to workout. I need to work out tonight so that I don't go over on my calories. One day I will be in this "miss working out" group but not there yet.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So I have a weird question. My lips are ALWAYS chapped now. Does anyone know of something that really works? I know it is a out of the blue question to ask but it is driving me BoNkErS!!!!
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