Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jess- the more the merrier! Our plan was to hit up colonial williamsburg, some of the old civil war fighting grounds (DS loves that), then do 2 days of the parks...although now im leaning towards 2 days at the WATER park

    I bought size 16s from old navy yesterday. Perfect fit. I can squeeze into my 14s but its not pretty. I have mainly been wearing my jeans that were literally falling off me (20s and 18s) so its weird to have pants stay up. I want them to start falling down!!! Come on 14S
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    jess- the more the merrier! Our plan was to hit up colonial williamsburg, some of the old civil war fighting grounds (DS loves that), then do 2 days of the parks...although now im leaning towards 2 days at the WATER park

    I bought size 16s from old navy yesterday. Perfect fit. I can squeeze into my 14s but its not pretty. I have mainly been wearing my jeans that were literally falling off me (20s and 18s) so its weird to have pants stay up. I want them to start falling down!!! Come on 14S

    Shoot send them 16's my way when you're done with them!:laugh: My 18's are getting big! Come on 14's!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Somebody wanted my 22's I have in capris. I can't find the email. I don't remember who it was, I suck! If you still want them send me a message!! SORRY!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Cris: I"m sorry about your parents backing out on paying for part of the wedding, the good thing is that now you can do whatever you want and they can't have any say about it! :happy: Don't be too down on yourself for your small setback ... it wasn't that long, and it could have been much, much worse. Planning a wedding can be very stressful, I tried to lose weight before mine ... even joined a pre-packaged food diet place and ended up eating their food plus making my own meals every day and gained 15 pounds in the 6 months before my wedding! Believe me - it was no fun having to have my wedding dress taken out and worrying about whether or not it would look ok! As much as I enjoyed my wedding day, in hindsight I really wish we had just gone to Vegas or somewhere else simple.
    You'll be fine, I bet you will lose this weight that you just gained really fast - especially since I'm sure a lot of it is water. Good for you for getting back on track! :flowerforyou:

    Frogy: I hope your day get's better ... Tuesday was like that for me, at some point you just start waiting for the next goofy thing to happen!

    Pos: I hope your son is better soon - it is so hard when they are sick.

    Littlespy: for some reason I thought you were tieing the knot yesterday ... not until tomorrow? Congrats whenever it is! :love:

    LilDeb: It sounds like you have really hit a good stride right now with exercise and eating ... it's gotten your metabolism to a healthy place - good for you!

    Jess: your foot will be better in no time ... I was really happy at step class today - hardly any pain in my neck/shoulder/arm ... but of course I was still groggy from a muscle relaxer last night and not feeling any pain with the prescription ibuprofen - that stuff is magic!

    Elmox: I love avocado BLT sandwiches too ... it was probably a good thing when the deli across the street from my work dropped the avocado from their BLT's .. just wasn't the same. Your Judgy Mcjudgerson comment (or whatever it was) really made me laugh!

    Blue: I struggle with goal setting too ... it's like I self-sabotage after I've set a goal just because it feels like too much pressure if I am worried about not reaching it! You are doing great! I wish I could say the same ... but I am still way better off than I was a year ago ... and still here and working on it!

    checking in for yesterday and so far today:
    calories: ... not so good - over by 500 and I thought I was doing ok ... but my daughter made pie at a cooking class yesterday so of course I just had to have a piece, and after I 'got real' with how much butter and cheese I had with dinner it just all added up to too much! And today I'm not doing any better so far! I got suckered in by an ad at the gas station for 2 for $1 doughnuts ... they weren't even very good!
    exercise: I did do some pretty hefty cleaning for about 20-30 minutes yesterday up and down stairs - carrying big stuff. but that was it. Today I did start the day out right with my hour of step class ... and felt great (hopefully I didn't make anything worse because the pain killers were masking any pain).
    water: not so good
    proud: I did only have 1/2 piece of pie ... I guess that is something, and I would normally not have put in the cleaning effort that I did - I would have asked my hubby to do it when he got home. :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I'm going to have to try this avacado blt thing! It sounds yummy. Stupid question..How do I make avacado? I know you buy them but then what!?

    lstpaul-So glad your arm is getting better! Have you heard anything backon your test results?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Somebody wanted my 22's I have in capris. I can't find the email. I don't remember who it was, I suck! If you still want them send me a message!! SORRY!!

    Does anyone want my 6X's? :tongue:
  • When I tried to eat one I just cut in and around the pit then it just sort of fell apart. I used it to make this tasty Broccoli/avacado qusadilla dealy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo

    Babe, just click the arrow backwards and log it in! It still counts!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess, I could tell you, but you know how wordy I get. LOL
    Oh, and you don't need the knife to get the pit out. Just use a spoon or turn the half over and squeeze.

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ugh I ruined my MFP logging in streak! I've been logging my calories even the god awful ones Ive been eating lately...and yesterday was the first time in 130+ days I didnt. I still logged into MFP just didnt log calories....booooooo

    Babe, just click the arrow backwards and log it in! It still counts!!!

    ooooh I did! But I dont think MFP will count it....we will find out in 3-5 days hehe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Okay I'm going to have to try this avacado blt thing! It sounds yummy. Stupid question..How do I make avacado? I know you buy them but then what!?

    lstpaul-So glad your arm is getting better! Have you heard anything backon your test results?

    You want to make sure the avocado is ripe - it shouldn't be too green and hard, just slightly soft. Then you slice it around the center and pull it in half - there is a large pit that should be easy to pop out of the half it is still in. Then just spoon out the avacodo and slice it up. I loooove them - almost as much as raw peas!

    No test results back yet - I'm glad my arm is getting better too, although when the ibuprofen wears off I still feel it ...

    I think I was the one asking about your 22's .... but after I pulled out my summer clothes, I think I'm set. I forgot I had so many shorts and capris that were 22 - and unfortunately I haven't lost any more so most of my 24's still work. :cry: Hopefully in the fall I will need some new pants.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay I'm going to have to try this avacado blt thing! It sounds yummy. Stupid question..How do I make avacado? I know you buy them but then what!?

    lstpaul-So glad your arm is getting better! Have you heard anything backon your test results?

    You want to make sure the avocado is ripe - it shouldn't be too green and hard, just slightly soft. Then you slice it around the center and pull it in half - there is a large pit that should be easy to pop out of the half it is still in. Then just spoon out the avacodo and slice it up. I loooove them - almost as much as raw peas!

    No test results back yet - I'm glad my arm is getting better too, although when the ibuprofen wears off I still feel it ...

    I think I was the one asking about your 22's .... but after I pulled out my summer clothes, I think I'm set. I forgot I had so many shorts and capris that were 22 - and unfortunately I haven't lost any more so most of my 24's still work. :cry: Hopefully in the fall I will need some new pants.

    after trying on my 22's i think i will be in 22's but probably not till the end of summer :( But it is hot (as you know ) till bout october or so) but who knows maybe faster. If you can't find anybody who is actually is in a 22 that want them , I will take them...just let me know.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Planning a wedding can be very stressful, I tried to lose weight before mine ... even joined a pre-packaged food diet place and ended up eating their food plus making my own meals every day and gained 15 pounds in the 6 months before my wedding! Believe me - it was no fun having to have my wedding dress taken out and worrying about whether or not it would look ok!

    lstpaul, I did the exact same thing before my wedding - had a love affair with Jenny Craig & Doritos! ROFL
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.

    I have been using the Blistex Deep Renewal and it hasn't been working. I might have to try that one.

    Is that the one in the sliver tube? That's what I used and it never worked for me. Only made it worse.

    Yea, it is. Maybe that is my problem.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Planning a wedding can be very stressful, I tried to lose weight before mine ... even joined a pre-packaged food diet place and ended up eating their food plus making my own meals every day and gained 15 pounds in the 6 months before my wedding! Believe me - it was no fun having to have my wedding dress taken out and worrying about whether or not it would look ok!

    lstpaul, I did the exact same thing before my wedding - had a love affair with Jenny Craig & Doritos! ROFL

    I have a feeling that happens to quite a few people! I also broke out in hives a few days before the wedding... at least they were only on my legs and we didn't go anywhere warm for our honeymoon (we drove to Denver - it was all we could afford)! The morning of our wedding I got rear-ended driving to the church in our convertable rental car (by someone with no insurance who gave me a fake name and insurance information ... but I didn't know that at the time). It was the best thing that could have happened because I was very calm and just thought ... 'whew! got that over with, now anything that happens today won't upset me!' and I was able to relax and enjoy the day. But it was still an awful lot of work and money for one day ... we were dumb and put most of the expenses on credit cards (I think my engagement ring was on a 30% interest card :huh: ) ... so we are probably STILL paying off some of the cost 20 years later! Vegas would have been a much better idea.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yea I told Bobby I REFUSE to put any of the expenses on our credit card or take out any loan to pay for the wedding. I hear a lot of people do that and I think its just crazy!!! The ring is now on my credit card though....I hate having any type of balance on my card and the ring is the only thing on my credit card because Bobby has been laid off for the last 5 weeks....did I mention that was another thing stressing me out?! Job loss and balance on my credit card.

    He goes back to work tomorrow...I will be so happy when hes back in a regular routine, he just sits around the house and does nothing but watch tv all day. Im like uhm go do something u dont have to work but you can still be productive....ugh so glad its over! Plus the bills started catching up to us this past week, so hes going back just in time!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Yea I told Bobby I REFUSE to put any of the expenses on our credit card or take out any loan. I hear a lot of people do that and I think its just crazy!!! The ring is now on my credit card..the only thing on my credit card because Bobby has been laid off for the last 5 weeks....did I mention that was another thing stressing me out?!

    He goes back to work tomorrow...I will be so happy when hes back in a regular routine, he just sits around the house and does nothing but watch tv all day. Im like uhm go do something u dont have to work but you can still be productive....ugh so glad its over! Plus the bills started catching up to us this past week, so hes going back just in time!
    Holy cow ... you have been dealing with kids, wedding planning, difficult parent and friend situations due to the wedding AND your fiance was laid off ... no WONDER you've been stressed! Take a breath, you are back in control of your exercise and eating - which are some of the things you can control. Sounds like you are doing things the right way with your wedding plans ... we were young and stupid about money ... I had just gotten my first real job after college and thought the money would just start rolling in and we would pay off those wedding expenses right away - 4 years later when my husband graduated from college we were just all that much more in debt. We are STILL paying his student loans. We still make bad decisions about money sometimes, but we are a whole lot smarter than we used to be.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good God Cris no wonder you were so stressed! So glad to hear he's going back to work!!

    LilDebbie if you want them, they are yours! Your so close we could just meet up and I could give them to you. I have a whole mound of clothes if you want them. LOL If you have somewhere to store them. I'm going to take a picture of this mound that I have and show it to y'all. It's crazy!

    lstpaul-I don't think there is anybody who doesn't have debt or had debt at some point in time these days. I'm moving home to try and pay some off. Get it under control. I try not to use my cards at all anymore, but sometimes you have to.

    Thank you for the avacado advise! I'm going to have to try this out!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    Thank you for the avacado advise! I'm going to have to try this out!

    Avacado's aren't exactly low calorie :frown: - but they are supposed to be really good for you, and as far as snacks go there are much worse. I can sometimes head off a binge by having 1/2 an avacado because they are filling and satisfy that 'rich food' craving.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I use to use Blistex and it made me always want to put chapstick on my lips, I could never get enough they were always chapped. I switched to chapstick brand the moisturizer and haven't had any problems.

    I have been using the Blistex Deep Renewal and it hasn't been working. I might have to try that one.

    Is that the one in the sliver tube? That's what I used and it never worked for me. Only made it worse.

    Yea, it is. Maybe that is my problem.

    Just try Burt's Bee's or Chapstick. Both work great!
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