Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Go put no some of those SPANX, the big girl panties. now THAT'S a workout!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
    Pos_me.........0 = 0%

    Well to my surprise this morning I was down 1/2 lb!!! Finally the scale moved!! So this morning since I have been up I have mowed for 45 mins, did weeding, edging, and raking for an hour and a half. It was hot but I got it done. I was sweaty mess after all of that! Then after taking a shower I ran up to Lowe's and bought flowers to plant. I am so not the gardening type so hopefully with me putting them in pots that I can keep them alive. I am on a "making my house look pretty" kick. Let's see what the hubby says when he gets home. :laugh:

    Julie - HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!! Have lots of fun on your honeymoon!!!

    Cris - Glad you are feeling better!

    Everyone else - I did read everything but all that sun and heat must have gotten to my head. YEA for all of those that have lost so far this week. The ones that didn't it will be here real soon, next week the is losses in sight!!

    Well, gotta go plant those flowers and do laundry. Be back!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I just noticed that my ticker hit 20 lbs lost!! I know I really still have .5 lbs before I really hit it but that is exciting!! I told myself that when I lost 20 lbs that I would get my haircut!! I know it is silly but it has been a very long time since I have gotten it done. So hopefully I can lose the .5 lbs and then some so when I get paid in July I can go get my hair done!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
    Pos_me.........0 = 0%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
    Pos_me.........0 = 0%
    mstahl.............+4 =0%

    Heather - I know you and I didn't have THAT much fun, bu hey, maybe in some sort of cosmic balance our 4lb gains helped Llmox and CoGirl lose their 4 lbs? And since ours is just water and "whatnot" it's a net LOSS for the group!

    Work has been insane! (but awesome) my brain is fried so I'm heading for home!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Go put no some of those SPANX, the big girl panties. now THAT'S a workout!
    I definitely know that putting on Spanx is a workout in itself!! On a good note gals I have not overate today I exercised for 45 minutes and I feel like I am back in control now lets hope I can make it through tonight and the rest of the weekend without going nuts.Wish me luck lol!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I finally caught up on the reading. Whew! I won't have computer access again until Sunday night or Monday evening.

    Julie: By now you're probably a married woman, so congrats! Have a wonderful honeymoon. Oh, and your ring is gorgeous!!

    Cris: I am SO glad to see you back and stalking with full force. It sounds like we're in a similar situation with lacking motivation and eating whatever we want. We'll get back on track together and get the heck out of the 190s!

    Jess: Have a blast two-steppin' this weekend with your fabulous boots. I'm wearing mine right now...That Women's Race that you sent the link for sounds like an awesome time and I love that it benefits Down Syndrome. We should do it next year!

    bluenote: Thanks for the giggle about the flatulence on the elliptical. I've done it before, when I belonged to the gym and just made sure to keep going without giving away that it was me. I just hoped everyone thought it was someone else.

    This weekend, I'm going to really try to focus on getting back on track with the eating and exercise. I truly WANT to be smaller and healthy but for some reason I'm in a funk. I'm thinking it was because I was bummed about my reduced hours and now knowing what I "want to be when I grow up." I found a short term solution to the money issue and am praying that we get our normal hours back soon. Who ever thought I'd actually want to work more? Trust me, it's strictly financial! I'm actually enjoying having to be at work less...now if I could only find the financial resources to work part-time permanently.

    To give an example of how truly off track I've been, I sat and watched the weather and clouds for a half hour before I decided to drive in a tornado watch across town to get Dairy Queen. Yep, insane, right? To top it off, even though I knew the Blizzard was 800 calories and that I didn't have any calories left to eat, I still ate it. As I was telling myself I shouldn't eat it. And thought about how I've gained FOUR pounds this week. Whoa, intervention is needed.

    But, I can't get mad, I can only get myself back in control. I don't want to just hang onto the wagon as it passes by but I want to be driving from the buckboard!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Go put no some of those SPANX, the big girl panties. now THAT'S a workout!
    I definitely know that putting on Spanx is a workout in itself!! On a good note gals I have not overate today I exercised for 45 minutes and I feel like I am back in control now lets hope I can make it through tonight and the rest of the weekend without going nuts.Wish me luck lol!!

    WTG on 45 mins of exercising!! Sounds like you are on the up and up!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    This weekend, I'm going to really try to focus on getting back on track with the eating and exercise. I truly WANT to be smaller and healthy but for some reason I'm in a funk. I'm thinking it was because I was bummed about my reduced hours and now knowing what I "want to be when I grow up." I found a short term solution to the money issue and am praying that we get our normal hours back soon. Who ever thought I'd actually want to work more? Trust me, it's strictly financial! I'm actually enjoying having to be at work less...now if I could only find the financial resources to work part-time permanently.

    To give an example of how truly off track I've been, I sat and watched the weather and clouds for a half hour before I decided to drive in a tornado watch across town to get Dairy Queen. Yep, insane, right? To top it off, even though I knew the Blizzard was 800 calories and that I didn't have any calories left to eat, I still ate it. As I was telling myself I shouldn't eat it. And thought about how I've gained FOUR pounds this week. Whoa, intervention is needed.

    But, I can't get mad, I can only get myself back in control. I don't want to just hang onto the wagon as it passes by but I want to be driving from the buckboard!

    We all have our moments. I know that even though I don't have calories some day I still get something sweet. I am trying to stop doing that. That could have been my problem for not losing weight the last few weeks. I know that you can do it. This weekend is a great time to get back on track!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello girls,

    Heather and Ann: I have also been in a funk. And I was given myself the same (somewhat) pep talk...everyone is passing me by on the band wagon while I am on the side of the road not wanting to get a grip or stay on...I am good for the most part of the week and then fall off and find myself trying to get back on again. I have to stop this ongoing cycle I keep puting myself through. I have to learn to stay on and not let go. I don't want to go gain/lossing the same 40 pounds...I know how miserable I was when I was 40 or even 10 pounds heavier and I don't want to go there again. So for me, this weekend I WILL stay on track...Focus on eating healthier, nutritious foods..along wiht a light exercise. We can do this!

    elmox: have a safe trip :)

    Meokk: We miss you, welcome back!

    I forgot what else to say...I am so tired. I have been weeding and planting stuff in my garden. Plus, I did a light workout.

    Check in:
    calories: under, finally...Hopefully I stay on track...
    exercise: 15 minutes elliptical, 15 treadmill, and 60 gardening..600+ caloreis burned!
    water: 64 oz...I need to drink more.
    proud: nothing really. My brain is drawling a blank...maybe a blonde moment...LOL

    have a great nite girls!

    Hopefully I will try to check back during the weekend.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    back from spin class...had a little disaster with dinner ( my hsuband didn't marry me for my domestic abilities :smile: ) but at this point had no time to cook something else to make to spin class...we went to arby's...of course we didn't look at the nutrional online before..we asked the guy if they had nutrional information, he pulled something out from under the counter...so we looked and found the best options...i found a salad (no dressing...not by choice...they had no kind i liked), so my dinner was a whopping 260 cals...

    So then we went to spin class, was dragging a little but did it...this lady is the not as hard lady (the one on sunday is brutal, screaming at you and everything !!!) but i did ..i am sure i was dragging a little due to doing 45 on ellitpical at like 1 today.. I feel good now though..
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    pos_me - You can do it! We all find ourselves on the side road but we all come back. Sounds like you have a good plan for this weekend.

    lildeb - Great work on asking for the info at Arby's! I don't know if I would have done that. You are very dedicated with your workout and that is great! Keep it up and enjoy your weekend!!

    Checking in:
    Calories: Under by 514
    Water: 40 oz so not enough but I did have a soda in there some where
    Exercise: 45 mins of mowing, 95 mins of gardening, and 1 hour of house cleaning = 1547
    Proud: That I burned so many calories. I didn't eat as well as I should have but at least I had lots of them to spare.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in
    cals - 1978
    Water 1 gallon
    exercise - 45 min elliptical + 1 hr spin class - 750 cals
    Proud - I drank a gallon of water for the last several days...that is soo big for me !!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    sorry dup post.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So many posts, so little brain cells left to remember them all...

    :flowerforyou: Julie - HAPPIEST OF HAPPIES TO YOU AND YOUR MAN ON YOUR WEDDING!!! :flowerforyou:
    Oh yeah, and I bought you a virtual toaster.

    Jess - Getting lost is my specialty, so I know how you feel. I am the only person alive who got lost at a freaking Komen Race with 71,000 people walking! CUTE pic, btw.
    Elmox- You are lookin' great in your pic as well! Great job, girl!
    raider - WTG on that 20 ticker! I know you said it's a little shy of 20, but doesn't that 20 make you feel great???
    meokk - Welcome back! In what part of France were you staying? I lived in Lourdes for a summer a few years back. I loved it there much more than Paris, because hardly anyone spoke english in Lourdes and I was forced to use my french. LOL
    Deb - you crack me up with your little blips about your cooking! I love that you and hubby don't sweat the small stuff and just pick up and go to Arby's! Great job, there, too, btw!
    Heather, Anne, Pos_Me - Add me to the funk list. I lost ONE pound in May, and June started pretty rough. But I am not worrying anymore about it. Life is TOO short and I am on vacation! I know that if we all aim for healthy eating and some exercise that it will all work itself out.
    Cris - LOVE seeing you back! It's not the same without you. I didn't know you were born in Brasil! I kind of figured you may have Brasilian blood because of where you work (you always say you're off for Brasil holidays LOL) and you have BEAUTIFUL skin. My newest cousin (just married my blood cousin on Sunday) hails from Venezuela. I love talking to her about her homeland.

    OK I know I missed a ton, so sorry about that. I was out in the 100 degree heat today for four hours in and out of the pool - I'm sort of spent. :yawn:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So many posts, so little brain cells left to remember them all...

    :flowerforyou: Julie - HAPPIEST OF HAPPIES TO YOU AND YOUR MAN ON YOUR WEDDING!!! :flowerforyou:
    Oh yeah, and I bought you a virtual toaster.

    Jess - Getting lost is my specialty, so I know how you feel. I am the only person alive who got lost at a freaking Komen Race with 71,000 people walking! CUTE pic, btw.
    Elmox- You are lookin' great in your pic as well! Great job, girl!
    raider - WTG on that 20 ticker! I know you said it's a little shy of 20, but doesn't that 20 make you feel great???
    meokk - Welcome back! In what part of France were you staying? I lived in Lourdes for a summer a few years back. I loved it there much more than Paris, because hardly anyone spoke english in Lourdes and I was forced to use my french. LOL
    Deb - you crack me up with your little blips about your cooking! I love that you and hubby don't sweat the small stuff and just pick up and go to Arby's! Great job, there, too, btw!
    Heather, Anne, Pos_Me - Add me to the funk list. I lost ONE pound in May, and June started pretty rough. But I am not worrying anymore about it. Life is TOO short and I am on vacation! I know that if we all aim for healthy eating and some exercise that it will all work itself out.
    Cris - LOVE seeing you back! It's not the same without you. I didn't know you were born in Brasil! I kind of figured you may have Brasilian blood because of where you work (you always say you're off for Brasil holidays LOL) and you have BEAUTIFUL skin. My newest cousin (just married my blood cousin on Sunday) hails from Venezuela. I love talking to her about her homeland.

    OK I know I missed a ton, so sorry about that. I was out in the 100 degree heat today for four hours in and out of the pool - I'm sort of spent. :yawn:

    BLue - I have the most wonderful husband in the world...If he is home he will cook all he time..he is a much better cook than me..
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I wasn't going to weigh in, but I am glad I did. I am now only ONE pound up from last Friday's weight. WHEW. Almost there.

    lildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
    Pos_me.........0 = 0%
    mstahl.............+4 =0%
    blue................. 0 = 0%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLu - Glad that 7 lbs is down to 1 lbs...you will have a great week this week i know it...and start kicking butt!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ok so Im slightly tipsy...wont tell you how many I have had but its enough

    blue- Yup, brazilian...thanks for the nice comments! people always talk about my "nice" skin its nice but I scar easily which is bad since my son likes to claw at me. I lived in France too, I was in Nancy..went there because no one spoke english but that ended up being a mistake. I loved the food and loved traveling through Europe but hated the lonely feeling from not being able to communicate..even though I've been taking french since I was in 2nd grade...oui s'est vrai!

    heather- i really really missed you too, sorry you are in a funk...as for getting out of the 190's uhm yea im back in the 200's sister

    ok seriosuly I have too many typose to delete and I cant remember anything from 2 secs ago so I love u all and I promise to kick *kitten* starting monday


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I finally caught up on the reading. Whew! I won't have computer access again until Sunday night or Monday evening.

    Julie: By now you're probably a married woman, so congrats! Have a wonderful honeymoon. Oh, and your ring is gorgeous!!

    Cris: I am SO glad to see you back and stalking with full force. It sounds like we're in a similar situation with lacking motivation and eating whatever we want. We'll get back on track together and get the heck out of the 190s!

    Jess: Have a blast two-steppin' this weekend with your fabulous boots. I'm wearing mine right now...That Women's Race that you sent the link for sounds like an awesome time and I love that it benefits Down Syndrome. We should do it next year!

    bluenote: Thanks for the giggle about the flatulence on the elliptical. I've done it before, when I belonged to the gym and just made sure to keep going without giving away that it was me. I just hoped everyone thought it was someone else.

    This weekend, I'm going to really try to focus on getting back on track with the eating and exercise. I truly WANT to be smaller and healthy but for some reason I'm in a funk. I'm thinking it was because I was bummed about my reduced hours and now knowing what I "want to be when I grow up." I found a short term solution to the money issue and am praying that we get our normal hours back soon. Who ever thought I'd actually want to work more? Trust me, it's strictly financial! I'm actually enjoying having to be at work less...now if I could only find the financial resources to work part-time permanently.

    To give an example of how truly off track I've been, I sat and watched the weather and clouds for a half hour before I decided to drive in a tornado watch across town to get Dairy Queen. Yep, insane, right? To top it off, even though I knew the Blizzard was 800 calories and that I didn't have any calories left to eat, I still ate it. As I was telling myself I shouldn't eat it. And thought about how I've gained FOUR pounds this week. Whoa, intervention is needed.

    But, I can't get mad, I can only get myself back in control. I don't want to just hang onto the wagon as it passes by but I want to be driving from the buckboard!

    I haven't read all the posts but I will go back and catch up. Just wanted to tell Heather that I'm pretty sure a good portion of us are all going through what you are right now. You will find your motivation! I know you wanna do this to be a healthier person. You will get there! Monday we're all gonna start fresh and back on track, together, right? We're all in this together! And yes we should totally meet up and do a race like that. I've got a couple of friends that actually wanna do it this year so we may go to Austin and check it out this year. I'm so excited! I did enjoy two steppin. We went and took lessons to learn the "right" way to two step. Was a pretty great night.

    BTW I posted a pic of my skirt that we "altered" last night! Have a great day ladies! I'll be back later to catch up!
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