Over 200 New year New Me Part 23



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Ok so I am not going to lie!! I have been eating poorly the past 2 weeks now and I feel just awful!! As well as hardly any exercise so I am in desperate need of some uplifting.I by no means am giving up I will defeat this ugly blubber that haunts me daily and I will overcome this cycle of eating poorly I HAVE TOO!! This is my life and I want it to be better everyday for the rest of my life.I want to be here for my children and grandchildren and maybe even great grandchildren who knows right??? I just need some uplifting to get my butt into gear and go back to better choices.I guess in a sense I just gave myself a pep talk LOL!! This crappy food is just THAT CRAPPY!!! It makes me feel horrible.NO MORE NO MORE!! I must find a balance I must work hard and feel great AGAIN!!! Ok vent over.TOMORROW I WILL RESTART!!

    Okay, Missy!! You can do it! You know you can just throw all that CRAPPY food away!!! Just remember that you are doing this for yourself so that you can be there for your kids. You have been making good decisions for yourself and your family and you have lost 36 lbs so far! Starting over tomorrow is the best thing! Forget about what happened in the last 2 weeks and start fresh. We all know you can do it!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - if it's any consolation, the last week of food has been terrible for me, too. We have to do this. It's not an option, and you and I and all of us know it. Don't look back, even for a tiny second of woulda coulda shouldas. Focus only on today and tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT! :heart: :heart: :heart: WE LOVE YOU!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And now, just to cheer awestfall up, I give you the following admission.

    I farted on the elliptical today.

    :embarassed: OK I SAID IT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT ONE OF YOU HAS DONE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    :embarassed: I am mortified!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildeb - Sorry about Serena! I sure hope that the new doc can help you and her.

    Check in
    Calories: Over ( Celebrated my grandpa's 75th bday!)
    Water: 80 oz - Not as good as usual
    Exercise: Big fat 0
    Proud: Not of much

    So I know I just tried to give Ann a pep talk but I should be telling myself that. I need to get my butt in gear! I have at least gotten back to my Memorial Day weight, so that is a good thing. Well tomorrow I will be working out and burning more than my fair share of calories. Yard work and cleaning the house. My cousin usually helps me with our yard work but he is too worn out for football practice and do work at our chiro's house. So work, work, work for me! Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    And now, just to cheer awestfall up, I give you the following admission.

    I farted on the elliptical today.

    :embarassed: OK I SAID IT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT ONE OF YOU HAS DONE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    :embarassed: I am mortified!!!!!!!! :embarassed:

    LMAO!!! Nancy I am sure that it was completely embarrassing!! Sorry to laugh so hard but my husband is looking at me funny because I can't stop laughing! I haven't done that on an elliptical but I have when doing situps! :blushing:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall - if it's any consolation, the last week of food has been terrible for me, too. We have to do this. It's not an option, and you and I and all of us know it. Don't look back, even for a tiny second of woulda coulda shouldas. Focus only on today and tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT! :heart: :heart: :heart: WE LOVE YOU!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And now, just to cheer awestfall up, I give you the following admission.

    I farted on the elliptical today.

    Okay...I've done it. And done it on the treadmill. Don't be mortified. Pretty sure lots of people have done it!

    awestfall-Girl you are not alone! We've all been struggling with this! Start tomorrow fresh! Or if you need a few days start Monday fresh. Throw your junk food out this weekend and go get you lots of fresh yummy good for you foods!! It's in the passed!:flowerforyou:

    :embarassed: OK I SAID IT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT ONE OF YOU HAS DONE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    :embarassed: I am mortified!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Nancy - ROFL...you are too funny..not on the elliptcial but on the arc trainer...i was soo hoping nobody noticed :embarassed:

    Raider - Thanks !! It just is soo frustraing, during the school year she got in so much other trouble, she did have accidents at school, every now and then , but every day this week..i just don't get why she does it...the little one 1/2 her age and hardly has accidents...I was reading on the internet about other family that have this issue and no solutions....made me even more depressed.

    I feel soo bloated , we had a ham skillet bake , i know ham has lost of sodium but dang...didn't think that much...I have a feeling my "big" loss that i was hoping for isn't going to happen:sad: :sad: :sad: I guess we will see in the morning
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Nancy - HILARIOUS!!! And I'm pretty sure I've farted on every aerobic machine at the gym. You're all loose....things happen!
    Ann - :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: Tomorrow is another day. Get it!
    LilDeb - Thinking of you and Serena.
    LittleSpy - Have a fabulous honeymoon!!!

    Checking in for today:
    Cals: Under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 1 hr of yoga
    Proud: Yoga felt good. Also encouraging my mom to log her food here. She's carolfarell if anyone wants to be her friend. She's heard all about you all. :happy: I guess I should tell her that I'm giving away her screen name so that if she gets any invites, she knows what's going on! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Can't say I've passed gas at the gym. But, I've been well aware that people around me were. :laugh: Seems like a common occurrence.

    I'm exhausted. It's after 3am. I think I'm too excited to sleep. Plus I'm waiting for some laundry to finish drying. I'm the worst packer ever. I want to take way too many clothes and just way too much stuff in general. It's like I think there isn't going to be a Walmart or pharmacy for like hundreds of miles. I've even packed a stupid roll of toilet paper. I've had a mini breakthrough though. I've realized it's hot as hell, I'm going to be at the beach, and I don't want a farmer's tan any worse than the one I have now so I'm forcing myself to wear tank tops/sleeveless shirts the whole time. Even tomorrow. I hate my upper arms so much I won't even wear a tank top to the gym or to play tennis. But I have one packed for every day and only 2 tshirts so I just won't have a choice. :tongue:

    I need to force myself to at least lie down because I can only sleep until 8.30 or so at the latest so I can get Mo & Kid to their sitter's house around 10. They have an in-ground swimming pool so I have to stay there until my dogs fall in to fish them out. She kennels & fosters lots of dogs (and they have 4 greyhounds of their own) and she says they ALL get too curious & fall in once but after that they avoid it. I'll have to explain to her that my Kid is a very *special* boy so it's likely he'll fall in more than just the once. :laugh: He's a bit of an idiot savant. But maybe minus the savant. :laugh: Seriously he's special, but he really is the sweetest boy ever.

    My check in is that I was doing REALLY well today. Cals were 1100something. That is until df made the most delicious looking pizza ever. And that was the end of that 1000 calorie deficit. :laugh: I probably won't have time to check in in the morning so have a great weigh in!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm still here! Just busy and stuff but I'm caught up on the reading!

    I'll try to stop back tonight!!!

    Julie - have a fabulous weekend - we will all live vicariously :tongue:

    We had a light showing for our Thursday Night Dinner and NONE of my picky eater friends showed up so I was able to make a GREAT dish! roasted tomatoes, grilled onions and red and yellow bell peppers, sauteed mushrooms with rosemary, steamed summer squash, zucchini, and asparagus -all tossed together with olive oil and fresh herbs from the garden (thyme, basil, oregano) and served with grilled jumbo shrimp!

    gotta go to work :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    OH! - Alex (15 yr old grandson) got here last night and is here for the summer, Meghan gets here next week (17 yr old granddaughter) and will be here for ever!:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Friday everyone !!!

    I guess I will be 1st to weigh in...Not as great as i hoped but i know i have major sodium from last night due to ham i had (like 1100 mg over), my scale was all over the place this morning...i think it is obsessed...even my little one got on and was telling her 4 lbs over what she usally is...then hubby would get on after me and be exactly what i was...after much fluctation, i agreed on 271.6, so that is 2.5 lbs


    EDit: Went ahead and took my measurements, Didn't loose any inches in boobs/arms /legs, but lost .5 inch in my waist, .4 inch in my hips and 1 inch in my gut...that is 2inches in 1 week!!!!!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Only down 1.6 from last week. I'm going to focus on the fact that it's still a loss! I'm not going to lose 4 pounds every week :) And while I'm not down as much as I'd like to be, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm super sore from rugby on Wednesday.

    No matter how little the negative number is that I log every week, the weight loss ticker goes up!

    Happy Friday, ladies :)

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    tsout - That is great you are doing awesome !!!

    Julie - I hope you have a terrific time....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall - if it's any consolation, the last week of food has been terrible for me, too. We have to do this. It's not an option, and you and I and all of us know it. Don't look back, even for a tiny second of woulda coulda shouldas. Focus only on today and tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT! :heart: :heart: :heart: WE LOVE YOU!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And now, just to cheer awestfall up, I give you the following admission.

    I farted on the elliptical today.

    :embarassed: OK I SAID IT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT ONE OF YOU HAS DONE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    :embarassed: I am mortified!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    OMG thats hilarious!! But Blue I fart regularly on the elliptical but mine is in the privacy of my own home!! Thanks for that much needed laugh and I am in much better spirits today.I am focusing and going to stick with what I have logged for the day.Wish me luck and hopefully I will stick to it today.I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!! Lildeb and Raid thanks so much for pushing me in the right direction today.I know I can do this and I have beeen doing this it just sometimes gets to me having to log all the time and watch every step I take.Sometimes you just want to relax and know that your not going to screw things up for yourself LOL!! I GOT THIS
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall - if it's any consolation, the last week of food has been terrible for me, too. We have to do this. It's not an option, and you and I and all of us know it. Don't look back, even for a tiny second of woulda coulda shouldas. Focus only on today and tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT! :heart: :heart: :heart: WE LOVE YOU!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And now, just to cheer awestfall up, I give you the following admission.

    I farted on the elliptical today.

    Okay...I've done it. And done it on the treadmill. Don't be mortified. Pretty sure lots of people have done it!

    awestfall-Girl you are not alone! We've all been struggling with this! Start tomorrow fresh! Or if you need a few days start Monday fresh. Throw your junk food out this weekend and go get you lots of fresh yummy good for you foods!! It's in the passed!:flowerforyou:

    :embarassed: OK I SAID IT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT ONE OF YOU HAS DONE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    :embarassed: I am mortified!!!!!!!! :embarassed:
    Thanks Jess your a sweetheart!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I do have time to check in! Way to go to all the losers today! tstout -- 1.6 pounds in a week after a 4 pound week is FREAKING AMAZING! I don't have 4 pound weeks anymore but even when I did they were usually surrounded by roughly 1 pound weeks. I'd pee my pants if I had even 2 2 pound weeks in a row at this point. :tongue:


    Yep 2.4 is my *big* loss for the month. I'll take it, especially considering I had 3 pieces of olive loaded pizza at 1am and my TOM is expected any day now. :laugh:

    Happy Friday! I won't be around much this weekend, but you guys know I can't break my 175+ day streak so I WILL find a way to log into MFP every single bloody day of my honeymoon. :laugh: It is really sad how the log in streak is so important. I'll be okay if I break it though. I *guess*what I'll be doing instead it's worth it. :tongue:
    Happy Friday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie have lots of fun on your honeymoon! Proud of you for forcing yourself to wear tank tops!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, I'm back !!!!!.....well for 3 days and them I'm away for another week.:sad:

    So after 2 weeks of eating food prepared by others and having no choices and few chances to even log I am quite pleased to report that I only gained 1lb....PHEW !!!


    I have not read anything in the past week or more except what I saw on this page so....
    CONGRATS LITTLE SPY I hope you have an amazing weekend :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Be back later to catch up

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning all! I've got a half day at work and then we're headed up to Boston for the weekend. There will be lots of beer drinking and tasty food eating, but I'm also planning to go on at least one run. So we'll see. What I'm saying is some of that 4.2 lb loss might creep back on. But it'll creep back on having a great time!!

    Meokk - only gaining 1 lb in Paris is AMAZING! You should really be proud of yourself.
    Jess - Love the new profile pic!
    Tstout - As LittleSpy said, 1.6 is a great loss for a week, especially coming off the big week you had last week.
    LittleDeb - Congrats on the inches!! Your work at the gym is really paying off.

    ildebbie......-2.5 = 0.91%
    tstout...........-1.6 = 0.67%
    Jessica...........0 = 0%
    Littlespy......-2.4 = 1.21%
    Meokk............+1 = 0%
    Elmox..........-4.2 = 2.2%
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks everyone :) This is one of the great things about this group... usually at this point my brain is trying to convince me that we "can't can't can't can't". But now I actually feel GOOD about my 1.6 :)

    Julie - have a great time this weekend and next week!

    In regards to the EFX incident... I've got one for you: Yoga class. Downward dog. Cue COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT. :) Needless to say, I had to find another class to go to (thankfully, that class was in Ohio so I don't have to worry about seeing that instructor anymore)

    <3 Teresa
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