
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Terri in Milwaukee: That is a great idea...making a week's worth of lunches so I don't get bored. My husband wants the same things too. Hamburgers, pork chops on the grill and chicken breast on the grill. Potatoes and corn with every meal. I think I will try that this weekend--making up a casserole or some different dishes that I will like and he will hate, and just portion them out for the week. You are brilliant! :smile: I failed at getting up this morning too...so yeah...maybe 10 minutes earlier is a more attainable goal for me!

    Carol in still raining NC: Sorry to hear about your male best friend. I know that feeling. It's very lonely when your best friend no longer "needs" you. I don't know if that is how you are feeling, but that is how it made me feel. I also felt that same pang of loneliness and depression when my children all met their girlfriends and boyfriends. Hang in there. Wish I could offer advice, but all I did was throw myself into work and that's probably not the best idea!

    MikesMom: My drink of choice back then was sloe gin fizz too. Small world. I didn't know sloe was a plant either.

    Today was a good day at work. Lots of meetings so it is going by fast. I started this new position about 2 weeks ago so am still learning and loving it. Was time for a change.

    Tonight we are going to one of our grandson's football games. My husband has made it to all of them and I have yet to make one, so looking forward to it. It's cooler out today. Yesterday was close to 80 and today it is 59 degrees. I love autumn, though, so I'm good with it. With all the hot flashes I get now, I have a difficult time enjoying summer and I was a sun worshipper! My how things have changed over the past 4 years or so.

    Today, I am mad at myself for yesterday. I was good all day long. When I got home, I had a sensible healthy dinner, and then everyone went to bed early except me. I stayed up to watch the Green Bay Packer game and while watching I ended up stuffing my face with everything sweet I could find in the house! It was bad. I had no self control whatsoever. So.....today is a new day and I'm trying very hard to keep it in my head that for TODAY I will stay away from sugar. The doctors keep warning me to cut sugar out of my diet because cancer loves sugar and we don't want it to return, and you would think that would be enough to keep me from touching it ever again. But heck no! Sugar is like crack to me... Sigh. Well, try, try again, right?!

    Have a good day. Have to get back to work!

    Traciein Green Bay
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today we awoke to bright blue skies, watched a Betty Grable movie "The Pin-Up Girl", then husband declared that we were going on a picnic. We drove to a part of the walking trails that overlook the Skipanon River that feeds into the Columbia River. He had made a sandwich, I packed the container of "Vanishing Oatmeal cookies", brought a triangle of Laughing Cow cheese w/ some multigrain crackers and a handful of grapes. Had a nice chat enjoying the sunshine, until the bees started coming round. I hate bees! We got up and walked but they were still around me so I lunged forward running. Ok my body was lunging forward but my feet weren't catching up. I almost fell on my knees, trying so hard to get myself together. *long sigh* I hate bees.... Then he stilled me, pointing to a bee on a flower saying, "See its just going to a flower". Then of course that bee heard him and made a bee-line for me... I ran the opposite way, then just cried. I hate being this way! I want to be powerful Becca but I am sensitive stupid Becca. So then we just started chatting about something else, and walked the trail until we came to the corner Thrift Shop. By then I was fine. Husband thanked me after we arrived home, saying he had a nice time on our picnic. I added, "Well I did, until I freaked".

    To all that are dealing with health issues, surgeries, illnesses, and heartaches, I'm saying a little prayer for you... You all are amazing ladies, happy and priviledged to be your friends!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Heather: I also have lymphedema in my arm. I have a compression sleeve and a glove that I do not wear as often as I should. Do you wear yours all the time? Mine is so uncomfortably hot that I cannot stand wearing it, but I pay for it sometimes with swelling at the end of the day.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015

    Mary in Minnesota, Help!! I began the stronglifts program 4 weeks ago. I upped my calories from 1200 to 1310 when I began to feel ravaneous and would binge. I still use the elliptical the other 4 days but am surprised that I miss it. I still haven't gotten down to my lowest weight or measurement size which was the second week of August. I am hoping that my body will settle into this new routine but I haven't had to struggle with hunger like this for about a year and I'm having a hard time coping. Any advise you can share would be greatly appreciated.
    I should get back to work...
    Chris in MA

    Yeah! I am so glad that you have started it I am sure that you are already noticing a change in your body as well as in your hunger! That is completely normal! You will feel ravenous but, do not over eat if you are still wanting to lose. Drink more water. Eat more protein which will keep you satisfied longer. Eggs, chicken, steak and fish are really good at filling that hunger urge anytime of the day even at breakfast. If you feel like you are extremely hungry and need something have a boiled egg or have cut up meat ready to munch on. Once you start building muscle you may see that your weight is dropping quicker that is when you might want to up your calories. 1400 calories is a good starting point. If you want to still lose. Make sure that you still try to realize that sugar turns to fat so try to keep that on the shortlist. I also read that sugar can be addictive and it makes your body crave it. Did you take pictures and measurements so that you are looking at those two things as an NSV instead of your weight loss.

    It still is not a good idea to do too much cardio. It took me a while to cut it out but I have so much more extra time know that I did. If you still want to do the elliptical make sure that you do it after you weight lift and only for about 20 minutes. On your rest days you can do it if you really feel the need but your muscles and strength will increase better if you do not. You don't have to be sedentary you can go for walks you just don't have to worry about getting your heart rate up because your heart rate will rise sufficiently during heavy lifting. Good luck let me know how you are doing!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited September 2015
    Lenora great job on the weight loss. If it is the astilbe you can leave over winter. They make a nice contrast until the snow covers them and then cut back in the spring. If it is the hosta looks like leaves you can clean up in spring or fall. If it the hosta you just want to get it cleaned up before the slug eggs hatch in the spring. Thanks for the reminder about the iris. I have so little sun now they do not bloom well for me.

    Mary like the idea of a letter. Considering how sudden my aunt past. Worth thinking about doing now.

    Stress list continued:
    1. laugh
    2. simplify meals
    3. get or ask for help as needed. Pay for it if necessary.
    4. smile
    5. pet a dog/cat
    6. schedule in fun
    7. Avoid news or difficult people if you can
    8. If you cannot avoid difficult people have a plan like Terri. Thanks for the ideas. One way out that almost always works is I have to go to the bathroom. At least they cannot follow me into the stall. LOL.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member

    Hello Everyone…

    Not much going on today. Hubby is out of town on business until Thursday. Daughter#2 has a volleyball game tonight that I will go watch. I’ll have to spend some time with our foster kitties. They just want to crawl all over me every time I go into their room. Picture is of daughter#2 holding the little one we call Simba. He is just sacked out in her arms.

    JanetR – Thanks for posting the before & after pics. You look fabulous and I don’t think anyone would be embarrassed to be seen with you in that outfit. It’s very cute. Hope all went well this morning with your surgery.

    Debby/Northern CA – One wall at a time… one day at a time. I’m so sorry to hear to you have lost both a sister and a son. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Meg – How great that you can get free tuition for your kids through work!

    Beth – Thinking positive thoughts for you. I hope your son is able to get his migraines under control.

    Elaine/Lansing – Congrats on lowering your blood glucose levels.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited September 2015
    Tracie - Mine is just the sleeve without the glove. I wear it every day all day (not at night) and only take it off for a special party etc. I wear a more silky black one which my massage lady recommended. Looks nicer. They are on free prescription over here.
    At one stage my arm was 17% bigger than the other one. They were so concerned at the clinic that I was prescribed 20 sessions of deep drainage massage free from the county health authority (very unusual) Since then I do a bit of my own massage every day and I haven't had much trouble. It is very much an annoying reminder of my cancer. Losing weight and doing light weight lifting helps a lot.

    For the sloe gin fizz drinkers - sloe is the fruit of the blackthorn plant. It grows wild in hedges. It is extremely sour and requires a lot of sugar with it in the gin. Little black berries with a bloom.

    Time for my bed. Love to you all.

    Heather UK
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi y'all - hope you are having a good day! I'm planning ahead because I know we're going out to dinner with my parents in law this evening for their birthdays. I won't have any trouble finding healthy options at the restaurant, but I have to vent just a little bit: I also know it's likely that we'll end up with the dinner tab for the four of us. I get it, they're on a fixed income and things are tight for them. But at least they get something from Social Security and his retirement plans, their house is paid off, and they have Medicare for health insurance. On the other hand, after the long unemployment and career change, our household income is less than half of what it once was, and that's a permanent change. On top of that we have to pay nearly $700 a month for health insurance (and we'd have to spend around $12K out of pocket before that insurance actually paid for anything). It's been a huge adjustment.

    That's just how his parents are, so I should be used to it after 24 years. They always expect us to come to them, and I guess they're used to their boy being more successful from a financial standpoint. But even at an affordable restaurant, dinner for four is a stretch for us these days! At least we were able to combine the two birthdays so we don't have to do this again next month.

    Anyhow, I'll quit complaining now and remind myself to be grateful that we can afford to treat the family to a nice dinner out now and then, and that his parents are healthy enough to still be independent. I honestly don't know how we'd manage if that were not the case.

    -Yvonne in TX, looking forward to dinner out
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Alison: I read all the early Stephanie Plum books and then didn't enjoy them so much for a while. The newer ones that I've read lately are a total hoot. :laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    I must have missed the post about these books, but I am a huge Janet Evanovich fan! Love the Stephanie Plum character. Easy reading and makes me smile. I felt the same about the Spencer novels by Robert B. Parker. Always a good easy entertaining read.

    Fun easy read!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Lenora, my MFP name is Mikesmom for a reason and not just that my son is named Mike. Here 's the story: Mike was dating a lovely young lady who had a 4 year old daughter. After a reasonable amount of time they decided they were getting serious and it was time for me and the little one to meet. I asked them to dinner at the house and during dinner, the little one was trying to get my attention, I could see that she was trying to come up with a name for me and said "Mikesmom" and it stuck. Mike and the lovely young lady married a couple of years later so I am now a step-grandmother. Mikesmom stuck and I love it. She already has 2 "real" grandmothers and I would never want to "step" on their toes.

    Linda/IA, what a beautiful daughter you have. I would kill for those lashes! The kitten is pretty darn cute too.
    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Sitting here with a CPM machine, oxygen, pain meds pump, etc. Lol. I Feel great, it probably Will be different when I have to get out of bed and walk in the morning.. oops 4 people here. TTYL
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Annr- that was sweet of your husband, sorry about the bees
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member

    Saw this on Facebook ... Pretty much the truth ....
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Well Happy Tuesday! Weigh in this morning I was up .3 but am down 2 pounds from start of the month. So I will take the good with the bad. I had a good day off yesterday and got a lot of things done around the house. Tomorrow I am to train all day. Not looking forward to that, I just like to do my job in my own space. The lady is going on her own Friday and I do think for the most part she is ready. My friend Lee is doing well. I can't believe it has been 3 months since her husband passed away, and the 13th of this month was his birthday. The fun with DH's new postion has started. At 258 this morning their driver called and couldn't get into the store as the night driver parked the truck in front of the door again and the key was not where it should of been. So DH had to go to the store and find the spare key. By the time he got back and to bed it was almost time for the alarm to go off, so was a short night.

    Meg--I am loving this cooler weather and having the windows open. Woke up to rain early this morning. Only to be in the 60's today. I told DGD when she comes over this weekend we will have to put the Halloween stuff up. I got a new fall table cloth so will get that changed also.

    Joyce SD--Welcome. Glad to have you join us.

    Pip--Thanks for sharig the pictures, looks so much better. I like your sling bling. I didn't realize that about Allison's name. Thanks for pointing it out.


    Irish Terri--Beautiful pictures thanks for sharing.

    Beth--How scary, glad DS is ok. It is hard not to worry about our children. I just keep praying for ours as about all I can do.

    This last week we bought bamboo pillows. So far I really like them. Must say I paid more the them then I every had for a pillow before.

    Rita--Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Sending prayers and big HUGS!

    Janetr--sending prayers that surgery and recovering go fast and well. I love the new outfit.

    Renny--Glad to see you post. Missed you, hope you are feeling better. I like your quote.

    Margaret--Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and DB. Glad the surgery went well.

    snavemom--Sending HUGS! I lost my younger sister 10 years ago last month. Somedays I think about calling her and then I remember. We also lost our oldest son 16 years ago and when I see his youngest daughter (she was born 3 days after he died) she is the spitting image of him. It does get easier, but never goes away.

    Elaine--Sending hugs.

    Carol--I understand how you feel about your friend and how fast his relationship has gone, but just let him know you are there. Life sometimes goes by so fast we lose track of those important to us.

    Well I am out of time for today and only on page 67, not sure what will happen tomorrow as I am to train all day. But thinking of you and keeping you all in my prayers.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

  • Fragmoss
    Fragmoss Posts: 66 Member
    edited September 2015
    Would love to join in....I have a few younger friends on this APP but would love some viewpoints from my generation as well.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    evening ladies~
    Barbie~ I think the woman that does the audio books I think her name is Loralie something, thats how I started on the books,i would wear the headphones at work, and I would be laughing so hard there would be tears streaming down my face.. Lula is crazy... Grandma Mazur is a hoot, Cloris Leachman would be a great one to play her...
    I think one for the money came out as a movie..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Fragmoss ... Welcome! You joined by posting. Let us know a little bit about yourself!
  • Fragmoss
    Fragmoss Posts: 66 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well, I am 54, female lol (humourous) that's a given. I live near Vancouver BC in Canada. I have 3 grown sons. I am married. I am vegan now, I work part time in a fast food/coffee/donut shop. ((( no I don't get tempted))) I haven't ate out in years. I have will power, well at least now I do. I write poetry, I'm artistic in clay workings, I have my food safe (I once worked as a pantry chef in a restaurant). I cook and bake and I am a superb chocolatier (bummer I know) I love the water, nature and most things pagan. I am a minimalist and an optimist. Oh I have about 30 lbs to go......hmmm what else? I have a slight BP issue but that's improved tremendously with a low dose of meds and my new eating way and exercise. My new job is burning inches off me like the wicked witch of the west dowsed with water!
    I'd love to travel North America in an rv with my hubby. That's on my bucket list.
    I love analogies....I often write in them.
    Did I mention I'm funny? Oh and I wear a size 8 shoe. I didn't want to leave out that tidbit.

    Thanks for asking.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, my youngest grand daughter called me Mamaw before she could say Grandma. Meemaw is another name I have heard a lot.

    I am a mess! Yesterday I lost my FitBit. It was on and then it was off. Then today while I was having my MRI done, I seemed to have lost my iPad! I found that out while I was my way to Kohl's to get another iPad. But I glanced in the back seat of my car and there was the FitBit on the floor of the car. So I go back to the hospital to try to find the iPad. I looked everywhere I had been since the MRI. I had been using it in the waiting room. No iPad. So I check with the check in lady and she asks if I had gone to the bathroom. Yes I had!!!!!!! So there it was. Such a sigh of relief. So I had both my Fitbit and iPad back within 5 minutes!!!!!! Now I am complete.

    Charlie's blood pressure is still low after pill stopped but he is feeling OK. Will try the pork chops again tonight.

    Joyce, Indiana