

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning all!

    Debby - What a beautiful photo of you and your sister. I'm sure you miss her very much. Much too young. :flowerforyou: So sorry to hear about your son. How terrible. :'(

    Janetr - I'm sure you are on your way to the hospital now, but wanted to say I love the b/a photos! You look great and the hair is sassy! As a Britisher I'm not sure why you think the outfit looks too young. I always say, if a young person wouldn't wear it, then I'm not wearing it. No mumsy stuff for me! That's not to say I can wear everything they can! :noway: I prefer to keep my saggy bits covered up. :laugh:
    Years ago, when we went abroad, you could always tell the British by their terrible clothes. Now days all nations look the same, with minor variations. And all ages look the same. Is that good or bad.?

    Yoga this morning, then I'm having my hair cut this afternoon. I have to buy gin and milk in town. Hope nobody gives me funny looks when I walk out with a litre of gin! ! ! ! !

    Had a terrible night's sleep last night. After our sloe picking, when DH got a thorn in his finger, I had one of those repetitive, whirling nightmarish obsessions where I had to get back to my rental to cover up 4 scratchy rose bushes with some old coats. The flat also had 75 smaller ones that I had to deal with. (The lettings company had emailed me in real life to tell me they had the electricity key) The bushes were inside the flat. This went on ALL night. I went and read in the spare room for a while, but the thoughts came back in my sleep. :sad:

    Cynthia - Sorry to hear about your mum. :'( Good job your brother was there. It's so hard when they get old and frail. I only started loving my mum again in her last years as I was so sorry for her. Old age sucks. My mum used to regularly collapse at the supermarket and have to be brought home by the manager in his car. They got to know her very well! But nothing would stop her trying until her very last months. I used to take her when I could and use those store wheel chairs.

    Must get ready for yoga. I'm just going to dry clean my hair as I'm going to the hairdresser later. :) Love my hairdresser. <3

    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Janetr — Sending good thoughts for your surgery today. I knew you'd lost a lot of weight in the past couple years but seeing your before and after pics was truly inspiring!

    Heather — If I saw you with a liter of gin I wouldn't bat an eye. Considering the size of the party you're having I wonder if one liter will be enough! When my family is gathered together at the summer place and my father makes G&Ts for 5-8 adults more or less every evening, he pours the Gordon's from a half-gallon plastic jug!

    In addition, our liquor monopoly in Svalbard sells spirits mainly in one-liter bottles. First, because that's the standard duty-free size, and second, because our rationing cards are in increments of liters and it would be such a hassle keeping track of 75 cl bottles. (Did you know we have rationing cards? When you come ashore from your cruise boat next summer you won't be allowed to buy booze or beer at Vinmonopolet. But if you want to see the process we can go there and use my rationing card. I've got plenty left on it.)

    So, no, I wouldn't react if I saw you carrying a liter of gin. I did react to the idea of gin-and-milk, though. :noway:

    There's a stiff wind coming in off the fjord, driving rain against my windows. Whitecaps on the water. Yellow leaves flying everywhere. I'm awfully glad I got most of the outdoor chores done yesterday. When it clears, I'm sure there will be new snow on the mountaintops.
    /Penny, soon returning to the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for the good wishes. Going to the GP tomorrow; he won’t have a magic anti-pain bullet, but we will see. Katie: the pain is arthritis pain. I need a new knee (maybe two), but the orthopedic surgeon does not want to operate until I lose 20 kg (about 45 pounds). Weight loss is not going too well recently. So I’m between a rock and a hard place and that’s very frustrating.

    Janetr: good luck! Keep us informed. You look cute in the new clothes.

    Renny: glad to see you doing better. Take it easy for a while.

    Debby: sorry about your sister. Take care of yourself while you are feeling so low.

    Meg: glad about your “miracles”! :)

    Joyce: good that you could talk to Charlie about the things that happened in the hospital.

    Heather: thanks for your kind words about my mom.

    Working at home today and going to three short lectures this evening about light: using light in biology, light as damager of paintings and its use in restoration, and a philosophical lecture about lightness of skin color in African-American film actors. All new to me and I think it will be very interesting.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    Janetr- you look great in the pictures, and best wishes for a fast and easy surgery..
    Debbie~ so sorry about your sister.. it is tough.. I only have one brother and if something happened to him I dont know what I would do..
    finished second book I got this morning..those Stephanie Plum novels are a hoot.. im only up to 17 and there are 22 so I will keep going ..
    Pip~ yes you figured right about the nick name it is pronounced Grandma-allie lol but y'all know my real name and call me whatever ya want
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited September 2015
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    This is from this afternoon.

    Love to all, take care of you and I thank you all for your support and kindness.

    Janetr OKC

    Janet, you look stunning, especially the boots! They will be so proud of their trendy Mama. My profile pic is my most recent one, taken on the morning of my surgery. I keep my hair short, like yours. It's so easy to take care of. Sending positive energy for tomorrow.

    Pip please excuse me, but I am I'm sniggering at reading the line with 'hair clips' and 'Kirby'. When I was a teenager hair clips were called Kirby grips (because they were made by a firm called Kirby) I admire your positive attitude to life. I find that I have to take a pill occasionally, too. It's the sensible thing to do. It's not like you are popping them all day long.

    Debbie :heart: I have a huge lump in my throat after reading your post. (((hugs))) Hang in there, Hun! I lost my own baby sister 12 years ago when she was just 51. Her passing led me to do a massive life audit. She lives in my heart. :heart:

    Cynthia Your lectures sound fascinating. Let us know how they go.

    I am enjoying the September sunshine and mild weather here at the moment. We often get an Indian Summer at this time of year. This morning I am going to try to drive my car. Once I can do that I will be back to all my leisure activities. Being retired has so many upsides.

    I didn't do much yesterday as I was zonked after watching the Super Moon. I enjoyed a lecture after lunch. It was the first of 10 on aspects of Inner Peace and self-knowledge. They should be interesting.

    I will try and do some housework while DH is out at badminton this morning. Mustn't take advantage of his good nature too much.

    Have a great day everyone.

    (((hugs))) and (((prayers))) to those of you suffering in any way.

    Pax vobiscum

    Irish Terri
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited September 2015
    Penny - I'm not making it for the party, it's just for general use. :laugh: Usually it takes us a couple of years to get through it as we don't drink liqueurs much, just with visitors after dinner. We didn't make any last year, but made rhubarb vodka in the spring, which is still sitting in the back of the fridge! :noway: My son, who makes loads of sloe gin, has it with soda as a long drink, which I might try with my evening meal occasionally. I would love to see you during our cruise anyway, but I remember buying alcohol in Finland at the Alko. It was like going into a prison! ! ! We used to buy Egri Bikaver (Bulls Blood) a Hungarian wine.

    Cynthia - your lectures sound fascinating. My ex's wife is an international expert on analysis and restoration of old paintings using light. She is at the Courtauld in London. Right now she is researching old instruments and the relation of the sound to the materials used.

    Irish Terry - Isn't the weather right now just fabulous! :D

    DJ - you asked me some time ago about the key electric meter. These are only used for low rental properties where the landlord fears the tenant might abscond without paying the bill! It's a very expensive way of buying electricity. You have to take the key to a shop to get credit on it. I inherited this system when I bought the rental originally and it is a sort of insurance against untrustworthy tenants. I'm pretty sure my last tenant hasn't paid his council tax. Most people pay their bills by direct debit which is adjusted every so often so you don't overpay.

    Got to get on with lunch.

    Vegetable curry tonight. :D<3

    Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    This afternoon is the inspection for my son's apartment! If it passes he can sign the lease and move in on Thursday! Yippee! It will be such a relief for both of us! The apartment should pass- the only thing iffy is that the fire extinguisher hasn't been recharged but the company has been called.

    This morning I am taking my "friend" to the dental clinic at the University. This is the fellow that had two severe brain injuries that I manage his money for. He cannot drive in the city (but does fine in the county) so I take him in to appointments. He also has trouble understanding/ remembering the instructions. He is a sweet man but the conversation is not inspiring. Pretty much the same stories each time. Certain words trigger the memory every time! It is really interesting for me to see how a damaged brain works and doesn't work.

    Beth, I am so glad your son is alright.

    Janet in OK, thinking about you in surgery right now. I know the OKC hospitals (worked at one for a while) so am envisioning you walking in to each of them. Which one did you go to?

    Everyone else, I am not yet fully awake but know that I read your posts with loving thoughts to each and every one of you! I am so glad I found this wonderful bunch of women!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    DJ ... You are right ... Son should not have been driving while ill ... Lesson learned I'm hoping!

    Pip ... I did the exact same thing with Alison's screen name! Never saw grandma Allie until you pointed it out!

    Penny ... Why the rationing card?

    Debby ... So sorry for your losses.

    Son did not go to school. Migraine rebounded. Lots of contributing factors I suspect. Botox injections again on Thursday ... Hoping this helps.

    It's a rainy day here. Matches my mood. Wish I was able to separate myself better from the things going on in my sons' lives...


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Beth - You are a champion! :flowerforyou: We all find it super hard to separate our feelings from our children's. Most of us don't have your responsibilities. <3 When my DS#2 and DDIL were worrying about the pregnancy there is no way I could think about anything else.

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning ladies! Not much going on here except painting. It is taking a lot longer to do than I thought it would. I need to put two coats on the trim because we're painting it a burgundy color. Hopefully I will get the cabin done today.

    Janetr- my prayers are with you during your surgery!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)<3 Cynthia, sending hugs to you that you can get firmly on the weight loss path and make the knee replacement possible. Keep at it one day at a time and the pounds (kilograms) will come off.

    <3 Barbie

    No time for more--dogs are eager to go out again....once is never enough for them
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    morning peeps-

    sorry u will always b grand mallie to me now, can't get it out of my head. lololol

    janetr - hope your surgery goes as smooth as mine did

    terririchards - haha, didn't know that about the clips and kirbys name. i just told him about that!

    kirby is gonna run 8 mi, I'm a bit jealous, I'm gonna spin for however long it takes him, he's got the marathon coming up in november.

    type to ya later.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Pip- you are doing great! You will be up and jogging soon enough!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited September 2015
    Miriam glad to hear your son's situation is working out.

    Beth I have to work on that with my son too. I just was settling down to watch Indian Summer that I was looking forward to because the setting is Indian about the time my grandparents left. It is set in 1932 and they left in 1930. My DS who I had just dropped off where he is getting in patient treatment calls and tells me someone stole his money. I think he thought I was going to come and get him right then and there. We discussed this is like school and that you have nothing that you care if it gets lost or stolen. He needs to tell those in charge and learn the lesson be aware of your surroundings and act accordingly. I did not go and get him.

    I just had had a discussion with my cousins that is seems when things are in a hard place it seems like you have these smaller things go wrong. One of there son's had car problems in the midst of their heartbreak with their mother. I think it is because the big things take so much out of you that you have less patience for the sink stopper breaking, the coffeepot going out, someone stealing your petty cash.

    I found in my mom's papers a timely bit of advice. 101 ways to help with stress. Nice to have her still look after me.
    Here are some I am finding helpful:
    1. Avoid tight clothes
    2. Prepare ahead
    3. Avoid chemical aids
    4. Practice preventative medicine
    5. Make duplicate keys
    6. Say 'No" more often and walk away when no is not respected.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    I've caught the Poldark fever. I watched the series Sunday night on PBS. When it ended this summer, my sister bought the books and we are reading them together. As she finishes one book she passes it on to me to read. I'm kind of in withdrawals right now as she is on holiday to the east coast for 2 weeks so far and still one more week to go.

    Love the characters in these novels....

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Pip -
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    One thing I always meant to mention was regarding grandmallie's profile name. The first time I saw it I was pronouncing it, grand mallie. Not until VERY recently, she was meaning it to be, grandma b]allie[/b]. I never connected it because I don't remember anyone's real name, I only remember everyone here by their profile name. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!! So your name for me is the way I originally of it. I hate hen pecking, it's taking me so long.

    This made me giggle. I too have been seeing Allie’s name as Grand Maillie. It wasn’t until you posted this that I saw Grandma Allie. This despite her occasionally calling herself that in her posts. I love being able to laugh at my own foibles. Ain’t it grand being human?

    Debby – So sorry for your loss. I hope you have many wonderful memories to sustain you as you adjust to this loss.

    Sylvia -
    Hello all! It's been a busy day, but I still didn't accomplish much. I did call our vet and ask about Bruno's situation, and they asked me to bring him in so the doc could have a look. He pronounced Bruno fit as a fiddle, trimmed his nails, and sent me off with zero bill and a business card with his home phone, in case this ever happens again. He thought the problem was most likely his eating acorns, which have a mild toxicity and upset his tummy.

    Irish Terri - the wedding pics are beautiful. What a great cake! I used to be a cake decorator and always loved the wedding cakes. The figures on the top are priceless!

    Thank you, thank you for the info that acorns are mildly toxic to dogs. This weekend we were going through a similar thing with Merri that you had going with Bruno. She is fine now but it is very frustrating to have a sick furry one. We have an oak tree that has dropped acorns into Merri’s pen and I have caught her trying to eat the acorns. Mike has cleaned out her pen, but now I know we need to be extra careful to clear out the acorns as soon as we see them.

    I was not a cake decorator, but I took some decorating classes and got fairly good at decorating cakes. I made 3 wedding cakes as gifts for friends who were getting married. The one that was the most fun was the friend who wanted a cake with Godzilla stomping out the city. I used a bowing pin pan and an egg shaped pan to make Godzilla. Even though I haven’t decorated a cake in several years now I still love at cake pictures.

    Meg from Omaha -
    megblair1 wrote: »
    We had a sub at aqua Zumba and that was the best workout I have had in years! Too bad I can’t go to this instructor’s usual class.

    I’m happy for you that DD#1 reached out and gave you her new phone number.

    Aqua Zumba sounds like fun. I’m going to have to look around here and see if I can find Aqua Zumba near me.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2015
    Janetr: I'm sending good thoughts and prayers for your surgery today. I hope you come through it with flying colors. :heart:

    Becca: I'm glad you enjoyed the story of Elk in Gearhart. I'm sorry your Elk feeding neighbor and you have a conflict. If God answers her prayers, perhaps SHE will straighten up. LOL! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I understand your frustration with Charlie's level of self-care. My DH doesn't have any systematic self-care beyond taking his medicines. He doesn't push himself to do more exercising. His view is that his body is a finite quantity and when he uses it up, it is gone. :grumble:

    Heather: Your comments about all nations and ages looking the same reminded me of me Grandma's "old age" attire. It started with old lady shoes and worked its way up to old lady hats. My parent's generation was not quite so extreme, and here we are. My kids don't generally comment on my clothing choices so I don't know whether they think I dress like an old lady. They are pretty outspoken, so I'm guessing they'd say something. :laugh:

    Penny: I wonder why there is rationing where you live. Is it just for alcohol? Is it because of the relatively small size of your town and the difficulty of transporting supplies? :huh:

    Alison: I read all the early Stephanie Plum books and then didn't enjoy them so much for a while. The newer ones that I've read lately are a total hoot. :laugh:

    Margaret: I love your mom's practical advice, and follow most of it. I need to work on number 6, "Say no more often and walk away when it is not respected." :flowerforyou:

    I am going to zumba with my neighbor this morning and it is time to get ready. I hope everyone has a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sylvia, you have done a fantastic job of losing weight. You should be proud! I seem to have stalled at about 170 as well. I think I’ll concentrate on trying to get this 170# in a bit better shape and not worry so much about the scale. Even though I haven’t lost much of anything in the past two months, my clothes are fitting differently. I seem to be a bit in-between sizes at the moment so just need to get down to the next size.

    Meg, I’m sure glad you found yourself when you fell asleep at your laptop. Thanks for the tired hug and I hope you got a good night’s rest.

    Katla, other than the high price it sounds like you found exactly what you need in the door department. It will be nice to get that project behind you.

    Joyce, you said it, “,must stop all the worrying and let the doctors take care of him.” No matter what happens to Charlie, we don’t need you to worry yourself into a tizzy. You are doing a great job and still can only do so much. I agree that Charlie doesn’t need behind the wheel of a car until his BP is stable. Hang in there, my friend, things are better than they were and will get even better still. ((((Hugs))))

    Sharon, when does your DD find out if her bid won the vehicle? Keeping fingers crossed. I’m happy for your sis about her house and her happiness.

    Heather, so sorry about your night. I just hate it when I have a night like that and then I feel like I get up more tired than when I went to bed.  At least you have a good day planned with yoga and the hairdresser. Have a better night, tonight.

    Irish Terri, I had to smile about the Kirby hair clips. Glad you are healing nicely. Has the doctor said it’s okay for you to drive? Good luck but be careful.

    Miriam, so glad things are moving along with your DS’s apartment. I hope the move goes as scheduled.

    Beth, oh that any of us could separate ourselves from our children’s problems. Just do the best you can and I’ll keep you both in my prayers. ((((Hugs))))

    MNMargaret, how cool that you found the ways to help with stress in your Mom’s things.

    Janetr, I’m guessing is out of surgery by now. I hope all went well and she has a speedy recovery.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    This morning on GMA the had a segment on burning calories. They have been doing something every day on exercising. They had a number of avid exercisers do something and guess the calories burned, while they were being tested by an expert with breathing machines attached to them in order to calculate the actual calories burned. In each case the subject estimated burning more calories than they actually did. The take away on the segment was, “It takes a long time to burn a lot of calories and a short time to eat a lot of calories.” I’m guessing most of us had already figured that out.

    Here’s a thought for the day:
    Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have.
    On what’s right in your world instead of what’s wrong.
    On where you’re going instead of what you’ve been through.
    Billy Cox

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Penny – I have only seen the Northern Lights once, and it was so awe-inspiring I couldn’t stop looking. I envy you being able to watch them often (but the extreme temps would do me in).

    JanetR – Hugs and prayers with your surgery. The outfit and new body - marvelous !

    Oooo – Renny[/b -. Can I borrow “eat less from a box and more from the earth”. I love that, and just shared it with my co-worker.

    Joyce – More Hugs. You are doing great, and there is very little you can do to change the future. Take care of youself ! ! !

    Beth – Hugs for you and your son after such a traumatic situation.

    – I understand the “plain” DH. Mine is the same way. Burgers, Ribeye steak, chimichanga, the end. I like trying new things, and if I don’t tell DS, he will usually try something a few times before giving up on it. It is pretty common for me to make a week’s supply of lunch on weekends, just so I don’t get bored with all of the boring suppers. (P.S. I love my Foreman Grill) Hugs ! // Cut yourself a break about hitting that snooze button, and take smaller steps. Maybe only get up 10 minutes earlier.

    Last evening Dad and I saw the screening of “The Walk”. It wasn’t the most exciting movie during the first ½, but it wasn’t so boring to wanted to fall asleep. We saw it in IMAX 3D, so a few times I ducked away from the nothing that looked like it was flying off the screen toward my face. The scenery was cool, but I’m not afraid of heights.

    I think I am too far behind to catch-up, and I keep forgetting what page I should be reading. Plus, the atmosphere at work is very toxic today, so I’m struggling to keep my brain straight and protected from the toxicity. Therefore, I think I will do some paperwork until lunch, and hopefully things will be brighter after lunch. I want you all to know I think, pray, and thank all of you for all the support, and willingness to listen to problems so they can be thrown into the corner.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I went to my doctor yesterday for my diabetic check up. I have been dealing (or not dealing) with Type II Diabetes since I was diagnosed in March 2010. My labs this time showed the lowest blood glucose level I've had since the beginning (my A1C was 7.2 and I have had it as high as 11). I am crediting MFP for helping me to track what I'm eating and getting encouragement from reading your posts. I don't post often because of work and busy life in general. I feel good if I keep up with reading, and haven't been able to do that too well, either!!

    Anyway, I also needed to get to the point that I was no longer in denial and instead willing to do something about it. I prayed for someone who could understand where I was coming from, and while everyone here is in different circumstances, I consider you an answer to that prayer! I have several friends, but you are coming more or less from the same place in wanting to do something about getting more exercise and eating right and have many of the same struggles with food.

    Elaine in Lansing