

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I have been thinking about Janetr this morning and hope the surgery was successful and that she is resting comfortably by now.

    Pip - I hope you continue to heal nicely. Does walking "bounce" your shoulder and make it hurt? I wish my doctor had taken an after x-ray of my shoulder so I could see exactly where those four bolts are.

    Beth - I'm glad your son used his aching head to make the right moves to avoid an accident. I know both of you had to have been terrified!

    Terri - I'm sorry your work environment is toxic today. You seem to enjoy your job most of the time so I hope the toxicity is short-lived.

    I'm feeling lonely and out of sorts a bit. I rarely feel lonely so I hope it goes away soon! My male best friend began dating a woman in late June, proposed earlier this month, and is getting married November 7. So, not only am I very, very concerned about the speed of this relationship (I know him too well to trust it), I have lost a best friend. It is right that he now shares his feelings, thoughts, and time with his fiancee but that doesn't make me miss him any less. I have a gaping hole in my life right now. I know this may sound petty in the realm of the losses that some of you have had, but it is devastating for me. I feel lost. My female best friend lives in another state and, though we talk almost daily, I miss having someone close by. This situation has been a major contributor to my lingering depression.

    I don't know what is going on with the work situation. I have proven that some of allegations are unsupported (nicely) but everything is in limbo. I do have my resume updated, but I'm having a tough time getting up the gumption to actually make calls and send it out. A depressive state does not equal motivation.

    Joyce - I hope things get straightened out with Charlie soon. I've watched my mother wear herself completely out taking care of my father because they refused to ask for help. Don't do that to yourself, please!

    Michele - I hope Vince gets some relief for his back pain soon. I can empathize with him.

    Sylvia - I'm glad Bruno is better. I hope you are getting better, too! Please keep us up to date on your granddaughter's situation.

    Mia - Your glass is amazing!

    Janetr - I'm glad everyone (including me) likes your outfit because I dress similarly. I depend on my daughter to tell me if I'm dressing too young. Although, she usually is more apt to tell me that something looks like "an old lady" than to tell me it looks too young. I like something I read once in More magazine: "I don't try to dress trendy, but I do try to dress current."

    I know I've missed a lot of folks but my brain has just gone AWOL so I will close by saying that I have read everyone's posts and I keep you all close in my heart.

    Carol in still rainy NC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Janet, you look fantastic -- definitely jealous!
    Mia I love the glassware.
    Beth, so glad your son made it through that horrifying experience.
    Busy at work-- everybody try to have a good day!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited September 2015
    DJ I asked my surgeon after the op and he said that some people tried driving once they were off the crutches. He already knew how much work I had put in beforehand and seemed quite positive that my recovery would be quicker than most people.

    I have been walking without any aids for well over a week, so I thought I would give it a whirl. I took a short 10 minute drive round our very quiet neighbourhood with no ill effects. But I will be sensible and only do short runs at first.

    MNMargaret Your mum was a very wise woman. How wonderful to find this comforting example of her wisdom in her effects. I think we could all take a leaf out of her book. I know you will treasure her memory.

    The Indian summer continued today. I spent a little time pottering in the garden with DH. The autumn colour is beginning to flush the trees, the sun's path is sinking ever lower in the southern sky, and the dark days of winter will soon follow, but in the meantime I will continue to enjoy the present spell of fine weather.

    Irish Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Irish Terri I should clarify my mom is still living. She is in a Nursing Home over 500 miles away. We had to sell her home this past July and the 101 ways to beat stress was in her papers. She is not in a position to give support personally now. We did not tell her about the sale of her home, my son's illness and divorce , and my brother's illness because it would be too hard on her. It was just nice to find another way for her to support me in these trying times. And I did.

    You also remind me I need to get busy and bring in some plants. We are now going to be in the forties at night. Time to bring in those I want for next season.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin- 86min, 77ar 101aw, 11g & 15g only, 127ahr, 149mhr,32.8mi
    total cal 704
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Elaine in Lansing -
    I went to my doctor yesterday for my diabetic check up. I have been dealing (or not dealing) with Type II Diabetes since I was diagnosed in March 2010. My labs this time showed the lowest blood glucose level I've had since the beginning (my A1C was 7.2 and I have had it as high as 11). I am crediting MFP for helping me to track what I'm eating and getting encouragement from reading your posts. I don't post often because of work and busy life in general. I feel good if I keep up with reading, and haven't been able to do that too well, either!!

    Hooray for those numbers!! You are doing this. That is a huge improvement.

    My weight did not affect my health for the longest time. My doctor kept saying that I had to lose weight before it started to affect my health. Well, I didn’t succeed at that. I always thought that if something happened to affect my health that I would then buckle down and lose the weight. I couldn’t understand how someone could be diagnosed with Diabetes and not do all they could to get it under control. Ha! Pride does indeed go before a fall. My A1C level hit 6.4 and I was told that I was pre-diabetic. Actually, I was told not to switch insurance companies because a new insurance company would consider that to BE diabetic. Well, I did indeed buckle down and made a valiant attempt to lose the weight and failed miserably. My husband might say that I failed to lose but the people who had to deal with me were miserable. So much for I could do it with the right motivation. I ended up taking the bariatric surgery route. My blood sugar numbers are now picture perfect. I also no longer need BP meds. My list of health benefits goes on but I’m sure you get the idea. Best decision I could have made for myself.

    The surgery served (and still serves) as a tool to help with the hunger while I learned portion control and proper nutrition. I need MFP and the support of people who understand to continue to maintain exercise and food planning. You still have to do those things even with surgery. I am so pleased for anyone who can manage to lose the weight without needing surgery. This is NOT an easy journey so take time to congratulate yourself every day that you have any kind of a small victory and keep coming back when you have a slip.

    Carol in NC -
    nccarolb wrote: »
    I'm feeling lonely and out of sorts a bit. I rarely feel lonely so I hope it goes away soon! My male best friend began dating a woman in late June, proposed earlier this month, and is getting married November 7. So, not only am I very, very concerned about the speed of this relationship (I know him too well to trust it), I have lost a best friend. It is right that he now shares his feelings, thoughts, and time with his fiancee but that doesn't make me miss him any less. I have a gaping hole in my life right now. I know this may sound petty in the realm of the losses that some of you have had, but it is devastating for me. I feel lost. My female best friend lives in another state and, though we talk almost daily, I miss having someone close by. This situation has been a major contributor to my lingering depression.

    I don't know what is going on with the work situation. I have proven that some of allegations are unsupported (nicely) but everything is in limbo. I do have my resume updated, but I'm having a tough time getting up the gumption to actually make calls and send it out. A depressive state does not equal motivation.

    Sending you big squishy hugs. The good news is that virtual hugs won't hurt your shoulder. The bad news is they must be virtual. I hope that once your friend is married that his new wife will understand you are friends and will not resent it if he continues to talk to you. However, you are correct in thinking that all that he shares with you will change which means he will not be as available as he once was. You need some good local friends. I know. Much harder than it sounds. My FL girlfriend has had a small measure of success in meeting new people by joining a book club and a walking club. I don’t know if those appeal to you or are even possible for you but I throw it out there to get you thinking on how you might change your situation.

    Best wishes for the work situation. Good of you to have that resume updated. Now, would you please promise me you will make just one phone call and/or send out one resume within the next week? Just one. A depressive state absolutely does not help motivation. That is why you must sometimes force yourself to take a single step. What I really want for you is to have a job offer in hand so you can decide if the work situation is worth putting up with or not. I want you in the driver’s seat making those choices for yourself.


    Thanks for all of the compliments on my glass work. You all just gave me the courage to take a big step. At work there are often many folks who sell stuff (Thirty-One, May Kay, Pampered chef, homemade chocolate, and handmade jewelry etc.) in the lobby. A certain percentage of their profits go towards different charities. I just contacted the woman who sets up sales for one particular charity to get information on who/how do I set up a sale of my glass to benefit the local hospice. Hospice was a huge help to me when my mom was dying. I would like to pay it forward a bit. This also (hopefully) gets glass out of my house (there is only so much you can give away to friends and family) and gives me a taste of how much interest there will be from people who don’t really know me in purchasing my work. I have sold some pieces before this but always to a friend or a friend of a friend.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Pip - WOW!

    Terri - plain food? That would be grounds for divorce in my house! :laugh: Tonight we had a veg curry. Not hot. Sweet potato, lentils, broccoli and chard from the garden. Absolutely delicious and almost free food. :bigsmile:

    I've ordered some very gradual tanning lotion from Amazon to see if I can look slightly less white when I expose my skin for the party. Don't actually want a tan, more a golden glow. :laugh: Just hope we can keep the lights low.
    I have a line of colour changing candles for the table with some light blue LED lights wound around them. The dancing will be in the barn and don't know what the lighting is like there. I never normally show my arms and back, so want a little colour. I will be wearing my yoga teacher's long, velvet, backless dress. (Today I took her hydrangea dress I wore twice this summer to the cleaners.) I also ordered exfoliating mitts. One of my yoga friends always uses this gradual tan and looks great. I am luminous white and the lymphodema arm, which is always covered with a compression sleeve, is even whiter. :laugh: As I rarely get my kit off I don't usually worry, but want to look glam for the party, not piebald.

    Hope Janetr is ok.

    Hairy Bikers on TV tonight in Sweden. <3

    Love Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Alison, I read all the Stephanie Plum books beginning when they first came out....now I am listening to them as audio books and am up to #11.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Alison, I read all the Stephanie Plum books beginning when they first came out....now I am listening to them as audio books and am up to #11.
    I love the Stephanie Plum books also, especially since I grew up in NJ. I tried listening to 1 of them and was greatly disappointed because their voices weren't the same that were in my head as I read them. I want to be like the Grandmother when I get older!
    Chris in MA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I'm stopping in quick to ask if anyone has ideas for a slight problem our family is having: My Grandma (92) is in assisted living. He daughter bought her a new adjustable bed and mattress from Groupon, but it is so tall she is unable to get into it unassisted. Groupon states it was bought "non-returnable and non-refundable" and that the dimensions were mentioned prior to purchasing the Groupon product. I have not seen the bed yet. If anyone has any ideas on what to do about this bed and mattress, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Carol - Thanks for your support about my current work environment. As a general rule I do love my job. But when 1 diva gets crabby, it tends to be contagious. Luckily, I can hide at my desk (also known as my cave, because it is dark, and if I turn on the lights it is too bright). Sometimes after lunch people come back refreshed. We'll see if that happens today. If not, I will stay in my cave and ooze good cheer. >:)o:)

    Hugs ! Terri F. in Milwaukee
    I've checked back in after being off for a couple of months. Total weight loss to date is 25.5lbs. That's about (maybe 1/3rd to 1/2th of the total weight I need to lose, depending on which MD's goals I go by. I don't think I can weigh any less that 145lbs without looking ill; and that isn't what I am after. Weather getting cooler, so no more pool exercise. That means treadmill - BOO! Better a little than none at all. Even lost weight after a week with my DYS and his 'new' wife and daughter. They need to come up with a name they are going to call me. Right at the moment the "Miss Lenora" has been dropped from what they called me before becoming a part of the family. Both DDnL and her daughter seem stumped as to what to call me. I told them they could call me anything so long as it is not Grandmother (too formal), Grandmama or Grannie or anything like that. My other DGDs call me "Nana"; but she already has a "Nana" and doesn't want to run the risk of saying something and it not being 'her' she is talking about or to. I can understand that; my DGDs call their other grandmother "Nana" as well; but, they usually call her Nana Patsy to differentiate the difference. Youngest DGD calls me "Tiny" Nana and Patsy "Big" Nana. LOL! Doesn't go over very well with her; but, she saw me in the yard and I looked 'tiny' to her from a distance. Any suggestions for my step-granddaughter to call me by? Something catchy/cute. Her step-mother's name is Mia; so "Mimi" sounds too much like Mia for her - we called our maternal grandmother "Mimi". My sister's grandchildren call her "GG". I've told them they could call me what Will calls me; but, that hasn't started. So now I am either still "Miss Lenora" or I am 'nothing' . . . just start talking. Told my DDnL that now that she is married to my DYS, that "Miss Lenora" was 'too formal' and she would have to come up with something different. She calls my DH, "Pappa Louie".

    Friend from HS committed suicide 2 weeks ago ... still numb from the news. She had been a part of the group that met for lunch every time I go up to see a MD there; sure going to miss her a lot. Memorial service on the 10th of October, so I might go spend the weekend with another HS friend of mine, that way I will already be up there for our lunch meeting and MD appointment. This would be the first time that DH has allowed me to drive on the Interstate in more than a year. I'm sure that I will be 'ok' with it . . . I drive a double divided road into town when I go, don't see much difference.

    Just finished the painting of the little church that DYS & DDnL got married in (on an oval canvas). I had bought the frame and canvas just to have whenever I had something that would have looked good as a painting on it. I'll give it to them at Thanksgiving as their Christmas present. I'd like to figure out a way that I could get it back to put it in a show next June; but, not sure if they'll let me have it for probably 5 months to do so.

    Need to cover my irises and day lilies with dirt; the bulbs are beginning to show on the top of the soil. Margaretturk; you have that type of flowers in your garden? Would it be 'ok' to mow them down and then cover them back up or will that kill them? This spring and summer I just wasn't 'into my plants at all'. Only bought 2 'new' ones and plan on putting them into the porch we had glassed in (as soon as my husband buys a real door for the outside). I can't wait to get the porch all finished so I can uncover the furniture.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Alison: I read all the early Stephanie Plum books and then didn't enjoy them so much for a while. The newer ones that I've read lately are a total hoot. :laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    I must have missed the post about these books, but I am a huge Janet Evanovich fan! Love the Stephanie Plum character. Easy reading and makes me smile. I felt the same about the Spencer novels by Robert B. Parker. Always a good easy entertaining read.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Good afternoon! I have been thinking about Janetr this morning and hope the surgery was successful and that she is resting comfortably by now.

    Pip - I hope you continue to heal nicely. Does walking "bounce" your shoulder and make it hurt? I wish my doctor had taken an after x-ray of my shoulder so I could see exactly where those four bolts are.

    Carol in still rainy NC

    walking does bounce my shoulder because i will usually walk at a faster pace so i have to b careful
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello all, I've been flying under the radar this month. I've been able to keep up, but having had the chance to respond much. My heart goes out to those of you facing losses, surgeries, illnesses and just bad stuff. You may not hear from me but you are in my thoughts.

    Heather, I didn't realize that sloe was a plant. My drink of choice in college was a sloe gin fizz. I'll have to look the plant up.

    Mia, how wonderful that you will sell your beautiful glassware for charity. If I lived closer I would gladly drive over and buy a piece or 2. I have always loved glassware, perhaps because of my name, Christel (pronounced crystal). Be sure to post a picture of the other colors.

    Carol, I think you are in mourning over the loss of your friendship. You are entitled to feel the way you feel, and no one can tell you that your feelings are trivial. You may think your problems are small compared to someone else, but they are big to you.

    Mary in Minnesota, Help!! I began the stronglifts program 4 weeks ago. I upped my calories from 1200 to 1310 when I began to feel ravaneous and would binge. I still use the elliptical the other 4 days but am surprised that I miss it. I still haven't gotten down to my lowest weight or measurement size which was the second week of August. I am hoping that my body will settle into this new routine but I haven't had to struggle with hunger like this for about a year and I'm having a hard time coping. Any advise you can share would be greatly appreciated.
    I should get back to work...
    Chris in MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Elaine in Lansing -
    I went to my doctor yesterday for my diabetic check up. I have been dealing (or not dealing) with Type II Diabetes since I was diagnosed in March 2010. My labs this time showed the lowest blood glucose level I've had since the beginning (my A1C was 7.2 and I have had it as high as 11). I am crediting MFP for helping me to track what I'm eating and getting encouragement from reading your posts. I don't post often because of work and busy life in general. I feel good if I keep up with reading, and haven't been able to do that too well, either!!
    easy journey so take time to congratulate yourself every day that you have any kind of a small victory and keep coming back when you have a slip.

    Thanks for all of the compliments on my glass work. You all just gave me the courage to take a big step. At work there are often many folks who sell stuff (Thirty-One, May Kay, Pampered chef, homemade chocolate, and handmade jewelry etc.) in the lobby. A certain percentage of their profits go towards different charities. I just contacted the woman who sets up sales for one particular charity to get information on who/how do I set up a sale of my glass to benefit the local hospice. Hospice was a huge help to me when my mom was dying. I would like to pay it forward a bit. This also (hopefully) gets glass out of my house (there is only so much you can give away to friends and family) and gives me a taste of how much interest there will be from people who don’t really know me in purchasing my work. I have sold some pieces before this but always to a friend or a friend of a friend.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily
    u r totally able to sell your stuff, you are talented!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues,Got 10 blankets made for the shelter for the kitties.Made 4 cards for my special kids.
    Hugs to all
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Katla wrote: Margaret: I love your mom's practical advice, and follow most of it. I need to work on number 6, "Say no more often and walk away when it is not respected." :flowerforyou:
    followed immediately by
    I am going to zumba with my neighbor this morning and it is time to get ready. I hope everyone has a good day.
    Yeah! Say no more often, but DON'T say no to Zumba with a neighbor! smiley-dance009.gifsmiley-dance017.gif

    Katla and several others have wondered about the alcohol rationing in my town. I'll have to get back to that because there's a story attached and telling it will require more time than I have right now.
    /Penny, soon heading for the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret- that is so neat about your mother and her list! I think I will write something similar so that my children might find that after I pass. They don't seem to listen to me now but if it's in writing after I am gone it might have more meaning for them. In my couples retreat classes that I went to with my DH they suggested writing letters to your loved ones.

    Carol NC - it is sad that you are feeling in emptiness because of your male friend finding a fiancé. That is normal. That happened to me when I quit work and moved way up north away from everybody to be with my DH. That's how I got so heavy. Then I decided one day instead of sitting around and eating food I would start exercising and joined MFP and met all you wonderful people! So now I exercise read MFP and respond and the gap has been filled!

    Elaine - congratulations on such a change in your labs. My brother battled diabetes all his adult life. You're doing the wise thing by joining MFP and monitoring your food intake. I have known a couple of people that have been able to ward off diabetes by changing their eating habits! Hopefully you will be able to do the same.

    Heather-I use the gradual tanning lotion as well and it does work very nicely. You're going to look fantastic for your party!

    Has anybody read the book Strong Curves? I am thinking of incorporating that into my weight training regiment! I am trying to resculpt my body I might as well I don't have anything else to do! Unless you consider painting and remodeling something to do. It only takes an hour to an hour and a half 3-4 days a week though! I made a mistake and bought the book through my Kindle and I cannot navigate back-and-forth like a hardcopy would allow me to do easily. So now I am going to have to invest in a hard copy as well.
    I guess it's time for me to go back out and finish painting the cabin I only got the peak done in two hours either I'm really slow or time flies when I'm not having fun!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »

    Hooray for those numbers!! You are doing this. That is a huge improvement.

    My weight did not affect my health for the longest time. My doctor kept saying that I had to lose weight before it started to affect my health. Well, I didn’t succeed at that. I always thought that if something happened to affect my health that I would then buckle down and lose the weight. I couldn’t understand how someone could be diagnosed with Diabetes and not do all they could to get it under control. Ha! Pride does indeed go before a fall. My A1C level hit 6.4 and I was told that I was pre-diabetic. Actually, I was told not to switch insurance companies because a new insurance company would consider that to BE diabetic. Well, I did indeed buckle down and made a valiant attempt to lose the weight and failed miserably. My husband might say that I failed to lose but the people who had to deal with me were miserable. So much for I could do it with the right motivation. I ended up taking the bariatric surgery route. My blood sugar numbers are now picture perfect. I also no longer need BP meds. My list of health benefits goes on but I’m sure you get the idea. Best decision I could have made for myself.

    The surgery served (and still serves) as a tool to help with the hunger while I learned portion control and proper nutrition. I need MFP and the support of people who understand to continue to maintain exercise and food planning. You still have to do those things even with surgery. I am so pleased for anyone who can manage to lose the weight without needing surgery. This is NOT an easy journey so take time to congratulate yourself every day that you have any kind of a small victory and keep coming back when you have a slip.


    Thanks for all of the compliments on my glass work. You all just gave me the courage to take a big step. At work there are often many folks who sell stuff (Thirty-One, May Kay, Pampered chef, homemade chocolate, and handmade jewelry etc.) in the lobby. A certain percentage of their profits go towards different charities. I just contacted the woman who sets up sales for one particular charity to get information on who/how do I set up a sale of my glass to benefit the local hospice. Hospice was a huge help to me when my mom was dying. I would like to pay it forward a bit. This also (hopefully) gets glass out of my house (there is only so much you can give away to friends and family) and gives me a taste of how much interest there will be from people who don’t really know me in purchasing my work. I have sold some pieces before this but always to a friend or a friend of a friend.

    Mia in MI

    Thank you Mia for your encouragement and sharing your story. I also enjoyed seeing your glasswork!! Very nice!

    Elaine in Lansing