

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited September 2015
    There are a couple of things I want to share while I'm thinking of it. My 10 yr old still wets the bed therefore I have to buy adult pull-ups for him. He sleeps so soundly that I can not wake him up at night. I know eventually he will outgrow it but in the meantime it's expensive. The generic pull-ups are just not thick enough so I have to buy Depends. I just found out that the pull-ups may be covered by his insurance as a friend of mine just told me about someone she knows who also has a bed-wetter and gets the pull-ups through insurance. I knew that adults could get them through insurance but did not know about children being eligible. I wanted to share this in case any of you have someone in the family or know someone who does that needs to use pull-ups/adult diapers.

    The other thing has to do with pillows. I used a sobakawa pillow for years and will be ordering a new one again. If you are not familiar with these they are filled with buckwheat hulls. They take a little getting used because they don't feel like down or synthetic fill but they are cool to the touch and you can shape it how you want making them good for back, side or stomach sleepers. I got my first one when I was going through menopause and was having night sweats. I loved it so much I took it everywhere and also left it at a motel one time. They were nice enough to send it to me also. I recently needed to replace my 4th one and thought maybe I would try one of the gel pillows. After having sweated through summer on the new pillow I am going back to my sobakawa. Originally they only came in a very small size that the Japanese use. Now you can get them in regular pillow sizes. I personally like the standard size. They can't be washed so every so often you want to put it outside in the sunshine to refresh it. This time I'm getting one with lavender fragrance or will use a handkerchief with lavender oil in the pillow.

    Back later to respond to peoples' posts ~

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited September 2015
    This evenings moon - just lovely.



  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Gaw - what is Hogwarts? Is it Hogwarts Extreme?

    Gloria in beautiful fall weather WA
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    This week has just flown by. So enjoy reading everyone 's posts. I am so happy I have started My fitness pal back up. Keeping tabs of my food may not always be pretty but helps me be so aware of what. Feel like better decisions are being made. Doing better at portions still need to do better at less carbs and sodium. I need to get away from the process foods. Also working on getting better exercise in. The other day at work we have our clients do movement we pop a Dvd in they are using "Biggest Loser" I thought why am I just sitting here watching them get up off your seat and move.. they laugh at me but it was ok. It encourage Them to try and it help me.
    After being unemployed for over 2 years my husband has finally got a job. He has been training for past 6 weeks tomorrow is his first regular day at his new job new shift. His training hours were from 3-1130pm. His job hours mirrors almost mine. So we are going to start carpooling together now. Hopefully that will be good. I am happy for him I know how hard this experience has been for him.

    I hope to now to be able to afford more fresh and whole foods for my family. This is long
    enjoying beautiful weather here in Idaho love being outside as much as we can. Enjoy your week everyone!
  • Cathy50irene
    Cathy50irene Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the welcomes. Let me know if I mess this up. I am not familiar with the letter designations being used to describe others in your lives, DD DBIL, can someone give me a quick insight? Mary I would love to see your pictures, it will help me put a person to the story. I suspect she was having a bad day, or like me she is jealous of your ability to post a picture! TerriRichardson nice pictures of all of you. Again, gave me a person for the story. My daughter went to Canada many years ago to marry and they did a recommitment here in WA when the laws changed. So much has changes since I was young!
    All of you with health concerns or losses, I hope you sleep well tonight and have a good day tomorrow.
    Cathy in the woods of NW Washington
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    Hello. I am Beverly From Olympia Washington. I am 66 yrs young and working on weight loss to get healthy. I am single and no interest any more to take on anyone else's baggage if you know what I mean. I am retired and like to travel, although I have been dealing with some issues of weight and a bad ankle. I just got a brace for the ankle,(oh it's so lovely) And working on the weight so if I go to Zion National park I can walk around, or to the grand canyon I can see it. I want more to life than I have been giving myself all these years with an extra person hanging on my body. :( I have shed 78# of it, now trying to finish the other 50. But, I think I can start doing a little traveling before then! BT

    The eclipse tonight was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you Sunnygirl for your picture of the moon. :)
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    So good to be back and talk with all of you.

    Cynthia - Not sure the full blown juice fast is for me either. DDIL tried it and had amazing results.
    I might go with the Dr. Oz Total 10.

    Penny - thanks for sharing your photo. It certainly sounds like you had a lovely evening.

    Alison - Try "Breaking the Vicious Cycle". Your friend, Dave, sounds like he was an interesting, inspirational man.

    Lisa - Mouse and Squeak are such cuties.

    Sylvia - I am glad to hear that Bruno is on the road to recovery.

    D. J. - I think the length of stay depends on a lot of variables. How close are you? Do they work? How much entertaining do you need? I think 3-5 days is about right.

    MN Margaret - I am sorry for your loss. Praying for your DB.

    StillWaters - The Serenity Prayer was just what I needed.

    Pip - It looks like the healing is coming along nicely. Good thing you are in such great shape.

    Becca- Laughing at the though of you being the neighbourhood nudist. Poor unsuspecting woman. Lol or should I say haha.

    Terri - Congratulations to your son.. Now you have something to look forward to next July.

    Miriam - It must be such a relief to be the legal guardian of the girls. Life will be a little simpler.

    Mia in MI - Gorgeous glass.

    Rosie - Great Photo.

    Today was busy - flowers, pruning , laundry, etc. We had supper at my daughter's. Delicious as always. We went out to the farm and watched the blood moon. DH broke out the big telescope that I bought him a few years back.
    DGS went to his first horror show with friends. He said it was fun but the music was disappointing.
    DGD gave us the biggest hugs. I missed that little monkey.
    It's time for a tune up. DH has been bitching about pretty much everything today. I think he sets his goals for the day too high and then gets frustrated.
    One more day before I have to go back to that place. Not looking forward to it.
    Love and good night.
    - Sharon
    Catching up on life in Lethbridge.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning!
    Want to get on with my book, but just coming in to answer a couple of questions.

    Kim - lentils. Don't know how she got it so green. Did she put spinach in? I love the brown Puy type lentils for chorizo stews etc, and the green ones for some soups, salads etc. The orange I use for Indian food to make dhal or to add thickness to a curry. Moong ( same one as used for beansprouts ) dhal is fab cooked with duck. Yellow split I use sometimes for dhal, but don't buy it often. The black urid dhal is heavenly for Dhal Makhani, but, with the amount of cream and butter in it, it is a very rare treat. Basically I keep 3 types - red, green and puy. Love them all, but DH sometimes complains they make him windy. They do me too, but I don't care. I just sleep in the spare room! :laugh:

    DJ - I think 2 nights is enough. Recently a good friend stayed 3 nights and afterwards said she felt she had overstayed her welcome! ! ! ! She was right, but I tried to reassure her. :embarassed:
    We like to exercise every day and I don't like to go too long without writing, so a long stay doesn't suit us. I love having people for a short break. :bigsmile:
    I'm with Barbie on staying with other people. One night is possible, two nights is a struggle unless they have very good guest accommodation. I am NOT a good sleeper and often am up in the night reading in the spare room. Also at home we have a super kingsize bed with two separate mattresses. I need lots of space! ! ! ! ! ! ! It is easier staying with people if I am on my own. Then I can read in the night and toss and turn as much as I like. I also go to the bathroom at least three times a night, so a convenient bathroom is a necessity.
    So you can see why I much prefer to stay in a good hotel. On holiday we need two bedrooms and two bathrooms in any apartment or house.
    Do I sound awkward? ? ? ? YES I am, but I am old enough to know what I want! :laugh:

    Now on with my book!

    Love Heather UK

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Cathy -thanks! A lot of the people on here live in Washington. You might be able to get a chance to meet up with them. The ladies here in Minnesota have met a couple of Times now.

    Sunnygirl - thanks for the picture! My DH and I were able to look at the moon but not able to get a good picture!

    Liz - i'm glad to hear that your DH got a job! It is hard when you're not working.

    Janetr- it sounds like you are all set for your surgery! I will be praying for you. Let us know how it goes!

    Beverly- welcome to our group! You have come to an excellent place. You sound like you enjoy life.

    Sharon- what a great way to enjoy the blood moon!

    Heather-I am with you I enjoy a good hotel rather than Steen and other peoples homes. I also get up three or four times in the middle of the night. So nothing against someone else's home just my personal needs.

    Gloworm- sobakawa pillow! I suppose I would have to order that online? Sounds like something that I might be interested in. My DGS also had bed wetting issues until he was 11 years old. I know that they had him on some type of medication.

    My DH had to leave early to drive two hours to a meeting. So I caught up with everybody here. Now I am going to try to get another hour or so of sleep. Have a great morning everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,328 Member
    edited September 2015

    Since so many of you showed an interest, here are some pictures of the rainbow-themed tables we dressed and the wedding cake. The original cake person cancelled 2 weeks before the ceremony, but everyone rallied round and we found someone else. I think she did a cracker job. The two figures are dressed in the same suits as the girls wore.

    I spent ages commenting on your posts using the laptop this morning and then hit the wrong button and lost it all so this will be briefer than I intended.

    I am knackered this morning as I was up in the middle of the night watching the Blood Moon Eclipse. I hauled my recliner over in front of the French windows and spent an awesome couple of hours watching it unfold through binoculars. Looks like a lot of people enjoyed the show.

    Rosie I love the photo! Here is my contribution.

    Blood Moon

    Shadow bites the rim.
    The pale, cool gleam begins to dim.
    Moon Goddess hides her face
    behind a veil of blood red lace
    until the silver shoon
    attains a hue of deep maroon.

    The earth begins her run
    between the moon and sun
    while myriad stars appear,
    strewn across a sky so clear,
    as wonder sails the sky,
    time slowly ticking by.

    (C) 2015 Terri Richardson

    I jumped on the scales this morning and was amazed to find I had lost another pound. That makes 52 in total. only 10 more to go to my 2015 goal of 158. Wish me luck folks.

    MNMargaret I will keep your DB in my thoughts tomorrow.

    Welcome to all the Newbies. This is a great support group on so many levels.

    (((Hugs))) to those of you suffering or grieving this morning. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    Gloria Hogwarts is a Harry Potter themed Challenge. We all belong to different houses and there are daily and weekly challenges on food and exercise. I did one on Game of Thrones over the summer and it was excruciating enormous fun. >:)

    Katla I can relate to your situation as I have only very limited vision in one eye, although people wouldn't know to look at me. I have been that way since birth so it doesn't affect me, but I am super careful about protecting that one good eye.

    Mia That glass is exquisite.

    DJ We are a mere 40 minute drive from my elder daughter and grandchildren, and we visit them for a few hours every Sunday afternoon, or meet up with them in Belfast. My younger daughter lives 10 minutes away and drives past the house each day on her way to work, so she often pops in on the way past.

    Ireland is quite small. We can get to most of it in five hours or less. The West Coast takes a little longer as they have preserved the 'charm' of the quaint old narrow roads along the coast.

    Irish Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    morning ladies,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did 10 minutes of a ab DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds, then take the extremepump class. the plan for tomorrow is to do a spinning downloadable workout that I have.

    Mia - absolutely gorgeous

    snavemom - welcome. I tell ya, I don't look like I did when I was 20 or 30, or even 40. For some unknown reason, a while ago suddely it seemed like I got an extra amount of belly fat. I really haven't gained weight. But I hate when I put on pants and my stomach sticks over. Used to be that I'd have a belly but if I stood up straight, it practically went away. Not now. Weird, huh?

    Vince just told me that his back is still hurting him so he won't be going to bowling. I'll call the gal when I get home from the extremepump class. I have a feeling we won't be going to ceramics tonight. But in a way that's ok because I need to put the second coat of paint on this area around the word "welcome" and last week it took me 1-1/2hr to do. I usually need to leave ceramics around 6:45 to get to mahjongg, but I can stay until 8:30 on Wednesday so maybe it's for the best if we wind up not going.

    janetr - whenever I have some sort of surgery (the last time was when I had a wisdom tooth pulled ) I need to have some dinners that Vince can easily make for me

    Joyce in IN - it's good that you and Michelle got the same phones. If either of you has a question, you can ask the other. So glad Charlie enjoyed his chili. Sounds like you are doing a positively wonderful job taking care of him. Bet he looks like a different man now that he shaved.

    Glo - do the sobakawa pillows stay cool?

    Sunny - gorgeous pic. thanks for posting

    lizmil - so happy for your hubby

    Welcome everyone new!

    Irish Terri - loved the tables and the cake. So glad you were able to get someone else to make the cake. The figures are really neat. You would have thought Heather had done it! Congrats on the loss

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :) Mia, beautiful glassware...it will be beautiful in other colors, too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :) Joyce, I have a Galaxy S5 phone and I love it. It seemed like more than I needed but once I got to checking it out and finding some interesting apps, I love it and use it for so many things. I understand now why the kids are always looking at their phones. Take it one day at a time and enjoy.

    I am headed out now to walk Brandy with my phone in my pocket and blue tooth headphones. I'll be listening to an audio book and mapping the walk I take on an app that contributes to an animal rescue place for the miles I walk.

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited September 2015
    Moon was glorious last night. Rosie thanks for the picture.

    Irish Terri loved the reception. The Vicious episode where the lead male characters got married was on last night. They discussed afterwards the joy it is for these couples who have been together forever who never thought it would be possible to marry in their lifetime. Wonderful.

    DB, darling brother in this case, is going into surgery just about now.

    Pip your shoulder looks great. Healing thoughts for a quick recovery.

    Those of you facing surgery ask about the risk of blood clots. My aunt who was eighty eight. They think that is what happened. They think it was a blood clot from her surgery because it happened so fast with no warning.
    She had wrist surgery on Thursday. She was also diabetic for twenty five years. It also might have been a combination of all three surgery, age, and diabetes. If it was a blood clot from the surgery I don't know if much could have been done to prevent this.

    I just went on line to look at risks of blood clots with surgery. I know Pip and Sylvia have had recent surgery and some of us have had hip/knee replacement. It sounds serious enough from the article I read that it is worth discussing in a post op visit. The highest risk period is up to 4 weeks after surgery. In the article it said the increased risk can last up to a year.

    When I did further research. They said pain can be one sign of a clot. My aunt was in extreme pain from her surgery. Looking back you can say this was the warning. What made it hard to diagnose was she had never had surgery before so was it just pain from the surgery. The pain for her was at a ten. The lesson is if you have surgery and you have that intensity of pain is not to ignore it and rule out a clot.

    On the subject of bed wetting. My youngest had problems because he had problems with his sinuses. Once that cleared up the bed wetting ceased. He was about seven when it cleared up. His sleep was such he couldn't wake to use the bathroom. There may be a physical cause to the problem.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hugs to all.

    Gloria, my middle son was a bed wetter until the DAY we arrived in Iowa after escaping from his abusive father. He NEVER wet the bed again! It was amazing. Hopefully your grandson has a similar reaction to the safety with you.

    I had a hard time for a few days figuring out the DS, DH, DBIL too! The D refers to either Dear or Dam* depending on behaviors. The H is husband, D is daughter, S son, BIL is brother in law, etc.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    DFIL is fed. he was a hoot this morning...
    very foggy around here today, and the rest of the week will be rainy which we need desperately..
    have a slight tummy ache so having some lemon ginger tea..
    working at 10:30 today.. thursday through sunday will be very busy.. as I have to go up and take care of Jean's mom ,Jean and Sean are going up north to close up both homes, in N.H. so will go up and do pills ,insulin and breakfast.. then go back at dinner time and do her dinner and evening pills and visit a bit,make sure she is settled for the night.
    more work but get paid 20.00 a day to do it, will set that money away
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I fell back asleep and just woke up! I didn't expect to do that.

    MNMargaret -praying for your gi DB hoping his surgery goes well.

    Irish Terri - Beautiful pictures! I love the cake <3

    I better get up and do some work. Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I'm am jealous of all of you who got to see the moon last night. We have been in the clouds and rain here for four or five days now.

    I don't have a lot to say. I had a quiet weekend, mostly at home. Didn't do anything to speak of except do a little shopping on Friday afternoon to get some appropriate clothing in case I get an interview for a job. I was pleased with my finds, but it's interesting that the items I bought ranged from a Misses size 14 to a Women's size 16W. I really don't pay much attention to the sizes anymore, just as long as the stuff fits!

    Prayers and hugs for everyone!

    Carol in rainy NC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I loved the cockatoo video. If I said so before, I'm saying it again. Thanks!!!! :heart:

    Margaret: Your plate is overflowing with worries at this time. I'll keep you & your DB in my prayers. I hope you are able to find the right choir director who is able to make the singing fun and full of joy as it should be. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I hope your "date" with the Apple Genius is productive. Not all Apple Geniuses are equally skilled but I've generally had great luck with them. :heart:

    Michele: Driving with one eye depends on the eye test at the DMV. I've known several people who were able to pass the vision test despite being blind in one eye. :flowerforyou:

    Mia: The green glass is beautiful! :heart:

    Snavemom: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce in SD: I love the Winston Churchill quote. Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    JanetrOKC: You seem to be ready for the hospital. We'll all be waiting to hear from you after the procedure, so don't forget to let us know how you're doing! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: :heart:

    Liz in Idaho: It appears that things are looking up for you and your DH. Yay! :flowerforyou:

    Cathy in NW WA: Welcome! DB=Dear Brother, DD=Dear Daughter, MIL=mother in law, FIL=father in law. The D in front is usually Dear, but can be darned, or... :bigsmile:

    Batlady: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Irish Terri: My vision is fine, though I do need glasses. DH has the issue and it was caused by a stroke. :ohwell:

    Yoga today! Yay! I bought a sports bra for yoga after noticing others using them. Then I started wearing it for riding lessons. I'm here to say that my upper back feels better & DH confirms that my posture is also better. I think I'll get some more of these!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
