

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Db8688 wrote: »
    I was feeling down the other day and made the comment to my daughter that I was tired of struggling and not seeing results. Her reply was "But mom you have seen the kind cf results you get if you stop working out." Smart girl! I'm working harder now and paying attention to what and how I eat.

    It's always nice to have someone give you a good dose of reality (especially if it's something you kind of already knew). It helps to get that kick-in-the-butt from an outside source sometimes :smile: You're doing great though, DB! No reason to feel down on yourself!

    Whenever I get too caught up in my own negative thoughts, I try to remind myself that this is not a race. There is no deadline. It's not a competition. Life is going to happen and I'm going to eat too many Fun Size Skittles sometimes and I'm going to do 12 reps instead of 15 some days at the gym and I'm going to enjoy myself at family gatherings and have one too many glasses of wine. Life is going to happen no matter how disciplined we are. Just gotta keep on trying and never give up. B)

    Totally agree with your take on life Laura! And I loved your daughters response DB! You ARE doing great, You work out like a maniac, eat with in reason, enjoy life with your significant ones....

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    I read somewhere on these threads that there is a pattern of about a month or two months into a new way of eating, people sometimes get discourage bc they are not seeing the "signs" of success as much anymore. Whether its the scale moving, or the new pants size, or the ripped bicep, we start to tell ourselves that this isn't working and we need to change up the whole process, find a new diet, add 10 more workouts hours or worse yet, QUIT!.....when really all we need to do is dig in and continue on and give this change a real chance ..... just bc we are not seeing outward results, doesn't mean changes are not happening on the inside every day!
    Change begins from the inside out, whether its mentally or physically....

    just my two cents.....
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Everyone is doing great. We just have to take it one day at a time and eventually we will get there!
  • sarahruss2
    sarahruss2 Posts: 23 Member
    This plan is a healthy and balanced way of eating. Add exercise in there and its all good! Stick to it everyone, stay positive and smile :)
  • bwyatt62
    bwyatt62 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm trouble making myself stay committed. I have decided to cook what I want and what is healthy and everyone else can eat it or do without. My DH will do that but my sons will not. Guess they will have to cook their own meals if they don't want it. They are grown so it isn't a bad deal.
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    I read somewhere on these threads that there is a pattern of about a month or two months into a new way of eating, people sometimes get discourage bc they are not seeing the "signs" of success as much anymore. Whether its the scale moving, or the new pants size, or the ripped bicep, we start to tell ourselves that this isn't working and we need to change up the whole process, find a new diet, add 10 more workouts hours or worse yet, QUIT!.....when really all we need to do is dig in and continue on and give this change a real chance ..... just bc we are not seeing outward results, doesn't mean changes are not happening on the inside every day!
    Change begins from the inside out, whether its mentally or physically....

    just my two cents.....

    This has happened to me every single time. You have to keep it up. You have to keep making good choices!
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    Db8688 wrote: »
    I was feeling down the other day and made the comment to my daughter that I was tired of struggling and not seeing results. Her reply was "But mom you have seen the kind cf results you get if you stop working out." Smart girl! I'm working harder now and paying attention to what and how I eat.

    It's always nice to have someone give you a good dose of reality (especially if it's something you kind of already knew). It helps to get that kick-in-the-butt from an outside source sometimes :smile: You're doing great though, DB! No reason to feel down on yourself!

    Whenever I get too caught up in my own negative thoughts, I try to remind myself that this is not a race. There is no deadline. It's not a competition. Life is going to happen and I'm going to eat too many Fun Size Skittles sometimes and I'm going to do 12 reps instead of 15 some days at the gym and I'm going to enjoy myself at family gatherings and have one too many glasses of wine. Life is going to happen no matter how disciplined we are. Just gotta keep on trying and never give up. B)

    Thanks! :)
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    "This has happened to me every single time. You have to keep it up. You have to keep making good choices"

    Agreed !!!!!!!
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't know how people do low carb for long periods of time. The after taste is awful! :(
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    What has an after taste DB ?
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    What has an after taste DB ?

    It's an awful taste that comes from eating a lot of protein and very little carbs. I read what it's called but forgot. It tastes like bad breath. :)
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Ahh. Maybe it's Ketosis breath
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Ahh. Maybe it's Ketosis breath

    :* that's it!
  • eemaries
    eemaries Posts: 3 Member
    sarahruss2 wrote: »
    eemaries wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I'm new to carb cycling and today is my first day of the Chris Powell Method. :# Feeling optimistic but skeptical so I was happy to find you here!

    How did the first couple of days go for you?

    Other than the migraine on day one due to sugar withdrawal? Ha! Hanging in there. Not going to lie though, I don't feel like eating the second I get out of bed. However I very much feel like eating before bed.

    Habits are hard to break. But I'm worth the fight.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    eemaries wrote: »
    sarahruss2 wrote: »
    eemaries wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I'm new to carb cycling and today is my first day of the Chris Powell Method. :# Feeling optimistic but skeptical so I was happy to find you here!

    How did the first couple of days go for you?

    Other than the migraine on day one due to sugar withdrawal? Ha! Hanging in there. Not going to lie though, I don't feel like eating the second I get out of bed. However I very much feel like eating before bed.

    Habits are hard to break. But I'm worth the fight.
    I can't believe how sensitive I am to sugar and breads now ! Happy to see you hanging in there, because Yes! You are worth it !
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Halloween is upon us and fortunately for me I live where we don't get Trick or I was able to bypass the Halloween treat isle in the stores....I was guilty of raiding my kids' treat bag when they were young, I can admit that now.... Lol. But I got to tell ya, I've been really craving the carbs !!! Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend! :D
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Halloween is upon us and fortunately for me I live where we don't get Trick or I was able to bypass the Halloween treat isle in the stores....I was guilty of raiding my kids' treat bag when they were young, I can admit that now.... Lol. But I got to tell ya, I've been really craving the carbs !!! Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend! :D

    Lucky! We just moved to a new neighborhood and don't know how many trick or treaters we will get, but we bought 2 bags of candy last night and I've already eaten some :neutral: It's a struggle for sure! Some of it wasn't even that good so I especially like your post about the calorie refund!

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Tiff - Don't you just hate when it doesn't taste that great ??? I hope the neighborhood is busy enough that you don't have too many leftovers !!!
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    Halloween kicks off a feeding frenzy for me. (Used to). We have a lot of trick or treatersI so I forgo giving out candy and stay away untli the witching hour passes That way I don't have bags of candy in the house.