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  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,468 Member
    Did 47 minutes of a Cardio Core DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Karen Voit Sleep Essentials Sweat Effect DVD.

    We took Denise to the airport. Now I really understand why I was so overweight and overeating when they were at home. Right now I'm just watching what I eat, trying to finish up some of the holiday things like the pierogi. I normally don't eat them since they are fried in butter. But I need to finish the ones that were cooked, then I'll give the rest away.

    Vince said he told Jess about the letter I got from Bryan, when he told her Bryan was seeing a therapist her response was "what's wrong with that boy". Vince told her that Bryan attributes his not asking girls out in high school to me but Jess said "no, it was because he was around 300 pounds so he was probably self-conscious about his weight". The hard thing for me when we Skype (assuming we do) will be the fact that psychologists today seem to take a view that all our problems are our parent's fault, there is no self-accountability. My feeling is that barring something outrageous (like abuse), we are at least somewhat responsible for our actions/feelings. We should at the time talk them out, try to work out a solution. Not blame others. He sent a video to Denise (not Jess or us) where he wished her a merry Christmas, Denise showed it to us. He was in Madrid for the Christmas holiday.

    We went to Christmas Eve mass at midnight last night. Now once a few years ago they asked for volunteers to be Eucharistic Ministers and I volunteered (even tho I am not a parishioner of that parish). At that time I remember how they had a certain ritual of where to stand, etc. Well, they asked again last night and I would have volunteered but I honestly don't remember all the rituals. I think next year I'll just say that I will be there and would be willing to do it, that I do it at my church. But I know that they have certain places to stand, etc and I honestly don't remember them. If they can review them for me, I would be more than glad to help out. If they don't take me up on it due to the minor thing that I'm not a parishioner, that's their problem. At least I'll know that I offered.

    Every year I watched "christmas Eve on Sesame Street" It reminded me of when the kids were little, the joy of Christmas Eve. But I don't think I'm going to do that any more. Not with all that is going on with Bryan and now Denise

    Penny - I agree with Joyce. It is so wonderful that you broadcast your service to the southern Pole. I, also, wish we could all join together

    My heel is starting to hurt and I know it's because I've been on my feet for the past two days. But I don't want Jessica to notice.

    Lenora - when we were coming home from the airport, we actually saw a little bit of sun! It was gone by the time we got to Newton. At least it isn't raining (for now anyway)

    katla - to be honest, I'm really not looking at the emails from Bryan as an era of new beginnings. i suspect he sent the second one because he couldn't remember if he sent the first one.

    Sylvia - the way that dog is being treated is, to me, cruelty. Since he hasn't seen a vet in a while, who knows what disease he might have and could give the kids? That is NOT a safe situation at all. Why are they so resistant to the dog seeing a vet? If they can't afford it, why do they feel the need to keep the dog?

    So glad that I scaled back on the amount of food that I make for Christmas Eve dinner. This year we might only be eating leftovers until February! (thank god for the freezer!)

    Well, I've been really bad right now. Tomorrow I'm going to start being better. I can tell you right now that I won't be perfect, I still won't have total control over things. Like Ken & Lynette want to come over and see Jess, so I know that'll mean making a dinner and dessert. But I'm going to start.

    Becca - I know we have a VHS player SOMEWHERE, I'm just not even sure where. I can't remember the last time I watched a VHS tape. I do watch some movies on CD when I use the exercise bike.

    pip - you and Kirby are looking so good.

    when I took one of the china dishes out of the dishwasher, I chipped it. I ki3kdo6tdk0pe.jpg
    now what it is, I'm just so used to treating the dishes that I have (Correlleware) and I treated these the same. Only they're china. but I do know that I can get another plate at Replacements, Ltd. I've gotten things for this pattern from them before.

    Joyce - we had leftover potatoes and corn and biscuits today. We had the bbq that Jess' friend sent us and I wasn't sure there'd be enough so we made a ham. So we're finishing up leftovers. Maybe when Ken & Lynette come over we can have some of the ham.

    Well, love to everyone, gotta run & check facebook and email.

    Michele from NC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Merry Christmas & Happy holidays to each of you. <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,588 Member
    Good morning!

    I actually slept.! :D With the help of Nytol, but I needed it. B)

    The kids were really good yesterday. Yes, there were too many presents, but NO tantrums and no bad behaviour. Very impressed. <3

    They are up and chatting to DH while I write this. <3 We are going to go to Hampstead Heath playground this morning, have an early lunch and then set off home. Hoping for light traffic.
    I used to live just a road away from the Heath when my children were young, so I might have a bit of a tear today. Only moved because of the divorce. It was the best place in the world. A wonderful community. A smallish house there nowdays would be worth around $3,000,000.
    Joyce - Google Hampstead Heath!

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mindy Beautiful pics. Thank you for sharing. I have grandkids that age :smile:

    Heather loved your family picture. Thanks.

    Everyone still sleeping. Youngest daughter and her family will leave today instead of tomorrow due to the blizzard arriving this evening and thru Monday. More to the west of us and into the Texas panhandle. We shall see if oldest daughter's plane will make it out tomorrow. We my just get rain here in OKC, if no ice we will be fine.

    Only ended up with 22 for dinner. Good times, lots of food and fun. Games playing and laughter.

    Janetr OKC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Mary...beautiful pup!
    Mindy...beautiful kids!
    Michele,,,beautiful kids and table!
    Heather...safe travels home, always enjoy your pictures!

    Hope all are doing well today. I ate way too much on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Now I remember how awful it makes me feel and I won't do it again. It was almost 70F here, and was surreal to see people out walking in shirtsleeves. We were sweating while opening presents, with the heat turned off and had to open the door to cool off! Snow predicted for Tuesday though, it was just a matter of time.

    Chris in MA

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas Day with family and friends. Wishing everyone happiness.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Celebrating an almost full nights sleep! We went to bed around 11:00 and the puppy didn't wake me until 5:15! I hope that's the norm. I have to go to the store and buy more puppy items. I am going to get a gate so I can put him in the entryway so he has room to play but can't be destructive. Any tips on how to stop him from biting me? I do the submission hold but he really fights that. I Yelp then I finally have to give him a time out in his kennel where he proceeds to bark and cry at which time I cover up the kennel with a blanket. After he quiets I let him out. My kids behaved better than that! Any advice is appreciated.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Chris ~ Your son is so tall and handsome.

    Michelle ~ Good pic of your table. You should look on eBay to replace your china. Replacements is way too high on their pricing.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    This dining room set was inherited from my DH's parents! It is usually covered in all the antiques my DH collects for his show each month. I will show a pic of that sometimes.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    Morning ladies~
    well I think the 2 week time limit is up..Tom can only stand to be together for so long and then he starts getting unruly...went to walk with him this morning and was getting mad at my phone because map my walk wasn't coming up so he took off in a huff, I let him walk on his own, and I came home and cleaned.. vacumed, dusted, windex the mirrors etc....
    went out to breakfast and now he is out washing the car...I am waiting on the last of the laundry in the dryer..
    Mary~ check out anything with the Cesare Milan ..he is amazing....
  • Getupngo66
    Getupngo66 Posts: 6 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone wow what a busy and blessed time of year! I'm just checking in. My Christmas present was having my son home from school and all the family together for Christmas and personally for just weighing in at the top range of my healthy BMI this morning so I am officially not overweight or obese or mordibly obese but A HEALTHY WEIGHT this morning.. of course there's fine tuning as i'm still 5-10lbs from where I think my goal weight should be, won't know till I get there ;) but it's amazing that I can say i'm a healthy weight! Enjoy the rest of your holiday week and if I don't check back in time HAVE A HEALTHY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR 2016!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,124 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif I have finished the "week of no exercise" that the doctor recommended. It would have been great if that was all I needed to get rid of the pain, tingling, and numbness in my legs, but I don't think there's any real change. I'll see the neurologist on January 19. However, today I went back to walking the dogs after breakfast. It was a perfect morning...dark with the full moon, cold but dry so no ice on the road.

    :)Peach, That's a beautiful dining room set.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary from Minnesota - Cracker got me up several times the first week or two she was with us. Having a puppy IS like having a baby in the house. I slept lightly, even with C-pap on (normally, I don't hear a thing) to listen out for her. I was a little afraid at first that I would not hear her if she whined; and, that DH would. Wrong ... I did and still do (but, she has gotten so she can seem to hold it overnight now). We take her out at the earliest 9:30pm (usually more like 10:30pm) and then we 'crate'/kennel her for the night. She has a 'bed' that is at my chair in den and she knows the difference between the bed and the kennel. "Kennel up/crate up" and she does it on command. At first we had to shove her into it; and, we always give her a 'special treat' (yogurt covered treats) that are only given to her for the purposes of going into it. When we tell her to 'get into her bed' she knows to come to the bed by the chair; we'd give her a different treat (hard puppy food) and reward her with them to go into her bed. Now she will go there immediately upon coming inside; and, only when we want her to 'stay' there and she does it, will we now reward her for going there. She's just learning to stay somewhat; but, if one of us goes 'outside' she whines. She follows us around the house; more so for me than for DH. But, even now if he goes into a room and shuts the door (or goes outside) she will go sit by the door and occasionally while to go outside with him. She really whines (actually cries out) about me going out. Even more so if we put on the alarm to go somewhere. We use the kennel for sleeping overnight and to transport her to the vet; we then put her on a leash to go inside vet's office - doesn't always assume that she is going to vet because of going into crate. She rides well and doesn't cry out or get sick like our previous dog did. Found out that she would not get sick if she was sitting on the floor of the car like she did if she was 'in the crate'. Kids had come down to get crate for their dog to sleep in. I just 'love' it when they come down and get things without asking. GGGRrrrr! She'll sit while I pour her meals (twice a day); and she is allowed to lay by DH's chair as well. She still sleeps a whole lot of the day and she is now 6 months old. She has basically stopping 'piddling' (peeing a little) when the granddaughters come over; but, still does it when our DOS comes in; but, I think that is because he pats her hard on her stomach when he comes in and she stands up against his legs to greet him. I have a fleece liner to the crate as well. At first she did pee in the crate (but we were putting down pee liners in it) and now she'd bust a gut NOT to mess in it. She stopped peeing in it when she had a soft pad to sleep on. I wash it in the washing machine about once every week - 10 days. We sometimes leave the door cracked and 'if' she goes into it on her own we praise her. We praise her a lot; but, when she has pooped on the deck, she gets 'fussed' at. We don't spank her because 99% of the time, we don't catch her doing it. She knows that she has done something we don't like and we usually try to show it to her; but, when I ask 'have you pooped on my deck?; if she has, she will generally cower but she has gone as long as 4 days without doing so. We tell her 'go pee and poop in the yard' and watch her go down the carport stairs. If she goes the other way (towards the deck) we call her back and make her go down the carport steps. She is less likely to poop on the deck if we do that. She isn't going to go out into the dark to come up the deck steps (to the yard). When it is raining ... she isn't going to go anywhere but on the deck; but, now she is going out after it stops even if there is standing water. So she is getting the idea.

    She has a 'broken coat' (long hair with mostly short hair). MDGDs say that she has "Grinch" feet. I agree, she has long hair over her toes.

    Right now she is sleeping on her back and I wish I could get a picture of her doing so; but, I just took my cell phone into the kitchen and she'll wake up if I move. Husband is sleeping in his chair and it is only 10:00am. I guess painting my kitchen and utility room is probably not going to happen. RATS; but, not worth nagging him about it. It will get done soon enough. I asked him if he would consider painting the cabinets. Please, please, please - he said that he'd think about it. Right now they are blond wood and I have grown tired of them. I'd like to have some put around the window in the kitchen; because all we have there now is a wire rack and it always looks messy. I don't know if we could find them without having them made. I'd like to have one of those narrow pantry cabinets that pulls out so you can put cans in it and see all of them rather than having to dig around through regular cabinets. We don't have a lot of storage space that is easily accessible. IF I had know about corner cabinets; that would NOT have been my choice. A whole lot of wasted space! Now I think they have drawers that pull out rather than a Lazy Susan on them. My top corner cabinet is used for storing things I don't use very often. I'd also like to have drawer dividers so that I could find some of the things I use a lot of but that are difficult to store. I'm constantly digging through my silverware drawer for things. I have a pot holder over the bar counter an love it. I'm sure that some would think it makes kitchen messy looking; but, certainly puts a normally useless space useable. Actually, I'd like to have the money to completely re-do the kitchen (and bathroom).

    I need to go buy some bubble wrap to wrap some of my manger scenes in; so they won't get broken when I pack them up and DH puts them over the rafters in my studio. I'll get a couple of rolls when I go into town on Monday to get a permanent. I'm STILL going to clean out my studio the way I want to; and at the same time figure out something for the floor. Right now it has carpet in it and I either want linoleum put down or I want to paint it. Whatever we do, I want the entire thing cleared out and my sink put in and my stuff at the main portion and leave the back narrow wall where he can put in saw horses and planks to dry his cabinet doors on. I'd like to get a long pipe, hang it attached to the rafters so that I can put up sheers to cover his area off from the rest of my studio. Geez, 'if' I had known he was going to fill up his shed and moved stuff into mine; I would have taken the smaller shed; but, I thought if he had one for himself - he wouldn't move his $#*T into mine. I don't mind giving up a little space for him to use part of it to dry his doors and shutters, etc. ... but my DOS and DDnL#1 put their Christmas decorations in there - just throw them in there instead of putting them up over the rafters where they are supposed to go. They 'did' finally get their own vacuum cleaner! So now I don't have to worry about them coming down and borrowing mine and not bringing it back when they are finished. LOL! They have lost every one of the attachments that goes on it. I bought replacements and now the one that I had, they've lost it now, too. My crevice tool, one that I use a lot to get down next to the baseboards.

    I'm ready to start my Spring cleaning already. Getting my DOGD to come over to help me. I'll get her to tackle the bathroom and I will start with cleaning out my closet and drawers. She can then straighten up the rest of the house and I can then concentrate on little things that only I can do. Cleaning out 6 filing cabinet drawers. Some of it just needs to go into the 'burn pile'. I'd like to file most of the stuff in the kitchen filing cabinet and have just my stuff filed in mine in my computer area. When DH gets around to painting the walls; I might get him to paint the desk in there as well. I've got to get him to paint the color that I have chosen on a piece of cardboard; so that I can see if it goes with the Oriental rug in the den. Then I want him to paint my dining room chairs and the 3 bar stool a dark midnight blue (almost black). I'm ready to make some changes to the house since it has not been changed in the 16 years we've been here. Can't play 'musical furniture' since there is only one way to arrange what we have in the house as it is. I think he did that 'on purpose' because I'd change the furniture in the old house all the time. I'd even break down beds and move them from one room to another. IF I could do it; I'd probably put our king-sized bed into the 2nd bedroom and put the queen-sized bed in our room so there would be more 'walking around' room; but, the one spot that the bed could go in the other bedroom is only about 1" too narrow to put the king-sized bed into. But, we have gotten too use to having a king-sized bed - I don't think we could trade it for the queen-sized one. The one we have means that neither of us wakes the other one out when we get in or out of it.

    Oh well, I guess what I need is a "Fairy God Mother" to get all these things done without making a much bigger mess. LOL!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I looked up Hampstead Heath and it is a treasure! No wonder you love the place. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Good luck with the biting. We said, "no bite," tapped our pup on the nose and put him in time out for a few minutes. Then we'd come back and play, and repeat the process until he learned that he went into time out if he bit. This particular pup was easy to train. Our "taps" were mild. We placed our middle finger on his nose and slid the pointer finger down over it to thump. Both of us did the same thing. I practiced on the back of my own hand to be sure it was not too hard. We also took him to obedience classes when he was about 8 months old. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    I have a riding lesson this morning! WAHOO!!! This is the first one since before Thanksgiving and was an unexpected bonus. Regular lessons start back up after New Years. I am still weak and wimpy from the flu, but I'm determined to go anyway. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. :laugh: I'll dress warm. :wink: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,040 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,040 Member
    merry after christmas peeps -

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! We woke up to a cold rain, so I guess summer is finally over. My sister who lives over by Wichita said they are predicting 15 inches of snow over the next few days. We are only supposed to get flurries, so I guess we are lucky. I'm going to the studio this morning if I can get away from my computer. This thing is taking over my life, but I love it.

    My pecan pie turned out very well yesterday. Hubby said it was the best one yet, even with my home-made crust. Of course, the bar is pretty low as far as pie crust, so saying this is the best one I've ever made isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. I tasted it though, and it was pretty good.

    We had a nice quiet day yesterday. Just stayed home watching tv mostly, although we did do some work unpacking boxes of his mother's dishes that we have had stored for years, and putting them away in the cabinets. They are beautiful dishes, but too fancy for us really. But it's nice to have them unpacked and put away.

    Gotta o get busy. Have a great day!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,124 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I have a riding lesson this morning! WAHOO!!! This is the first one since before Thanksgiving and was an unexpected bonus. Regular lessons start back up after New Years. I am still weak and wimpy from the flu, but I'm determined to go anyway. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. :laugh: I'll dress warm. :wink: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    :)Katla, I predict that your riding lesson will feel as good to you as my dog walking felt to me this morning....enjoy every second of it :)
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Merry Christmas, a day late!

    Christmas Eve, we went to the 11pm service. My younger daughter sings in the high school choir and they sang at the service. There were about 80 kids there. At the end of the service, they come out of the choir loft and circle the entire church and all former choir members are invited to join them. Lots of kids home fr om college join in. Then they sing a special Christmas song called "Peace" and then we all sing Silent Night. It brings tears to my eyes to have all these kids circled around us singing so beautifully.

    Christmas Day my dad and his wife were planning to drive over. They live about 2 hours away. But they got about 4 inches of snow on Christmas Eve and they did not want to go out on what might be icy roads. My dad is having issues with a pinched nerve in his back and is not getting around well. So, I think that makes him even more leary of getting in an accident and not being able to go for help. Surgery is in the plans for him in 2016 as long as he gets a clean bill of health from his heart doctor. So we'll try to drive over to see him another day. My sister and her husband did come over for dinner and it was a lovely quiet day.

    Janet, Heather and everyone else who has posted pictures - Love the family photos! Thank you for sharing.

    Rosie/So Cal - I hope you are having a better day today.

    Mindy - What a joyous moment when you greeted your family at the airport!

    Well, I've got to get moving, run to the grocery store and other errands. Hope that everyone has a fabulous day today!
