

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    So I really "helped" myself today by writing down a lot of my recipes from throughout the years as well as recipes my mom and grandmother gave me. I did most of them from memory or else had them on old scraps of paper. It was help because now I have record of them that I can actually find but it didn't help because it made me terribly hungry.

    I started laughing though when I was copying the recipe my grandmother had written out for me for her orange nut bread. Throughout the instructions are little things like "call your husband and tell him he's your main squeeze" and at the very end it says "put bread in oven and bake 30 minutes, while you wait call your grandmother." I usually make it from memory but wanted to give it to my daughters so I copied her original recipe. Finding these little instructions in it just made my day and flooded me with good memories of her.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 1 segment of 10 Minute Solution Hot Body Bootcamp DVD, held my plank for 2 min 50 seconds, then an hour of Ninna Lessig's Tank Top Arms, Bikini Belly, Boy Shorts Bottom and Total Body workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a step DVD

    Sioux - I'm so sorry about your brother. It reminded me of refinishing something someone might have gotten at a garage sale. You never know where it's been or what is hidden beneath something that you can't see.

    Alison - have a great trip. I'm so excited for you

    I just told Vince that I made a mistake and didn't get the kind of plants that I really wanted. My mistake was that I trusted that he would give that to me. Now we need to dig up those plants and put in blooming plants. I know that he's VERY unhappy, and so am I. Unfortunately, I trusted him to know what plants bloom and I didn't get what I wanted.

    The gal who was going to host Rummikub tomorrow (Tues) cancelled since there were ony going to be the three of us. For her, it isn't any fun paying with just three players. Personally, even two is fine with me. But that doesn't matter, at least now Vince doesn't have to drive me to her house, so there's a positive.

    I see I must have forgotten to post yesterday (Mon.) Went to count the collection money at the church, then senior bowling, then ceramics, then mahjongg, then we had to stop at SalMart since I totally forgot to get Vince milk. I guess by the time we got home it was almost 10.

    Did an hour of a step DVD today (Tues). We have a Newcomer general meeting tomorrow so the plan is to do a Baywatch Beach Body DVD that I just got. We shall see what that one's like.

    Welcome everyone new! You've come to the right place for lots of support, ideas, and "attagirls",

    Our cats know the routine. The alarm clock goes off, I get up, the one cat comes over to my side of the bed (where it's been warmed). Well, yesterday I didn't get up quite as quickly as before, and she was on my stomach, kneading it, as if to say "hey, this isn't the routine, get up". As soon as I got up, sure enough she came over to my side of the bed.

    After bowling yesterday stopped at WalMart and got things to make these mini pot pies that I was going to make and take to Rummikub. But now that we're not going to have it, I'll return the cheese to the store, I'll eat the peas and carrots, but I had to cut up the chicken. So I did that last night. I admit, I did have a bite or two of it. The chicken from WalMart isn't as good as the roasted chicken you get at Bi-Lo.

    Congrats on the weight loss, Becca and everyone else who saw a loss

    Put the no fire snow on the waves of my dolphin. I think it looks cool. Only now I have to wait for it to dry. Will post a pic when it's done. I should have taken one yesterday. Oh well.....

    Cj - awesome pics, thanks for sharing. I especially liked that altar.

    miriam - you have such great insite into mental health. I love reading what you have to say.

    Carol in NC - hope you're feeling better fast and that those meds work. Is it a Z pack? That usually helps me pretty quickly.

    Joyce - I'm so sorry that the scan was negative for your sister. I'm sure she'll make the right decision. Prayers. You are such a strong person, God only gives as much as you can handle (although sometimes we wish He weren't so generous)

    KJ - that was so sweet how the boy ran up to the lady. How good it must have made her feel! I love the way you work your exercise into your day

    Kind of dreary, rainy here so this morning I made a spinach feta quiche (truthfuly, I'm getting a little tired of it for now), hard boiled some eggs, made more cauliflower soup, some sweet potato doughnuts for a friend's birthday. This is the lady whose house we play mahjongg at on Mondays, her birthday is Sunday. Worked some more on the third beaded banner, had to add string so I'm waiting for the glue on the knot to dry.

    Lenora - I couldn't figure out how to delete a post from my ellipsis tablet.

    katla - I do hope things work out for you at the doc's. You certainly don't want to go thru your hubby going into diabetic shock (was that it?) again

    CJ - how interesting!

    barbie - I know what you mean about missing your reusable bags. Does your store give you credit for the bags you use? Two stores around here give you 5 cents off for every bag that you use. I lost a few of mine and was quite upset about it for a while

    Becca - I'm so happy for you with your losses. That's just wonderful. Must be the great meals you make.

    Penny and Heather - can't wait to see some pics

    pip - thanks for pointing out the buttons. To be honest, if you hadn't pointed them out, I probably wuldn't have even noticed them.

    Betty - welcome back! So glad you had such a good time

    Welcome everyone new!

    lawmiller - slow and steady wins the race!

    Yvonne - I love cauliflower. Skinnytaste has this amazing cauliflower soup recipe that's low in calories, too. The other day I saw a sign for Hancock Fabrics "going out of business sale" so I called the lady who does the sewing for me and told her. Seems they're in bankuptcy (I didn't even know that) and they're closing all their stores.

    Marcelynh - what a lovely recipe you got from your grandmother!

    Michele in NC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yvonne, at 20 I worked for Hancock Fabrics in Dallas, and I think I still have one or two pieces of fabric from there. That employee discount, along with seeing all the pretty fabrics all day long was terrible! I quit when I realized that I was spending more than I was making. For that reason I have also never worked in a bookstore!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    1031910m5uhc2jyfc.gif Today we took Bernie for a mani-pedi (his claws get too long now that he's an inside cat, so every few months we have to take him to the vet to get his claws trimmed). He doesn't like getting in the carrier, but he's so much happier afterward because his claws don't get caught on our clothing and we don't fuss at being "stabbed" by him.

    :) This was my big ride the exercise bike day....I rode while watching our recording of DWTS and then again later while watching the last of the World Figure Skating Championships that I recorded.

    :) I love fabric stores and have to remind myself that I haven't done a sewing project in decades, but there is something so inviting about the patterns and textures.

    :'( we still don't have our car back but it appears that we'll be able to pick it up Thursday. I told a friend about the car problem and her response was that she always bought new cars never used, so she didn't have to worry about such stuff.....I guess she didn't know that not everyone can afford to buy new cars.

    :'( I made a swiss cheese and onion pie from a friend's recipe....it was so bad and so high calorie that we each choked down a serving and threw the rest away---sometimes "the garbage can is your friend".

    :)Michele, only one store around here gives a 5 cent credit for reusable bags...I bring them more for the principle of reusing. We have so many of them because we had a bunch of them in each car and now that we have only one car, we're carrying twice as many, so buying new ones didn't make any sense.

    Never, never, never give up

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    So I really "helped" myself today by writing down a lot of my recipes from throughout the years as well as recipes my mom and grandmother gave me. I did most of them from memory or else had them on old scraps of paper. It was help because now I have record of them that I can actually find but it didn't help because it made me terribly hungry.

    I started laughing though when I was copying the recipe my grandmother had written out for me for her orange nut bread. Throughout the instructions are little things like "call your husband and tell him he's your main squeeze" and at the very end it says "put bread in oven and bake 30 minutes, while you wait call your grandmother." I usually make it from memory but wanted to give it to my daughters so I copied her original recipe. Finding these little instructions in it just made my day and flooded me with good memories of her.

    That's really cool having recipes written by your grandmother. I have some from my mother, for Thanksgiving items. One recipe of candied yams, my mom wrote"to drain the liquid from the yams can, and slowly boil the tar out of it with some butter and brown sugar".... Another hint she wrote was "when you are getting ready to put the turkey in the oven, oil it, tuck the wings on the side, and if you don't stuff it, put some apples in the cavity, I always feel bad putting an empty turkey in the oven". Too cute. The fact that it's in my mothers beautiful cursive handwriting is still such a treasure to me. Every Thanksgiving I take them all out and shed a tear or two though.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele in NC~ YEP it is....oh man I made a wonderful lunch today. I took 1/3 cup of dry wild rice, 1 tsp of bacon grease, 2 huge white mushrooms, with spices and saute'ed it all. Then I poured 2 cups of water over it with 1 tsp of better than boullion paste, and added 1/3 cup stewed tomatoes. I let the rice cook, adding 1 cup more water. Then I laid 4 oz of tilapia fillet over the top, and put the lid back on. All the flavors merrily in the pan.... Then I laid the white fish in the bottom of my big ramen bowl, poured over the mixture, and sprinkled 1 tsp of Parmesan cheese on it. Even though it took longer to make than to eat....I was in heaven.
    Queen of Soup
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,
    Becca – I love the chef idea making you extra special food!

    CJ – amazing!!!

    Sylvia – love that you are back to typing 2 handed… later post – and that son and hubby are stepping up, it is good for you to see that Dson can when he has too… and will depend on you when you let him…

    KJ- great idea on the walk!

    So I started reading just fine, then got so exhausted I just read… hugs to all.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I did it again, didn't read until tonight. Have had a busy and tiring day. We had our Sunday School monthly lunch. Found out that we are the only class that does a monthly lunch or any kind of get together. I'm glad I am in this class. I NEED that regular female fellowship. I love the wisdom that the ladies have. One of the busiest and wisest woman is 90. Her son is dating another member in the class that is 65. I thought I was the youngest there but nope.

    When I got home I didn't want to do anything but go back to bed. But sleep did not come, just headache so finally got up and watched Jeapordy and local news then turned TV off. I am just so tired today and didn't want to fix supper, go out or even eat at all. I eventually put in a freezer meal. Charlie had a terrible night with his bowels and it continued all day long. He just paces up and down the hall outside the bathroom because all he has is a tummy ache and gas galore and just waiting for the blow out.

    I really, really needed to take down our Christmas tree. OK, I can here you laughing. My brother is coming on Thursday and I didn't want him to see that we hadn't done it. So we started to go down there with that intention but bathroom called for Charlie so I went on down and removed all the ornaments I could reach. Went around and gathered decorations from the house, got the boxes out of storage to put everything back in. Finally he came down and got the few remaining ornaments off. I developed this system of taking the garland and I think it is genius!!!! One year I saved a wrapping paper roll. I start at the top and of the tree with hte garland wrapping it around the wrapping paper roll. I just continue to roll it around the roll and hand it to Charlie like handing the Olympic torch and he continues rolling. If you get down to the bottom of the roll, then gradually work your way back down to the bottom and then back up as many times as needed. When you are finally done, I have a little slit in the bottom of the wrapping paper roll and I put a teeny pit of the garland in that and you just put in the storage room with all other Christmas stuff. So bathroom was calling Charlie again and I removed all the stuff from the mantle and got them all boxed up. So by this time all I have is the naked tree to put up. I carried 6 full boxes to storage room waiting and then collapsed. He hasn't come back downstairs and I just start carrying the tree. Ended up dragging it but got it in the storage room and stood up on it base. Charlie asked me if I was going for total martyrdom but I jsut said that I needed it done and his bowels weren't letting him help. I knew it wasn't a choice of his but his bowels. He calls them General Bowels because they are in charge. So Mom is pooped.

    Have to go to the grocery store tomorrow to get meals for when my brother is here. I will fix supper for him on Thursday night and my sister on Friday night. We need to get out to the cemetary together while he is here. I feel guilty that Norma and I don't go there as faithfully like Mom had us take her.

    Congrats to Becca for finally getting that scale to move. My brother in law, Norma's husband used to be in the 300's and getting close to 400. He over the last several years had gradually lost it. He follows MFP. He is now weighing 230, less than I did when I started here.

    Barbie, I still have figure skating and I believe this coming Sunday or maybe it was this past Sunday that I have gymnastics and figure skating on my DVR.

    Love you guys even though I don't respond to everyone, Joyce, tired in Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Driving-Girl-driving-car-steering-wheel-smiley-emoticon-000688-medium.gif On my way!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy WEdnesday! I have been up since 2:30am. :/ Unusual for me, because I have no sleep issues. But good old hot flashes/night sweats woke me up and then my dh's snoring kept me up. (Not to mention the young lady tip-toeing out of my house). My DYS (age 22) had a friend come and hang out with him. I have known this young lady for years, they are the same age and have been friends for a long time. I guess they are friends with benefits. I have already had THAT talk with my son; but stuff like this makes me want to remind him to be careful. He is a good boy; but then I remembered that I married a good catholic boy who got me preggers before marriage...Ugh! Maybe I am just getting old.
    Becca- I think I forgot to congratulate you on your losses the past few weeks! What a great feeling to bust through that wall and feel like/know you have accomplished a great thing! Yea you!
    Anne- Getting my hair done is always a great pick me up! It is not something that I can afford to do often, but I did the same over spring break. So...what did you do to it? Cut? Color? Crazy 50's bouffant?
    Marcelyn- REally enjoyed reading about finding your grandma's recipes! She sounds like she had/has a great sense of humor! A few years back, my older sister, who has all of my mother's recipes, got them all copied and placed them in recipe boxes resembling my mom's old recipe box and gifted them to me. It is so nice to open the box and see the familiar handwriting. My grandmother didn't cook, my mom learned how to cook from my dad.
    Joyce- OMG! I laughed out loud when I read about your tree and Christmas deco still up! Every year, I go through the blues taking the deco down. Every year I complain to my dh "I wish we could just leave it up year 'round!" It is a pain to take down, but I love the way my house looks at Christmas. You could have left the tree up and put spring deco on it and told your brother it's an "Easter Tree" or a "Spring Tree".
    Meg- nice work on the steps so far this week! It is so much easier to get them in as the weather gets better!
    lawmiller- Hang in there and be kind to yourself! Sometimes all the energy you have is to log on and read a couple pages. Keep that up! Eventually you will find the motivation to do more and the inspiration to push yourself forward! We are here for you!
    Noreen- Pretty pup! Sweet face!
    BArbie- LOL Your meal that you had to throw out! It reminds me of the chorizo and lentil soup that I was "inspired" to make based on a meal that Heather had posted. Everything she makes sounds divine; well my soup turned out so bad. I tried two bowls thinking, "I can't let it go to waste"! I finally ended up putting it all back in the pot adding more veg and some different spice (curry, garlic). The second run was much better. It kills me to throw out food. But sometimes you have to.
    Miriam and Yvonne- I have a problem with an attraction to bright shiny new fabrics; and I don't even sew. Miriam, I totally understand the book issue, though! A book store would be a dream job for me. I give into that a little by volunteering at the library on Saturday mornings.
    Well, my 5:30 girl just arrived. Going to give her some breakfast and we will head out for our walk in the dark! We both are very excited!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Lisa- safe travels! Enjoy your time with your family!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    ok so here I sit, when I woke up at 3:30 this morning and should have gotten my butt to gym, had a cup of warm lemon water, and then a cup of tea,through the laundry in the dryer and then Homer decided he wanted to cuddle ,so instead of going to the gym I did a second load of laundry, but in between did clean the washer, just ran down there because it was making a racket... forgot to turn off the clean mode.. had to restart it... I can see how this day is going :neutral: .
    I dont work until 1 and am trying to figure out how to get my eating under control and start a clean eating program.. a lady on facebook posted a picture of a whole week of clean meals and it looks great, but to figure it out and buy it and get it prepared is so foreign to me.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    WAITING for the engineers to arrive. DH is fed up because he is missing the final day of cricket and it is a beautiful sunny day. I have just put some of the pots back on the patio. We are going to fill the gaps between the slabs tomorrow so I haven't moved all of them, but wanted the budding tulips to enjoy the sunshine.
    I did offer to tackle the engineers by myself, but felt that DH is the account holder and has done all the negotiating so far. I don't want to be held responsible if they can't or won't fix it. :ohwell:

    I am going to buckle down and follow Becca's example and lose a couple of pounds. I thought one had gone, but it's reappeared. Want to be sleek and confident for the cruise. My yoga teacher, who lent me the lovely dress for DH's 70th and one other, has bought some new ones from the charity shop and wants me to take a look. We have three formal nights on the cruise, which is not at all my thing, even less DH's, :noway: but I don't want to let the side down. I will wear the 70th one and her other one, which is short, but pretty, but it won't hurt to see what she has acquired.
    We can take any amount of luggage on the cruise, we just have to let them know if we are taking more than one big suitcase each so they can send the right car to pick us up. One very attractive thing about this cruise is that they transport you from your house and back! :bigsmile: No lugging suitcases around either as it's all done for you. The befits of going with the elderly! :laugh: We do have to share a car with another couple because of the distance from Dover.
    You can see I'm getting excited! Today Amazon delivered the Avon spray which is said to be anti midge. It contains citronella. We might need it for our inland excursion.

    Love to all. HATE waiting................. :sad:

    Heather UK
  • grammyx23
    grammyx23 Posts: 24 Member
    Joyce - My heart aches for your family. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Took the first steps for physical activity yesterday. Talked to the PE instructor at Indian clinic. Told her about my problem areas I want to work on. With my un-set schedule working on mom's house, we decided that I could just call day before & drop in to work on machines. The room she has is very small. She gave me a long stretchy band & exercises to do at home and a plan for walking. I know it's not much but it's baby steps in the right direction. Then I went to Wal-Mart and stpcked up on low cal frozen meals. They're not that expensive, only $2 for regular & $2.50 for gourmet. No cooking or cleanup. (Leaves more time for exerciseing.)

    I am encouraging my church secretary (diet buddy) to join MFP. She thinks she can just do it on her own but I keep telling her she's setting herself up for failure.

    Have a "loosing" day.

    Sioux in Tulsa
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    grammyx23 wrote: »
    Good morning all.

    I have a question for all of you.

    Within a few hours of joining this community I had a friend request, not from any of you ladies but from a young man. His user name is hectorh82. From his pic he is late 20s/early 30s. Have any of you ladies had a similar request? Even at 67 I am leary of this sort of request. And so far he has lost 0 lbs. Should this individual be brought to attention of MFP management? I haven't responded to request yet & he has made no more attempt at communicating.

    Sioux in Tulsa

    I would just reject his request.
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    Is anyone struggling to lose the last 10 lbs? I get within a couple of lbs of my goal then I shoot up to the 10 lbs. I've been fighting this for the past 4 months or longer. Any advice? Next week I'm going to be having a serious surgery and will have to slow down my exercising for a bit, but then get back on track with walking.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Becca love the story about your mom. Amazing how it the little things that make us feel so connected. I recently bought this horse made out of stone and wire because it reminded me of my sister who loved horses and my dad who carved a horse out of wood for a granddaughter and made both my sister and I stick horses when we were young. My sister got one with a wooden head and I got one made out of green cloth. At the time I didn't appreciate it because I wanted one that looked more like a real horse. Now I would have loved it.

    Joyce it is more than understandable that the tree was still up and you are exhausted. My mother had a friend Hester who always left her artificial tree up until Easter.