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If it's all CICO - why can't you outrun a bad diet?



  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2016
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    What Hornsby said. You can easily eat 1000+ calories in 10 minutes. Try burning that much in the same time.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    CICO means calories in, calories out. You "can" outrun a bad diet, so long as that bad diet contains fewer calories than you are burning. I guess I don't understand the question. You basically answered it yourself...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have used that phrase but don't like it.

    define "bad diet"...most people equate that to "junk food"
    define "out run"....most people don't want to exercise.

    For me it basically means you don't have to exercise to lose weight.

    And if you think that you can eat all the foods because you went for a walk you are wrong. If you think because you did a killer session at the gym you "deserve" the couple beer and wings...chances are you are wrong.

    CI vs CO. If you eat above TDEE you will gain weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    parfia wrote: »
    This is purely for debate purposes - if weight loss is purely calories in and calories out, why can't you 'outrun a bad diet' - surely if you run enough to burn off the calories of a bad dietary intake, you can for all intents and purposes outrun a bad diet?


    Happily ... you can! :)

    I remained very slender for years because I was cycling 10,000 km/year + walking lots + cross country skiing and snowshoeing + lifting weights + generally being as active as I could.

    Most of the year, I had trouble eating enough to maintain my weight, so during the winter when my cycling slowed a little, I would eat quite a lot and deliberately gain some weight. Come spring, I'd start losing and by autumn, I was usually underweight.

    For me, 5000 calories in a 24 hour period was all I could manage ... couldn't stuff more in. And on days when I was cycling 24 hours (yes, I'm an ultra-distance cyclists ... 24 hour time trials, randonneuring, and all that), I needed every one of those 5000 calories.

    I remember wandering through grocery stores looking for the smallest but highest calorie foods because I just got so sick of eating. I chuckle to think of it now, but I recall standing there looking at the calorie count for various things when another customer spoke up and said, "They're all so high in calories", and she sighed. I shook my head and said, "Not high enough". She walked away quickly. :lol:

    Anyway, yes ... if you exercise and burn more than you consume, you can for all intents and purposes outrun a bad diet. However, you do have to exercise a lot ... and you can't go completely crazy with the eating.

    No you can't.

    If you were burning 5k calories and eating 6k you would have gained....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    But after you've eaten 1000 calories in 10 minutes, you'll want to exercise and eat nothing for the next 2 hours in order to feel better again.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    But after you've eaten 1000 calories in 10 minutes, you'll want to exercise and eat nothing for the next 2 hours in order to feel better again.

    If I ate 1000 cals in 10 min I probably wouldn't feel like doing much of anything besides laying on the couch... And for me to exercise with such intensity to burn off that 1000 cals would be quite difficult.

    The fact of the matter is that it is easier to influence the CI side of the equation than the CO side. That's what the original statement means, but the OP seems to think its about if all calories are created equally from an energy standpoint (they are).
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    CICO means calories in, calories out. You "can" outrun a bad diet, so long as that bad diet contains fewer calories than you are burning. I guess I don't understand the question. You basically answered it yourself...

    I put forward my understanding of the phrase and invited a debate that's all - not so much looking for an 'answer' as other people's views on the phrase as a whole
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    You can outrun a slight calorie excess no matter what you are eating as long as it comes close to marginal nutritional requirements over time.

    You can't outrun a diet severely deficient in essential nutrients in the long term because eventually you'll feel too crappy to do much of anything.

    You can't outrun a significant calorie excess because you can eat way more calories in minutes than you could practically burn.
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    So I'm taking that this phrase essentially means that a 'bad diet' just equates to a diet with a caloric excess and not a nutritionally deficient diet and the unit of time it takes to burn said calories when compared to one another - I think I understand it more now - thanks peeps :smile:
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    parfia wrote: »
    @richln But if that pizza is all you have in a day and you burn that over the day - surely you would still lose ?

    Sure. You can outrun 10,000 calories eaten per day if you have the time and drive to burn 10,001 calories per day. But the phrase exists because it is a lot easier and faster to eat calories than it is to burn them.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    "Can you out exercise a high calorie diet?"

    Yes some people can - look at how skinny pro cyclists eat 5000+ calories on an event and struggle to retain their bodyweight.
    Sledge hauling across Antarctica - 6000+ calories and a very high fat diet but also very rapid weight loss.

    For most people living a "normal" lifestyle and exercise routine that's not going to happen.

    When I'm doing a long cycle ride and burning thousand of calories I can't eat enough that day but don't find it at all difficult to make that up in the rest of the week!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    parfia wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    If you are looking for debate, you may want to post this in the debate section.

    I've never really understood that saying personally, but to answer your question I think you'd have to first define what is meant by a bad diet. Are we talking about a diet that creates a caloric excess, or a diet that is nutritionally deficient?

    I meant a diet that is nutritionally bad - if I eat 2,000 calories worth of cheeseburger a day (I don't!) and burn 3,000 calories in a day with exercise - surely that's outrunning a bad diet?

    Yes. But I can sit for an hour and pack away 2-3000 calories of food. I cannot burn 2-3000 calories in an hour.

    It is possible to outrun a bad diet (depending on how bad it is), but most people won't. The worse your diet gets (if you're consuming 6-8000 calories a day), it's going to be difficult to spend enough time exercising to compensate for that.

    Some people are willing to make the trade off to spend more time at the gym or exercising to earn extra calories, but it takes finding the balance of how much time and effort you're willing to expend and then tailoring your calorie intake to match that level.

    I have problems maintaining a 1500 calorie intake to lose weight, so I do cardio and earn more calories. Other people run ultramarathons and run a ton of miles each week. I'm not willing to run that much, so my intake may be lower than theirs (of course, I probably weigh a lot more than many people running ultras, but not all).
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    parfia wrote: »
    This is purely for debate purposes - if weight loss is purely calories in and calories out, why can't you 'outrun a bad diet' - surely if you run enough to burn off the calories of a bad dietary intake, you can for all intents and purposes outrun a bad diet?

    If a person is in a caloric deficit surely they will lose irrespective of what their food intake is.


    Great post! I think a lot of people believe solely in the theory of if Calories in are less than Calories out then you will lose weight. What people don't take into account is how your body handles the amount and type of calories you put into your body. Take in 2,000 calories all in one meal and your body is going to turn some of that fuel into fat once glycogen stores are full. Take the same 2,000 calories in over 6 meals and your body will use and store the fuel differently. How about your body processes alcohol in a completely different way than food? How about a diet that is low in carbs like a keto or Atkins style? You body changes what it uses for fuel.

    When I am getting my body fat into the single digits I have to eat super clean low carb to get there. Even though I run 30+ miles per week. When I cheat and add Ice Cream and pizza into my diet I notice my abs start to go away pretty quickly even though I keep my calorie intake the same.

    My $.02
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You can out run it if you want to bad enough. It is not practical for the normal person that is not in training such as an elite athlete to spend that much time in the gym or running on the streets to do that.

    And yes eating 2000 calories of cheeseburgers and fries in a day and then burning 3000 calories is outrunning what I call poor nutritional choices..
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    It's a pointless slogan - you can't outrun (or out exercise) a calorie surplus.

    Well, no *kitten*
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    edited April 2016
    I've always interpreted it to mean, that you're not going to lose weight without a little planning. You can't just eat whatever you want and then expect to exercise off the extra calories later. (You can try, we've all been there! But you can't regularly rely on this approach.) You're supposed to work your activity level into your calorie goals.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Some people can, and they likely aren't having an issue with weight gain. Most of us will find that we have to be at least a little bit mindful even at a very high activity level. That's all it means to me (and like the 80/20 thing I think it's largely not that meaningful and don't care for it as a saying).
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    parfia, you can "outrun a bad diet", but why would you want your body to be consuming all the crap? wouldn't you rather eat foods that are good for your body and "outrun" less?????
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    This guy ate all 'bad' food (whatever that means) and still lost weight and improved his health markers.

    In the debate section:
