Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Darn it I keep forgetting:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: H_A_P_P_Y___A_N_N_I_V_E_R_S_A_R_Y___C_R_I_S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cals: Way under. 1288 with about a 1000 calorie deficit (assuming my metabolism is up & running correctly). I'm trying to eat 1580 regardless of exercise but since I was over Sunday & Monday I'm not stressing about being under today.
    Exercise: I took a 35 minute brisk walk/jog at lunch. Today it was like 25* cooler outside than it has been for the last couple of weeks! Thank you intermittent rain showers!
    Water: I'm on cup 14 I think
    Proud: There are 2 LARGE bags of M&Ms on my kitchen island and I'm not eating them (anymore...). :laugh:
    Publix, your BOGO sales can go to hell. :grumble: :laugh: Those M&Ms were NOT on my shopping list. But then I saw they had the new pretzel M&Ms and I've been wanting to buy a (small!) bag to try... but then a small bag costs 1/2 as much as the very large bag did on sale... and well, it's been pointed out several times just today that I'm cheap so I bought the large bag.... and then my brilliant mind thought about how great it would be to combine some pretzel M&Ms with some Peanut Butter M&Ms and that's why I'm now the proud owner of 2 very large bags of M&Ms.

    Deb -- glad you finally got (some) answers!
    Blue -- you'd die if you were me right now. There's a palmetto bug staring me down from about 8" away right now (I'm on my front porch). As long as they stay outside and off of me I'm alright though. :tongue: I'm much more concerned about the humongous crazy looking beetle looming overhead. Yay, the southeast in the summer!
    Heather -- way to determine you didn't really want the ice cream! I love when I plan to be bad but end up not even wanting to be bad after all.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcme Kerri and Danielle and Shawna. So happy to have you join us.
    I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today without the ladies in this group. Everyone is so supportive in just the right way as in they won't let you get away with BS excuses but do motivate you to be a healthy person. I joined in February and now I have not just a support forum but real friends. Oh I could gush all night........

    Jess, Debbie, Ann , raider. Hope you all have good trips.
    Debbie - sounds like great news. A firm diagnosis with a definitive treatment. So far so good I hope this relieves some of your stress. Xoxo
    Heather - so proud of you. I know how that ice cream can call your name!!

    Check in:
    calories - 1100 (trying to make up for the whole week of restaurant food in Hawaii)
    water - 90oz
    exercise - tricep exercises, 30 push ups, 50 sit ups
    proud - I realized today that at 45 pounds lighter than last summer I am a lot less sweaty and that's a lovely feeling
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    calling the ENT today to get an appt for her, the psyc told me he doesn't think the antibiotics will help and they need to come out, we will see what the ENT says, He may want to do some antibiotic treatments first...i need to just listen to the doctor, he said he had several cases (several like 100's) that the tonsils (and adnoids) come out and it helped them soo much....I guess i just need to belive and stop stressing.

    Well...our vacation has been cancelled :sad: Hurricane "alex" has ruined it...there is soo much flooding down there my sis in law says they are calling for flooding all weekend,...it just contiually rains like pour downs.

    So we are just going to stay here and try on labor day. So now i am working all day today and keep taking my day off tomorrow.

    On the up note, (or down i guess :smile: ) ...I am finally down this week, 1st time since last friday...265.2 ..woohoo..that is like 1 lb since last friday , not great but the way this week was going when i was 3 up i am happy, pluse a 5 lbs loss last week, i'd take a 1lb this week.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,

    I can't chat or read any of the post, not yet at least. I have to take my 4 y/o to the dentist for a check up. the place is 30 minutes away but with traffic who know how long it's going to take me.

    I will be back later..
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow you ladies have been super busy !!! Welcome Newbies this is the BEST SUPPORT GROUP on MFP!! Well ladies I depart on Saturday for the BEACH !! I am so excited and I was 216 today.I have shedded an 8 pound gain from crappy foods this week by going back to good foods and being reasonable about what I eat.I still would like to see 214 before I go but I am being realistic that my body may not want to do that .Also TOM is coming I can feel it any day now showing itself but mine only last for 4 days so I am not going to have a cow if I am on my TOM while at the beach.I am just going to enjoy my vacation with my family.

    Cris-Happy Belated Anniversary I hope it was a great one
    Julie- I love ice cream too where do you shop to get such good deals?
    Deb-I am so glad that you have figured out some of the cause of Serenas problems.I will keep Serena and your family in my thoughts and prayers.Just know God will find a way to help you with Serena and get her what she needs to be healthy!!Just relax as much as possible because stress won't help you one bit.We are here for you.And congrats on your weight loss this week.
    Blue- Keep it up girl you are such an INSPIRATION to many of us:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    awestfall -- have fun at the beach!! I get "good deals" by combining coupons with weekly sales. Last night I got a whole cart full of food from Publix for $17.35. :bigsmile: It was $64.00 worth of food at the regular price. Now that I pay attention, I save at least 50% on most shopping trips. Last night I stopped at 2 grocery stores (both on my way) and got around $105 worth of food for $43&change total. $43 included ribeyes for us and 20 pounds of chicken for the dogs! :tongue: This is going to sound oh so sad, but it's almost exhilerating to me to save that much money. :laugh: :smokin:

    I'm feeling really exhausted this week. I'm not sure what's up with me. Maybe I just have some kind of bug. Or maybe (probably) I'm not getting enough sleep. I didn't make it to the gym this morning and unless I feel better this afternoon I'm not going after work either. I *want* to go, but I don't know if I could even do anything if I went right now. My quads feel exhausted and overused from my brisk *walk* yesterday!! :huh: So yeah, I'm just going to do that "listen to my body" thing and if it says it's a no-go I'm not going. I don't have much of an appetite this week either so it's not like there's any danger of me overeating without exercise calories. :indifferent:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall -- have fun at the beach!! I get "good deals" by combining coupons with weekly sales. Last night I got a whole cart full of food from Publix for $17.35. :bigsmile: It was $64.00 worth of food at the regular price. Now that I pay attention, I save at least 50% on most shopping trips. Last night I stopped at 2 grocery stores (both on my way) and got around $105 worth of food for $43&change total. $43 included ribeyes for us and 20 pounds of chicken for the dogs! :tongue: This is going to sound oh so sad, but it's almost exhilerating to me to save that much money. :laugh: :smokin:

    I'm feeling really exhausted this week. I'm not sure what's up with me. Maybe I just have some kind of bug. Or maybe (probably) I'm not getting enough sleep. I didn't make it to the gym this morning and unless I feel better this afternoon I'm not going after work either. I *want* to go, but I don't know if I could even do anything if I went right now. My quads feel exhausted and overused from my brisk *walk* yesterday!! :huh: So yeah, I'm just going to do that "listen to my body" thing and if it says it's a no-go I'm not going. I don't have much of an appetite this week either so it's not like there's any danger of me overeating without exercise calories. :indifferent:
    Julie I would love to save that much at the grocery store and sometimes I do when I go to Krogers.I am a COUPON QUEEN and I am also very CHEAP when it comes to shopping.I didn't used to be until I had children.So great job on saving.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well I thought I would have enough time to comment but my dh says it is now time to go. 30 mins later than expected but we are going. I weighed this morning and was at 263.5 so that is still a 0 loss/gain for me so tomorrow you won't have to worry about my weigh in. When I get back I have 2 missions, 1 to start studying for my CPA exam and 2 start exercising more and get off this stinkin' PLATEAU!!!!

    Hope you all have a great holiday weekend and I will see/talk to you all next week.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    stupid work...keeps getting in the way of me posting!

    Thank you all for your Happy Anny wishes, both here and on FB, I love that I have made such great friends that celebrate with me not only the joys of weight loss but the special moment in my life..thank you thank you thank you!!! :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    We had a pretty good night. I made salmon (my best one ever) with asparagus. We had crab dip pretzel (its a Bmore thing) and I had 2 beers....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    checking in:
    calories- over, near 1600
    water- yes, should have done more
    sodium- sky high
    excercise- none, by the time I hit the fish market and the grocery store I had to go get my son and start making dinner. We did some bed pilates though :wink::laugh: :tongue: :smokin:
    proud- that I did not over indulge because I know a holiday weekend is near and that = lots of beer...Id rather be bad then :devil:

    Welcome newbies!!!

    Deb- Sorry about your vacay, I am super excited about the test results for serena though! It sounds like they found something that is causing the issues, and there is a treatment plan!!
    Heather- Way to go on the sodium and no ice cream! Wow! I am impressed
    Mscool- Love ur attitude :wink:
    Julie- are you preggo again? all that ice cream, m&ms and tired? hmmm :laugh: :wink:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hey all,
    I didn't get a chance to really give any info on me yesterday so here goes.

    I'm 34 years old and have been very heavy since I was 5. I never really worried about my weight too much, I just assumed I would always be ok. I am married to a wonderful man that had 3 daughters from previous relationships. Together we have one daughter who is 2. LONG LONG story but we have the oldest stepdaughter who is 13 living with us and the other two 9 and 4 visit every other weekend (all have diff moms) yeah I know.....

    A few months ago, my legs and feet started to swell really bad, to the point that I could not walk. That was when I decided to take control of my life and lose the weight. I started to watch what I ate begrudgingly and started to walk. I have a freind here at work that I call my Drill seargent because she was constantly on me to be more active. Pretty soon, I started to be very motivated and then I found this site!!! This was my Hallelujia moment!

    I have lost a total of 30 pounds and I have a lot more energy than I ever have. I feel pretty great physically. Even mentally I am pretty upbeat usually. This week has been very hard for some reason. I haven't lost any weight in about 4 days (which I know is not bad) but I was used to seeing the scale go down almost every day and it just stopped all of a sudden. I know I am doing everything right, I just am frustrated. This is why I need you guys!

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, but here are my stats for yesterday

    Cals: under (as per ususal) question: how many of you eat your exercise cals? I never do but I wonder if that is why I stopped losing?
    Water: 128 oz
    sodium: good
    weight: still high and no loss
    Exercise: 20 mins on treadmill, 4 mins on elliptical, 12 mins on bike

    Are there any other stats I should give.

    Thanks for listening and I can't wait to get to know all of you better!!
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    hi everyone,
    im am freaken full, for breakfast i ate
    1/2 cup lower sugar oatmeal
    1/2 med banana
    1 egg
    1 light thick and creamy frech vanillia yogurt
    20oz still worken on water

    it was only 381 caloies, so i was wondering about how many calories should be consumed at breakfast, is mine to low? ive heard that ppl like to eat higher cals in am less at lunch and the least at dinner
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - thank you !!! I have an appt with the ENT, my mom has agreeed to lend us the money and i can get a pyament plan on paying her back...i knew she would has she would do anything for my girls , she is such a good Nana...They love her soo much and vise versa.. I am a bit nervous that the ENT will say no i am not doing this after the pysc has said this is what she needs, if he does then we may have to one of the ent that work with him. I am jsut impressed that this guy is finding scientific things vs here are some narcotics for a 6 yr old...i can handle vitmain d drops or any vitamins for her by that means...deep down i am thining we are on a path for my sweet girl to come out all the time. It is the most horrible thign as a mother to see your child needing help and not knowing what it is or being able to fix the problem. He said there may be some other issues too but this is definetly one...I guess one step at a time.

    Shawna - That is a good breakfast, everyday i eat a bagel thin (110) cals + 2bls pb (190), so my breakfast everyday is liek 300 cals. Some peopled eat biggere breakfast...I am not a breakfast person that much, i don't eat eggs so that elimatnates 1/2 the breakfast's out there

    Kerri - Wtg on your progress thus far, we are real close on our starting weights...You are just about to hit that 300 mark, i know for me it felt soo god to hit that and forget about it...

    As far as the exercise cals, i used to not then i wasn't loosing weight, i now eat most of them and am at a good pace. I usally have between 300 - 1000 a day, on the high exe cals days i may not eat most of them maybe 1/2 if i am lucky.

    still bummed about vacation..but oh well..Looks like tomorrow we are going to have lunch with a friend and me and hubby are going to the movies (trying to find a $ movie cause..well...weere cheap...:smile: ...pluse i got some bday presents to go buy for my soon to be 7 yr old..yes i can't believe i have a 7 yr old almost...

    The good thing about vacation 2 more months out...more weight to loose :smile: So I will look that much better :smile: I am right about 265 today , I would love to be like 250, but that may be cutting it close,but i will take 255., so somewhere between 10-15 lbs in 2 months...I think i can i think i can.

    Okay girls...I am thinking of taking a class at the gym...hubby won't do this one with me :smile:

    It is called Dancnation or something liek that, it is like dancing all types ( i am not the corindating type ) , rock, hip-hop, samba, and yes...striptease.. ...whatcha think??

    This is the description :

    Do you like to dance? Merengue, Rock, Pop, Salsa, Hip Hop, Reggueaton, Samba, and even cardio striptease? Danceaton is an aerobics dance class that mixes up all of those dance styles and rhythms together, all while burning calories. Creator Gaby Bayes brings you this unique, easy to follow and fun choreography that will help you lose those pounds in a "dance club" atmosphere.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie- are you preggo again? all that ice cream, m&ms and tired? hmmm :laugh: :wink:

    Well, TOM just visited for 9 EFFING DAYS so, no, I think I'm good! :glasses: Actually, I'm probably anemic from all that & that's the reason I'm tired. Good thing I'm having steak for dinner to replenish my iron. :tongue: Just found out my SIL's sister is pregnant again though -- hooray! She miscarried earlier this year. :frown:

    shawna -- I typically eat around 300 calories for breakfast and I'm *trying* to eat around 1500-1600 calories each day at this point. I personally don't feel it makes a difference (overall) for me *when* I eat my calories and I generally like to eat a bigger dinner so I do. :smile:

    kerri -- I personally have to eat to lose but everyone is different. I was losing weight quickly for the first 4 months and then I hit a huge plateau (roughly 5 weeks) this January after losing 50 pounds. I've been trying to find the right calorie balance ever since. I've increased my calorie intake 3 times and have been losing again (although much more slowly than before) however in the last 2 weeks I've slumped back into the habit of not eating enough during the week. I'm still seeing a decent downward trend when I look at the big picture so I'm just being impatient. :tongue: Since I have a hard time eating 1300 on days I don't exercise & like 1800-2000 on days I work out hard, this week I've decided to try to change to eating around 1580 each day regardless of exercise (but still making sure I get at least 4 hours of hard exercise in each week. I'm really just playing around to try to find my own body's comfort zone. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie- are you preggo again? all that ice cream, m&ms and tired? hmmm :laugh: :wink:

    kerri -- I personally have to eat to lose but everyone is different. I was losing weight quickly for the first 4 months and then I hit a huge plateau (roughly 5 weeks) this January after losing 50 pounds. I've been trying to find the right calorie balance ever since. I've increased my calorie intake 3 times and have been losing again (although much more slowly than before) however in the last 2 weeks I've slumped back into the habit of not eating enough during the week. I'm still seeing a decent downward trend when I look at the big picture so I'm just being impatient. :tongue: Since I have a hard time eating 1300 on days I don't exercise & like 1800-2000 on days I work out hard, this week I've decided to try to change to eating around 1580 each day regardless of exercise (but still making sure I get at least 4 hours of hard exercise in each week. I'm really just playing around to try to find my own body's comfort zone. :laugh:

    If you think your are having a plateu try some things if they work great, if they don't then try something different :smile: like Julie said somethings work for 1 person and not others....Youw ill get going again i know it.
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    would guy guys mind going and checken my food diary for today? i planned the who day and put it as finished because i didnt know if u could look at it if it wasnt completed, im kinda starten fresh today, so today is what im more focused on and not the previous days,

    anything u would change?
    does this sound good?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My breakfast is usually 290 cals on the weekdays- I eat a bagelful and somewhere between 9am-11am I eat a cereal bar. So I guess its more of like a bfast and mid morning snack? I really try not to go longer than 3 hours without eating. If I do I tend to over eat at my next meal.

    I dont eat my excercise cals...the thought of overeating scares me. I did zig-zag my calories for awhile and that seemed to work though.

    deb- that dancenation class is exactly what I will NEVER do! I am sooo not graceful, good luck!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcome again Kerri, you missed one thing, we usually try to say one thing we were proud of each day :flowerforyou:
    Don't worry about the no weight in 4 days, it could just be a sodium/water retention thing. All of us tend to fluctuate quite a lot but the important thing is that we are all losing steadily in the long run.
    I would guess that most people eat 1/2 of their exercise cals most of the time. I have been trying zigzagging and it seems to work for me. That's 2 high cal/high exercise days, 2 medium cal/medium exercise days, 3 low cal/low-no exercise days. But we all do slightly different things that work best for each of us and then change it up if it stops working.
    So happy that you had your epiphany and then found us too !

    Shawna - Personally I usually eat a small breakfast (120-220 cals) but in my opinion it does not really matter which of your meals are larger as long as you eat regularly and stick to your calories

    LilDeb - sorry about your vacation but it does give you that extra time to look hot in your bathing suit !!

    I so don't want to work today, very unmotivated because I have tomorrow and Monday off and I just want to relax already :devil:

    I wanted to share a new food I am loving....yogurts called "Siggi's" icelandic style skyr. They are super thick, maybe even thicker than greek and have interesting flavors like orange/ginger and acai and pomegranate. They taste great but the best part is that they are sweetened with agave nectar which supposedly is lowest on the glycemic index of all sweeteners.
    Littlespay & Ann you would die if you knew how much it cost :blushing: so I won't say but I treat myself since I don't have so many financial responsibilities (i.e. kids or dogs) :bigsmile:
    Curious Pos Me and Mstahl - the yogurt makers - have you ever tried flavoring or sweetening the yogurt you make at home??
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris - I LOVE your post. Bed pilates....AWESOME. Sounds like you had a VERY good anniversary. :wink:

    Shawna - I'd say mix it up if you're on a plateau. Julie is a wise young woman who had made a plan that works for her. I think you also really need to be patient and realize that things won't happen overnight. Your body changes and you have to adjust to those changes.

    Deb - I'm glad your mom will give you the loan. That's great that it looks like you will have some progess for Serena. The class sounds fun. Totally worth at least one attempt. I find dancing to be a pretty fun way to burn cals. There's also something fun about doing it together with a group and once you learn the steps, you feel like you accomplished something.

    It's another beautiful day in NYC! Yoga in Bryant Park tonight, then I may take a walk afterwards. We'll see how I'm feeling. Most times after yoga I'm so chill, that my walking speed is like 1.5 mph! Just kinda moving along at my own slow pace.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I know I am being very impatient. Im going to chill I promise! :laugh:

    elmox, I wish it was beautiful day here in Houston, hot and muggy and cloudy which I guess is better than Hotter and Muggier and sunny!

    here is my proud: We had some chocolate cake here at work this morning from a very sweet co-worker. I did not eat any!! yeah!

    meokk, i feel the same way, I have half day on Fridays and this is a long weekend.. hurry up and get here!!!
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