Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - I'll find out tomorrow. The doc at the doc in the box said it would be OK but he has NO idea how difficult those sessions are, and how I need every toe I can get to do those exercises! :sad: I swear if I cannot continue with PT I am going to crawl into bed and not get up until school starts in August. I am NOT kidding. I've done it before - I can seriously take to the bed when I am in shock. :cry:

    Have you all noticed I have the freakiest of accidents? I mean seriously. Just last month I tripped over a rolled up carpet and busted my elbow and pinched a nerve in my elbow and knee! Now broken toes getting a pedicure! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am hoping that you can still do what you need to do...don't go hide in bad :sad: we would miss you if you hibernated for a month :smile:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166

    myworld - You're doing great! One day at a time. I remember starting out and being so overwhelmed with all of the "new" parts of the healthier lifestyle - clean food, water, watch sodium, exercise - that I started just like you and attacked one major component (ex., food intake) and then added exercise a few weeks later. Whatever works for you! And remember, just walking around for fifteen or so minutes is great exercise! About your tiredness - isn't that fairly common with BF mothers? You should ask your doc about this. Also, did you happen to be iron deficient during your pregnancy or before? That could have a lot to do with your fatigue. And just having a baby around MUST be exhausting! You are doing GREAT with your healthier lifestyle - take a deep breath and enjoy!

    Yes I was seriously iron deficient during my pregnancy, they were considering giving me a blood transfusion at one point. But I've had my hemeglobin checked, repeatedly since I've had my baby boy and it's fine. Low end of normal, but good. I will eventually add in excercise, I know that, but I feel so guilty about not doing it now. I want everything to be good NOW! lol Last summer I was planning a wedding and restricted due to my high risk pregnancy and the summer before I was recovering from a major hip surgery. I just want to enjoy the summer with my family and the reason we end up not doing anything is usually because of me :cry: I know it'll come, but I'm impatient.

    Well off to bed so I can get up and do my first weigh in!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am with you girls are having small TATAS now.Of course I am the opposite of Julie and Deb.I have always been blessed with a large chest and a flat *kitten*.Which I don't really mind but I always hated having BIG BOOBS!! Well anyways yesterday I go to try on a strapless bra so I grab a 40D and a 40C because it depends on the store I buy it from as to what cup size I need (I know weird Right???) So I go into the fitting room and try on the 40D first WAY TO BIG in the cup and a smidge to big around but I could deal with that as long as it held my girls up cause trust me when you have had 3 children and they breast feed your boobs don't look normal ever again besides the fact of gravity dragging them down LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So I try on the 40C same problem cup is WAY TO BIG so I have Sammi my 16 year old g0 look for a 40B no such luck they don't carry that size so I try on the 38D and 38C well the cups are smaller in both of those sizes and they are the same freaking bra I tried on in the 40D and 40C and the 38D and 38C didn't fit so I ended up taking the 40C as I am going on vacation tomorrow and I needed a strapless bra to wear with my strapless top I got that I absolutely love the way it looks on me.Sorry to brag but its been many years since I have worn anything strapless and my daughter talked me into this shirt because she said she liked the way it looked on me and to my surprise I like it too.Anyways long story short where the H*** do you find a 40B bra?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    by the way I will be the first to weigh in

    last week I weighed in at 224 but I didn't officially weigh in so my weigh in today doesn't count to the biggest loser because of that factor this weight (224) was because of my FUNK I had previously

    So this morning I weighed in at DRUM ROLL PLEASE 215
    I am happy with that!!!!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - welcome to my life :smile: I am always a B but big around, at one time i would really where like a 44 or 46 B, yes ...they don't make those...I ended up getting a smaller band and then a bra extender...i have no clue what size my bra's i have are even are

    my check in - not great but i will take it. With such a big loss last week i am sure it is to be expected, but am thrilled i lost something.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning gals,

    I will be extreamly busy today...an unexpected trip down the NJ shore has come up so I am washing laundry and packing what to take so we don't forget anything. We are leaving tonight..kids don't know yet, suprising them - i guess.

    I tired weighing myself but the scale said LO Bat..so no result for me. I did weigh myself on Wednesday..and Yesterday night and I was 1.5 pounds lower but since it wasn't Friday that I saw an actual weigh I am not counting it.

    Pos_me................ 0.0lb............ 0.0%

    I have to go read all the post I missed yesterday.

    Before I forget, who had the wii game "just dance" and how do you log it in? I played wiht my sister yesterdayand we were so competative..I didn't want her to win and she didn't want me to win. I had a blast.I played for about an hour straight. I bought the game, last week, and I plan on playing it today,I sweat so much and it was so fun.

    have a great day girls,
    check back later..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm up 0.4lbs from last Saturday which was my lowest weight ever but I still showed a loss for the week from last Friday. :drinker:
    I'll take it. I've felt really funky all week. I think any loss is great considering I ate an entire 10oz steak and an 8oz sweet potato for dinner last night. I'm pretty sure I'll show a much better loss after all that makes it though my system. :tongue:

    Pos_me................ 0.0lb............ 0.0%

    I only lost 3-4 pounds in June. I guess that's not too shabby considering the marriage/honeymoon thing but I'd really like to lose 5 pounds in July.
    This week I'm going to focus on logging everything I eat. I want to see where my metabolism is. I feel like maybe it's running slow again. :ohwell: I'm going to stick with ~1580 cals a day for a while and see where that takes me.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- yep the cup size gets smaller/bigger with the band size. I never knew that until a couple years ago but it makes sense since it's a ratio thing. I tried on a 38C and a 36C yesterday and the cup was SIGNIFICANTLY smaller on the 36C. The ladies shrunk quite a bit to get me from a 38D to a 36C. :tongue: I'm wearing it today and it fits perfectly. I can never say that about bras. Also, I bought matching underwear in a smaller size. I started to worry maybe I should have bought a size bigger but I put' em on and they fit perfectly too! No more baggy underwear! I've lost 3 panty sizes! :laugh: Who does that?!

    So, I'm wearing size 14 jeans, 36C bra, and size 7 underwear to work today. Woohoo! :laugh: As well as a button up shirt that actually fits properly for the first time since I've owned it (I bought it at my previous lowest weight 6 years ago). :drinker: How strange it feels to wear clothes that fit. My (skinny) supervisor gave me an obvious look of approval when she saw me this morning. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- I am sooo sorry! If you didnt have bad luck youd have no luck at all right? I hope your PT can find ways to work AROUND your foot. Just because you cant use that part of your body Im sure you can use the rest...Please dont go into hybernation we will miss you! LOL on the bed pilates...and I thought you were just getting lucky every night :laugh: :wink:

    Julie- I am so happy for you! It feels great to walk out the door wearing smaller stuff and looking great. I've started wearing some of my old tshirts (graphic tees from old navy- i lived in them) and compared to my over sized shirts Ive been wearing the last few years its too much. I could prob pull it off but Im not mentally ready to accept that my body is no longer as fat as it was....you inspire me so much!!!:flowerforyou:

    ann- congrats on the 215! thats awesome! so close to Onederville! Have a great vacay!

    Checking in for last night:
    calories- 1210
    water- yup 100+
    sodium- 2450
    excercise- spin class (love it!)
    cals burned- 650
    proud- that I was struggling through spin class but I pushed myself, that I shared my dinner with my son...lol its mean but since im only allowed a certain amount of food I get really cranky when hubby to be and my son try to eat my food. I need every crumb! Last night I was happily sharing like a big girl :laugh: :laugh: ...who doesnt share with a 1 yrs old right? yea, thatd be me!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    <snip>I shared my dinner with my son...lol its mean but since im only allowed a certain amount of food I get really cranky when hubby to be and my son try to eat my food. I need every crumb! Last night I was happily sharing like a big girl :laugh: :laugh: ...who doesnt share with a 1 yrs old right? yea, thatd be me!

    :laugh: I so did this last night! I portioned out some M&Ms in a container on the kitchen counter so I could walk by and grab a couple while still keeping track of how many I was eating. Hubs walks over and starts to grab one and I swear it was like a slow motion run toward him & the M&Ms with me shrieking "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" :blushing: He got this awful "WTF?!" look on his face and I just looked at him nonchalantly and handed him the BAG full of M&Ms to eat instead. :tongue:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all!
    Blue: I am sorry to hear about your broken toes, Sometimes I feel like if I had bad luck I would have no luck at all. I hope they heal quickly and you can do your PT

    myworld: I used to feel tired all the time as well I have 4 kids to chase after two of them being under 5 and all kinds of activities to do with them as well. I told myself that I would exercise when I could find the time. I had to make myself start and now I truly cant go a day without doing something to workout. I have so much more energy too. At 301 I still feel like I can do anything now. I think once you start, you will feel the same and the energy will come.

    Awestfall: 9 pounds is AWESOME!!!!!! That is great and I cant wait to see more of that for you!

    lildebbie: any loss is a good loss!!! Great job

    POS ME: I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE "just dance" An aunt of mine introduced my family to it and now we play all the time. What a great workout! I can do about a 40 minute session at a time and I am so grossly sweating by the time its over its not even funny!

    Cris: I have a problem with sharing my portions too! They are already so much smaller than what everyone else at the table is eating so I want to "hoard" it all to myself!! My youngest daughter is two and she just likes to graze from plate to plate and she gets sad if I dont let her eat from mine..... "mommy you mean!"

    Anyway, here are my stats for yesterday:
    Cals: under goal but I did eat all but 400 (shoot I had 2400 to eat!!)
    water: 128 oz
    sodium: in check
    exersize: 35 minute workout at the gym including 7 mins on the elliptical!!!! I am working my way up on this one! burned 560 cals
    proud: so my husband is thin and he wanted a banana split from DQ so I went to get it and got myself a medium dipped cone. I REALLY wanted the large. I am proud that I got the medium (should of had the small but oh well) Still under calories....
    no weight change still at 301..... dang plateu! :ohwell:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Internet connection out here with my moms sprint card is non existant. I can use fb and my phone but it's really slow! I haven't read all the posts. I saw something about blue and broken bones! Hope you are ok sister!

    Congrats to the biggiest losers this week!

    I'm enjoying my vacation and trying to stay active! I took Jayden and my cousins on almost a 2 hour hike around the campgrounds and played on the playground. I was even doing cartwheels! Miss you ladies! Talk soon!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Nancy! Honey! I swear, only you girl. You are too too much. I'm so sorry to hear about your toes. Here's to a speedy recovery!

    Jess - Hope you're having fun!!

    LittleSpy - Hooray on the "look of approval"! It feels good to know you look good!

    Cris - Sharing is caring... :wink: Way to go on the spin class last night! Wish my gym had them...

    Awestfall - Congrats on the 9 lbs!! WA-FREAKING-HOO!

    Kerri - Nice job on resisting the larger ice cream cone!

    Pos_Me - Enjoy the shore. Stay away from Snooki, The Situation, and JWoww. They are nothing but trouble! :laugh:

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Under with exercise = 1249
    Water - 88 oz
    Excerise - Yoga in the park. Bliss...
    Proud - We went out for sushi last night after yoga. I had sashimi for the first time (just raw fish, no rice) because I had read an article earlier about how sushi can be good for you, but not with all that rice. It was actually really good!! I had two pieces of tuna and two of salmon. I added an avocado roll because they are delicious. It's great to know that I can go to a sushi restaurant (a favorite of mine) and make good choices. I was still in my yoga clothes and I had my mat with me. I felt oh so healthy and hip! :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blue: I am so sorry to hear about your broken toe(s). I am hoping and praying for a speedy recovery. I would miss you too much if you would go into hibernation…Please stay in touch:heart:

    Deb: glad you got [some] answers..keep us posted. Congrats on your weight loss:flowerforyou:

    Heather: great job on resisting Ice cream:flowerforyou:

    Ann: congrats on your BIG weight loss! You’re awesome!!! Have fun on vacation :D

    Cris and Julie: you are doing so great…starting to wear smaller clothing..AWESOME feeling right!
    You’re all so inspirational…:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies..we have a great support system

    Kerridodson: I started to love “just dance” too. My sister weighs less than I do and she was huffing and puffing when were where done competing and I was normal..I could take another round while she wanted to rest. I felt so great because I had the endurance and stamina for a 200lb girl..

    Jess: sounds like you are having fun..we miss you

    Let me go finish..be back later. I hate last minute vacation...
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    And the weigh-in:

    Awestfall...............-9.0 = 4.01%
    Lildebbie..............-0.9 = 0.34%
    Pos_me................ 0.0 = 0.0%
    LittleSpy................-0.4 = 0.20%
    Elmox....................-3.0 = 1.61%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pos_Me - Enjoy the shore. Stay away from Snooki, The Situation, and JWoww. They are nothing but trouble! :laugh:

    ROFL..I have never watch the show, but I heard a lot of crap about them..LOL..:laugh:

    One bunch of messiness:laugh: :wink:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    NANCY - So hurting for you right now. It should have been a fun girls day out. SORRY :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    check in for yesterday:
    calories - 1150
    water - 85oz
    exercise - bed pilates (nancy style, not Cris style :laugh: )
    proud that we went out for dinner and I got a burger with salad, not fries and only ate 1/2 of the burger

    Awestfall...............-9.0 = 4.01%
    Lildebbie..............-0.9 = 0.34%
    Pos_me................ 0.0 = 0.0%
    LittleSpy................-0.4 = 0.20%
    Elmox....................-3.0 = 1.61%
    Meokk....................-1.6 = 0.88%

    newbies, you are perhaps wondering how we are doing this calculation. I know it took me a few weeks to catch on.
    You do weight lost over the past week divided by what you weighed last week and move the decimal point 2 places.
    So I did 1.6 divided by 180.6 = 0.00885 and then moved the decimal for my weekly % loss

    edit to say I'm really pleased that I got back on track this week. After vacation and business trip I was up to about 182 on Monday of this week ( I know probably sodium from all the restaurant meals) so I ate pretty clean and lean Tues - Thurs and it has paid off.
    I'm back down to 179.0 which is 0.6 less than my June 4th, pre trips weigh in. Note to self, staying home is good for weight loss, vacation and business trips = BAD
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Not too bad considering the terrible weekend and TOM surprised me last night. It's super early? Very strange. Happy Friday, ladies :)

    Awestfall...............-9.0 = 4.01%
    Lildebbie..............-0.9 = 0.34%
    Pos_me................ 0.0 = 0.0%
    LittleSpy................-0.4 = 0.20%
    Elmox....................-3.0 = 1.61%
    Meokk....................-1.6 = 0.88%
    tstout......................-1.6 = 0.68%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awestfall...............-9.0 = 4.01%
    Lildebbie..............-0.9 = 0.34%
    Pos_me................ 0.0 = 0.0%
    LittleSpy................-0.4 = 0.20%
    Elmox....................-3.0 = 1.61%
    Meokk....................-1.6 = 0.88%
    tstout......................-1.6 = 0.68%
    HeatherMN..........-4.0 = 0%
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