Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Kerri and I would very much like to join in this group. Can someone please tell me how this works? I would be ever so grateful!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I know you weren't actually meaning Julie should go to a tanning bed! Trust me, I used to want to go in them more, but now I'm totally against it.

    Cris: Who told you I've eaten a whole Dairy Queen ice cream cake before?? It wasn't in the same sitting, but within two days I had a large one gone. A slice for every meal...delicious!

    Raider: Trust me, I am not as good at fitting ice cream into my daily calories as you may think. I just happened to do it today, providing I follow my own meal planning.

    Meokk: Don't worry about your size ratio. Keep in mind that I am almost 5'7" so I have a few inches on you. I'm with you on wanting to fit into nice designer clothes. Not that I'm a huge shopper or spend a lot of money on clothes, but it would be nice to have a few designer wardrobe staples that will last a long time.

    Julie: Your Walmart doesn't carry a size 6 ring? I wear a size 6 on my right hand and a 5-5.5 on my left hand. I've never had trouble finding cheap fashion rings there. My friend wears an 8 and can never try on rings at nice jewelry stores because all of the floor models are always a size 6, so she makes me put them on so she can see what they look like on a woman's hand....yeah, most of the jewelry sales stores have only male salespeople...weird. Okay, I'm babbling now.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Kerri and I would very much like to join in this group. Can someone please tell me how this works? I would be ever so grateful!

    Welcome to this wonderful, chatty group! We try to check in daily with our calories, water, exercise and something we're proud of. Every Friday is a weigh-in and the one with the highest loss percentage picks a challenge for the week. I look forward to learning more about you!

    Oh, and we put a new thread up every week because we're so chatty! The link is always posted on the thread so it's easy to find.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    It's a birthday day here at the office. They brought in ice cream cake. I caved. It was delicious. It was a 1/2 piece...but still like 220 cals. Who's going for a walk today?? This girl!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie: Your Walmart doesn't carry a size 6 ring? I wear a size 6 on my right hand and a 5-5.5 on my left hand. I've never had trouble finding cheap fashion rings there. My friend wears an 8 and can never try on rings at nice jewelry stores because all of the floor models are always a size 6, so she makes me put them on so she can see what they look like on a woman's hand....yeah, most of the jewelry sales stores have only male salespeople...weird. Okay, I'm babbling now.

    Yes! I went in to ask to try on a size 6 in a band and they said they didnt have one so then I asked to try on ANY size 6 they had (because it was the only store that carries jewelry within lunchtime driving distance from work & I was trying to accurately size my finger for my engagement & wedding rings) and they actually looked at me like I was a monster & bluntly told me they don't carry anything smaller than a size 7. It sounded so ridiculous I thought maybe they were just being lazy & rude so since then I've been to 3 other Walmarts in the area (there are like a bazillion Walmarts in this city) and have been shot down for a size 6 (again, ANY size 6) at all of them. Maybe it's just Walmarts in South Carolina. In their defense, probably 75% of their customers are severely overweight so it may not make much economic sense to keep size 6 & smaller in stock in store. I wear a 7 on my middle & index fingers so I just shop for cheap fashion rings for them. :tongue:

    Oh and on the subject of ice cream cakes, my husband (I so almost typed boyfriend) wants one for graduation. :tongue: And that's right in the middle of holiday season so count me out for a loss that week (though unrealistically ideally I'd be at my goal weight by then.... yeah right).
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Kerri - Welcome to our group! Hope you love it as much as we do!!

    Lauren - WTG on taking control and going for a walk after that ice cream cake. If I only had that same mentality.......

    Julie - That is so weird that no one has the smaller sizes. That is all I can seem to find, either too small or too big. I just don't get it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I'm jealous about the ice cream cake. Now I can't wait for 9pm to roll around so I can have my ice cream.

    Julie: I did just read an article about the southern states having the highest obesity rates in the country. Perhaps Walmart in your state is just making sure to cater to those obese patrons. However, even when I weighed 219 lbs., I still wore a size 6 ring. The really strange part is that in high school, I wore a size 7 but I'm thinking it was all the muscle from writing so much whereas I just type now.

    Alright, I'm out for the day. I'll "see" you all tomorrow!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Wow, so chatty today :)

    I just got back from the "food and ancle center" my older son has been having problems wiht both big toes and in grown nail...so I took him for the 5th time so the doc can clip the nail..

    Imagine in teh waiting room wiht a 4 y/o moving around and not sitting down...he had ants in his pant today..drove me crazy! It could be that the waiting room was packed with patients, but still he would not sit down for more than 3 minutes. I am so tired and hungry. I had a protein shake before I left around 12pm..so I am about to go eat something before I start making dinner.

    Btw, before I forget again....


    I am making grilled shrimp and salmon with flavored rice and a nice spring mix salad...yum!

    mines well check in
    Calories: on target
    water: not quite, again
    exercise: 45 cardio ( elliptical and wii)
    proud: I didn't binge eat when I got home ( from the foot doc), I had some celery and carrot sticks.

    check back tomorrow

    Have a great day/evening!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    That ring stuff is crazy where You live littlespy. I am a size 8 and always have trouble finding a ring large enough in ny. Most of the stores only carry 5,6,7. Weird.
    Go get yourself a Mani/pedi girl. You have earned a treat!!! Just make sure you go to a really good clean place.

    I tried a self tanning spray a few months ago and it was actually pretty good. Neutrogena mist something. It was not very dark on me but I did a spray two days in a row and that was perfect. I'm super pale naturally too.

    Mmmmm ..... Ice cream cake .......
    Well Lauren at least it's finally a beautiful day in NYC for your walk !!!

    Pos me. Sorry about those nail ladies making you feel bad. What a rotten day. It's the kind of thing you never forget.

    Debbie - thinking of you and hoping you get good and helpful news at your appointment. Xoxo
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OMG I nearly forgot to wish you a happy anniversary Cris !!!!!!!!!
    Have a lovely evening xoxoxo
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Julie - size 6 isn't that big. Or if it is, I'm in trouble... (I wear an 8)... So either I'm carrying all of weight in my fingers.

    Or... I have giant, creepy, man hands.

    I'm trying to decide which I feel better about :laugh:

    Cris - I hope you have a great evening! And that your salmon turns out well!

    And... that's the only comment I can remember. The last few weeks of work have been completely, mentally exhausting.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Hello everyone! I was referred to this board by someone on another board. I have just started here and have about 170lbs to lose. I am shadowing in on the 300lb mark :sad: :embarassed: I tried to read through all your posts but wow this is a lot for the last 2 days.

    I will share a little about myself. I am a newlywed, (8-22-09) I have an 11 year old daughter and an 8 month old son. I am a nurse and have a sit down job, which I hate. I'd love to be on my feet taking care of patients, but I have had some health issues over the last 4 years. I've had 3 hip surgeries and then a high risk pregnancy, so I was unable to do much exercise most of the last 4 years. I in turn have put on 70 lbs. I am right now 40 lbs heavier than I was when my son was 2 weeks old. I have PCOS which has made it difficult. But I have decided that I just can't survive like this anymore. I have a hard time tying my shoes and I am worried that my hubby will get sick of me and leave (which is just my insecurities, but I can't help but feel that way)

    Anyway, so here I am. I hope to get to know everyone, because I'm committed to this for the long haul.

    Danielle :bigsmile:
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    hi i am shawna, im over 200lbs my over all main goal is to get into a healthy bmi range im 234ish pounds and 5 foot 1 in which makes my bmi 40 i need to get into the 20's. it says i need to be about 119 to be there, lol well see,
    my ideal goal isnt in pounds tho, i want to be back in jr clothing, weight doesnt determine what size clothes u where, i have a friend who weighs more than me and is in a 20 im about 30lbs lighter than her and im in a 24, im tired of paying $2-$5 extra for clothes to fit my hips but no where else! i heard this is the best support group
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hello everyone! I was referred to this board by someone on another board. I have just started here and have about 170lbs to lose. I am shadowing in on the 300lb mark :sad: :embarassed: I tried to read through all your posts but wow this is a lot for the last 2 days.

    I will share a little about myself. I am a newlywed, (8-22-09) I have an 11 year old daughter and an 8 month old son. I am a nurse and have a sit down job, which I hate. I'd love to be on my feet taking care of patients, but I have had some health issues over the last 4 years. I've had 3 hip surgeries and then a high risk pregnancy, so I was unable to do much exercise most of the last 4 years. I in turn have put on 70 lbs. I am right now 40 lbs heavier than I was when my son was 2 weeks old. I have PCOS which has made it difficult. But I have decided that I just can't survive like this anymore. I have a hard time tying my shoes and I am worried that my hubby will get sick of me and leave (which is just my insecurities, but I can't help but feel that way)

    Anyway, so here I am. I hope to get to know everyone, because I'm committed to this for the long haul.

    Danielle :bigsmile:

    Welcome Danielle!!! Out group as very chatty as you have seen and we are a great support to each other. We try to check in daily with our calories, exercise, water and what ever else we want to and say what we are proud of for the day. We are always here to chat and help encourage so if you ever need any help we are here. Welcome to the group and welcome to your new life!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Welcome shawnanil!! If you look at my previous post it will let you know how we roll on here.

    checkin in:
    Calories - Over by 150
    Sodium - Over by a little
    Water - 80 oz not as good as normal
    Proud - That I didn't over do it at dinner!!

    Well I am off to Dallas tomorrow!!! Can't wait but I am soooo going to miss all of you!!! :sad: :sad: I am not sure if I will be able to check in during the trip so I might not be back until Tuesday or Wednesday. I am sure that I will be on FB so if you are my friend you will see me in action. If your not my friend and want to be you can find me at raider_ape@hotmail.com. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend!! Those of you traveling Ann, Jess, and Deb be careful and have fun!! Talk to you all soon. I will try and check in tomorrow before leaving tomorrow but not sure if I will be able to fit it in.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome newbies !!!

    Danielle - I started here at MFP at 310 (orginally 318 ) ..>This is an awesome place, i just hit 50 lbs and feels soo great..You can do it !!!

    Well i made it through the doctor appt. Of course i picked her up and she peed in her pants ...so we ran home and got other clothes.

    I got to the doctor, and they said the pee i had collected in the morning wasn't enough, that we needed more,so they gave me these bags that i ahve to go put on her like 3-4 in the morning to collect the urine...fun huh..i know you are all jealous.

    So i was ticked about that , but went in his office and went over all the blood work.

    Most was good so that was good ,
    2 main things were not good.
    1) Vit D, was low (which as it is for most people), he said she should get supplments, he had some that are in pill form but since she didn't she needs drops, so now i have to go try and find vit D drops., cvs didn't have any

    2) The big one !!!! Her strep levels were 3x the limit. He said that the strep antibodies were way way high and can be getting in her blood stream affecting her bevahiour and such, it basically is causing another enzyme to be blocked and like she is having a problem with gluten , she really doesn't have an issue with gluten itself, but rather this one antibody affecting the other...It was soo confusing i made him tell me it like 4 times and i still don't get it all...but basically she needs her tonsils and andoinds out. He said that after she gets them out that alot of her behavior could get better. Hubby did some research that seems to back that up , it is a new method but seems logical. She had strep throat so far 3 x in the last year , last 2 times back to back.

    So now trying to figure out how we are going to pay for it...we have insurance but still will be quite a chunk of money. I am hoping that my mom will lend us some money to get it done.

    They are still waiting on the urine test that test the neuro transmittters so there still could be something else going on, but he said this is definetly something that is causing issues. Of course i have to do 1st morning urine still to test dairy tolerance...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie: I'm glad the doctor was able to give you some information that might make sense may be a solution. Yay!

    Danielle and Shawna: Welcome to this fabulous group! As you'll see, we've had some big losses in this group and if you stick with it, you can too!

    Cris: Hope you're having an amazing evening with Bobby.

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: 391 calorie deficit
    Sodium: over by 2! Yep, only 2!
    Water: 48 oz. in and working on the remaining 16 oz. Even if it means I"ll have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I'm going to get it all in, by golly!
    Exercise: Walking for 3 hours at volunteer work.
    Proud: I resisted ice cream. Yep, by the time I got done volunteering all I wanted was water. On the way home, I was weighing the instant gratification against the possibility of a loss for tomorrow's weigh in and the weigh in won for the first time in a LONG time. Guess I've got my butt cheeks firmly on the seat of that "wagon" now!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome to the new folks! This is a GREAT group. :heart:

    Checking in for today:
    Cals - Over by like 200....hmm, wasn't that what the ice cream cake was??? Guess I didn't do enough walking. :wink:
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - 45 min walk
    Proud - That I let myself have the ice cream cake, with a small portion. It's ok I'm over on cals today. I was under earlier this week. It's all good. :glasses: That's me...Ms. Cool! :laugh:

    Deb - Glad to hear you got some answers. Good luck with the late night/early morning collection!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Heather - good for you resisting that ice cream! You are my hero!
    Welcome Danielle and Shawna - you will love it here. :flowerforyou:
    Deb - VERY interesting about the strep overload. I JUST saw a Mystery Diagnosis where the woman's son went kind of haywire, doing OCD things big time, and wetting himself, and a doc finally figured out that it was the strep overload in his body! There's some sort of disconnect that an overload of strep does on certain parts of the brain. Go to the Discovery Health website and see if you can pull up that episode. For this boy, the fix was antibiotics, and I think he has to go on them once in a while or something for preventative measures. Anyhoo - I am so glad that there are some possible answers out there for you. :heart:

    check in:
    cals: good but over in sodium. Bleh.
    water: 100+
    exercise: 30 mins elliptical and 30 mins of track/arms at the rec center
    proud: I didn't celebrate my threederville with food. :bigsmile: Instead, I am going to get a mani/pedi with my 7 yr-old niece Livvy who is in from Texas! :flowerforyou:
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