

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My youngest daughter just called and they were headed down to San Antonio, her brother in law had a stroke yesterday and is unresponsive, he's only 45. His wife is alone in San Antonio with no family there so they are on the way to be with her. That also happens to be where my grandson is in rehab so they are hoping to get to visit with him tomorrow while they are there.

    Janetr OKC (in HOT, hot, hot OKC heat index of 108)

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Janetr OKC Oh gosh, so sorry about your daughter's brother-in-law!!! That is just really sad and I am so sorry for her and for you!

    Lenora <3 Concerning the home schooling...

    Yeah, I know I didn't include all of the qualifications of Griffin's potential local teachers: A psychologist grandfather. A senior computer analyst grandfather whizkid. A grandmother with a PhD in education, a Doctor of Divinity degree, and a Master's degree in social work. An M.D. grandmother. A LCSW grandmother. And an amazing mother who is a very talented 6th grade teacher who also teaches high school Spanish. His dad is also quite accomplished but probably would not be interested in teaching, nor does he have the temperament for it.

    Not to mention a very large and active local home schooling network with competitive organized sports teams, groups that go to the ballet, etc. Even with all of that, I am hearing you loud & clear; it is not something to go into willy nilly. I do not think it would be easy.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ My sister has 1.5 acres and a huge house. I am thinking that little tiny homes scattered with walkways (for the walkers or scooters) would be a good thing...to connect to the main house. My grandfather built our family home...(up the road a skosh but sold a year after my mother passed, about 17 yrs ago), then built his home, (which my sister bought many years ago after he passed). Every so often my grandparents make themselves known. My grandmother strokes my sisters cheek during the night, and my grandfather moves chairs around outside, (always to face the sun). I think they would both be so proud to have it as a family gathering place once again.
    Sadly my husband would never go for that plan, because he and my sister don't really get along well. So if it ever is just me, then I would definitely go in on it. Strange, why is it that we always gravitate back to where it all began? To return to the fold so to speak. My husband and I returned to Oregon after spending 32 years away, and it has been really a comfort.
    Nice to meet you and join in our little group :-)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Anne and other directionally challenged women- The post and comments about needing gps and being challenged in this way is cracking me up right now. This morning, I wrote down directions for my son to pick up birthday cupcakes from a local baker/caterer's store. I drew a map, but son went by the directions that I wrote. I told him the store was north of the library and he called me so angry because it was actually west of it. I always forget that the streets turn a bit when you get into downtown GH. He was also angry that I called it a "store". It is, but it is in a converted older home... Oh well, he got the cupcakes home, safe and sound.
    I am down only one pound this week, but that's okay; due to the weather and the timing of the weather, I haven't been able to be as active outside. I am hoping to make healthy choices this weekend while my daughter and her husband are here.
    One thing I did find out while doing my exercises this morning. Well, actually, I figured it out while I was folding laundry. Those little dryer sheets are super slippery on my tile floors! I have decided to use them to do my mountain climbers and some of the other exercises to build core and hip/leg/arm muscles. They will work just like those little slippery discs that they have at the gym I went to! Yea!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Joyce, Indiana~ Aw Joyce you are NOT a failure. When it comes to your mate, it's not the same as when you were tending to your patients. There is emotions involved, and the care you feel is at a whole other level. Do the best you can, but keep the wife hat mentally on. That was my problem when I was tending husband while he was getting sicker and sicker waiting for a liver. I put the caregiver hat on, and took the wife one completely off. It was easier to just not feel. But as I got number, so did husband, until it felt like us as a couple was not in the picture. (((((hugs)))) to you friend. "All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be exceedingly well".

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi, I'd like to introduce myself and see I can hang out with you ladies. My name is Tracy and I live in a small suburb of San Diego. I'm married with three mostly wonderful children ages, 26(son), 10(son), and 9(daughter). I'm a mostly stay at home mom although I do work part time as a lunch lady during the school year. I've been overweight most of my life and morbidly obese for a very good portion of that time. In 2011 I had weight loss surgery and and got down from my highest weight of 340 to 211. I'm an emotional eater and a few things lately caused me to gain back up to 257 at the end of last year. I'm currently 233 and working my way down to a goal weight of between 165-175. My current workout regime is a functional fitness class 4x a week. My current diet is mostly ketogenic with wine and some tequila thrown in to keep things fun.

    If you're still with me so far, thanks for reading!


    Nice ta meetcha Tracy. I lived in Imperial Beach once...(out of many places in California). Married to a Navy Chief so every 4 years it is up and moving time! I have 3 sons, (26, 21, and 17). Older two are in active Navy, and getting really to put the third son in DEP (delayed Entry Program), for this year until he graduates next year from high school. I have worked here and there but mostly a stay at home mom as well. Currently about 240 lbs, highest weight was 268 lbs. I just settle for crappy food, when I should choose better. Welcome again!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla~You are such a great friend, thinking of us daily. I appreciate you! Husbands' kneecap is doing really well these days, and the brace is back in it's packaging. He is able to just use his cane, and was able to drive the car, and go up the stairs to our apartment just fine yesterday and today. Having his bile bag, having to drink so much gaterade takes a toll on him though, so he naps daily in his chair. Always having to sleep on his left side and back has made him really achy, which I try to massage out nightly. Other than that, he is his old self, and life goes blissfully on. My sons have been really supportive during all this, emailing us, and calling us. I have raised self aware, sympathetic, and caring sons. They both even remembered my birthday!
    (((hugs))) friend!
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks to everyone that replied to me. My knee goes completely out on me from time to time and had caused a few bad falls. It seems to be getting stronger with all my aqua calisthenics. But, in the past, when it felt strong then I always went out. Like there isnt any way to tell for sure what it's up to lol. I will keep praying about it and keep on with the aqua and the ibuprofen 800s for now
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Had haggis with a wee dram for starters, then Lobster Thermidor for main.
    I cope with it all with the masses of walking I have been doing and by not eating the carbs . So, I left out the potato, the rice, and scraped off most of the Thermidor sauce. Extra veg. For dessert I have a small amount of stinky cheese with celery sticks.
    The alcohol intake has been more than I hoped for, but I did ok tonight, even with the champagne at the cocktail party. I will be interested to see how much I have put on, but I'm hoping it will settle into not much more than two pounds.
    Off in a moment to watch the virtuoso violinist. He was surprisingly good last time. :D

  • debbierichardson7186
    debbierichardson7186 Posts: 45 Member
    I enjoy reading all posts. There is always good info that helps me on my weight loss journey. I have made a lifestyle change and am committed to it. I saw the dietitian today and she suggested that I eat more calories and carbs. So I am moving from 1500 to 1800 daily.
    Going to gym 3 times a week for walking ( can't deal with TX heat and humidity. Need to find some exercise to do at home for other days.
    Leaving Thursday for a week at the lake with siblings, children and grandchildren. There will be many temptations to eat unhealthy things. Taking my own healthy choices. At least I will get a couple swim times everyday.

    Debbie in TX
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Joyce – “You all say Charlie and I must be doing OK. We are a mess.” Given all that you are going through, I think you are doing a fabulous! <3

    Tracy – Welcome! I had to look up ketogenic diet. I was guessing it had something to do with getting your body into ketosis, but was not sure. Glad to hear that this seems to be working for you. I don’t think that is a diet I could maintain. I would miss my occasional frozen yogurt which would have way too many carbs.

    JanetR – Sorry to hear about your daughter’s brother-in-law. :'(

    Becca/Re – I think I’m going to have to make plans to live out my years with my sisters as well. If our husbands are still around, we’ll just build them a man cave with a large screen TV and they will be happy. :D

    Went to the gym this morning and walked/ran on the treadmill. Tomorrow I must try to run outside again. I am still looking for a new gym. Called the place I have my free membership just to confirm the price – it is $89/month. (And that is just for me - not hubby or daughters.) I just can’t justify that when I have primarily just been using the cardio and weight lifting equipment. I am going this weekend, however, to take advantage of their pool one more time before my free membership expires. So, I have narrowed it down to two gyms that cost only $20/mo and are closer to my home. Now, I just have to decide if I want a gym with free group fitness classes or a gym with free personal training. I think I will go tour them both this weekend.

    Have a great weekend everyone and stay cool! B)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am as Heather say's knackered ... been awake since 3 this morning, and today was just not a great day at work.. Faith doing fine, im already in my pajama's and ready to pass out, but sitting on the porch and will water the flowers before bed
    working 7:30- noon tomorrow and then will be up here most of the next few days
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Well dopey dr had me in tears,he has blocked every weds afternoon that I work with him,that no root canals be scheduled.in RED he just is giving me nasty looks evertime he walks by me..I do not need the stress :#

    Allison – re: the dentist…I'm not fully up to speed with your situation with this dentist, and I don't even know what your job is there, but my brother is a dentist and he and I talk fairly often about interactions with the professionals he hires to be "the face" of his practice (the receptionist and the insurance specialist), to take great personal care of his patients (dental assistants), to perform their technical skills with commitment (hygienists), etc. He doesn't name names, but we thoughtfully discuss the "thing" (conflict, concern, etc.). He is also a very logical, specific, talented, friendly, professional who takes his practice of dentistry very seriously for his patients and expects his staff to do likewise. In other words - he has high expectations for his staff AND he gives them the tools (continuing ed., showing them something one on one, and talking with them) that are needed to hone their skills and learn more if they have an interest. (Yes, he is my dentist and I drive 4 hours one way just for him and his staff to take care of my teeth!) Your dentist in question may not be anything like that, and discussing whatever is going on may be tough. On the other hand, maybe he's struggling with something he wants you to discuss with you but is a horrible communicator, so he doesn't, and it becomes frustrating & he turns into Mr. Hyde. Or, maybe he's just an *kitten*. But I can tell you, from talking with my brother, consider whether it would ultimately be helpful for you to discuss whatever this is, in a fact-based way with this person. I would schedule a meeting with this dentist to have this conversation. If he acts like a jerk, then go above his head. Don't know the details, as I said, but replies I read gave me the idea he's being exceedingly unprofessional.

    Heather – I think the Leprosy Museum sounds fascinating and intriguing!

  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    RE in TX – your way of eating sounds like a great plan for you, because it’s “officially” working!
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Everyone else... :D Hi!!!
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Uh-oh...I must have just broken a MFP rule...I did NOT type *kitten*hole...I typed donkey-butt
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :)Michele, the hotel inside the hospital was created using a wing of hospital rooms..it is managed a bit like a hotel...the rooms are small with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, TV, phone, and Wifi..there is a shared kitchen and laundry room....since it is within the hospital, it's easy to get from hotel room to hospital facilities without going outside...the hospital is connected to a parking garage by an indoor skyway.

    :)Katla, there is no way of knowing when Jake will be released from the hospital after surgery...the doctor said he will stay one or two nights and there's no way of knowing whether he'll be discharged in the morning or later in the day....we'll let the hotel people know that we may have to stay another night...there is no way we'll be driving home on Friday afternoon in that traffic.

    <3 Barbie