

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    edited June 2016
    prbford64~here is the deal... I have worked at this dentist office 10 yrs, the original Dr died 8 yrs ago of a massive heart attack in the Dominican Republic over Christmas week.. he was my dentist for 21 yrs and I had worked with him for a year and a half
    his wife sold the practice to 2 young Drs that kept the staff..all the others that came through would have brought there own staff and we were promised to stay as a group.. we have 2 hygienists, 2 Dental assistants( one of them being me) Dr Sullivan trained me so no schooling.. an Office Manager, Front end manager, and office assistant.. except for one of the hygienists,everyone is 50 and over ,and except for the the craziness of going paperless right now , we work as an awesome team..Now one of the owners no longer practices at our office,and the other one is supposed to be there 2 times a week, but over the last 8 yrs they have bought another 8 -10 practices and they are at an age that they are getting married and having children so he usually is pulled to another office to cover for someone out on maternity leave or something,he also travels to houston,tx as they are part owner in a practice there and that is where Dr Ho is from..
    so they have associates,right now we have 2, Dr Sortito the one that is the one in question has been there for about 2 yrs, he is there full time.. but everyone in the office will tell you there is something just off about him, his dentistry is good,but no chairside manner,and he does not participate with or socialize at all.. whenever he has a free minute he is in a corner of the office texting.. he has no problem with the other assistant but with me,Oh lord it is oil and water.. now I have never been anything but nice to him,I always treat the patients with great care as does the whole office staff, and that is why we have the patients we do.. it was a private pay office when Dr Sullivan was alive ,and we have taken on more and more state patients , ones that get the free healthcare..
    There is something just not right about Dr Sortito and over the last couple of years seems to be getting worse..
    He is not approachable at all.. and because of the way he treats me,he makes me even more nervous,as when Zina is out I have to assist him and he can't stand it... so yesterday when I was looking at the schedule he had blocked off in red every other weds when I assist him in the afternoons in red NO ROOT CANALS all the way down the column... I assisted him weds with one ,and was getting more and more flustered as the procedure went on,and he started repremanding me in front of patient..,he was also barking orders at me with another patient that day..
    Dr Ho owner of practice has to much on his mind to deal with all the drama ,and I dont know is Diane will..he is our only full time dentist and they dont want to lose him,but I have been there longer than him and the rest of the girls love and care for me .. even the troll since her MIL and dad has passed away has changed.. we are family down there except for him.. he is a real odd duck.. and he is just the type to come in one day and do me in..I am serious that is how odd he is.. so now this is what I have to contend with on a daily basis on top of everything else in my life geesh..
    sorry for the long drawn out explanation .but now ya know the background of where I work...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... wide awake at 3 a.m., halfway down the first cup of coffee. While I am awake, I'm not really functioning mentally yet.

    Contemplating the last sale of the summer at the warehouse, which will start in about five hours. Won't hold another until at least September, possibly October. Much of the work I did for the first one was one-time stuff, building tables, etc., so am much better prepared, with much less work, than I was for the last one, which is nice. Supposed to be 104 degrees today, but will start closing it down at 1 p.m. The DH came into town last night, and I can send him to take the signs down once the number of people starts slowing down. Got everything at good prices, going to try to get the warehouse as cleared out as humanly possible.

    And, as soon as we shut down, we'll head for the ranch. Going to take the big warehouse van out, and on Sunday, will bring in a load of all the furniture from the ranch that he can live without (second loveseat, etc.) and store it at the warehouse until we've got a place to put it.

    Obviously, with that statement, my DH is definitely quitting his job, it's just a matter now of exactly when. He also decided not to go on the fishing trip next week with all the other managers and the big boss, which is best, and I'm glad. He's trying to get out of this job without burning bridges, which is wise--and four days in a situation where alcohol is freely flowing, people are bored and trapped in a boat together during the day and all staying in the same cabin every night, would end up in a conflagration. He's pretty blunt, doesn't dissemble easily or well, so it's best to avoid the situation. He's tried to fix it every way he knows, and it's just time to move on.

    Am I worried? Sure, a little... but it's the reason we bought the warehouse--for the fallback position, a place to stay and get it together for whatever's next. Little is permanent in this life, except love. I am blessed that my life is filled with it, and honestly, have hated being apart from him four to five nights a week. He's hated it, too, I know, and it's not helped the situation with his job.

    Off to the races, need to clean floors a bit and just overall make sure everything's priced, nice and neat, and everything's covered up that's not for sale... Hope you all have an amazing weekend.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas--about to get seriously sweaty. :wink:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lisa happy sales and Ka-Ching! Hope it's a great success. Little in life is permanent except love. <3 so true

    DH and I are taking a breath over DD's part time ambition :o We are letting go. He took her out to lunch yesterday and they just enjoyed each other's company. I think it went a long way in keeping the peace.

    Today is all about loving our nice weather, the garden and prepping for a milestone week. Graduation is Thursda:open_mouth: NYKAREN
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    good saturday morning, all! i'm not sure why, but when I try to "quote" post more than a line or two, the preview and post reply boxes get lost - can't see them at all & can't get to them.

    Allison,sure sounds like this dentist is a square peg in a round hole. It's so hard to work in an environment like what you describe...stressful and just makes you unhappy. It sure doesn't sound like it'll get any better unless there's some discussion with this guy to find out why the stick is up his butt.

    Everyone have a great day today

    Paula in NE North Carolina
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Good morning all!
    Did a 45 minute swim this morning. I hope to walk round the ship after lunch for a mile, depending on the weather - it's lurching a bit. Grey skies.
    After that I attended a lecture and then went to the Galley Tour. I had asked that they put this on, so found it fascinating. First the chef talked to us about the logistics of how they go about feeding 440 people at one sitting - all the buying, storage, health and safety, waste management, and enormous amounts of paperwork. They make all the bread, cakes and pastries on board and everything is cooked fresh for each service. The bakers are up in the night.
    Then we went round the galley and chatted with the Chef's. Almost all the crew is Filipino. They have two below stairs chefs for their own food. The hot food area seemed small for so many servings. We saw the dishwashing area, the wine storage, the bakery, the cold food area and the hot and the beverage preparation.
    When we came out they had put on a fruit and veg carving demo for us, making animals and beautiful designs. I want to copy the melon bear for the grandchildren. They also showed us plate decoration techniques, like the ones you get in posh restaurants when it's your birthday. The coloured part is apricot, mixed with icing sugar and food colouring. He was amazingly skilled, first drawing the design freehand in chocolate.
    Then I attended a lecture on the fjord farmers of yesteryear. Amazing, resilient people who lived on tiny precipices, and climbed up and down sheer cliffs on ropes. Their children were "tethered" with a rope around their waste to prevent them falling to their deaths.
    Now I'm writing to you and it's nearly lunchtime. The last day of a holiday is always hard for me. I do feel sad that our adventure is coming to an end. Got to fill in the appraisal forms and pack. Suitcases outside the door late tonight. It all feels very final.

    Love to all. Heather
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Lisa - It seems to me that you and your husband have choreographed this dance quite well! In a few hours, your last summer warehouse sale will be over, clearing the way for that symbolic load of furniture from the ranch. Next week while the other managers retreat with the big boss, your husband will be (mentally) waltzing away from his job situation, with you. With the warehouse closed for the summer, you can focus on what needs to be done to finalize your husband's departure from his job. Well done! You are a superb team.

    Lenora Oh dear, now I've caused you to apologize to me. And I just hate that. It's hard to convey tone in a forum like this when you can't see facial expressions or hear voices.

    That didn't come out exactly the way I meant it. (The hearing voices part). Anyway, no, no, no, Lenora, I am not offended at anything you have said. I appreciate that you care enough to read my posts and respond with such passion. Believe me, I am a big girl and I don't want you walking on eggshells lest I be offended at something you post. Quite frankly, Griffin's village is quite intimidated at the enormity of the home schooling endeavour. We could do it, but I think it would require a lot of sacrifice and would come with a steep learning curve. My daughter-in-law and I would do most of the work. Also, not to step on toes out there, but the majority of the home schooling community here are members of the religious right, which not our ideology, and that could present some challenges. It could provide an opportunity for growth or it could backfire in our faces. And more importantly, in Griffin's.

    Allie It sounds as if working with this dentist causes you such anxiety that you are making mistakes in assisting him that are intolerable to him (and I'm sure you don't feel OK about it either).

    The more he barks at you *another Tom* the more flustered you become, as you try to make his world right (sound familiar?) I cannot imagine a more difficult situation. You get barked at in your home and in your workplace.

    Time to grow a backbone! You are being bullied, which causes you to act in a manner that fulfills the prophecy of Allie the Whipping Boy. We love you here in this forum and we don't want you to be anybody's whipping boy.

    Your work has been a positive place for you to be for many years, with a family-like atmosphere and lots of TLC for your patients. It is difficult when you are subordinate to the person who is causing your misery, and that is why you are going to have to make an appointment with Dr. Ho. Perhaps you could write a brief note to Dr. Ho and ask that he meet with you and Dr. S. The conflict may not be resolvable, but it is possible that a solution will emerge. I would not meet with Dr. S. alone because of the fact that you are his subordinate.

    (((Hugging Allie)))

    Pip! You are almost done! Fly like the wind!

    Heather What an awesome trip you will have in your memory banks. Highlighted by your visit with Penny, of course!

    Women Over 50 <3

    Karen in Virginia
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I love reading all the wise comments contributors are making here. What a wonderful place to get support! :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Well Dr Sortito is actually an employee just like me,he has no authority over me...we are equals except he has more schooling ....his patients are here for 8 am appts and he shows up at quarter after to 8:30 and gets away with it .
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    NYKaren - As I was reading your post about your daughter working part time, it occurred to me that maybe she is trying to make the right choice for her emotional well-being. As she is dealing with the end of high school and the unknown of going off to college, maybe she instinctively knows that the stress of working full time might be overload. While, as adults, we worry so much about the financial/practical end of things, sometimes our kids are smarter than we think. Pure hypothesis here--you know your kid and I don't! Both of my kids deal with depression and anxiety, so they've been forced to learn how to communicate their feelings AND it makes me super aware of the things that might be beneath their actions. On the other hand, kids are just strange sometimes. I truly hope you won't take offense!!

    Alison - You are truly in a rough patch. I don't know that I would have the guts to do it (and, I guess it's obvious that I don't), it sounds like you need to flat out ask him to calmly, without patients present, tell/show how you can better assist him with patients. As annoying as it is, it makes the other person feel better about themselves if you "assume the blame" when there is a problem.

    Okay! I'm taking off my therapist hat now. Jeez! I'm philosophical in the mornings.

    I screwed up with eating yesterday. Back on the wagon today! Planning to do my laundry and tackle some chores around the house today, intermingled with chilling and resting--trying to find a balance.

    For whoever asked about the online dating thing -- I see the guy about once per month. Maybe. He has his daughters a lot and we're certainly not serious enough to disrupt that. I'm done with it for now. So tired of seeing the same faces on my screen every day so I let my subscription lapse. I may try again this fall.

    Off to enjoy the last bit of open window temps before closing up the house again. Hope y'all have a great Saturday!

    :heart: Carol in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :)Michele,the hotel at the hospital charges $75.00 a night for the rooms...that's an extremely good price for Seattle....this branch of the hospital is far from any other hotel so it has the advantage of being right there. It has been created out of an old wing of the hospital that wouldn't be suitable for patient rooms now.

    :)Katla, there is so much construction going on along the Seattle waterfront where the ferry terminals are, that finding the entrance to the ferry was a challenge even when we were on foot in May..;;then we would have taken the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island....Jake didn't want to deal with the mess at the waterfront so he'll be driving to Kingston and taking the ferry to Edmonds and then down I-5 into Seattle and I'll drive that route to get home.

    :'(Miriam, I'm sorry to hear that you are still not well....I had several bouts each of pneumonia and bronchitis and they really wiped me out.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Breakfast finished, time now for meditation followed by dog walking

    <3 Barbie
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Karen - Yes, the memories will be with me forever, not least the miracle of meeting Penny in Longyearbyen. :D It still brings tears to my eyes, thinking of her writing that she could see my ship coming in. Somehow that has a wonderful ring about it. Arriving at the end of the earth and on time and with a friendly face to greet me. <3

    One thing I like very much about this cruise is the fact that everything does run on time. Our ship docks almost to the minute and all the activities are punctual and run for the appointed time. As a punctuality freak I find that very relaxing.

    This afternoon I attended a lecture on all the cetaceans that have been spotted during the voyage. 22 blue whales! Every other sort of whale and dolphin that lives in these waters. Photographs of how they recognised them. Orcas in pods, white beaked dolphins riding the bow wave........... I didn't see any of them, but DH saw a blue whale. Beluga.

    Then I decided to do my mile walk indoors, so timed myself for 20 minutes brisk walking with lots of flights of stairs. :Do:)

    Tonight the maitre d is giving us a special meal that is not on the menu. Escargots and Dover Sole. Then I will be dancing and listening to the cabaret for the last time. Still haven't packed. I think I need a nap. :laugh:

    Heather, heading down the North Sea.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Also reminds me of the hymn, “It is Well with My Soul [Live]”. Google it on YouTube.

    Michele in NC – I was a ‘huge’ Dale Evans and Roy Rogers fan. That was my 30 minutes of watching TV on Saturday. When Santa brought me a full ‘cowgirl outfit’ and a ‘red wooden rocking horse’ I knew I was ‘set for life’. I got a Greyhound bus (which got destroyed in a wreck on Christmas Day) when we were driving Mimi home, and a doll, I named Ruth (only doll that I did not pull the head and arms off) the very day I received her. Plaid dress and hair braided in two pony tails. I’d ride that red wooden rocking horse so hard that the nose and tail would almost hit the floor.

    The last time we went to the movies, DDnL#2 paid for all to get into the show; there were 5 of us; $$$ out the Wazoo; and then we bought our own snacks. I got some popcorn and a bottle of water for $5 and I got the small popcorn and shared it. Ridiculous the prices they charge now-a-days. So we usually wait until they come out of CDs. There is only 1 place in the West side of Albany that rents out CDs. DOS has Netflix – I guess we should start using the movie channels on our TV’s plan. We just never ‘think’ about it.

    I agree with you … ‘junk food’. When we go to Logan’s I order a ribeye topped with sautéed mushrooms, baked potato, and vegetable; and take ½ of it home for the next day’s lunch (and occasionally) one yeast roll. I hate to leave food on my plate, knowing that it will just 'go in the trash'. This time I had to leave it because we had 4 or 5 more errands to do before getting home. The heat index here had to be 100 or better. The breeze we had was like opening up an oven after it has heated up.

    Katla – Our Tux is an outside kitty; he does his job well; but, yesterday I heard him meowing loudly at the back door; and opened it just to find a fairly large mouse with a ‘salad’ to go with it. He was ‘so proud’ and I think he wants to make sure we know he is doing his job by leaving us presents at the back door. He just does not understand why “Cracker” gets to come in, and he doesn’t.

    Miriam – A summer cold is the pits; I had one last year that lingered on and on. After 2 bouts of antibiotics and some pills for the cough; and still ‘hacking’ like a ‘smoking truck driver’ … I called my ‘lung MD’ because it was affecting the use of my C-pap machine. I went in to see him the next day; and, he put me on Prednisone – which knocked the coughing out in 3 days. Of course, I don’t like taking it (steroid) … makes my mouth get so dried out; but, it worked!

    I just love when a MD says they can’t see you or ‘work you in’ for another week to 10 days. I don’t have any trouble getting seen by ‘somebody’ usually the next day … all of them have a PA or two. I’m like you if I get a cold and don’t see somebody quickly it goes to bronchitis, then pneumonia or pleurisy.

    Grandmallie – My DDnL#2 used to work for a MD’s office after going through technical school to be an ‘assistant’. She said the MDs would ‘curse and scream at them’; and, she got tired of it; so she went to cosmetologist school at night and now works for herself in a large salon; where her only expenses are her rent on her space and all the supplies and equipment, and products she uses. She and another girl are planning on buying the shop from the owner when he retires.

    Karen – I know sometimes it would be best to be able to have a face-to-face conversation with another to get those facial expressions. The ‘home schooling’ came up when my DDnL#1 (with only a HS education) was ‘thinking’ about taking her 2 girls out of the private school (to save money) and ‘teach them at home’. She made the mistake of posting that on FB; and, my middle sister (a teacher herself) commented on it about not being qualified to ‘home school’. It really pissed off my DDnL#1 (not that I am surprised). DOGD and I spent a day together yesterday and she brought up the fact that ‘step-mom’ (DDnL#1) cannot pronounce most words; and her grammar is atrocious. I used to ‘correct’ the girls growing up (like my Mother did to me); so that they would know how to use words that sound alike but have different meanings, such as "their, there, and they’re." Middle DGD ‘corrected’ her Mother, in our presence, and I almost wanted to make her ‘apologize to her’; especially when she said, “I’m only doing what Nana does to me!” That only made it worse. But, I just sat there and watched what happened. Made DDnL#1 mad; and she lashed out at her. For a parent to correct a child is one thing; but, the other way around, especially 'in front of others' is something altogether wrong. But, I do understand that she is sometimes embarrassed by the things she does or says. This is awful; but, DDnL#1's mother mutilates the word, "pretty". It always comes out "Purdy, purdy, purdy." My husband and I 'laugh' about it, but, not in front of her.

    DYS and DDnL#2 are going to try the in vitro fertilization route; which will be their 'last resort'. They've tried everything else. DYS said they will wait until after their vacation in July; and, I don't know how many times they are willing to try it (I get the impression, maybe twice).

    Cracker is 'so cute and sweet smelling' after her day at the 'doggie spa' at Pet Smart. I need to take a couple of pictures of her and share. She has such facial expressions (and I won't let them clip her face). Right now she is whining because DH made her come inside because they are expecting a couple of tandem dump loads of rocks to put in the driveway.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    And it is the weekend again.... Thank goodness, my butt has sat through 1400 kilometers this week!!!

    Heading off to the first round of golf this year. FINALLY!!!

    Allison - I feel for you! So much stress in our lives.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    morning pep peeps-
    gonna go to the gym and spin for 3 hrs, see how far i get. after i reach my goal,, every extra mile will be gravy and i won't feel pressure to ride home or to work for the miles, for that matter, if i do it will be for the calories. my legs are tired, my *kitten* cheeks are sore, not from sitting down but the muscles i've been using. if i haven't lost any weight it better be because of muscle gain (we all know muscle weighs more than fat). i think i'll alway be 2nd female in WA as far as miles ridden, i'm cool with being in the top 20 for that matter.
    kirby is at work, should be home by noon and i'm leaving the kids home. we'll see how far 3 hours will get me
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    michelle in nc no offense taken! I think you are on the right track. DD has a lot of insight and is learning to stand her ground with both of us. There is a lot going on in the mind of an almost 18 year old :#
    Such a beautiful day here in NY. I have weeded out a garden bed and planted a new hydangea plant. Things are quiet, the windows are all open and we are gonna tackle some much needed organization and cleaning after my lovely back porch nap o:) NYKAREN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Miriam: It is good that you know how to take care of yourself and deal with the medical system. Antibiotics have been seriously over used in the last several years but each situation is different. It is a shame you are caught in the general need to reduce antibiotic use when you are in a unique situation. Frustrating. :grumble: My mom was a lifelong advocate of what she called Jewish Penicillin--chicken soup. I do not wish to offend anyone with the term. It was a comfort and I always felt better and less congested after eating a bowl of chicken soup. I googled this topic and found many articles from medical sources supporting chicken soup to relieve cold symptoms. Perhaps it would help you feel just a little better until your doctor decides that you do need an antibiotic. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: It sounds that you are homeward bound after a wonderful adventure. Bliss! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I've been on the waterfront in Seattle this year, but nowhere near the ferry terminals. The construction situation makes a huge difference. It sounds like you and Jake have made an excellent travel plan. I hope all goes well. :heart:

    It is drizzly and overcast at the moment, but not actually raining. DH is awake, and I'm planning to talk with him about possibilities for putting a little fun in our day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Allie I should not have assumed he is your superior, I think it was because he felt comfortable berating you in front of a patient. You have been there for a lot longer than he has, you have seniority, and you are part of the family! Plus, you were trained by the original guy who is gone now. o:)

    I hope you can stand up to him, you deserve to be treated well. It makes me really mad to think of him making you nervous and unhappy in a workplace that you have been comfortable & happy in for so many years. :s

    Karen Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well work was quiet and Dr Sortito was not as stressed.. and I was up doing reception ,so he doesnt mind when I do that.....
    I am up with Faith now ,she is napping and I am out on the porch except for the crazy traffic , it is a straight road for a couple of miles and people fly up and down it... but I also can just sit, relax and take a load off and not run around and do housework...
    I did stop at the package store and bought a small box of chardonay .. that I will enjoy later on ( not all of it) with a bit of cheese and crackers... will whip something up for dinner for Faith