

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Karen, Charlie doesn't sing in the shower at al. In fact he is quite silent. He takes THE longest shower and I hear slapping noises so one time I asked about it. He says since he is showering his dirty body, and he is 6 ft, that the ceiling needs to be cleaned. So after he showers, he takes his wash cloth, dirty, and slaps it against the ceiling to clean it! Men, you got to love them. We don't know what else to do with them.

    Anne, I am not only directionally challenged, I am technologically challenged. I know there is a GPS on my phone but I wouldn't know how in the world to use it. I also have an iPad but I wouldn't know how to use that as a GPS. A long time ago I bought my husband a Garmin GPS and we did use that quite a bit. But it was the cheapo kind that you couldn't put updates on. So I bought him a Tom Tom that you could put updates on. I took it out of the box and couldn't figure out how to use it and left it in the box. I recently found it after it being still in the box in some unknown spot on my messy office for 3 years. I still have no idea how to use it. I was so glad my daughter lived in Lexington, Ky. I go 1-64 almost to her house. One time her husband was moved to somewhere in West Virginia. It was 1-64 pretty much the whole way!!!! They are back in Lexington now. Both my girls went to college in Georgetown, Ky, right off 1-64. My out of this town life centers around 1-64. That's it. I know the main road here in town, I know my way to the mall and church. An old friend has invited a bunch of us from where I used to work out to her house on Monday. Some one else is going to have to drive.

    Re, we love to go to a local large amusement park that has one of the lazy rivers. I love the lazy river, I just can't hardly take me getting in ad out of the inner tube, especially out of.

    Allison, is there no one else in your office you can talk to? This senior dentist may need to know how one of his dentists is treating his staff. Good luck. Have it rehearsed.

    You all say Charlie and I must be doing OK. We are a mess. And I mean that literally. Some of you are new and don't know he just had his colon removed and has an ileostomy. I was a nurse and it was like riding a bike. It came back to me like I was just working yesterday and not back in 1999 when I quit. We hadn't had any problems what so ever with his bag. But last night when I was changing his dressing I knew I smelled poop. And with these bags, you shouldn't smell poop. They are quite odor proof, even with gas. they have this nice gas vent that you can't smell it and the bag doesn't blow up like a balloon. So I investigated and sure enough, right around his belly buttton there was poop. So I got all the supplies needed and changed his bag. The bags are supposed to stay on 5 days and today was supposed to be the day to change it. So this evening it happened again only it was a bigger mess that required washing of clothes. So you can imagine the mess. So his skin is getting irritated under the bag. As a nurse who had a love of this kind of nursing and was on a special hospital team of helping, I feel like a failure. Tonight I had decided I was finally tired of looking at all the boxes of free samples all the companies sent us. So I separated all the things that could just be thrown away, things I might need but wasn't sure, bags I wanted to experiment with and two piece bags that I might want to use but didn't want to use since his tummy was still tender and didn't want to use two piece. So what did I grab and get ready for this emergency tonight??? A two piece bag. I hope it doesn't bother him when he rolls on his side at night. Wish I had some chocolate to console my soul with but i don't.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Ah Joyce.. Sorry Hon. I am sure you have heard this before... but *kitten* happens, Sugar. Don't beat up on yourself.. you are doing the best that you can, and you know Charlie appreciates you for it.

    You are NOT a failure... look in the mirror and tell yourself you are a capable person, and you will keep it together for one more day. Do that every day... several times if need be.

    As one of the afore-mentioned New folks... I had no idea just how much you were trying to juggle.

    I am in awe.


    Re in TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Michele Look what I found on allrecipes.com:

    The Easiest Chocolate Pudding Cake Recipe

    1 (3.5 ounce) package non-instant chocolate pudding mix
    2 cups milk
    1 (18.25 ounce) package devil's food cake mix
    1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

    Prep 10 m
    Cook 20 m
    Ready In 30 m

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
    In a large saucepan combine the non-instant pudding mix with 2 cups milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the pudding is thickened. Remove from heat. Pour the dry cake mix into the saucepan and mix until smooth. Pour batter into prepared pan and sprinkle with chocolate chips and walnuts.
    Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
    So this one says bake 20-30 minutes, but they don't say to let the pudding cool first, so it would be hotter mix going into the oven which would shorten the baking time by a few minutes. This looks faster.

    I always made it with the whole bag of chocolate chips, half melted in the warm pudding mix, and half sprinkled on top.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    <3 Morning! I'm here! Reading to keep up! Sending hugs to all. Busy, busy. Pickle juice. Yea!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    morning peeps
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    B) Wishing everyone a bright sunshiny day..Have to hurry to work...later friends.

    Carey N Alberta
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Oooouuuuufffff! :o Knackered. Walked my legs off. Going to have a nap.

    Love Heather :love:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen (Virginia) – Maybe I have missed something important here about your DnL thinking about home schooling. Unless you live in a community that has a home schooling group where each parent teaches whatever subject they need to take and rotate around, you need to think long and hard about home schooling. One of the ‘major’ things that is usually lacking is ‘socialization’ with other kids and teachers (good, bad, or indifferent). My DDnL#1 made a comment on FB about ‘thinking’ about home schooling her 2 girls; and, my sister – who IS a teacher let her know ‘quickly’ she was NOT qualified and went through all the reasons why not. She only has a HS education; she can’t even help 15-year-old daughter with Algebra, how to speak with good grammar, isn’t one who likes to read (for pleasure, or otherwise). She just lambasted her about it. While she pissed my DDnL#1 off, she was right. My oldest sister (also a teacher) and the wives of the men who all attended the same church did, basically, home schooled the children in the church; but, all that taught had college degrees in whatever subject they taught and they rotated around to make sure all the children got the education they needed to have. There are several things you have to go through (at least in Georgia) that you have to do to ‘qualify’ to ‘home school’ your child(ren). They give you a 'curriculum' to follow. They also have to be tested ever so often to make sure they are at a level of children taught in public schools. Unless your child has a ‘major’ disability that makes attending a public or private school impossible, I would have to agree with your son (and whatever reasons he hasn’t come around to the home schooling idea).

    Meg – Glad that Benny the Beagle is doing better. Taking my “Cracker” to be ‘clipped’ today. The other day I asked that she be bathed in the ‘de-skunking’ shampoo and when I went to pay; got charged for a bath, then got charged for a 2nd bath with the ‘special’ shampoo. I thought that was ‘overkill’ especially when she did not smell much better when we got home than she did when I took her. They also brushed her teeth, which I did NOT ask for @ $11. The two (2) baths alone costs me a total of $42; which I think was ‘overkill’. I don’t think I paid that the first time when they clipped and washed her in the ‘de-skunking’ shampoo (and she smelled ‘good’ for nearly 3 months, even when she went outside to play and go potty. When I called back to complain, I was told that the manager would be there today. I certainly intend on talking to her. Might not do me any good; but, I’ll get my DDnL#2 to order me clippers and do her grooming myself. I'm not sure I will take her back if they don't attempt to rectify what I considered an 'over-charge'.

    Katla – We had a pond dug, which would NOT hold water – needed to have more ‘clay base’ than it did in that area (which was right over an underground spring). We were told that putting down guano in it; it would work like a liner and then it would hold water. We did not do it because of the cost.

    Re in TX – We’re hoping that DOS takes the hint. DH has said he will retire 3 days after they find him in the bushes with his hand moving up and down. He is a house painter (self-employed). DYS and DDbL#2 are ‘trying’ to get pregnant, will be trying in vitro fertilization to do so; so at this point, we're not having a grandchild yet.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Squat-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 50
    DL-1X5X 135

    Kettlebell Swing

    Russian kettle bell swing-19 X 10 X 30

    Walk 1000 Miles Challenge

    3 miles

    We have a few things to finish at the cabin. My DH is going to install the kitchen sink. I will get the bathroom ready and vacuum one more time. We will then be ready for my DD and DS I L to arrive. Then we are off to Moondance Jammin Country!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • tracidee366
    tracidee366 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'd like to introduce myself and see I can hang out with you ladies. My name is Tracy and I live in a small suburb of San Diego. I'm married with three mostly wonderful children ages, 26(son), 10(son), and 9(daughter). I'm a mostly stay at home mom although I do work part time as a lunch lady during the school year. I've been overweight most of my life and morbidly obese for a very good portion of that time. In 2011 I had weight loss surgery and and got down from my highest weight of 340 to 211. I'm an emotional eater and a few things lately caused me to gain back up to 257 at the end of last year. I'm currently 233 and working my way down to a goal weight of between 165-175. My current workout regime is a functional fitness class 4x a week. My current diet is mostly ketogenic with wine and some tequila thrown in to keep things fun.

    If you're still with me so far, thanks for reading!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Had my little nap and we are just now setting sail back to Dover. Apparently a following wind will give us a smooth passage with the stabilisers out.
    Tonight is formal with a Captain's Cocktail party to start the evening. I'm going to wear my yoga teacher's dress for the second time. B)
    Bergen started off as a big disappointment. Two other cruise ships were in port, one of which was HUGE. Of course, that meant hordes of tourists, which we found very uncomfortable. The Bryggen area of old merchant's houses was a commercial honey pot with thousands milling around. My hip hurt a lot from yesterday's walking and I started to go a bit hypo and panicky after we had looked around there, the fish market and interesting cathedral, thankfully evading the tours. Coffee and a shared cinnamon bun restored me to something a bit more optimistic.
    After that we caught the funicular railway to the top of the mountain for a great view of Bergen and the fjord. Although there were lots of tourists it was very well organised and a smooth transit. At the top we went for a hike around the nature trails and a pretty lake. My spirits were restored as we were more or less alone.
    We found a café for a bite to eat and we had pancakes. All these carbs and sugar were most unusual for me, but I reckoned needs must, as nothing else was on offer and I didn't want another hypo. The sweet foods stood in for lunch and afternoon tea.
    When we came down I wanted to go to the Hanseatic Museum, but they wouldn't sell us a ticket without combining it with other sites, so we told them what we thought of them and walked out! Grrrrrr!
    I then suggested the Leprosy Museum, much to DH's surprise, but it was a great success and nobody there. They even opened up the old wooden chapel for us. Fascinating that Norway was scourged by leprosy until the 19th century and this was where they put the affected people of the area in a purpose built community. The doctor who discovered that leprosy was caused by a bacillus worked here.
    After that we bought some cloudberry jam from the market, ate some cherries and walked back to the boat. I reckon I was actually walking around for about 5 hours. My legs are still recovering. :D:o

    Lots of love, Heather :tired_face::D
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    Rori: Optimism is an excellent word. You seem to be doing very well with your goals. :star:

    Re in TX: I'm glad you're happy in your new state. Are you in the area that has had flood problems? :huh:

    Joyce: (((HUGS)))

    Tracy: Counting calories works but it is not speedy. To be successful you have to change the way you live & eat permanently, otherwise it is just another yoyo diet. I've lost the weight and I'm still here every day and still counting calories because I've already lost and regained in my life and I want this to be the "forever" me. You've found a great place for practical and social support. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Thinking about you and your DH. I hope all goes very well. :heart:

    I got a txt from my riding teacher yesterday asking if I'd be willing to have my lesson today rather than Saturday. I said yes. She does a lot for me and I try to be flexible when she asks. I intended to go shopping for half chaps today so I'd have them for my lesson tomorrow. Oh well. I guess the half chaps will wait a little while. I also have yoga today. Yay! Riding will come after yoga so I'll be all stretched and supple for my ride.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon


    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    Well dopey dr had me in tears,he has blocked every weds afternoon that I work with him,that no root canals be scheduled.in RED he just is giving me nasty looks evertime he walks by me..I do not need the stress :#
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Kettlebell Swing

    Russian kettle bell swing-19 X 10 X 30

    Mary from Minnesota

    I tried kettle bell swings today using my 10 lb dumbell and loved it. I'm gong to go to Walmart or somewhere and get me a kettle bell. I think it will be easier to hold and better balanced. Thanks for being our "shining" example.

    Sounds like your weekend is going to be packed with fun. I'd love to see pics of the cabin. Have fun this weekend.

    Janetr OKC