

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    KetoneKaren, where I come from manure is poop used as fertilizer, usually cow or horse poop. Just an FYI, guano is also poop fertilizer, but it comes from birds. My dad farms. You would not believe how much money he spends on chicken poop.

    Allison, I'm sorry your dentist is rude to you. Honestly, from the way you describe him, I wonder if he might be on the autism spectrum. As you know, my DH is and is very hard to get to know. When he retired, and his co-workers were giving speeches, time after time they told about being afraid of him, thinking he was the grouchiest man ever, etc, etc, then finished with how sweet he really was and how he would do anything for them. I might first try presuming good intentions and killing him with kindness. If that doesn't work, then by all means let him know that he is hurting your feelings. As for the clunker he drives, perhaps he has massive student loan debt and is being Dave Ramsey style "gazelle-intense" in paying it off. He is still young so it's possible.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, is there a senior dentist in the group that you could go to and explain the younger man. I don't know what medical school actually costs, it might be that he is cost conscious because of school and a bad home situation. But as Charlie says, i always look at things through rose colored glasses.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Thank you ladies on giving me some perspective on the dentist, you are quite right K, school loans are and can be massive and dont know if his parent's helped with any of that.. and I almost always look for the good in people and dont gossip,or say mean hurtful things because unless you walk in there shoes.. than who are you to say anything.. right?
    Sean handed me a check before they left for 437.00 wow~ that is amazing.. and it's all mine... that will help alot for the trip.. but wills till ask Tom for money for back up...
    Joyce~yes there is the owner who is a dentist and I could talk to him, but dont want to bother him with that, he has much better things to worry about, would rather speak with him directly or with office manager first
    I am in bed ,and relaxing and will go to sleep around 7 like i usually do ,the sun really wore me out today
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Allison I worked with someone very similar. It can make the work day miserable sometimes. Hope the situation gets better.

    For those of you who don't like to drive in the city I totally understand. I refer to myself as directionally challenged. Thank god for the GPS on the phones these days. I would be lost 50% of the time without the gps.

    I actually slept 6 hours straight last night. It was amazing. I have not slept that many hours in a night since January. Not sure why but I am so grateful. It is amazing what sleep can do. Emotionally I feel much better today. More motivated.

    I have been working out at home lately. My schedule has been crazy with DD wedding approaching. I feel I get a better work out at gym but no time lately.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Katla, congrats on cleaning out your book collection...a good job for a rainy day.

    :)Meg, that's great news about Benny

    :)Paula, I walk my dogs every morning, no matter what the weather. I get up super early and walk each one in the big field behind the house to "do business", then I have my breakfast with all the women ages 50+, meditate, then walk each dog again along the streets and trails and grassy fields in my neighborhood. They love the walks and so do I.

    :) Becca, your birthday sounded perfect.

    :)Gloria, a middle school child playing the tuba all summer sounds like an interesting challenge

    :) This afternoon was another practice for our performance at the fair....the leader made changes to the program by adding three new dances that I don't know and dropping two dances that I know well...she may drop another dance later. The dancing is fun and challenging...part of the challenge for me is to keep my mouth shut about the changes and uncertainty and just dance. This is my sixth year of dancing with this leader and I know that she'll make lots of changes so her behaviour is no surprise.

    <3 Barbie from surprisingly chilly and drizzly NW Washington
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Thank you to all who celebrated my not-smoking milestone with me!

    DJ: Sorry to hear about your friend's challenges. Sounds like she is strong lady.

    Kim N.Cal -Good luck on that resume. It's always a good thing to have the incumbent recommending you :)

    Gloria: I'm so sorry about Little Alexander.

    Heather: Bergen is be - u -tiful! It was one of the places I visited on my cruise. :)

    Carey N Alberta
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I went to see my mom and she was not having a good day! Helped her eat her lunch and then she slept. My brother dropped by to see her later in the afternoon and she did not remember that my sis and I had been there. Took me 2-1/2 hours to get home from what used to be a 1hr 30 min drive.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    So I took a short vacation and now there are 862 posts to read...just checking in and I do not dare to post more before reading at least some posts...
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Sorry in advance for the long post. I’ve been reading and taking notes throughout the day today and just finally had time to catch up and post.

    Re – I also work for a major bank, so I completely understand what you mean about Big Brother blocking many sites. I work in technology so I get it, but it sure was nice when I could check my personal e-mail from work. I also wish every child would have the opportunity to be involved with music. Both my daughters have been in choirs and in band and it has been a wonderful experience. All of their friends are also either in chorus or band, and they are the nicest, most respectful, group of kids I’ve met. Music is my first choice, but if not music, I just wish that every child could be involved in something where they feel they are part of a group.

    Joyce – I am so thrilled that Charlie was able to go to karaoke and that you went again to your church choir. Sounds like things are starting to get back to a bit of a regular schedule for you. :)

    Kim – Good luck on the job interview!

    Gloria – {{{hugs}}} So sorry to hear about little Alexander. :'(

    Mary – Thanks for pointing us to the StrongFirst site. I watched the videos and am very intrigued, but do you lift in front of a mirror to ensure you have the technique correct? My biggest worry would be to have a bad technique which would lead to some sort of injury.

    Allie – Thinking about you and your impending conversation with the dentist. You’ve had some good advice here already. I’ve been through some training on “crucial conversations” at work. My advice is just to know that this may take several conversations to resolve. I would start by just trying to understand the dentist’s point of view. As Karen did, maybe try something like “It’s important to me that we have a good working relationship. I notice that you tend to leave the room when I enter and I wonder if I have done something to upset you…” You may get nowhere, or you may be surprised by his answer. Good luck!

    Carol – Sorry to hear about the 6 yo boy in your neighborhood. Hope you have a nice visit with your mom.

    Cheri – Excited to hear that your husband’s job prospects are looking bright! : B)

    Thinking today about that poor family from Nebraska who lost their 2-yr-old son to an alligator at Disney World. Just a tragedy!

    My husband had some sad news today. His parents are both living in a care center and both suffer from forms of dementia. His mom was moved to a liquid diet a while ago because she just cannot chew her food anymore. He learned today that she is eating less and less. The doctor says that her body is just slowly shutting down and that he does not expect her to live more than another month. She has always been such a strong woman, and I know this is not a way that she wants to live. We knew this day was coming, but it is still hard news to hear. The nurses talked with his father about his mother’s prognosis and he understood, but he has good and bad days and will probably not remember the discussion tomorrow.

    Give your loved ones a hug tonight. With all the tragedy and health problems I hear on this thread, it reminds me to cherish those that I love. <3

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Gloria - tears running down my cheeks for you and your niece and family – (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Karen in VA - Eden is the garden’s name it is a veggie garden (think the old victory garden of WWII) that is co- sponsored by my garden club and a local church we plant, harvest and deliver thousands of pounds of fruit and veggies to the local food banks.

    Alison – excellent that you are earning non-joint money – you might want to open an account in just your name in a bank that you and Tom do not bank in… It is time for you to have a just Alison fund to allow you freedom if you ever chose to take it, it is also a good example for your daughter.

    Paula – I don’t fast at all, I get crabby at about 5 hours between food (unless I am asleep) and I hate it when I’m so crabby so don’t go there if I can help it. Probably a blood sugar thing, but not into self diagnostic mode much….

    Dawn – that makes more sense – you are the conductor!

    Heather – Glad you are having so much fun, sorry to hear you and DH are in a bit of a bicker…

    All thanks for the good thoughts on resume writing and the interview… I spoke with the gal who has the job and got permission to talk to a couple of my clients who know her and tell the situation and ask them to be references… She is keeping her resignation private for now… so it was a bit hard to have references who don’t know her – we are a small community of gardeners.

    Well off to figure out something for dinner.

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with Vickie, working in Eden garden,
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Linda LA- yes I did look at the mirror at first. I watched the videos more than once and even periodically. Watch the video then practice. I only do the GobletSquats and Russian Kettlebell swing because I do the other exercises when I weight lift for Stronglifts 5x5. I now combined the Stronglifts and Russian Kettlebell swing during the rest time between sets then on rest days I do the GobletSquats and Russian Kettlebell swing transitioning up to the heavier weight.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • lilacroses622
    lilacroses622 Posts: 10 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi ladies. It has been an exhausting day filled with odious chores and endless conversations. Had a terrible fight in the car with DD over her summer work, I think she is settling for part time work rather than looking for full time summer work before college. The $ she earns is for "personal" $ and I don't think she will have enough. I do not plan on bailing her out if she runs out since I am paying tuition room and board and her phone! So if she runs out of $ I guess I just have to let her!!! We had a very long and weepy fight that left me exhausted but still had a lengthy presentation to attend for my student intern. Yeah I am beat. Enough venting and no more eating Doritos in the car how bout that for backsliding?? NYKAREN
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Karen - looking back - the hardest and best thing financially that happen to me in college was suddenly to have to pay almost all of my bills - I worked! I found ways to cut my expenses, I valued summer and college holiday work more, and when in my senior year an uncle came to my aid, I appreciated it more and that person became a very special person in my life even though his commitment to the relationship was iffy, I felt like he was someone I could turn to. So you have said your piece, now make peace, don't repeat yourself and stay strong. It will be a lesson in growing up that will hold her all the rest of her life.

    And remember all the critical things are covered, so if she has to do without the extras, so be it.

    easy for me to say - I am not a mom --- but an aunt/godmom
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 50 minutes of the Firm Cross Trainer Super Sculpting DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a bosu DVD

    Mary - where do you get the pickle juice? I don't think I've ever seen it in the store. Then again, not that I've really looked for it, either. I can't seem to feel the bug bite today. But, boy, did it hurt when it first happened! Vince said today we'll FINALLY pick up the CD of my MRI then I would like to go to WalMart. The things I need from there won't go bad even tho I won't use them until the middle of next week. Most of it is frozen fruit, and I can even put it into my freezer until the middle of next week. Personally, I would rather go in the middle of next week so we have room in the refrigerator for things during the week, but I know Vince won't want to

    Irema - the positive to menopause is that you no longer have your period and so don't have to worry about having an "accident". Bit the bad part is that it makes it soooo much harder to lose weight and sooooo much easier to put it on. When I went thru menopause (and even now) I suddenly got this "roll" of flab that never used to be there.

    Joyce - I highly doubt the bug bite and my being hot is related. I get these hot feelings quite often. One thing that helps is having something cool to eat like the grapes that I keep frozen or those pops that I make (with the yogurt and OJ concentrate)

    barbie - I don't think I've ever hear of a hospital that had a hotel inside of it. That would be so cool. Is it a chain hotel?

    Kim - do you only bake desserts in your class or also meats? If it's only desserts, I don't know that I could do that. Then again, if you do it all the time I'd probably get sick of it. On another note: we went to Lowes Foods Monday before ceramics. I need some refrigerated things (like tofu and cottage cheese) but I also had these eggs I was going to give this one gal . Vince just said "what are you going to do if they don't have room in the refrigerator there (they only have a small dorm sized one). I told him "I'll put somethings in the freezer". You should have heard him go on and on about how I can't put something in the freezer (ice cube maker) since it'll contaminate the ice. I just said to him "I know that, I'm the one who took the Save Serve course. Let's worry about it when there's something to worry about" He had no idea what the Save Serve course was! I just kept telling him over and over "I'm the one who took the course, I know, I know, I know" In the end, I just rearranged what they had in the refrigerator and there was room for everything. Good luck on the gardening job

    Gloria - tears for Clarissa and Xavier

    Karen - I didn't know that VA had a recertification class! I don't remember Jess ever mentioning it and I'm sure she would have

    Karen - I don't know if "black dirt" is manure where Mary is. I can tell you that my aunt and uncle lived in "black dirt" country. They grow onions mostly there. If you go to the store, many times you will see "grown in Pine Island, NY" on it. anyway, here I was in my new white sneakers. when my cousins said they were going down to the "black dirt" I assumed that was just a phrase and it would be normal brown dirt. No....... it was literally black. Not from ash, that was just the way the dirt was there. My white shoes were never white again! Give Irish Terri our very best. Tell her to come back!!! we miss her!!! At least have her pop in for a minute.

    Lisa - good luck at your last sale!

    Carol/Peach - so sorry about that little boy

    barbie - we had this one pine tree that was dead. How I wanted to get rid of it! Well, while we were in FL this past Feb. we had a horiffic wind storm and the tree blew over. Mother Nature helped me with that one! But I doubt she'll help me with the others

    Sawn - I have a good friend who needs to get her knees done. Unfortunately, she VERY overweight. Well...to be honest she says that she's trying to lose weight but wherever she goes, she ALWAYS brings a dessert. And just looking at the food she orders when we go out or when we're at Mexican Train I can understand. Lotf of high calorie foods. and then desserts of cakes, brownies, etc. She had a heart attack a few months ago and she said that now she can't have the surgery for at least a year. Is that so? Or maybe is that a good excuse why she isn't getting the surgery? She told me that Medicare won't pay for WLS, and she just couldn't afford it.

    Now that I think of it, my dentist is never in the room, too, while the hygienist is working. He stops in for a minute when she's done and just checks that everything is OK

    Meg - yea for Benny!!!! (and you)

    Exercised, got on the computer some, started to get dinner ready (I find it's easier on me to do it earlier), Vince took me to pick up the CD of my MRI then we went to WalMart. Came home, put the groceries away and went in the pool. It wasn't even refreshing -- the water was 91 degrees. But it certainly was better than nothing. It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow so I'm thinking that Vince may want to do some more work outside. I hope so, I really do want to get those weeds taken care of. Got dinner ready to microwave. Not sure what I'll be doing tonight.

    Joyce - Vince calls me "the eternal optimist". I'm always trying to look on the bright side of things. Or at least for the most part I try

    Anne - welcome from another directionally challenged person. Do you know that I STILL need to use the GPS when we drive to condo? We've only been doing it from here for 8 years. But I still need that GPS. And there's no way I can get to Jessica's without it. Vince can drive someone once, and he knows how to get there years later. Not me.

    Linda/IA - How sorry I am to hear of your husband's mother. I remember when it was just a matter of days for my father, the waiting was excruciating. Can he be with her? I swear to this day that my father waited to die until the weekend so I could be there.

    NYKaren - sometimes the best thing we can do for our children is to let them fail (run out of $$).

    Michele in NC
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Hi ladies. It has been an exhausting day filled with odious chores and endless conversations. Had a terrible fight in the car with DD over her summer work, I think she is settling for part time work rather than looking for full time summer work before college. The $ she earns is for "personal" $ and I don't think she will have enough. I do not plan on bailing her out if she runs out since I am paying tuition room and board and her phone! So if she runs out of $ I guess I just have to let her!!! We had a very long and weepy fight that left me exhausted but still had a lengthy presentation to attend for my student intern. Yeah I am beat. Enough venting and no more eating Doritos in the car how bout that for backsliding?? NYKAREN

    I know it is hard but they all have to learn life lessons on their own. If she runs out of personal money during college, you can be comfortable knowing you have helped her with the necessities and she may have to get a part-time job and learn to balance work and studies. You are being a good mother.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele in NC – Thanks for the prayers. I guess they will wait until after they go to the beach in July to go through it. I doubt she’ll tell anybody the exact date. She’s such a good mother to her 10-year-old daughter that DYS loves as much as if she were his own. I think she is ‘more’ upset than he is; but, I keep telling her not to worry about it; he will always love her with all his ‘heart and soul’. She is exactly the kind of woman I would have picked for him … if I had any choice in the matter. I told her that the only women I knew who had had success were about 17 – 20 years ago; and, so much has advanced with all the ‘state-of-the-art’ medical equipment they have now.

    Re in TX – Maybe my DYS’s and my dreams of last year about twins/triplets will just be a forewarning or something big. Positive thoughts always. LOL! With so much better state-of-the-art equipment that makes these types of procedures seem so trivial. My daily prayers are, when they do it, it will work for them.

    Joyce, Indiana – The last time we went to Bimini to go diving the dive master took the boat around to the other side of the island. They had a school of dolphins come in, had never seen any there; so we found them and got out with only snorkeling tube and mask. The dive master took some toys out with him, some balls, rings, and a scarf. I jumped in and swam around the back of the boat and was looking under the water and one came at me fast and stopped about 10’ away and just stared at me. Besides doing the Wall Dive; this was the best experience I have had snorkeling or diving. I think DYS and DDnL#2 went snorkeling on their honeymoon in Hawaii. We had sent son his dive certification; but, I think he decided to stick with his bride and not go diving since she is not certified.

    Gloria in WA – So sorry about your niece losing her little ‘Superman’. Like Dale Evans wrote: “Some time we entertain “Angels Unaware”. She and Roy Rogers lost a child who was born with Downs Syndrome when she was only about 2 years old.

    Carol/Peach1948 – My DOGD had her two half-sisters (from Mom's side) with her last week and she said that she was constantly grabbing the 10-year-old for not looking before stepping out into traffic/parking lot. This next week she is taking her 2 half-sisters on Daddy’s side back with her for the week. Middle DGD did not pass her learner’s license test. I am not altogether sure that it wasn’t ‘on purpose’ … she really does NOT want to drive. They’re making her take the test so that (maybe) she can do some of the driving I won’t be able to do until mid-December at the earliest. DOGD will make her ‘study’ for it while she’s there.

    So sorry to hear about the neighbor’s child. I put my DYS on a ‘harness’ when he was small. He’d hit the ground, running. I had a woman chastise me for ‘treating him like a dog by having him on a leash’. I told her ‘that I’d much prefer to have him on a ‘harness’ than to have a ‘dead child’ in the parking lot; then I told her to ‘mind her own business’. She apparently did not know what it was like to have 2 children under the age of 3.

    Dawn (Maryland) – Oh, I can remember the first time we left DYS at home, with his 19-year-old (married son) to check on him. Came home to a busted out window in the garage and 10 stitches on his face; and a lot of scuff marks on his fists. DOS said that when he got to the ER; because he was only 17, they had to call him. But, boys will be boys. He had to pay to have the window fixed. I don’t know ‘why’ he thought we’d never notice it. DH did a lot of ‘spray painting’ in there, so the windows were covered with paint spray; and, there was this glaring hole in the middle of one. I think he ‘hit the window’ instead of ‘hitting one of his drunk friends’. Typical party at home, too. But … at that age, IF you make them do something they don’t really want to do, they can make YOUR time miserable in the process. He was normally a trustworthy kid. He’d drink; but, he would ‘stay put’ … not drink and drive. Thankfully, that is all behind him now. He still likes his beer; but, he has liked the taste of beer since he was a little tyke.

    Cheri – We had GPS in our last Honda. I think the people who owned it prior to us had an address set for Idaho. Every time we tried to set it for our trips it would say, ‘in 1/4th of a mile, if possible, make a “U” turn.” I turned it on one day and thought I was going to punch the damn thing out of the dashboard because we could not get it to ‘turn off’. This went on for at least 5 miles or so. We have new maps for GA, AL, MS, and LA – for our trips out to visit DYS. We’ve just about got it so that we don’t have to look at them. A couple of years ago, DH insisted that we had not yet gotten to our turn off and we ended up going about 75 miles ‘out of the way’ to get back on the road we needed to be on. I thought he’d never stop to get directions. Of course, I was the one who had to go in and ask for them. We weren’t but 2 miles away from the road at that point.

    Meg – Yeah,, it is a mandatory 6-month driving restriction (provided you don’t have another one; which would extend it 6-months out from any subsequent one). Back a couple of years, in a two year period of time; I was ‘legally’ able to drive less than 3 months. I finally just accepted that I ‘might’ not ever drive again. I still am not allowed (by husband) to drive on the Interstate. So he will be doing all the driving when we go out to visit DYS and DDnL#2 and DGD#4. Oh well ….

    DH has hinted quite strongly that our DOS should start looking for a ‘job’; rather than working for him. He will be 75 in November and he is ‘tired’. Tired of it all. Even though DOS has taken a lot of it off his hands, he’d need to find workers if he decides to take on the business. DH started painting houses 30 years ago, to supplement his regular job; word of mouth only – does not advertise; has enough ‘regulars’ that he could stay busy making ‘fluff’ money for us; but, we could not afford to support 2 families on that. B-n-L might move to FL when his granddaughter and grandson-in-law move so that he can go to medical school. He won’t be allowed to work the entire he is in medical school. Great-grandniece just found out she is pregnant. What timing; but, she’ll probably not have any problem getting a teaching job because she is a biology major. Baby due around Thanksgiving. They are excited. Just found out she is having a little girl.

    I agree that the Dad of that precious little boy will carry this forever. Hopefully, the family can stay strong through all this. Many, many prayers going up for them.
