

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 9.29min, 16.2amph, 142mhr, 2.5mi = 97c
    SPIN- 40min, 97ar, 50aw, 6-7g, 151mhr, 8.1mi = 301c
    ride gym 2 wk, via yakima loop- 55.32min, 12.4amph, 122ahr, 149mhr, 11.4mi = 477c
    starting ride wk 2 hm, then back to station- 8.28min, .5mi = 38c tire flat
    ride/walk - dome 2 hm - 43.15min, 3.6amph, 2.5mi = 314c tire flat
    total cal 1227
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Great Cycle Challenge:
    97.3miles to go as of now!
  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Sue – Too bad I wasn’t posting before you moved. It would have been delightful to meet with you. I’m only an hour from Sioux Falls and go there quite often for shopping and events. I hope you’re enjoying your new home in WA!

    Becca – Happy Birthday! Hope you had a nice day.

    Pip – your stats amaze me!! You set a great example for others.

    Wishing you all a great day.

    Joyce in SD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2016
    Gloria - I'm so happy that you are still doing the counter push-ups! Move your feet back an inch every day for a while and that will increase the resistance. Then we'll talk about doing them on the edge of the chair braced against the wall!

    Michele - drink 1/4 cup of pickle juice right away and your cramp will go away almost immediately. I think it's the ph balancing of the vinegar combined with the salt that adds electrolytes. I hope that the bug bite gets better.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hi All!

    Another exotic and exciting day in North Texas… it is hot and humid, constantly threatening rain – and we have had plenty, thank you. I wish we could transplant this weather to someplace that isn’t already flooded.

    I can’t recall who asked me, but, I work at a major bank in the Mortgage Division doing modifications for distressed homeowners. Big Brother blocks most of the social networking sites, so things like Facebook or my personal e-mail are not available to me during the day – however we are not strictly forbidden to do some small amount of personal use of the computers. We can’t load anything, or take anything off (can you say financial privacy?) – but we can go to google, or shop (as long as there are no pictures of women in underwear – lol) or pay our bills. I have done all those things during my lunch time or breaks, so I do appreciate it. With DH with less than stellar health/mobility, I have little enough time to do what needs doing. I love being able to get “business” things done at work.

    Today we had a doctor’s appointment and I had to be into work early for a meeting, so I didn’t make it to the gym. I am finding that I kind of miss it when I don’t get it, but, I get lazy again REALLY fast, so I don’t want to miss too many days during the work week. I get to be a Slug on Sunday – all other days are supposed to be ACTIVE.

    Speaking of... my company did a Get Active campaign this spring, which just finished up. They sent me a T-Shirt… uh… ok. They didn’t ask what size to send… I don’t think they asked anybody… but, it’s size XL… er… about two X’s short…. But, I guess now, that will be my next milestone… to fit into that sausage skin of a shirt.
    I am starting today with the response as I read, so…

    Carey – GRATZ on two years smoke free! It took me forever to really and truly quit – it was SOOO hard. Kudos to you!

    Lenora – I think you may be right – a lot of the problems out there are caused by the “lost boys” in our society. Getting them back starts with stronger families – remember when your uncle or your aunt would smack your butt if you did wrong? When you were expected to do whatever ANY adult told you to do? Nobody would dare, now… and without constant supervision and input from responsible adults – kids can so easily get sucked in to whatever the “thing” of the moment is. Too many times that is a hate-based “thing” and that just leads to tragedy.

    I will think good thoughts for your DS and his wife as they try the in Vitro thing. A friend’s niece went through that – and it was hard – but, she ended up with a pair of wonderful twin boys…so keep hoping.

    Dawn – Kenzie is GORGEOUS! My Stepdaughter is only 8 yrs. younger than I am… so my Grandbabies are grown and heading off into adulthood. I miss that New Baby Smell… :]

    Meg – Menopause… *sighs* I am so not looking forward to that. If that is the verdict, you will have to give those of us who have not yet had the pleasure a blow by blow…. I have heard stories – but not from anyone up close and personal.

    – Jealous! I would be happy to hit the hammock for a few hours – but, I feel for you missing the Diving. Hope Hubby recovers quickly.

    Heather – Chocolate tea? How have I missed this? It sounds fab…

    Hi Katla – every time you talk about Oregon, it makes me a smidge nostalgic… I may live in TX, now, but I am a West Coast girl… I graduated from the UofO and my feet are properly webbed – even after 15 yrs. in TX.

    Isabel – these ladies are amazing – and I feel you on the regaining the weight. I have spent my whole life yo-yoing up and down. It was only when I decided that I was going to make life changes – rather than diet – that I got it together. You have to do something that you never “go off” doing… because, otherwise, it’s yo-yo city.

    Linda/IA – Music is powerful. Your DD will be affected by it for her whole life. I wish we could give all kids the experience of being part of a musical troupe – it might be one of those things that stopped some of the madness.

    Glo – Kleenex with lotion… feel better, Hon.

    Tshirtartist “In the last 15 years I haven't let myself get past 30lbs. Truthfully that is my cut off point.” I feel ya… we all have one of those. Mine was that I was NEVER going to weigh 300 lbs again… every time I veered over 275 – I kicked myself in the butt and stepped away from the sweets. Gratz on keeping most of that massive loss off!

    Kay – wow – DH has some willpower. My DH would have frittered it all away, by now. Your Man sounds like a keeper.

    Carol – sometimes, round these parts, you just don’t get on the freeway… Dallas Traffic… *shudder*

    Laoighse – wish I could hear the accent… lol. Hope you will find more time, soon.

    Mary – sounds like you have the cabin well in hand… Have fun with your company. And you ROCK on the exercise. I guess I am going to have to look up this “kettlebell” thing.

    Becca – I hope you and hubby get a little time to relax with all this madness. My husband’s doc told us a shower secret – to keep the wounds covered – you get the Glad cling-wrap – the kind that sticks to the bowl? And wrap the wounds in that – it sticks to the skin and keeps the water off – so much more effective than the old plastic bag method. And you are so right for not being too upset about the gain. You went to the meeting, that was a start. And it’s not like you have oodles of time on your hands.

    Penny – I always enjoy your notes from the Great White North.

    Pip – go, go go! You exercise goddess, you!

    If I didn’t reply to you specifically, my apologies. I will try to do better next time.

    Everybody keep up the good work!

    Re in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, hope the bug bite and you being hot is not related.

    Joyce in SD, my cousins used to live in Sioux Falls and recently one posted some pictures on Face book of the falls. Oh my how gorgeous!

    Lenora, one year that we decided to really spend a lot of money at Disney, we tried snorkeling at the water park. I have looked forward to that for so long and it was on my bucket list so you can imagine how excited I was to do it. Plus my self confidence in it was pretty high. So they take us through this mini lesson and set us loose! Uhm, I think I needed more than a mini lesson and as soon as I started out pretty close to the man made lagoon I was panicking because I couldn't breath. Logically I knew that the tube was above water and there was air but I just couldn't do it. I went back and tried in very shallow water numerous times and just couldn't so I accepted defeat and went into the 'sunken pirate ship' in the lagoon and watched my family have a great time. I think Charlie was determined to do it right so that he could protect his little girls. Two years ago we went to Panama City beach and took a boat out and dropped anchor and the whole family snorkeled all over. Charlie wouldn't even try. I at least got in the water to play around and then Charlie and I tried to get me back in the boat and it was like trying to get a whale on board. I didn't think we would ever get me aboard that boat. But i wasn't about to have the kids see me that way.

    Speaking of kids, my oldest grand daughter is in Florida right now. Her best friend take her and another girl along every year since they are best friends with their two girls. They stay 2 weeks. I guess it's nice to have money. I can't remember when the last time I saw her was but when she goes back to school in August the boys are going to wonder what happened to this young lady. She has now grown up. Well I was going to download a pic but it says file not allowed. HMMM. I guess it is according to the privacy setting on face book of the family that took them. How do young girls grow up so much in one summer?????

    Barbie, am thinking of you and Jake as his surgery comes up. I am glad you are staying in a hotel the night before. I am from the good ol' days when you are admitted into the hospital the night before and get a sleeping pill! I don't like this stuff of getting there 2 hours before surgery. I'm glad he is in touch with his feminine side enough to go to the going away dinner and to get a hug,

    Tonight we had our trio practice for Father's Day. I don't know what happened to me. Last week I had all the notes and tonight it wasn't there. It is a song that is continually changing keys, it starts out in its lowest key and has the same intervals each time and i have no troubles as the song goes along but the first verse I just cannot get. I have this piano app on my iPad and I will practice on it before we have another practice Saturday.

    Charlie went out Karaoke tonight!!! I dropped him off on my way to choir and then went back and picked him up. When i was entering the building he was singing and it was so nice to hear his strong beautiful voice. And then he sang one more song before we left. The last song he sang was Frank Sinatra 'I did it my way'. He can really belt it out. But yet he can't get in a good meeow so he and the cat can talk.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Re- look up StrongFirst on the Internet. They have great instructional videos. I love to eat and am actually really lazy so I like to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time without sweating and weight lifting, Kettlebell swings do that. 15-20 calories burned per minute compared to the average of 8 plus the after burn! Walking is fun with my dog!


    Mary from Minnesota

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    DJ – sending good thoughts for your friend.

    Welcome newbies!

    So remember the gardening job at the children’s camp I am hoping to get, well finally they are ready to start the process. So I am putting together a resume…I have not done that since 2008 before owning my businesses, lining up references and my interview is next Thursday – which is going to be crazy as next week I am running cooking camp – So I will be working 8-5 then quick change and drive 30 minutes to the interview… I know I’ll be tired, but it is at a kids camp so they know how crazy you are by the end of camp. In addition next week it is supposed to be between 90-100 degrees each day. In the long run this will be worth it… And I did talk to my friend who has the job now and she will be one of two references.

    I think I have my resume done, I’ll “sleep on it” review it tomorrow and then send it on.

    So ladies I promise to log next week – but if you do not see me it is because of camp – so I work 8-5 each day (am class is 13 kids afternoon class is 16 kids) all baking! My assistant is my god daughter so she will be staying with me – which will be a good help but also means I have dinner to fix or at least have food for…

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with Vickie, working in Eden garden,
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Barbie I had no idea there was a hotel at Swedish. Since I can't drive you maybe I can come and meet you for coffee or tea. I would walk with you but my knees don't like the hills. So going to get at least left knee done this year - just keeps getting worse and interfering with sleep.

    DJ hugs and prayers for you and your friend. <3

    Theresa welcome and sounds like you are doing great!

    Some of you may remember when I posted about my niece's 1 year old who was born with a genetic heart disease and was having another open heart surgery. He came through that one with flying colors - Superman to be precise. I never shared with you that he had to have a foot amputated a couple of months ago that had something to do with this heart disease - again Superman! Then last week the doctors decided he was strong enough to do the complete open heart procedure rather than a quick fix. I don't know what happened but I was told that Little Alexander aka Superman was not going to make it. My heart mourns for my niece Carrissa and her 13yr old son Xavier. They have had to endure so much during this past year and a half and have been so brave. I am praying for peace for them and the rest of their extended family and friends as well as the doctors and nurses who fought so diligently for Alexander to live a normal pain free life. Our little Superman may no longer sore here on earth but he's probably teaching a lot of other little Angels how to use their wings. o:)

    Life is short - live it to your fullest

    Gloria in WA :'(
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gloria- I do remember praying for little Alexander. (((Hugs))) to you, your niece Carrissa and family.

    Kim- you are definitely the best candidate for the job! And you can bake! I'm cheering for you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Re in TX - I lived in Dallas for a short time before I moved to Oklahoma City in 2001. I agree with you Dallas traffic is as bad as LA traffic. I had been in So Cal for several years before moving to Dallas. If you ever come up this way, let me know.

    You did a terrific job of responding to so many. Love your sense of humor. So glad to have you aboard.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2016
    Kim from N. California - Oh Kim so very exciting about the interview. You'll do terrific and after all, the current person in the position is the one who recommended you for the job. Good thots and great big (((hugs))). You got this. <3

    Gloria - so, so sorry. I'm in tears big (((hugs)))

    Janetr OKC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good morning, Penny! :) and all the others across the pond!

    Oh it is already muggy and hot in Virginia. Hope we get a good storm and clear the air.

    Cheri and Becca and Barbie As I took my own life into my hands yesterday getting to and from a mandatory recertification class, I thought about you all and your white knuckle experiences with driving. I just want to be magically transported wherever I am going. Traffic in and around Richmond is usually no challenge at all, but the time of day and the route I took home was for some reason stop & go. I watched in my rear view mirror several close calls as people came upon the stopped traffic at a high rate of speed. Ugh. Fortunately today we will be getting out much earlier, so it will be a breeze. And to think I used to drive on the beltway around Washington, D.C. as if it was nothing! I was younger and bolder then.

    Grammy Dawn in MD OK McKenzie is so darn yummy...those little cheeks and that sweet sleeping darlingness (is that a word?) Sounds like you had a good day yesterday, the pool sounds heavenly. Your grown up kids still at home must be a curse and a blessing...they certainly are old enough to be helping you do things like buy the dogfood and keep the house straightened up and their laundry done, etc. I don't know about you but I was married and running my own household when I was 18. Xander, his sisters, and his mom & dad are all so cute - thank you for posting those lovely pictures of all of you. Oh by the way, I am a Grammy, too! And I am on your way to Myrtle Beach sort of. In Richmond.

    Hi, Meg from Omaha! I love seeing Nebraskans on this site. I haven't seen a post from Vicki from Grand Island for awhile, I think she is dealing with a cancerous lesion on her arm and I am a bit worried as it has been well over a week since she posted. I am sure Omaha is grieving in particular over the death of little Lane Graves, what a horrible tragedy for that family. The dad will never get over not being able to save his son. :'(

    Fingers crossed for your recuperating tree. And I agree. Menopause sucks. For a long time.

    Marcelyn Oh poop.

    Isabel AZ Come on in! I did the same thing you did and am also back on MFP posting and have lost at least 13 lbs since April. This time with the help of this forum I hope I can figure how out to keep it off. These women are a lifeline, I have come to realize. <3

    Pip Ride like the wind! Hope you get more contributions for the Great Cycle Challenge you are so generously participating in! (hint, hint)

    Mary Minnesota at Moondance Jammin Country OK that sound like serious fun. Your cabin sounds terrific! Is the Moondance both country & bluegrass? I love bluegrass music especially.

    Carey Let me add my congratulations on earning your 2 year achievement award for quitting smoking. That is a major accomplishment, and I hope you bask in it. o:)

    Kim in N Cal What is an Eden garden? I used to be a master gardener but have not kept up with the credentialing so can't call myself that anymore. I don't know what an Eden garden is but it sounds intriguing. :*

    Becca Sorry - you didn't get away without having your birthday celebrated - :) In case you hadn't noticed, we all celebrated it ;) ... because we all think the anniversary of your birth is worth celebrating, dear Becca.

    Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Beccaaaaaaa, Happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!

    Kelly Enjoy your staycation. And I think what you have planned for your hubby is very thoughtful. I bet he will LOVE it!

    Irish Laoigshe We have an Irish Terri who posts on this site, too. I shall call you Laoigshe unless you prefer Louise. Hope your iPad is done pouting.

    Joyce Becca Barbie Sending positive thoughts to all of you and your hubbies. And to everyone else who could use positive thoughts.

    Linda IA Donna heard the voices of angels o:) singing to her on her journey home. That's how I want to go...just like that... <3

    Today I am finishing a recertification class which I will be glad to get behind me. If I get out early enough I hope to see my grandkids. If not, I will plant some lantana I purchased that needs to get in the ground. I love lantana.

    To anyone I didn't mention, sending a hug, a warm towel from the dryer over your shoulders, a cup of tea, a helping hand, a sympathetic ear, a winning lottery ticket (I wish), and best wishes from

    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karen VA- Moondance country is a lot of fun! Not sure about bluegrass being played. I seriously couldn't tell you what artist plays what song! I love to listen though. I'm hoping you get done with your class early so you can see the grandkids! Just like you I'm still in need of planting tomato plants a neighbor gave us. I dug up the area and just need to add black dirt and get them in the ground! Happy planting!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Mary is black dirt manure? That's what I call manure...black dirt. By the way, I am going to start doing "heavy lifting" with lighter weights to familiarize myself with the moves and proper body stance until I get a trainer. Thanks for all your help & suggestions in that arena. Watched a Jillian Michaels kettle bell workout and was exhausted just watching it LOL!

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    well it was another busy day at work yesterday.. and I am going to have to speak with the Dr.. he is 32 yrs old and he is very odd.. he is a good dentist and he is personable with patients, but he does not like me at all and he does not mingle or speak with any of us.. he keeps to himself ,texting on his cell phone.. and when I work with him he is downright rude to me.in front of quite a few patients..
    Us ladies think he might have a gambling habit,he drives a clunker of a car and lives alone in an apartment in a town about 30 min,away.. the man makes 84,000 a yr and can't afford a new car?
    I have to think of how I will handle this situation, he does not like when I am even in the room putting something away he gets up and leaves...
    Went and talked to Sean and Jean today I am going to be watching mom alot next month ,they are getting married on the 17th staying overnight that night on the thimble islands ,so I watch mom that night and then the 19th -26th I will be watching her as they are renting an RV and going on a honeymoon, now I dont know if they will be taking dog or not.. we shall see about that..
    they also said for every 24 hrs I watch mom they are paying me 125.00 so I will make 300.00 this weekend, and close to 1,000 when they go away for honeymoon, but the condition is that this is my money,not to go into joint account..
    Becca~Happy Birthday Girlfriend hope you can celebrate in great fashion once hubby is better..
    Barbie~ wishing Vince a healthy procedure and will keep you both in my prayers...
    I have to take my daughter and Tal and my dad down to town hall so that Taliah can sign up for school will try and mow the lawn and then I will need to go up and stay with Faith
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2016
    Mary is black dirt manure? That's what I call manure...black dirt. By the way, I am going to start doing "heavy lifting" with lighter weights to familiarize myself with the moves and proper body stance until I get a trainer. Thanks for all your help & suggestions in that arena. Watched a Jillian Michaels kettle bell workout and was exhausted just watching it LOL!

    Karen in Virginia

    Jillian doesn't use Kettlebells correctly. She goes really light and is more aerobic. Her workout is like comparing a runner to a weight lifter. Google Kettlebell Simple & Sinister by Pavel it's like lifting heavy. You swing the Kettlebell 7-10 times with a 30 second to 1 minute rest time. Just like weight lifting. Start light and increase reps to 25 sets over 5 weeks then increase weight.


    And black dirt is manure!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Kim in No Cal, best of luck! You'll rock their world, kid, just be who you are.

    Becca, happy birthday!

    Penny, thanks for the compliment, I will probably post the text here. I've taken a lot of content at the paper, including my opinion articles, behind the paywall. The last editor posted everything up for free access, which bluntly, is a good way to get people to NEVER subscribe. I told the publisher I would post enough for them to get intrigued, and then send them to the subscription links, which is exactly what I do. The electronic edition of the paper has gotten more subscriptions in the six weeks I've been there than it has in the six months prior. The last editor was a silly bugger about some things. Massive understatement. Also, just my opinion. :wink:

    Best of wishes for all the DH's out there with health issues--don't forget to take care of yourselves, too ladies.

    My DH is cruising toward quitting his job at the ranch--it's merely a matter of time. My job actually means he can relax and let the chips fall where they may, which is helping me relax about things, too. My boss and I had a great talk Monday morning--because I walked in, sat down and gave her my notice. After she freaked out just a little, I told her I'd be leaving in 11 years, when I hit my 67th birthday. :smiley: After she threatened to kill me, and then finally stopped laughing with relief, we had a good talk about the future of the paper, and how happy she is with how things are going, as am I. It's a good team, and will be a very successful one in the end. I hadn't realized she had a job offer last October, because a VP with visions of grandeur pressured all the publishers beyond belief, and she was stressed beyond measure, so went looking. They still want her at the other job, and oddly enough, knowing you have options actually makes it easier to stay. We're determined to make it a good place to work and make the paper more successful than ever, together, and that's a very good headspace.

    Also decided this Saturday will be the last sale at the warehouse for the summer. It's supposed to be 105 degrees today, tomorrow and Saturday, and we just need to time to finish the renovations before we have another summer-weather sale. Will start again in September/October timeframe.

    Love y'all.
    Off to the races--spent the night at the ranch, so I only have another hour before I have to be in the shower.
    Lisa in West Texas