

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Lisa~ so nice to know that you have a plan that will work for you and Corey.. cant really get a handle from Tom on when he will retire.. thinking 2 yrs from this August,but that could change , at this point in my life I take it all a day at a time...
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning, ladies! Congrats, positive thoughts, and prayers going out to all for your various achievements, challenges, and disquiet. Also, thank you for accepting/sending friend requests from/to me!

    Do any of you ladies incorporate fasting into your way of eating? I'm following a LCHF way of eating and I'm seeing a lot about fasting. Occasionally, I'll naturally fast, without really realizing it, until around lunch time, though that goes against everything I was taught since childhood about eating "a good and hearty breakfast"! Just wondering if any of you utilize this approach, and if so, how frequently & how has it worked for you?

    Paula in NE North Carolina
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Mary Thanks for the heads up on Jillian! I want to start out doing it right and not have to undo bad habits or techniques. And for the videos. I am starting to get really excited about this. I looked at your avatar. It is certainly working for you. I think I am a little older than you are but I can still be buff! ;)<3>:)

    Karen in Virginia
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    I sure miss Terri with the bowling son. She always felt like a ray of sunshine. Hope she is well and just busy. :)

    And what happened to all of our women who were dating? I'm missing their stories about meeting the new guys and deciding weather they were worth a second date. :D

    Maybe we will hear from Sylvia after school is out for summer for her grandkids. Just another day and a half for my boy:dizzy:

    I'm off to try to get back to sleep :tired_face:

    GLORIA in WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Michele It is the smaller box of cook type pudding, prepared per package directions with whole milk. I just can't find my original recipe to confirm the baking time. Look after 1/2 hour and if the edges are just beginning to pull away from the side of the pan, they are done. I had 1 hour in my brain but that seems too long. It is so yummy.

    Paula I usually do a 16/8 "fast" quite naturally but am thinking of going to the 5/2 plan. Are you familiar?

    Gloria Are you talking about Irish Terri? If you are, she is fine. She posts regularly on the JFT (Just For Today) forum.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    DJ ~ Prayers said for your friend.

    Gloria ~ So sad about your brave little nephew.

    Joyce ~ Happy to hear that Charlie is singing. He sounds so talented.

    I live in a fairly quiet neighborhood where many folks walk, run and bike. Yesterday, a 6 yr old who was walking with his mom ran out into the street and was hit by a mini-van. He was air lifted to the children's hospital and I hope he will be OK. Feeling for what his mom is going through.

    Am going to see my mom today! Hope she will be in good spirits and maybe let us take her out for lunch. I am embarrassed to say that when I was down 2 wks ago she mentioned going out. But, she would not let them wash her hair and she looked awful. So I brought her lunch instead. This is a lady who always looked nice and put together and I did not want folks to think badly about her. Small town where everyone knows everyone.

    Prayers and good thoughts for everyone who is going through/facing tough times.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    morning peeps -

    thanks so much for your support and encouragement ketonekaren. i'm almost there. my legs are feeling it but i'm almost there. got a flat so i had to walk my bike home. kirby got my other bike out (thank goodness for 2 bikes), didn't have time to fix the flat yet, probably this weekend.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Gloria in WA My heart is breaking for you and your niece Carrissa and great nephew Xavier. May little Alexander soar like Superman on to the next great adventure. :'(<3

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Allie I faced a situation like that a few years ago. I finally asked for a few minutes of the other person's time and just said that I could tell I rubbed her the wrong way and wanted to give her a chance to tell me what was up. Then I told her I would not be angry or anything I just really honestly wanted to know, and to have a chance to stop doing whatever it was that was bugging her so much. She told me I reminded her of her sister who she hated, and didn't realize her distaste was so obvious. I told her that's okay if you need a surrogate sister to hate, I'm your girl. And she laughed and it was over. I doubt your situation will go quite as well, but I hope it does...good luck, you are a good person.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    looked at my cal. burn for last week, i burned over 1k all last week!
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    edited June 2016
    To all -thank younfor then kind comments on my pics. I especially like the one of Xander with his sisters. It is so hard to get all the kids together these days so I cherish the times when they do make the time to be supportive of one another, especially with the 18 year gap from oldest to youngest.

    Kim from CA- about the food shopping and chores...the kids have different work and school schedules so I have to tell each one what their chores for the week are to make sure no one assumes someone else fed the dogs or put chemicals in the pool. As for food- we have 2commercial freezers full of meat and veggies but since they are all home for meals at different times I got them things like frozen waffles and pizzas so that they have something they can pop in the oven or microwave for a single meal when they need it.

    I typically make a large meal in the late afternoon and they eat as they get home from work or before heading out to school. Since they won't have ready made meals I wanted to make sure they have something at the ready in the freezer. They all can cook and probably will, just at different meals times since they will all be home at different times of the day. There is someone home 24/7 but we often pass one another on the driveway as one is leaving and the next one coming home.

    I won't assign dish or trash or vacuuming duty as that is something that they can easily see needs done and whomever is home when it needs done will do it.

    This is the first time the 3 youngest ones have been left home without an adult sibling as the siblings that usually stay with them are going to Florida with us. I think they will do well and they do tell us they are grown so...

    Dawn in rainy, cool and humid Maryland
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Michele, we recently had four trees cut down including a pine tree that dropped needles into the workings of our heat pump..I miss the trees but love the lack of mess and the additional light.

    :)Joyce, I don't sing, but I dance and I understand how it is to know the performance piece perfectly and then suddenly you mess up and have to go back to practicing again.

    :)Gloria, the problem about making a plan to meet you is that I don't know yet what time the surgery will be or what my waiting around situation will be or how much Jake will need me to be with him after or whether we'll go home the next day or the day after that so I can't make any plans to do anything except be available and if some time materializes, to take a walk or a nap. You are so sweet to offer to spend time with me. Sorry your knee is such a problem. I just heard from my friend who is 78 that she is recovering very well from her knee replacement surgery, so I expect that you will, too.

    <3 Breakfast is finished so it's time for meditation followed by about 90 minutes of dog walking.

    :)<3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    DJ prayers for your friend.

    Gloria prayers for your niece's family.
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Gloria- my mother had her right knee done about 6 years ago. She just turned 78 last month and is having problems with her knee being cold all the time. I have tried to explain that the ceramic (she was allergic to the metal joint) gets cold from the room temp and holds the cold so she should wrap her knee when the air is cold... But she doesn't listen to me, the nurse of 31years who used to do teaching post op for patients recovering from hip and knee surgery, I'm just her daughter so... That is her attitude anyway, so I gave up trying to help.

    She can do most things she used to without difficulty and she swims 3 days a week at her gym and says that made all the difference in her recovery. She started back swimming as soon as her surgical incisions healed and needed almost no PT because of it.
    Get the knee done if your doctor says you are healthy enough for surgery- it made a huge difference in my moms activity level and her demeanor as well since she was not in pain and was able to do things she enjoys again.

    Dawn in rainy Maryland where the day lilies are in full bloom today!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning, Penny! :) and all the others across the pond!
    Cheri and Becca and Barbie As I took my own life into my hands yesterday getting to and from a mandatory recertification class, I thought about you all and your white knuckle experiences with driving. I just want to be magically transported wherever I am going. Traffic in and around Richmond is usually no challenge at all, but the time of day and the route I took home was for some reason stop & go. I watched in my rear view mirror several close calls as people came upon the stopped traffic at a high rate of speed. Ugh. Fortunately today we will be getting out much earlier, so it will be a breeze. And to think I used to drive on the beltway around Washington, D.C. as if it was nothing! I was younger and bolder then.
    Karen in Virginia

    And to think in my younger days back at UVA I drove from Charlottesville, VA to Columbus, OH by my little lonesome self, without the assistance of a GPS, in my little green Gremlin! My daughter wonders how I ever knew how to go without a GPS. I told her in the olden days we used printed maps to set our routes!

    Speaking of being on the road, we are heading out again in a few to drive to the Milwaukee area. Going to check out housing options should the hubs accept a position he has been offered at Herzing University. When we get back we may be heading to TX as he is anxiously waiting for an offer from Texas A&M in College Station, TX. Praying that by July 1st we will have a destination determined!

    Have a great day ladies. Think of all of you as I journey onward!

    rainy NE oHIo
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Yikes, can't keep up right now, wishing everyone a great end to the week! NYKAREN
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Paula- I am doing the 19 -5 fast right now. I really like it. They basically eat one meal and snack from five in the evening until 9 PM. Up until now I was on the one that you are doing. I like that one too but I wanted to eat from noon until eight. Once I start eating I really don't want to stop. That's why the what I am doing no is working so well. It has helped me to break my plateau. I also like the LC HF for a short time period. I love my curbs too much to give them up for life. I would rather do CICO. Good luck!

    Karen VA- you're welcome. The way that Jullian uses the Kettlebell is more like just swinging a weight around. Way too which work for me.


    Mary from Minnesota

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2016
    Cheri - wonderful news about DH 's job offer. You certainly will be choosing between hot or cold climates. :) At any rate the prospect of offered employment is terrific.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi all!
    Just returned from Molde, where we had a beautiful sunny, hot day. :DB)

    DH walked up to the famous viewpoint - around 4.5 km up a steep slope. I went a bit of the way, but then returned and went to the Open Air museum where they have all the old houses collected together, most with grass roofs. I latched on to a school party so had a great time practising my Norwegian. :D I also spoke Norwegian to the old lady making flatbeds and to the young guide in the old wooden chapel, so all in all I had a wonderful time. There is a nice cathedral in the town and a rose garden on the roof of the town hall.
    We came back, had a browse around the market where I sampled the delicio:dizzy: smoked trout and bought a packet. Coffee, and then back to the ship. I must have walked for well over 4 hours, so calories are good.
    Now off for afternoon tea. The ship has just sounded the horn and we are of:dizzy:
    Love Heather, en route for Bergen.