

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Ny Karen ... My son is content with part time as well ... He has no idea how tight it is going to be ... I have decided to let him figure it out the hard way! And there will be no bailing out as his dad and I are going to be tightening our belts just to get him to his school.

    Cheri .. So glad to hear your husband finally has job offers!!

    Linda ... Sorry to hear that Loved Ones are failing.

    Pip ... Working through the keyboard?

    Gloria ... So sad

    Betty ... Wondered where you've been.

    Becca ... Happy Birthday!

    I have forgotten what I wanted to say to others.. Sigh... Sorry

    I made myself get on the scale because I've been avoiding facing my failures ... Eating habits have been atrocious! Was pleased to find I've lost instead of gained ... But I'm still 30 pounds from where I was this time last year. It's a start again...

    Beth near Buffalo

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Once again you all just said what I needed to hear. If DD runs out of $ she runs out and that is that. Thank you I will accept peace. NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym (blk bike)- 10.27min, 14.8amph, 140mhr, 2.5mi = 107c
    SPIN- 42min, 97ar, 42aw, 6-7g, 151mhr, 8.3mi = 295c
    ride gym 2 wk, via yakima loop- 59.58min, 11.5amph, 126ahr, 153mhr, 11.4mi = 513c
    ride/walk wk 2 hm, another flat- 2hr, 17min, 42sec, 4.5amph, 153mhr, 107ahr, 10.4mi = 883c
    total cal 1798

    what are the chances, another flat, different bike
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Debbie, what a great loss!!! Congrats and keep up the great work.

    Theresakruse, welcome. Congrats on the great loss and getting off of insulin!!!! I never had an A1C in the 7+ range and was happy to get off my metformin. Keep up the great work. Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called and come here often.

    Re, you don’t have to apologize to us if you didn’t reply to everyone. You had a great post and we don’t always say something worthy of a response. We’re just glad to have you with us and I love your sense of humor.

    Joyce, so happy to hear that Charlie went to karaoke. That means he is feeling better.

    Kim, good luck on the interview next week. Gosh it sounds like you are one busy lady all of a sudden. That job just sounds perfect for you so I hope it works out.

    Gloria, I’m soooo sorry to hear about Little Alexander. I hate he had to go through all of that and not make it. Sending hugs to you and warmest thoughts for the whole family.

    KarenVA, thanks for the hug etc but with the weather here I’ll pass on the warm towel from the dryer. Don’t they feel wonderful though in the winter when there is a chill in the air? Oh yes, and thanks for taking back the winning lottery ticket. Maybe next time??

    Allie, what is the world is up with that doctor??? How can anyone not like you??? OK, what did you do to him? I do hope things can get resolved there as that is not a comfortable working environment. Cool deal on the money you’ll make for watching Faith. It should be your money and not shared with Mr. Stingy! (((Hugs))) (later) Gosh you are one busy lady. Tell me again why you mow the yard and not the grouch?

    Mary, great info on the kettle bells.

    Lisa, glad things are going so well at the paper. We all knew you’d do a great job. It’s nice that your DH has more options now that you have the job.

    Cheri, I’m crossing my fingers for your DH to get the job of his dreams. Milwaukee was a great place to live and raise a family when we lived there in the 70’s but they have these “Real Cold Winters” which was more than us Southerners could take after 10 years. Having grown up in Texas I know which I would pick if given the choice but I hope you get the choice. Good luck.

    Meg, so glad to hear the good report on Benny!!!! And thanks for the hugs. 

    Heather, I laugh while reading about your and DH arguing over the wonders of the world. It’s nice that you each know it all but I’m sure it does present problems.
    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a great day at line dancing. I just keep thinking I will build up my stamina but I can only dance for a little over an hour. Sometimes I make it 1 ½ hours but not always and I’m exhausted when I get home. I wish we had it more than once a week. I’m tired so heading to bed. I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! appearing-rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Ny Karen ...

    Pip ... Working through the keyboard?

    Beth near Buffalo

    hadn't thought about it but ok!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Michele - you asked about the baking classes.... so for the beginning baking class 8-10 years old - 4 hours each day for 5 days. I divide the 16 kids into 4 groups - so monday each group will make 2 different bar cookies, and the dough for cut cookies to go in the fridge overnight. Tuesday each group will make a muffin recipe and either biscuits or bread sticks. Wed. they will make yeast bread and individual pizzas. Thursday will be frozen chocolate cups and cut out, cook and frost the cookies. Friday will be carmel corn, muddy buddies.

    I am working on the intermediate baking list...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Penny and all of the others who are 6 hours or more ahead of those of us in the Colonies: Good Morning!!

    DJ Ha! That winning lottery ticket is a bit elusive, isn't it?

    Carol - Praying for your little neighbor boy who was hit by a car.

    Hope your mom’s bad day was a fluke, it is so painful when you think your mother is suffering. I sure miss my mom, she was my best buddy!

    Pip - I have the utmost confidence in your ability to reach your goal. You are 75% done and still have half the month left! You have time for a little R&R if you need it before the last push. Proud of you. Plus I am pretty sure walking your bike with a flat counts as double miles.

    Cheri - Ok, I am sending you a pocket travel angel. Gosh, you’ll need a new set of Michelin’s after Texas!

    Heather, en route for Bergen - what a wonderful afternoon! And your last post about chocolate tea? That sounds pretty delicious! How cool that you spoke Norwegian to the natives. I am 1/4 Norwegian but I have never been there…

    Oh, and both you & your husband do know everything…just not at the same time! LOL!

    Meg in Omaha - I was born and raised in southwest Nebraska, remain in close contact with my friends from high school, and still have many relatives in Nebraska, Colorado, and the Dakotas. I will always be a Nebraskan.

    Paula in NC - 5/2 plan is a little tougher than 16/8 for some people, but for some reason it isn’t hard for me, it seems to just happen, so I might as well make it formal and commit to it.

    16/8 refers to a 24 hour cycle of fasting 16 hours, and getting all your calories during the remaining 8 hours. Some people eat 3 meals, but a lot skip breakfast, eat lunch as their first meal of the day, and then eat dinner - so just 2 meals a day. Others graze throughout the 8 hours.

    5/2 refers to a 1 week plan. 5 days a week you eat a “normal” amount of calories, and 2 days (usually in a row but doesn’t have to be) you restrict calories to 500-600. This would be really hard for lots of people, but not for me, and it would save me trying to force myself to get all my calories in on days I am not at all hungry. When I am really busy at work I have no appetite or thoughts of food, and am too tired to eat after work. That is usually 1-2 days a week.

    Mary & Paula - My current macro goals are >90g protein, <60g net carbs, 1200-1300 cal/day. Maybe once I start kettle bells I will be able to up my calories. Mary do you have a favorite brand of kettle bell?

    I am not diabetic but am insulin resistant and do better on relatively low carbs. If I go too low I have no energy to lift weights and get the "Atkins’ flu" but 45-60g/d is fine and leaves me plenty of calories for fat.

    Becca - Smiling, smiling, smiling.

    Joyce - I bet Charlie sounds great when he sings in the shower, too! Great acoustics in there.

    Gloria - our grandsons must be about a year apart - Griffin is 10 - Tuba sounds awesome! Is he a big boy? That is a big instrument! Still thinking about your little neighbor boy. We are so lucky.

    Theresa - I am not sure how old you are? but I think that is a really good question about your knee, and I would be interested to know what your orthopedist says when you ask him about having the knee replacement now. (Total knee replacement.) You are entitled to a second opinion if you are not satisfied with his answer. You should not have to put up with excruciating, debilitating pain for 2 more years, even if the knee is stable. I can guarantee you that your orthopedist wouldn’t put up with it if it was his knee.

    Sue in WA - OMG - Washington cherries - to die for!!!!!! Nothing like ‘em.

    DrKatie - we have lots of horsey country so much well-rotted manure available, plus llama & alpaca farms whose poo is apparently sought after, I guess you don’t have to wait for it to rot as long. For some reason it is less likely to burn your plants, must be lower in nitrogen or something. I am originally from a small town in the middle of farming country and we just had cow poop and chicken poop, but now the commercial pig farms (yuck) are wafting their aromas through the air much to the dismay of some of my old buddies who live downwind. icky

    Anne from Wisconsin - sleep is a wonderful thing. So glad you are feeling rejuvenated, and hope that you will continue to sleep well from now on.

    Meg - Benny is rejuvenated, too! Must be the day for it! Yay!

    Cheri - Good luck with the job interviews, and hope you have your choice of geographic locations! I personally vote for Michigan. Texas is too hot.

    Linda IA - I am so sorry your mother-in-law is failing. Thinking of how sad this is for your husband and his father, and for you. My friend from high school developed Alzheimers 12 years ago at the age of 50. During the early phases while she was still relatively lucent, she called her best friend to tell her the news, and she said, “I have some bad news. Well, bad news for you, but not so bad for me.” I was stunned with her insight and perspective because Alzheimers, in my opinion, is so much worse for the family than for the person who is demented. Anyway, I am very sorry to hear your news.

    Kim N Cal - My parents had a Victory Garden! Very cool. The Methodist Church in my little hometown in Nebraska has for decades used surplus food from people’s gardens to make soup. The volunteers make it & freeze it to be taken to shut ins or newcomers or anyone who seems to need a little homemade soup.

    Congrats on the job opportunity and good luck! If you want it, I hope you get it!

    Alison - I completely agree with Kim and others here. I encourage you to open your own account in your own bank with a private ledger that you control and do not share with Tom. It will empower you to have control over your own money. I have always had my own bank account and my own money. You need a stash.

    NYKaren - Doritos served their purpose, it’s OK.

    Tough love is, well, tough. Sometimes we have to let our children fall flat on their faces. If she isn’t in physical danger, letting her deal with the consequences of her decision to take a job that will not earn enough money will be a maturing experience that someday (not this summer) your daughter will thank you for. Trust her to be able to handle it no matter how much you want to bail her out. Figure out now what you are going to say when she asks you to bail her out so you will be ready.

    Acts of love don’t always feel like love at the time. I have an almost 40 year old son who has an extremely good job and a phenomenal work ethic…now…you have to let her make mistakes and not rescue her. Easier said than done. She’s probably a fast learner and she may even surprise you with her resourcefulness.


    Beth near Buffalo - :)

    Vicki in Grand Island - I am thinking of what you may be going through with your arm and sending all kinds of healing and supportive thoughts. I hope you come back soon.

    Becca & Joyce & Barbie - sending healing husband vibes to you all.

    Everyone else who might need a hug, cup of tea, shoulder to cry on, or just a friend to sit without saying a word, sending all of that to you.

    My sweet grandchildren are sound asleep on a foam mattress in a tepee my partner made from canvas years ago, snuggled next to each other, even though they each have a bed of their own at Grammy’s house, and they are sleeping right through an amazing thunderstorm. Thank goodness for our generator, I hate being without electricity. One of the best investments I have ever made.

    I got through a rather grueling recertification course for my work yesterday & today, glad to have it behind me.

    Daughter-in-law is definitely thinking about home schooling and I told her I can help with teaching 2-3 days each week, help with finances, whatever she needs me to do. It’s going to take my son some time to come around. He is not very flexible, doesn’t embrace change, and isn’t a good brainstormer. Whose son is he, anyway? He is like an alien to me sometimes, LOL! If he didn’t look so much like his dad and me, I would wonder if they got the babies mixed up at the hospital.

    Karen in Thunder & Lightning in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Good news about Benny the Beagle! Our fur children are important to us. :heart:

    Heather: I truly enjoy the posts you are able to make. Most people aboard ship save it all to share after they get home. You give us the pleasure of traveling with you. I appreciate it. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Whine all you want, but getting a more positive mindset now is doing yourself a favor. Can you time your trip to go through Seattle when it isn't morning or evening rush hour? The city streets aren't bad but the freeways can be either stop often and go fast in between, or a parking lot. :ohwell: :grumble:

    Irish Terri: I just had two ancient filings replaced. It went fast and didn't hurt at all. (((hugs))) I love the "faith in yourself, confidence, & happy" poster. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: "...where I come from manure is poop used as fertilizer, usually cow or horse poop. Just an FYI, guano is also poop fertilizer, but it comes from birds. My dad farms. You would not believe how much money he spends on chicken poop." I love this! You brightened up my whole evening! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Looking at things with rose colored glasses is a gift to yourself and those around you. :flowerforyou:

    Peach: You are a good daughter. :star:

    Our town has concerts in the park every Thursday during the summer months with live music, food vendors and a beer garden. Today there is also a carnival. DH wanted to stay home so I went with my little dog, and he was loved and petted by multitudes. He enjoys the attention and smiles at everyone. I usually run into people I know, but not this evening. I had a good time anyway.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I have made the sad discovery that getting extra steps in is much less fun when one is walking out leg cramps. :disappointed: It's well over an hour past my bedtime but the cramps won't leave me alone. Oh well, tomorrow is Friday and my short day.

    Good night!

    Carol in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - I get it right out of the jar of pickles. Between me and my DH we have almost robbed the pickles of all the juice. If you don't eat pickles you can get the recipe for making pickles and just can the juice. We used just dill pickle juice.

    DJ- I'm glad you found the information useful. I really like the results in such a short workout and you can swing every day. I take mine with when we travel easier than trying to take my weight bench!

    Kettlebell workout timerThere is an app for timing sets and rest time for the phone called Swing Timer


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    I have made the sad discovery that getting extra steps in is much less fun when one is walking out leg cramps. :disappointed: It's well over an hour past my bedtime but the cramps won't leave me alone. Oh well, tomorrow is Friday and my short day.

    Good night!

    Carol in NC

    Drink a 1/4 cup of pickle juice you will be amazed how quickly your cramps will disappear!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Quick hello...it's waaaaay past my bedtime. Thinking of you, cheering you on and sending positive energy wherever needed.

    My progress to goals for June:

    Be a positive influence at work. Room for improvement.
    Eat mindfully. Doing well.
    Strength train 2x/week Doing great.
    Weigh less at the end of the month. Down .5 right now.
    Maintain Gratitude Journal daily (on free app by the same name) Doing excellent.
    My word for 2016: Optimism

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Ladies;

    Another glorious day has passed and we are that much nearer to the weekend... YAY!

    I made it to the gym, today - and I worked extra hard to make up for yesterday. It's amazing how hard that 4th set of abdominal crunches was... lol. But, I did them and I can still feel them, this evening, so it must have been useful. I will try to do another four sets tomorrow... and to stay on the elliptical for at least 40 minutes, again.

    Joyce – I find I am liking Charlie, even if he has failed to learn to speak Cat. B) And getting out of the water is always hard. I visit my Mom in Tucson every year – she has a pool which I always make use of. While I am in it, I am buoyant and graceful – a true water baby – but when I try to get out… GEEZ. It’s like dragging bricks up those steps. Gravity is NOT our friend.

    Mary – thanks for the info – I will check it out. Believe me, nobody is any lazier than I am… lol. And I am glad you get to enjoy the festival… I love music in all its forms, so I would be right there, tapping my toes and singing along.

    Kim – a Gardening job – wow – to be paid to be outdoors and be active – what a deal. Good luck!!

    Gloria – How awful about your little Superman. I will pray for your family.

    Janet – thanks! I don’t foresee any trips up north in the near future, sadly. Perhaps someday.

    Karen – why the heck haven’t they invented the Star Trek Transporter, yet? That’s what I want to know. How awesome would it be to just be able to materialize wherever you needed to go with whatever stuff you needed with you? Where is Scotty when you need him?

    Grandmallie – Your Dentist sounds like a piece of work. Does he behave that way with everyone? And it does seem odd that he doesn’t even have a decent vehicle… but, with a personality like that – maybe he has three ex-wifes to pay alimony to… lol. And you had better put those pennies away for when you have to buy new clothes… it’s a concern, round these parts. :]

    Lisa – It’s great that you have a boss you can tease like that. Having a job that you like is really a wonderful thing. I don’t know if I could come in day after day after day if I hated it… and how nice that your hubby can give up his job. You will have to get a long HoneyDo list together to keep him occupied, if he does… lol.

    Paula – I am not on any official “plan” but, I eat twice a day – “brunch” and dinner. It is how I have evolved into eating since I got the lap band 11 years ago. I have never been a big fan of breakfast – and I determined some time ago that forcing myself to eat when I have no interest in food is counter-productive… so, I get up, go to the gym, prepare for my day – and head for work. I work from 11:30am to 8pm – so, I nosh while I am working – starting around noon – and then I eat whatever fab dinner that I have prepared in the crockpot when I get home around 9. It’s been working for me, so far… Basically, I start eating when I get hungry in the morning – and then I eat dinner when I get home. If I get hungry – really hungry – in the afternoon, I always have a stash of protein bars on hand – but, I never eat anything resembling breakfast – even when I rise at 6:30 to make it to early morning doctor’s appointments.

    Carol – My Mom has mostly given up the basics, like combing her hair and changing into a non-stained sweatshirt… I guess at 81, when you spend the entire day dozing in your recliner, these things lose their vital importance. I just try to enjoy her while she is still with us. I am blessed to still have two parents to love. I hope you and your Mom have a good time.

    Pip – keep it up… you are inspiring me to do more… I did 40 minutes on the elliptical today… lol. Sorry about the flat.

    Dawn – it sounds like you have a lot of organizational skills… and like you need them! How you manage to pay attention to yourself with all those kids on a different schedule I have no idea. I am impressed. I am glad your Mom did well with the knee replacement. I am pretty certain I have at least one of those in my future – but, I am trying to put it off for as long as I can stand it.

    Barbie – good luck with the whole surgery thing. We are all thinking good thoughts for you and yours.

    Cheri – wow – a printer… I haven’t used one of those in ages… lol. Remember typewriters?

    Heather – wow – you speak Norwegian? They generally don’t teach that one in high school on this side of the pond… do you have family that speak it? And I LOVE smoked salmon… my husband has a smoker and makes it for me, every so often. I always eat too much of it – but, seriously, if you can eat it without cream cheese and crackers – it’s not a bad choice. Your trip sounds lovely. Enjoy it, and don’t worry about anything but having a good time. You have better things to do that sit glued to your computer…

    Katla – I graduated in 1990. We moved to Portland because that is where my folks were, at the time. I ended up in TX because one of my sisters ran off with a man… He had family in TX – rallied for all of us to join her – then promptly went back to Portland… lol. The man wasn’t a keeper – he looked something like “Mr. Burns” in the Simpsons – and his personality wasn’t much better – so, we were all perplexed when she picked up lock stock and barrel and followed him to the wilds of TX – but the homes were cheap, the jobs were plentiful and the SUN SHINES HERE. So, when I had the chance to transfer with my job – I did. I am afraid my blood has thinned a bit… I will never again be able to tolerate the great gray northwest.

    Meg – thanks for the info. I haven’t had anything that seemed like a hot flash – and I am certainly not done with the joy of being a girl… but, I know it will happen to me, some day. I will appreciate recognizing it when it happens.

    Becca – mmmm… Brownies. Just sayin. I am glad you had a good Birthday. Sisters are greatness – I have three - only two that I really talk to much – but, we have often spoken of getting a fourplex somewhere and living out our old age together. We are just too different to share one house – but a fourplex we could make work. We will have to decide where it will be, of course – that will be an epic battle, for sure.

    Theresa – sorry about your knee. Wish I had some ideas for you – but, I don’t understand it either.

    Sue – Not looking forward to the whole mowing and trimming business – but it must be done… so, I guess I will get in a little extra calorie burn this weekend.

    Anne – Sleep is a wonderful thing. Hope you get lots more nights of it, soon.

    Betty – welcome back…

    Linda/IA – Sorry to hear about your Husband’s Mom.

    NY Karen – step away from the Doritos… Sorry you had Daughter Drama. And she WILL be fine. When I was in college, I was broke all the time – but, I got a job at Black Angus and I always had at least one good meal a day. Your girl will figure it out, too.

    Michelle – that is part of the reason I am trying to get the weight off NOW – that, and I want to get the excess skin removed – and I need to have a LITTLE skin elasticity for that.

    Lenora – I hope your DOS takes the hint. Gratz on the coming GrandBaby.

    DJ – are you a Rocky Horror fan, by any chance? Lol. I just noticed your screen name. Back in the Great NW, we used to have midnight screenings when everyone would dress up and yell out the lines. *Humming* Let’s Do the Time Warp Agaaaaaiiiiiin.

    Sending a wave to Csfled, Margaretturk, NYKaren, ljdw99, Carey, Lila

    Well, I have to go... DH is whining for cheese... and since I have spoiled him shamefully, I am expected to get up and get it for him.

    See you all, later!

    Re in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    :) headed to bed.
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Re in TX - I learnt Norwegian from the Duolingo app. Several other ladies are following it doing different languages after I told them about it. It's great fun.
    Heather, arriving in Bergen B)