Serial Starters



  • annebuta
    annebuta Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all - I fit your group discussion perfectly! I was on a roll (so many times on a roll) and now I have spiraled downward again and have gained it back. Would love to share our experiences and support each other - I know you know one another from another group (I've tried WW too thinking a new program would "motivate" me - but with little success). I want to be fit and active and my weight is really getting in the way.....I'm about 210 now and want to get back down to 160-170 (and be able to fit into my clothes again). I hate shopping - summer tops are a real challenge for me to find! Anyway, nice to meet you and I will be following along if you'll have me! :smiley:
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    annebuta - welcome we have a couple of ann/annie on this board, so we might use your whole board name ..... stop by and post when you can - we are a open board.

    Dawn - reread Lana's words of wisdom. Give yourself a chance. You are away from the most toxic boss I have ever heard of so give yourself credit as well.

    at work bbl
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana/Sara - thank you so much...I always stress and overthink, everything... just can't help myself...I've got all my running done (other than TB test read) so, I will just start and hope for the best..I'm going in positive, but cautious...thank you, again..

    Lana - good luck with your day... hugs to you

    Sara - cool thoughts to you...we are very warm here, too.. not as hot.. but, 90's with heat indexes high 90's... ugh

    Annebuta- Welcome... you found a great place here...

    Trying to stay cool with the pups..
    Be back later...

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member
    chiefod wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Just wanted to say hi!
    I have been enjoying your kindness and Awsome support for each other. I found this site about a week ago, and boy it's lovely to read; helps me not too sink into a hole with a all male home! He he he ...
    Feel the "Girl Power!" I look forward to reading this site each day, as soon as I can!
    gives me hope, and makes me feel good and not so alone in this process!
    I'm in Vancouver WA. This is day 301 for me.
    SW 200
    CW 175
    GW 150

    I'm slowly getting around to saying hello to some new folks who stop by~~
    If we are stupid busy and do not immediately acknowledge your post, hang in there! Continue to visit and tell us about yourself.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member
    So its like a mental exercise for stress relief? The Cboy's?

    The Cabana Boys are our very powerful Imaginary Friends who support us on our weight loss journey~~

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    I survived the strange day today, and came out fairly well on the other end. I am overeating a bit as a result, but tracking it all, which is a first. Staying within reasonable ranges.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good evening,

    They say we have one more day of the mind blowing heat.... we shall see.

    Dog is doing better and I am grateful.

    Lana - do you always have strange days? We might need more details......

    Directive came out at work. In our Orientation we are told we are not allowed to look ourselves up in the databases or family members. I know the lady who wrote the directive seems that more than 300 times since 01/01/2017 have people accessed and get this - sometimes changed info- in their files. Directive is the last straw before discipline starts - like to see who in my department might be guilty. It is not easy to get a job with this good of benefits - I am just flabbergasted.

    Dinner done and dvd waiting -

    Cboys showed up with my Mary Kay package, so fans/cold drinks and facials under Lana's Palm tree- what a deal.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday evening

    Home from camping. Lovely weather - could not have been nicer. We had a great trip! Lots of steps - I believe I was at 21,000+ steps on Monday and 23,000+ steps yesterday. Some biking, lots of hiking, a little fishing, and lots of reading and relaxing. Spotted lots of wildlife including deer, muskrat, pelicans, prairie dog/gophers, raccoon, and fireflies! But also too much food, ice cream, carbs, and adult beverages. Back on track tomorrow and not checking the scale for awhile. Will have lunch with high school girlfriends on Sunday and do not want to know the # on the scale to upset me. Getting a spray tan on Friday night to help me feel better about myself and then will dress in something I think is slimming. It will be a casual day.

    Doing laundry as we speak. :)

    DS#1 (college-boy) submitted an audition recording to a local singing contest as part of our city's summer festival. He was selected to compete on Saturday night! He needed this as he continues to feel like he has no friends and says therapist is not helping - because he isn't experiencing any other issues at this time other than not having friends. Two more months until school starts again! I keep telling him he can get involved in things at school and make friends with people in classes.

    Time to fold some clothes! More tomorrow.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - welcome back! Way to go on the steps!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Sara - No, thankfully I do not always have strange days. Yesterday was a retirement reception for my big boss, so I got dressed up in nice clothes, put on full makeup and best wig, and then had to go and socialize with work colleagues who I have not seen since August of last year before my mastectomies. So it was a scary and difficult thing. However, I went, stayed a very short time, said hello to peeps I had to talk to and then left out the back door. No one had any idea that there had been anything wrong with me. Some people thought I had retired, and I did not bother to correct them.

    Now, your work seems interesting with that business you described about people going into their own records and changing things. Hmm.....

    Mary Kay package sounds good!

    Annie - Glad your camping vacation was so good! Welcome back~~

    Waving to Dawn and Kathy and Missy and anyone else who stops by later.....

    Back to sleep; only got 4 hours so far. :(

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member

    Good morning - should be hottest day of week with things cooling off tomorrow. Let's hope. Felt like a stewed prune most of the week.

    I second the remark by Dawn - Annie!! Your step count in camping should override anything you ate!! Wow I cant even imagine,

    Lana - we are here at the same time, cut and paste so I can read yours. Ahh! I was wondering if you kept in contact with people from work. Glad you went for your "big boss" - it was worth it. You are out on disability? - will you go back when Dr gives you the green light to work again?

    Mary Kay has a new facial product on the market which is excellent (gave it a spin last night). Reminds me of a product I had in college - not cheap but it was well made, until they changed the recipe and it became more aromatic and ruined the whole thing for me as it made my eyes water. This one has a similar smell just not nearly as strong.

    Breakfast is almost done. Will also look for a little more sleep. Wave to all who follow as well.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Yes Sara, I have been out of the theater and have been getting some disability benefits. However, due to the physical and cognitive problems I have, there's no way I can do my job, which requires great physical strength and mental sharpness with split-second thinking and reaction time. Just not there yet.

    My first PT evaluation is today to start to get my left arm back, in spite of the lymphedema. Next Monday I have a cognitive therapy evaluation......the earliest I'd be ready for work might be in 3 or 4 months, but more likely possibly January of 2018. Time will tell.

    I do not like that vision of Stewed Prune! This heat in California has got to go! I hope that your workplace is well-cooled.


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Morning! Anyone else having issues with MFP, today... it may just be me, bad service... couldn't complete diary from yesterday and, took forever to get in here..

    Sara - hope it does start cooling down for you, before you become completely stewed. Slightly cooler here... overcast, so the sun isn't baking everything this morning...

    Lana - sounds like yesterday was a strange day... but, you went, you survived and, you gracefully escaped without notice..good luck with PT, hope it goes well... and, unless you really need to, why rush going back to work? Get yourself back... then, worry about work...

    Took today off from running around...I shouldn't have...the quicker I get done, the quicker I get to work...I just felt like I needed a day to just be home and, rest and try to do a bit of cleaning... that part is questionable... going to help friend at her thrift store, will be nice to visit with her and, see how people who truly care about animals, help the community..

    Will check in later...
    Have a great day all
  • chiefod
    chiefod Posts: 19 Member
    LanaCabana, hey thanks for the shout out! I'm a little on the quiet side.
    You all are beautiful confident women!
    Getting hubby and two sons ready for a Baja trip for next Tues. first time I will have some mommie time!
    I have swimming in mind, spray tan, (also makes me feel good) and a first message-
    Trying so hard to do something each day to make me feel more confident, in the long run-:)
    Today, treadmill with Aerosmith singing- sweet emotion! Maybe my indorphins will turn me into a star on the treadmill! He he he
    Have a great rest of the day everyone!
    Thanks for being so kind-
    Means so much now a days-

  • annebuta
    annebuta Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all - trying to kind of get to know you by reading posts!

    LanaCabana - how brave of you! I am sorry that you are going through some serious health stuff - good luck with PT. I have had a few injuries (nothing as serious as what you have going on!) and LOVED my PT people - they really got me back to be able to do what I love.

    Chiefod - have fun in Baja! My husband was just there surfing - I stayed home to take care of our dog.

    Tilliesmommy- I'm glad your dog is feeling better! I can totally relate to the stress of sick dogs who only eat grass. :s

    Speaking of dogs, our dog Lola is 15 and has been fighting two types of cancer. I thought she was doing better but this morning she is throwing up and not wanting to eat (including taking her meds, which is what she needs to do to feel better). She was my main exercise / hiking buddy and can't do that anymore. Sigh. It is so depressing and I'm having a hard time getting out there because I don't want to do without her. It isn't an excuse but it is part of my weight issue for sure.

    Anyway, hoping she will perk up soon because I was planning to take her to the coast today - it is my last day off before a three day stretch this weekend Friday - Sunday (I work 12 hour shifts).

    Have a great day all! I am back to logging everything even if I don't stick exactly to my week, goal is to actually meet calorie goal not just log!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - have you started new job yet? How is your tummy feeling - still upset with jitters and stress? Just try to take it easy on yourself. Ease into new job, dont think you have to know it all immediately. How has helping your friend out in the thrift store been?

    Sara - are you still dealing with heat? we are getting a nice blast of it along with nice soupy humidity! blech!

    Annie - what kind of spray tan do you get? one applied by a person or the kind applied in a booth? was thinking of getting spray tan before our son's wedding so my fish belly white skin doesn't blind people! haha

    annebuta - sorry to hear about Lola. it is definitely a very rough time dealing with that. we lost our dearly loved 9 year old black lab to cancer last October.

    Am trying to get back in the swing of things here. After having a few days of sheer misery, finally went to doctor. He first thought gall bladder, then appendicitis. After a boatload of tests he said intestines and appendix inflamed but did not think infected then added colitis to the diagnosis, handed me a stack of prescriptions, and told me to take a few more days off work.

    Needless to say, I am way off on any food logs and not getting any steps. Haven't been eating much at all. Just trying to stay hydrated. Sleeping enough to feel like I have been hibernating.

    Do the Cboys do dishes, laundry, and serve meals in bed?! If so, send a couple right over! LOL

    ~~~took my meds and now going back for a nap~~~

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    annebuta- so sorry about pup...we are all animal lovers, here... they're our babies... it's so hard when they're sick and, I will never, ever understand why animals have to get Cancer...we had a Foster kitty that was diabetic... she started not wanting to eat and, not acting herself...took her to Vet ASAP... it was too late... huge tumor, full of cancer... it's been 1 year and it's still hard every day, that she's not here... hope your pup takes her meds and is able to go for another hike...I would be same as you, not wanting to go without her...I don't consider it as an excuse... she's your buddy... would be hard to leave her behind... give her lots of love... she sounds like she is a great friend
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 - sorry, I dunno if I missed your name..I have not started new job, yet... been running around, getting stuff done... lost license, had to get new one... had to get TB test, waiting to go back for results... went for physical, yesterday...I have not started helping at thrift store, yet... friend asked me to help, tomorrow... they are closed, Tue- Thur...I'm looking forward to it...
    Sorry about health issues... hope they got correct diagnosis and you feel better, soon.
    Don't stress about food/ eating.. get yourself back to feeling better, then get back on track...
    CBoys help with everything... that's the best thing about them... that, and they're always fun to look at ;)
    Get some rest and feel better, soon
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    hickchick - I get a spray tan applied at a local beauty salon. I feel like it goes on more evenly with no streaking. Nice color. They way it will wash off in pool water right away, but I won't be in a pool anytime soon so no worries.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    My korean lunch threw my numbers into another galaxy - probably why I dont eat it often. Just is.

    Annie - I did Mary Kay tan products, but didnt like the constant upkeep.

    More later, almost done with work - online says its 108 as we speak - will drink as much water as I can.
