Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog was up barking early this am, cat? Dont know but I was running around online - too depressing and went back to sleep.

    Annie - I have used walking as a way to clean out the cobwebs in my head. Hope you got a walk in. I know of people who never have pto, use it when they get it and are on the bubble for probation. Maybe that's their idea of living in the fast lane? Good chance they dont care - know that mgmt is aware of it, but companies are too scared to fire people anymore as it involves too much legal $$.

    Oatmeal on, need to go make lunch. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Happy Wednesday Everyone~~

    Patting myself on the back: I just looked back, and I have tracked my food on MFP for almost two weeks. This doesn't mean I've been within my calories; many days I've been over. But the tracking itself for this long on MFP is a big deal and new for me.

    I find tracking on MFP is easier for me than doing the WW program was. Just calories---all of them. No spending a million points for olive oil and nothing for a banana. LOL!

    QOTD: What fresh fruit will you have today? Any veggies planned?



    245.8 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope things are getting better - the neighbour situation sounds pretty nasty!

    @LanaCabana537 . I'm with you on both points Lana - even if we go over it's already an achievement to track everything.
    Also I much prefer the simplicity of MFP - much more logical for me .
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Hey Lana that's awesome!!! congrats super accomplishment. It really helps to track everything

    Hmmm fruit. I bought cherries the other day I should for veggies I might make myself a spinach salad for lunch. It's the boy's piano recital today so I'm hoping since three husband will be home early for that (meeting us there) we can maybe go out for dinner although if the boy picks it will be McDonalds...perhaps I need to rethink this.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - just study one chapter/article at a time. what is that old saying the journey starts with the first step. think of it as separate "chunks" you work on. attack one, get it done, move to next. only focus on the "chunk" you have at the moment. that way it doesn't seem so overwhelming. baby steps!

    Annie - how is the DH recovering from the initial crowns? i have to get a crown replaced. not exactly looking forward to it but know i will be in misery if i dont.
    i am now one of those who is using all their sick time. well, actually there is no sick time at this new job, its all PTO. job i left (after 10 years) had comp time, sick time, and separate vacation hours. of course, DH and i had already planned trips for this year and prepaid for them last year. then this new job popped up. am eating up PTO like it was ice cream! ugh!

    Lana - great job tracking!! i am trying to do the same. hope i can match your streak!
    QOTD answer - bananas, pineapple for fruit. am having minestrone soup for lunch so does that count for veggies?? no idea what to do for dinner tonight.

    Ali - summer ice skating??

    i think i have mostly recovered from being so ill last 2 weeks. appetite is coming back at least. will have to watch that i dont go overboard thinking "yay, i can eat real food now!"

    got a new project last night. DH drove 7 hours to go get me a 2 door 1983 Jeep Cherokee Chief Laredo Wagoneer to restore. it takes the place of my Jeep that my daughter totaled. looking at maybe a 3 year restoration timeline. all the neighbors were so excited about it that they all showed up at our garage at 10 oclock at night to see it. LOL

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    @hickchic67 yes summer ice skating. I skate year round it's the best thing to walk into a cold ice rink when it's hot and humid outside.

    and yay about the Jeep. Have fun with that. I love Jeeps I wanted to get a Grand Cherokee when I needed a new car (I'm not handy ad can't restore cars) but man those are expensive!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited June 2017
    Wow -good morning!!

    I was just stopping by because I got angry at the scale and realized I have much better habits and the scale is just a number.

    Lana- tracking for 2 weeks, awesome blossom! Keep up the good work. WW decided for me what I was going to eat and that little rebel inside of me didnt like that, so I track and if its red I know why......

    Hickchick my workplace now has sick time but you have to be out more than 3 days to get it and have a dr note..... so I have one pot of pto too. Some cars are worth restoring and Jeeps are one of them. Crowns are better than root canals..... both in cost and pain.

    Dog walk was short this morning- sprinklers made it too wet.

    AOTD - banana, salad for lunch - dinner is a big??

    Wandering slowly to work.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Wow -good morning!!

    I was just stopping by because I got angry at the scale and realized I have much better habits and the scale is just a number.

    Lana- tracking for 2 weeks, awesome blossom! Keep up the good work. WW decided for me what I was going to eat and that little rebel inside of me didnt like that, so I track and if its red I know why......

    Hickchick my workplace now has sick time but you have to be out more than 3 days to get it and have a dr note..... so I have one pot of pto too. Some cars are worth restoring and Jeeps are one of them. Crowns are better than root canals..... both in cost and pain.

    Dog walk was short this morning- sprinklers made it too wet.

    AOTD - banana, salad for lunch - dinner is a big??

    Wandering slowly to work.

    That darn scale. Happy to hear you realized you are more than just the number on a scale. Half the time I figure they're broken or evil or trying to play tricks on us anyway.

    I did an upper body workout and next up is cutting the grass because, fingers majorly crossed, it hasn't rained today nor does it look like rain. I cam get he grass cut, good luck allergies, and walk to the store and pick up a few things that I need to get. Happy Wednesday!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Sara - That darned scale! It will reward you the next time, for sure.

    Ali - Send me some wafts of the smell of newly mowed grass. Love it! Hope the allergies do not kick in for you.

    Lana's lesson learned today: The canned sardines may have Omega 3 and lots of protein, but I think they lie about how much SALT! Too salty! I won't buy that again. Ate half, tossing half out.

    Time to eat a pear!

    Waves to anyone else who stops by today.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 - thank you...I read a little more, last night... after each section, there's a small quiz...I take them, mostly to see if anything is truly sinking into my brain...hehe...I think a little is (little) I just let things get the best of me and just don't feel I can do whatever it is... also, studying when I'm tired is not the best thing... but, it's my only option...

    Meatloaf in oven... Will be back in a bit...
    Have a good evening...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good evening,

    When in doubt for dinner- oatmeal to the rescue!! Could have a 2nd banana today - but I will pass.

    I am tired like its Thursday - so not much going on here.

    I am so glad I can read who the phone calls are from now..... what a nice improvement so I dont have to hang up on people.

    Hope to stop by before lights out.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana card in the mail tomorrow.......
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- way to go on tracking! I'm the same... I track really well for days/weeks... then, I just real reason... just stop...I did well, with WW points...I think, I kind of need to be told I can't eat something... helps me make better choices...maybe

    Sara - it's just a number and you are more than that...I would say, kick the scale... but, that would hurt...

    Ali -hope you survived grass mowing without allergies making you miserable... how was recital and dinner after? Still can make ok decisions at McDonald's..

    hickchic67 - have fun with Jeep! I love Jeeps! I had a 92 Cherokee Laredo...I loved it... but, started having too much issues and couldn't afford to fix it... was soo bummed having to sell it...

    Annie - hope DH does/ did good with dental work...

    Meatloaf was ok... accidentally made too salty...I was afraid of that, as I was making it...I don't typically add salt... but, added some season salt and soy sauce... good for SO... too much for me... was edible, but won't be having leftovers...

    Off tonight... no plans... just relaxing... still telling myself I'm going to get up, clean and organize... it's a good plan... just not happening...I'm just so unmotivated

    Well, not sure if I'll be back, tonight...
    Everyone have a good night...
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Any meatloaf is good meatloaf. I love meatloaf

    Hope everyone had a good evening

    Our recital was loooong but my boy did a great job. We ended up having Thai delivered after. Tomorrow is the last day of school so we'll have McDonalds for lunch.

    I feel like I want to run tomorrow. But I might skate and they means super sore and tired legs if I do. I've been doing well with my latest restart. I need to keep the momentum
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Ali - sounds like a good evening... glad recital went well... my cousins little boy (8) started playing piano just a few months ago...I am impressed at how well he is doing...I played for years and was never as good as he is already... very proud of him..
    Running or skating sound like a great day...I had recently started C25K... I made it to week 3, lost my job (worked at shelter and walked with dogs) and I haven't started, again... keep thinking I will get back to it... just not working out just yet...

    Well, I should not have said anything... got called into work...I really wanted to say no, as I only got about 5 hrs of sleep and have been up since 1:00pm... have to work til 7:00am... it's only 1:00am and I'm already exhausted..the other girl called in... shocking... this is 3rd time in 2 weeks... she just had last 2 nights off... on the plus side, that means I get 40hrs this week, instead of just 32... so, gotta think of it that way... definitely gonna go home and crash, in morn...

    Alright... back to work before I get too comfortable...
  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Good morning!

    Crazy week, I dunno, they keep telling us things will get calmer and less chaotic at work but then they dump yet more tasks on us and there's even more chaos.

    First and second gym workout were great and I'm going again today. I know I said the goal is to go once a week per month, doesn't mean I can't go more often if I feel like it.

    AOTD (yeah, I'm fashionably late) - I'll have a banana and an apple to snack on at work. We get free fresh fruit every week and I'm a cheapskate and rely on what's there. This week's delivery's looking gooood, lots of bananas, apples, plums, apricots...

    Annie - Wow, the trouble with your neighbor sounds like it came straight out of a movie. I hope things will be better now, even though he didn't get arrested.

    Lana - Good job logging. I know it can be hard to stick with it. Personally, I especially get encouraged on days when I know my choices weren't the greatest and it's hard to dodge the 'What's the point?' mentality.

    Sara - You're right, it's not about the number on the scale. The whole package of being healthier and feeling better is important.

    Okay...back to work. *waves*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning.

    Week a little off routine for me and I had to stare at calendar and ask myself what day it is. Finally used the newspaper to tell me........

    Dog got me up a little early this morning - when I take her out the night before determines her morning outing.....

    I am with Ali - love meatloaf - no such thing as bad meatloaf - maybe if it is seriously overcooked, but just means I have to chew it longer.

    Exercise for me is walking so I have been making sure with the milder temps to get out at work.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Ali - sounds like a good evening... glad recital went well... my cousins little boy (8) started playing piano just a few months ago...I am impressed at how well he is doing...I played for years and was never as good as he is already... very proud of him..
    Running or skating sound like a great day...I had recently started C25K... I made it to week 3, lost my job (worked at shelter and walked with dogs) and I haven't started, again... keep thinking I will get back to it... just not working out just yet...

    Well, I should not have said anything... got called into work...I really wanted to say no, as I only got about 5 hrs of sleep and have been up since 1:00pm... have to work til 7:00am... it's only 1:00am and I'm already exhausted..the other girl called in... shocking... this is 3rd time in 2 weeks... she just had last 2 nights off... on the plus side, that means I get 40hrs this week, instead of just 32... so, gotta think of it that way... definitely gonna go home and crash, in morn...

    Alright... back to work before I get too comfortable...

    oh no did you make it through?

    I really want meatloaf now.

    It's the last day of school here for the summer. Hooray. it's a dreary, drizzly day which I'm sure is making my throat feel tender but I just saw two cardinals on the deck so it's a good day.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday, it's Friday Eve!!!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Good morning ladies~~

    Sara - Thanks for the heads up about the mailbox. Do you have a new landline phone or new cellphone with the caller ID? It's good stuff.

    Dawn - Sorry for the surprise call-in to work. Maybe the other person is looking for another job?

    Ali - Aren't cardinals the best? So pretty and they have happy chirps and songs. What part of the country do you live?

    Whoa Kathy - that is SO amazing--the fresh free fruit is at work? You may have chaos, but the office manager is thoughtful and smart: healthy stuff on hand, and no one ever needs to be hungry and cranky! :wink:

    *tossing hat and towel onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    244 today
    250 highest
    185 goal
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Day is already crazy at work. Yesterday I completely fell off the wagon at work due to a potluck and lots of desserts and sweets. Trying to stay strong today as the table in the break room is still full. I'm sure I wouldn't want to see the scale right now. I have been out of control! And I've got my parents coming to visit for a few days which usually equals a food fest. Argh! I really need to get my winter weight off before winter hits again! Good snacks packed today. Just need to keep my hands off the sweets!

    DH forgot he had made an appt for the dog at the groomer yesterday - he thought it was today (didn't write it down or put it in his phone) and now they are booked up until after next week. :( I wanted her cleaned up well before our company arrived. He'll take her and wash her himself - but we can't trim her nails and she really needs that done. But, it will have to wait.

    Enjoyed a nice outdoor concert last night at a local park. Weather could have been a bit warmer, but it was still enjoyable.

    Lana - looks like you are doing well with tracking and weight loss. Good for you!

    Will lurk from work.
