Serial Starters



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Lana - I live in Canada. We had a nest of Cardinals on our deck a few years ago and they always seem to come back for a visit. They're beautiful birds and the babies were so cute but man I was so worried something would come along and eat them. We had Peregrine Falcons hanging out in our giant 100 year old maple tree in the spring and I found a squirrel they had feasted on so ya I am glad the cardinals seem to be ok. For the record I live in the city and we get all this wildlife it's awesome
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited June 2017
    Will read other posts in a moment - our company has free fruit on Wednesday mornings from 10 until its gone at the security desk. New this year and appreciated.

    I am seeing Blue Jays around which is a nice change from the crows.

    Tick tock - got to go to work.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - did you make it through work ok? on second thought, dont answer that - go to bed and get some sleep!

    My husband has his own Jeep modification and maintenance business so I can get work done on my Jeeps at a reasonable rate (a.k.a. free labor) We are members of several Jeep clubs so we get to travel and do a lot of offroading. We own 4 Jeeps, but I still drive a car to work everyday.

    Annie - I too fell off the wagon last night. it was a wine & canvas fundraiser. the sweets and the wine put me waaaaaaay over! as far as the painting...well... the more wine you drink, the better it looks!

    Work is about to pick up. Have more tasks/projects assigned. Will just keep chipping away, one chunk at a time.

    Mmmmmmm...... all this talk about meatloaf........
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Happy afternoon all. T minus 30 minutes until my boy is off school for the summer. I'm kind of excited because it means sleeping in and fun stuff like going to the museum or to the aquarium and walking along the lake.

    I was hoping to get a run in because it will probably be my last for awhile but it was thundering so I did some crazy video with one legged burpees and other insane things. My butt better look spectacular.

    @hickchic67 I've been curious about those paint nites. Everyone always makes such nice paintings. do they guide you or as you say you don't care because of the wine?

    @gemwolf110 hope your fiancé agrees with the plan for walking sounds like a good way to start the day
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Annie - do they make nail files/emery boards for dogs?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Lana - they do but if they are too long, dog will need nails clipped so that they dont curl into themselves (surgery)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna in oven, having lunch special at work tomorrow and that is a larger meal so ?? on dinner tomorrow.

    Letter in mail - insurance will not use my medical group as of 01/2018, so I will need to do research is better to get new medical group or spend more money for what I least they gave me time.

    I didnt walk dog for the time I do each morning until they changed my schedule, I like mornings it is quiet and not too crowded.

    Dawn - one day at a time, one page a time it is possible.

    Wishing all a good night. May fly by later.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Oh man lasagna now... You people will be the death of me!!!!! All my faves mentioned
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited June 2017
    Ali - amy's organic light and lean - good portion size and lower in sodium

    Store no longer carries the amy's light and lean pizza - not sure if they dont make it or they dont carry it but I used to add chopped frozen broccoli and it was a nice compromise to calorie rich pizza.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited June 2017
    Mmmmm......Amy's does make good frozen meals. Thumbs up! I like their pasta bowls--I add leftover veggies to them, and they then make quite the dinner!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Ali - sounds like a good evening... glad recital went well... my cousins little boy (8) started playing piano just a few months ago...I am impressed at how well he is doing...I played for years and was never as good as he is already... very proud of him..
    Running or skating sound like a great day...I had recently started C25K... I made it to week 3, lost my job (worked at shelter and walked with dogs) and I haven't started, again... keep thinking I will get back to it... just not working out just yet...

    Well, I should not have said anything... got called into work...I really wanted to say no, as I only got about 5 hrs of sleep and have been up since 1:00pm... have to work til 7:00am... it's only 1:00am and I'm already exhausted..the other girl called in... shocking... this is 3rd time in 2 weeks... she just had last 2 nights off... on the plus side, that means I get 40hrs this week, instead of just 32... so, gotta think of it that way... definitely gonna go home and crash, in morn...

    Alright... back to work before I get too comfortable...

    oh no did you make it through?

    I really want meatloaf now.

    It's the last day of school here for the summer. Hooray. it's a dreary, drizzly day which I'm sure is making my throat feel tender but I just saw two cardinals on the deck so it's a good day.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday, it's Friday Eve!!!!

    Yes...I survived... it was pretty rough around 5:00am..I crashed had when I got home... not sure why, but last couple days, been waking up at 1:00pm... but, I went back to sleep today... thank goodness... just hafta make it thru tonight and tomorrow, then have weekend off... hopefully

    All our schools have been out for a month... they also start, mid August... which, I think is too early...

    My Mom and Gma collect Cardinal things... such beautiful birds... Mom also loves Hummingbirds, as do I
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - I think other girl is just young, immature and doesn't care... sadly... probably one of those "job hoppers" she will have worked 1 day, in over a week...I could not do that... mostly, because I could not survive financially... also, because I just wouldn't want to come back... she may be upset, as she got a day cut, when I was hired.. but, she was already calling in and not doing things right... so, it wasn't due to my getting hired...I just will never understand how people can just call in or quit... it's just not me

    Sara/ Ali - I will hafta send care packages with Meatloaf, next time I make it :)

    Annie - maybe, get in some extra walking while family is in town? I have same problem when I go home...we always have to eat at Olive Garden with Gma... and, there's usually at least one fast food meal in there, at some point... wherever you eat, maybe you'll still have the chance to make good choices... good thoughts coming your way..

    Boss told me, I can eat any leftovers... so, I have been "sampling " a few things... nothing too bad... except...the cake I baked the other night... ugh..the pieces are small, and I stop myself at one... but, I really should just pretend it's not even there... it's so yummy, tho..she baked a cherry pie, tonight... luckily, I'm not big on fruit pies... unless it's Apple... so, I will probably do good at not eating any leftovers of that..

    Alright...I need to get back to it...
    Hope everyone had a great night

  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Good morning!

    TGIF! Well I gotta work tomorrow but at least it's quiet on Saturdays and no extra tasks. Meeting a friend for coffee tonight. They also make food there and most of it is healthy and fresh, so dinner will probably be something from the menu there.

    Lana - Yes, the fruit is paid for by my employer. Health-wise it isn't so bad here. We get a fruit delivery every Tuesday, a salad buffet on Wednesdays and free water. They also give bonuses out to people who quit smoking or switch to coming to work by bike.
  • ChisomDiala
    ChisomDiala Posts: 1 Member
    hey guys! i need an advice. i currently weigh 243 Ibs and I’m 5’10. i need to lose atleast 20Ibs in the next 30 days. how can i avoid gaining it back once and done and i decide to reduce my workout and slightly increase my calorie in take
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good morning,


    Chisom - welcome! My only advice is to start a healthy program you are willing to do the rest of your life.

    Dawn - leftovers? You are so lucky in that it might mean not having to cook, but then make sure to track what you eat....

    Paper got here at 2am so dog thinks its time to go /food etc. - got the pit stop and made her wait for food.

    They moved my neighbor at work, the one sitting next to her talks all day.....the person they moved in has a higher job and probably wont chat - I was warned by the Sup last year they were cracking down on the chatters.....our drama queen was not a happy camper yesterday.

    Will lurk from work. Make it a great Friday.
  • DallasLady87
    DallasLady87 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone this weight loss thing is harder than i thought i currently weight 259, and I refuse to gain anymore weight. Im trying to eat healthier but at night after dinner i feel like im starving. I must admit last night i cheated and ate fried food. Any advice?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - leftovers=whatever they have for lunch/dinner/ desserts..I do track everything... good and bad... because of strange hours, I very seldom get all my calories for the day...I think I am... just doesn't look that way when tracking..
    One thing I don't miss... chatters...I do admit, it's a little lonely... but, if it means I don't have to listen to people ramble on or all their drama, I am happy to be alone..

    Another stormy morning here... supposed to last all day...I'm ok with it... except pup probably won't let me get good sleep...

    Going to try to get to sleep, now while it's quiet...
    Have a great day all!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited June 2017
    Dawn - I am with you!! Rather hear the ringing in my ears of silence than the fertilizer of someone else's chatter. ;)

    Dallas - after dinner is hard for a lot of us, eat a piece of fruit with some peanut butter/hard boiled egg/ piece of cheese/ even a bowl of cereal with milk is less calories (okay some cereals maybe not.....) than fried food.


    If this is true - do something after dinner = walk/ knit / chat with friends to keep you busy.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Happy Friday!!! It's Canada day tomorrow so all diets are out the window I guess and I'm super sore from yesterday's workout so not so sure about exercise today haha but I'll try to get something in.

    Isn't boredom eating the worst? why do we do it?

    @DallasLady87 try occupying your time with something else or had a fizzy drink it often helps me
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited June 2017

    Chisom -
    First post?
    That's gotta be a typo.
    20+ pounds in 30 days?
    If it is not a typo, you have come to the wrong board/thread.

    Ladies, the Cabana Boys have a nice Happy Hour lined up for all of us~~

    *tossing hat and towel onto favorite lounge chair*
