Serial Starters



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Dawn listen to Lana there's good advice there especially look after yourself

    It's Canada day today!!! Happy 150 Canada...ya we're still pretty young. To celebrate I'm making cinnamon buns and going to attempt to use maple syrup as part of the gooey part. Doesn't get much more Canadian than the syrup of the maples hah
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Grocery Outlet gets the best orchids and at a really cheap price- lady who moved from chatter box/ drama queen I dropped off today to work on the way home (cant carry on Monday as I have knitted hats to bring in) a pale yellow orchid not a color I see often and the plant with the most flowers..... Phone call to father in a couple hours, will see if there is any plans this week and whether I can coordinate - father "thinks" he can drive at night - not really well, so I may not see the relatives.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member

    Ali - Happy Canada Day! I hope that your cinnamon buns come out well. Mmmmm.......maple syrup! :)

    Sara - enjoy your lovely orchid plant. Good for you!

    I scored a good thing today: On the way home from my 2.5 mile walk to/from the river, I was going to buy some salmon. I figured if I ate a high protein lunch today, I would be less apt to be "looking for something" in between meals. Well they just brought out a hot tray of baked salmon for their "salad bar" thing. $9/lb. which is the same or less than the uncooked salmon cost and no heat or mess or fish smell in the kitchen today! I got enough for two meals. ;)

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Mmmm I love salmon yay for the score

    My buns were delicious. I also made pastry this morning which will become butter tarts tomorrow. We're heading to a Canada day party Soon with some friends. Should be fun
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - there is enough family members to take turns helping..4 siblings, myself and 1 cousin... if we could get home health for a few days, there would be enough to split the time between all of us... unfortunately, 2 siblings refuse to help...
    Nice find on the Orchid.. sounds lovely... hope you are able to visit with family

    Lana -thank you so much...I agree with everything you say...I've had a lot of pressure put on me, my whole life... with grandparents, I think it's just myself not wanting to disappoint... with Mom, it's same but more...I am an only child, Dad passed away when I was 18, I feel responsible for Mom... I'm constantly worried about what I will do, when Mom needs help... even though, she is in good health and only 61...I am a worrier... Mom says I get that from Great Grandma ... wish I could turn it off... some days, it's incredibly overwhelming..
    Sounds like a great deal on the salmon.. not having to cook is always a plus to me...

    Missy - I took a pay cut with new job... although, it really wasn't my choice, due to losing last job...I will call Vet office and just see what they are willing to offer... the stress is a huge factor, even over the salary...

    Ali - thank you! I've never been able to put myself first in any situation... makes me feel I'm being too selfish...
    Happy Canada Day! Would it be wrong to request cinnamon buns in exchange for meatloaf? They sound yummy!

    Thank you all for your good thoughts and encouraging words..I am so easily overwhelmed... always worried about hurting others..

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Sara - there is enough family members to take turns helping..4 siblings, myself and 1 cousin... if we could get home health for a few days, there would be enough to split the time between all of us... unfortunately, 2 siblings refuse to help...
    Nice find on the Orchid.. sounds lovely... hope you are able to visit with family

    Lana -thank you so much...I agree with everything you say...I've had a lot of pressure put on me, my whole life... with grandparents, I think it's just myself not wanting to disappoint... with Mom, it's same but more...I am an only child, Dad passed away when I was 18, I feel responsible for Mom... I'm constantly worried about what I will do, when Mom needs help... even though, she is in good health and only 61...I am a worrier... Mom says I get that from Great Grandma ... wish I could turn it off... some days, it's incredibly overwhelming..
    Sounds like a great deal on the salmon.. not having to cook is always a plus to me...

    Missy - I took a pay cut with new job... although, it really wasn't my choice, due to losing last job...I will call Vet office and just see what they are willing to offer... the stress is a huge factor, even over the salary...

    Ali - thank you! I've never been able to put myself first in any situation... makes me feel I'm being too selfish...
    Happy Canada Day! Would it be wrong to request cinnamon buns in exchange for meatloaf? They sound yummy!

    Thank you all for your good thoughts and encouraging words..I am so easily overwhelmed... always worried about hurting others..

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Fair trade is say and it's hard to put ourselves first. I put me on hold last year when my dad was sick. Sometimes we have to do that but it's not good for long term
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Mmmm I love salmon yay for the score

    My buns were delicious. I also made pastry this morning which will become butter tarts tomorrow. We're heading to a Canada day party Soon with some friends. Should be fun

    Ali - I just saw a thing on FaceBook about Canada Day, and they were listing all of the cool things about Canada that you can't say about the USA, and one of them was Butter Tarts, and this guy had this yummy-looking round thing that was not a cookie, that had a darker center.

    I have to go look them up now.......or maybe I better not? I won't look at the pictures.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning!

    Groceries and then Vet to pick up medicine and dog food (Vet place is in a Pet store). Otherwise quiet day on tap.

    Neighbor rescued a female greyhound who needs some TLC. Neighbor also works nearby so she can take her lunch and let dog out etc....

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning All~~

    I am inspired. For official Sunday weigh-in, I achieved my weight goal for this week.

    I'm still tweaking and discovering what can work for me. For now, I've settled on rough-planning my day in my paper journal when I have my morning coffee, asking myself what do I have on hand that can be the major protein, the fruits and veggies, and the starchy-carb, and I write it down.
    Then I actually track on the MFP phone app as I make and eat my meals throughout the day. If I can enter things earlier in the day, I do it.

    My plan is to stick very closely to my plan/calories 5 days of the week, and to leave room for two days to have possible eating out one breakfast and one dinner in a restaurant. Those days I plan a protein shake and then soup for the breakfast and dinner.

    ......Just offering up some ideas.

    Sara - also I am trying to figure a lot of meal prep that can be done with a minimum of cooking during the summer to keep apartment as cool as possible. I think of you often with your high temps.
    Very good of your neighbor to rescue the greyhound!
    Happy shopping!

    Waves to all who stop by later~~


    243.8 Today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 Goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member is a success - she put into bowls and layered- I didnt read recipe and threw into a large bowl - still works - will enjoy. It will be dinner for 3 meals this week?? First meal will not be chilled as I am not patient - but will fridge the rest.

    Lana - Love your planning.

    Hoping for a short nap before dog walk feeding time.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member

    Sara - I looked at your recipe and it looks yummy. I applaud your ambition to make it--it seems as if it takes planning (shopping) and then patience to measure and make.
    Now you have 4 more meals to enjoy without the fuss.

    For my main meal I made a fairly healthy soup off the top of my head. Red lentils, low sodium chicken broth, lots of veggies, and served with grated parmesan cheese. I tracked all of the ingredients in MFP, and now I have 3 more meals in the fridge. With the MFP app, I can go back to today's Dinner and use the Quick Tools to copy and paste when I next have this for dinner. YaY!

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    May I present butter tarts. They might not look beautiful but the ones that boil over caramelize and are so good and everyone who tries them declares them better than whoever they thought made the best so yay. They're not for diets but are a yummy treat after water gun Fun in the park
    And I'd post a pic but oddly my phone e won't allow it today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    edited July 2017
    butter tarts

    couldnt resist looking them up online and yes I have had -simple but rich.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member

    Oh no! Now I've seen them!!!!!
  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Morning! Or, well, almost afternoon actually.

    Mmmhhhh, I came here at the right time it seems. Fooooodddd!!! <3

    Good day. Small loss after a gain last week. Only three days and the rest of today left before a week of vacation. Munching cucumber. Only small raincloud on the horizon: Doc summoned me in for an "important talk" on Wednesday. Slightly worried after the blood tests they've done. Made the mistake of googling it. As net doctors go, it can be anything from nothing to impendent death, so none the wiser now.

    No idea what to have for dinner but I wanna make something that's quick to make, filling and can be warmed up tomorrow, so I guess I'll see what the grocery store has to offer.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    butter tarts

    couldnt resist looking them up online and yes I have had -simple but rich.

    They are yummy and those are them. My pastry is flakier though.

    I need to figure out when I get to exercise today. I'll have a boy in tow all day and I'm going for a pedicure with a friend in the morning. I guess first thing I better get at it.

    Hope everyone has an excellent start to their week
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning -

    Weigh in only .2 higher, so I will take that as a change in my favor I was gaining larger amounts in the last 2 weeks.
    Extreme Heat not enough fruit/veg.

    Dog up but not eating. We shall see.

    Paper early and someone either had a phone call or the lady who hears voices was at it. So hopefully a little more sleep before work.

    Will lurk from work, a number of people took today off, but I can deliver my 12 hats to lady for her Chemotherapy project (I asked for a picture, so will share when I can).

    Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Dog ate grass for her walk, so a good sign
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    .2 gain isn't that bad good for you. That's like a drink of water really
    hope your dog is ok

    My mother was texting me at 5 am, I guess it was better than the call my brother got at 3:30am. She can't sleep so assumes we are all up? I think she just gets confused and doesn't realize what time it is. My dad died last year so this if the first time she's on her own ever but man it's starting to get tiring managing her.

    That's my rant for today. Time to get hubs up and off to work so he's home for dinner tonight
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - find out what the vet job has to offer. dont feel locked down into anything. you choose what will work best for you.
    sorry to hear about your gpa. sometimes having your loved ones at home is not a realistic option, no matter how hard you try. i paid for someone to clean, run errands, etc for my mom to keep her at home as long as possible with absolutely no help from siblings. going home to care for her was not an option. she needed someone with her and awake to watch her 24/7. i had to take care of my family plus she fought enough that we had to have her made a ward of the courts so they could put her in a nursing home.
    i echo Lana's speech from highest soapbox. just make sure any decision you make is done with lots of thought and input from SO. and dont be afraid to put yourself first. also, is the medicare info correct? those numbers sound staggering. medicare pays for all of my mothers costs. but every situation is different. i can only speak from my personal experience.

    Ali - cinnamon buns? maple syrup? butter tarts? i am salivating!

    Sara - how do you care for an orchid?

    Lana - i like your planning! it is similar to what i am doing and so far, so good. i am down another pound.

    No big plans for the 4th. We are going to be in a couple of parades with our jeeps. the rest of the day, i plan on relaxing, especially since i had to work today.

    work is a ghost town. i am only person in this entire building. my car is the only one in the parking lot. sure wish i had taken the day off!

    157 current
    216 highest
    145 goal