Serial Starters



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    The sun finally came out today and the temperature rose to the 70s. Temps are supposed to settle back to the 50 by tomorrow, but I’ll settle for the promise of Spring for now.

    Waves to all,

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Did ya’ll see th news that MFP had a security breach? They accessed email, passwords but not social security #s or payment info. They’re encouraging everyone to change your MFP passwords.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Tess- just saw and did.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    I decided if I could find someone who took care of me as well as I take care of my dog, I would be very lucky.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Did ya’ll see th news that MFP had a security breach? They accessed email, passwords but not social security #s or payment info. They’re encouraging everyone to change your MFP passwords.


    I got an email...I don't know how to change password...I never log out
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Perhaps this is foolhardy on my part, and it's late at night here, but I have no desire to try to change my password. I will *kitten* that up for sure.

    For the rest of our lives we will be living with security breaches and things hacked and all of our information flying around cyberspace. I shake my head.

    *snapping fingers for Cabana Boy to bring Noosa Blueberry yogurt for snack*

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    just saw email and changed my password.

    Dawn - on computer go to Settings and then to Change Password. no idea how to do it on a phone.

    today was gray, wet day. nothing but cold rain. i think it washed away my motivation. trade off is i didn't eat much!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    just saw email and changed my password.

    Dawn - on computer go to Settings and then to Change Password. no idea how to do it on a phone.

    today was gray, wet day. nothing but cold rain. i think it washed away my motivation. trade off is i didn't eat much!

    On the phone, go to settings and choose logout. After logging out, select “forgot my password” and follow instructions.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Lana - I was thinking of Ash this morning as well, hope she is just so busy she cant see straight. Good job walking it is at least 75 here as well. Hope the cboys found you with a large luscious towel.

    Kathryn, as I told Tess shake away so long as I dont hear it.

    I’m here!! I have been so distracted this week.

    I feel so loved!

    I haven’t walked in a couple weeks, but i have gone to the gym. You burn so many calories on hills!!

    Last week I downloaded SimCity build it on my phone. It’s a game in which you build a city and you have to manage the different parts. It’s super interesting, but i get so obsessive with stuff like that. I finally deleted it this morning, but it was keeping me from being aware of my life!

    I also took a commitment off my plate. I hope that helps me balance. I started a class online at Liberty University for my teacher cert.

    I’ve been eternally single, with no prospects, but now there’s a guy that lives in my building whom I could be interested in, so I’ve been pretty preoccupied with that on my brain.

    I’ve not been too smart with my food choices, but I have been logging pretty consistently, regardless.

    I’m going home this weekend. I’m so excited! I live my family and miss them. Before I go home, Kellie and I are going to a Good Friday program, so I’ll be getting my tears out.

    Welcome to the group to the newbies! Please message me or reply if you have any specific prayer requests! I’d love to pray for you.

    Happy Easter, every one!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Early morning -

    up for pit stop for the both of us.

    Lana - we live in a world where our data is easily found, but if the website recommends we change our password then so be it.

    Ash! Your life sounds busy but good busy from many angles. Keep us posted.

    Lady at work crochets and is very talented. She made an elephant toy for coworker's baby shower today - with a flower garland (attached). I have this skein of yarn I am thinking of using to try and crochet and animal for lady whose baby is due in August (I am already knitting her baby blankets). I cant figure out what else to do with this skein (it is a brown color and an unusual texture). I inherited this yarn from dog groomer and the original owner took off the labels on all of the yarn (?????), so I have no idea but I am assuming it can be machine washed.......

    My Sup messages me yesterday , can I change our audit meeting to today?? I messaged her back and said I leave at 2 and will not accept a 1:30 to 2pm meeting. I figured it was fair to let her know what I will not accept. Reading about the benefits of being hydrated, quite a few. Coworker who hates to drink water showed me the water bottle ( one of those fancy bottled water) and I was impressed.

    My dvd of "Time Team" is running and my brain is fading. BBL.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited March 2018
    Okay, dog is fed. Oatmeal is on stove.

    One thing MFP wrote was to watch out for suspicious activity - I use kaspersky for my security and I was getting a box message telling me I needed to open my security manager (where some of my passwords are kept) - 1 I only open the security part of my system if I want to and 2 it looked absolutely nothing like the kaspersky messages I get - it was too "simple". Just be suspicious of things that dont look right. -- okay I also just changed my netflix and acorn tv passwords as they are the 2 things I dont have listed in Kaspersky safe money - you should see my page of passwords. I will carefully rewrite this page as it has become very messy.

    Breathe deeply and know you are doing the best you can.

    Will lurk from work. Wishing all a good Friday - one year on Good Friday I wished someone a "Good Friday" and she said - every Friday is a good Friday. Had to agree with that.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Also just updated my vegetable/fruit delivery password. Other places I am a guest online. Just making things difficult for cyber thieves.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Good morning Everybody~~

    I am seriously groggy this morning; on my way now to change my password for here. Thank you all for the boot in the behind to do it.

    Ash - so glad you stopped by and updated us. It was reassuring though mid-week to see activity on MFP from your side of the Cabana Club (the "likes"). Thanks!

    Sara - Yes, be suspicious of unusual emails from familiar company contacts. Good advice!

    Waving to Kathryn and Tess and Dawn and Saltine and Missy and Annie and everyone else who stops by~~


    241.2 today (have not seen this number in a while, so yay!)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Hey, guys!

    I’ve been sitting around researching debate clubs on my phone. I have a student that has a particular set of skills, and I want to find him a place to use them. He causes many headaches right now. I’d like to reassign the headaches to opponents!

    But I should have put the pigs’ blankets in the wash! So, now I’m running late.

    Day off today. Kellie and I are going to the Good Friday presentation at church today. We will go out for lunch. Now sure where yet.

    I probably will be out of pocket this weekend. I’m going home to see my family for Easter. I’M SO HAPPY! I miss them quite a bit.

    I still need to changed my password. Pain in my “kitten” if I say so.

    Alrighty then, I’ll talk to you all later!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited March 2018
    NSV - slid into a size 8 jean today. in Jan I was in a 12. (although I don't put much faith in clothing sizes because they vary so much) the scale is not registering much change at all, but i am certainly noticing a difference!

    *having Cboys join me in happy dance*

    159.5 CW
    216.0 HW
    145.0 GW
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Ash - Have a super weekend with your family !!!

    Kathryn - Congratulations on your NSV. It must feel wonderful--good for you!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good afternoon,

    Got watered up went to lab - they are moving and are closed :s:# - I waited until I got in car to say some colorful words. I called my pcp office - I can have test taken next Friday when I have the whole day off, before dog apt at 11:00. I dont know where the new office is because I did not write the address down, so I am considering going to pcp and doing it there. Near a place to grocery shop- may look into new address for lab as well.

    Hot chocolate for me after dinner.

    I agree with Lana- Ash have a great weekend.

    Off to feed Miss T who just got done from a longer than usual walk. Naptime soon?

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I'm so excited! My 3 Buddies arrived today! I'm sad, cuz my phone won't let me share pic on here... but, they are so adorable and the scents are so yummy! Hoping to get them to the children right away... Thank you so much Sara and Lana! I greatly appreciate you donating... can't wait to see the smile on their faces...
  • missy0936
    missy0936 Posts: 1,507 Member
    Ok so I guess this is the point of this thread huh. Here I am... again. I’m on MFP looking for motivation to get back on it and I find this thread. I’m like oooh perfect, only to realize I already came here.... in January... three months ago. What the heck have I been doing for three months the cause it certainly wasn’t losing weight.

    Oh well here I am again. Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning, dog up and fed. She was eating when the paper came and was torn whether to bark at door or eat - she did a little of both!!

    Missy - when WW created their new community "instagram" board (not all of us have the new technology...), we wanted an open board where people could come and go - thank Lana for the foresight. Life gets in the way - welcome back.

    Now that Lent is over and the Easter candy will go 50% off, the sugar rush is over for awhile.

    Regular errands - looking at produce to add to salads this week - have black beans/cheese, will cook rice for fried rice. Will get bagged lettuce. Salad dressing - last time I used sour cream for "taco salad" and bought a bag of chips at work (to keep the big bag out of the house). Considering Jicama/ carrots (shred both), still thinking even at this early hour..... not a good thing.

    Bad for more ZZZ - bbl.