Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    I was told this before but I also forget - when you get wipers changed, keep the old ones for the summer when you are less likely to use them and switch to the old ones- like I said I always forget but put on a calendar, extend the life of your windshield wipers......
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    You know that old Maine joke about "you can't get there from here" ?

    So this morning I walked to the bus stop, got on the bus, went to haircut--all came out nicely with that.

    After haircut, I thought to myself, I wonder if I can just somehow walk north of here and come out in the shopping plaza with Whole Foods and then cut north some more and come out where Trader Joe's is, to get the raisin bran cereal they did not have yesterday.

    WELL, that did NOT work. Came upon housing development/apartment complexes, but surprise (duh): they had the perimeter of their property fenced. No shortcuts for Lana. So I used my phone to figure out how to get myself un-lost and back over to a main road.

    I got in a really long walk, and I got my raisin bran, and took a bus back home.

    Phone says I walked 3.7 miles! I can't believe that I made it that far without having my hip joints fall apart. Funny in this case I did not know where I was going, and it was a bit of an adventure, and I had a destination, so it wasn't boring exercise, so I was able to go much farther than normal.

    Nap time now~~

    *flopping onto lounge chair*

  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Great job on the walking Lana! That is pretty much 6km...way to go!!! :)

    Thanks for all the advice, I will do some research on "Mr & Mrs. Peabody's" (Mocha & Thumbelina's) bladder issue, but I'm kinda thinking that they had not been trained properly (as we have this issue all the time, but didn't address it because of my mom's illness & long hours in the hospital, & now we are noticing it quite a bit so we might just have to go back to basics and start all over with training them.

    Dawn if you have any advice to help I will be oh so grateful!

    ~Saltine~ >:)
  • Georgianbaygirl67
    Georgianbaygirl67 Posts: 97 Member
    Saltine, I get how frustrating it is to train a dog! Our Lola is 7 months, and will still have accidents in the house. She's getting fixed next week, and that seems to be the 'magic cure' to any dog we have had- seems like a switch goes on and they just train overnight. Good luck!

    Thank you for the Welcome's. Went to the Dentist on my lunch today, so no walk about. I'm going to do a quick Leslie Sansone when I get off here- maybe 3 kms. I have about 2 hours worth of ironing to do. My husband has taken our youngest to hockey practice, so hoping to get it all done for 9 so I can knit a bit tonight.

    We are supposed to get 30 cms of snow and freezing rain tonight, so I'm already assuming that it will be a snow day for the kids tomorrow. If I don't make lunches, you can guarantee that the storm won't hit us- hmmmm dilemma? Rush in the morning or get it done tonight?


  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Hello all! Welcome Sherri and any other new people! I’ve been trying to get my life back together. It’s been slow going. I skipped drama practice today to do some lesson planning and grading.

    Lunch was sloppy joes and dinner was chicken Alfredo. Mmm.

    I’m looking around for my book for class (I’m a student and a teacher!) but I can’t find it. I’m afraid I took it to school and left it. :-(

    ****waves down cabana boy for a stiff drink****

    Hope everyone has a great night!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Just a quick note on weight loss that you might not think about - my fingers are smaller now. My wedding band was loose, but I didn't think too much about it. Lost it today. :(
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Just a quick note on weight loss that you might not think about - my fingers are smaller now. My wedding band was loose, but I didn't think too much about it. Lost it today. :(

    So sorry Katherine... good on weight loss... but, that's not good to lose wedding band.. big hug
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Saltine - are they older? It could honestly, be as simple as there's been a lot going on in yer/ their life and it just happens... my female is completely house trained, 12 years old, but if we leave her alone she pees on our bed... if we make her mad, she pees on our stuff.. sometimes, a simple fix is changing water... distilled water and special food.... but, that would be a trip to Vet to verify... I'm always happy to give thoughts, but I always recommend going to Vet, since I'm only an Assistant...

    Sara- never heard that about wipers... good to know..

    Lana - great walk even if it's unplanned... you'll be in 30's before you know it!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Kathryn, wow good and bad news. Hope the ring shows itself. Push comes to shove maybe a new ring is a good way to celebrate weight loss?

    Saltine - Dawn is right - your family has gone through a lot, these are your mother's dogs? They could be speaking to you through behavior, but always get medial ruled out first.

    Yes, dog made sure that I took her outside just now. Hoping for a little more sleep before I wish you good Wednesday morning.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog let me sleep finally after she found her best spot. Sometimes she is not so cute.

    Neighbor's last day. I was dog walking so she found me as she was going back to take pictures of her apartment. She had only been there 1 year - so she could get charged for things. I have been here so long (over 10 years) I just dont need to leave it a pig sty. Neighbor had a bandaid on her face - biopsy was positive for cancer. I told her I was glad she got it taken care of asap. Wonder who new neighbor will be.......

    Ash - teaching is a rewarding career but the hours of prep, grading etc are longer than people realize. Hope you found your book.....

    Oops rambling- need to scoot. Wave to all who follow.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Good morning from the bus! Wow, I miss one day and there are 13 messages to catch up on.

    Weather is so warm in DC that I had to go back for a lighter jacket. But temps are dropping tonight and we’re to have 5-8” on Saturday. Weird.

    There’s my stop - gotta run. Will check back in later - have a good day all!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Just a quick note on weight loss that you might not think about - my fingers are smaller now. My wedding band was loose, but I didn't think too much about it. Lost it today. :(


    Kathryn - do you have any idea where?

    I have close friends in Wyoming--one of them lost her wedding band in the middle of nowhere.
    She put together a drawing (it had exterior artwork on it) and a letter with description of all the places she went that day along a long, long route between two tiny towns. She printed and posted that page everywhere she could think that she was, and places she wasn't but were in the vicinity. She must have put up 50 to 100 of these pages.

    A half of a year later, she got a call--someone had found it, had held onto it, and then finally had heard about a lady looking for her ring, and she got it back.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Boy am I hurting from that long walk yesterday. Right leg/knee is crying, so no walk for me today. Maybe it'll be the day I get down on the floor and do some exercises?



    240.8 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Lana - I was wondering how you were feeling after your Loooong walk.

    New dog in complex wanted to meet mine but scared me and I pulled dog up and she was swinging in midair before I could catch her. New dog is fine, but out of the blue like that woke me up better than coffee!

    Tess - weather is wacky all over the place. Hard to know what to wear in the morning.

    Still lurking at work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Lana - I was wondering how you were feeling after your Loooong walk.

    New dog in complex wanted to meet mine but scared me and I pulled dog up and she was swinging in midair before I could catch her. New dog is fine, but out of the blue like that woke me up better than coffee!

    Tess - weather is wacky all over the place. Hard to know what to wear in the morning.

    Still lurking at work.

    So Tillie was flying this morning? Yikes!

    New owner and dog have to go through the DNA swab/testing/registry?

    I wonder, has the apartment complex caught anyone?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Tillie on harness/leash and she was not 'airborne' so she is well.

    New owners of dogs, yes. And the large poop culprit sample came back to a resident so yes!!!

    Kathryn - Lana's idea about posting for lost rings is a good one, also consider renewing your vows and getting new rings!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Sara - Very good idea for Kathryn about vow renewal and new rings!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited April 2018
    .......oh and I am tickled pink that some silly lazy person actually had their dog sampled and still can't be bothered to pick up the poop. People. Ugh.

    Things are definitely pitiful here with me that, so far, the California Poop Report is my highlight of the day.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Haven't been able to log on for any length of time and read through all the posts. Wow! There is a lot to catch up on!

    Welcome Sherri! We do some of the Leslie Sansone videos here in the office. Much easier than trying to get all of us into the office's gym at the same time!

    Ash - take it one day at a time, eventually everything will get back on track! teaching is no easy task but it sounds like you are making great connections with your kids

    Lana - sounds like you had quite the adventure! i think you are right, that you can walk longer when you aren't thinking about it or focused on just getting the walk over with.
    I have contacted each place that I visited that day. (luckily not that many) All have my name and number. Just have to wait and see if it turns up. It is tungsten so it will not be easy to spot if its dropped on dark surface like asphalt.

    saltine - I agree with everyone else about making sure its not a medical issue with the fur babies. I use Natures Miracle when cleaning up spots or doing laundry. That is the only thing I have found that will neutralize the odor and keep them from going back to same spot. You are right on it may be as simple as going beck to square one for training. Training, whether housebreaking or obedience, has to be consistent and enforced all the time. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "crockpot" training where you just set it and forget it.

    Sara - nice to know that DNA sampling has paid off! I have 2 sets of wiper blades - one for summer and one that is specifically made for winter weather. Check with auto parts stores when you need something checked - engine light, battery, etc. They do it for free. They also install certain items that they sell like batteries or your wiper blades for example. For dealing with stress, look up a free app called Guided Meditations. It walks you through several different meditations for different things like sleep, relaxation, money worries, disagreeable co-workers, etc etc, etc. I have a pillow speaker (so as not to disturb DH) and listen to different ones to help me wind down, sleep or prepare for the next day.

    Dawn - we have had a real rollercoaster of a ride with weather here. Monday 6" of snow, Tuesday 68 degrees, severe thunderstorms and flooding, this morning 30 degrees with snow and sleet..... Wish Mother Nature would pick a season and stick with it! The constant weather swings triggered a migraine last night.

    Oh, my sister certainly keeps me grounded. Her response to my excitement about being able to fit into that "clubbing" ensemble from 17 years ago was a very flat, unimpressed, "You're a hoarder." After a fit of laughter, I guess she is right. Who else keeps clothing they haven't been able to wear for 17 years? LOL

    **sending Cboys with metal detectors out to look for wedding band while I sit back with a nice anti-migraine drink**
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    *waving hands energetically*

    Kathryn - I ABSOLUTELY keep clothing I have not been able to wear for 17 years---waiting for the day when I will be able to wear it all again. There is not a chance in Hades I will part with any of it because it's all tall sizing. Plus some of it is just gorgeous.

    Hope your migraine eases soon!
