

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning everyone! :)

    @krupalip, glad your feeling better! Plateaus are a tricking thing that I know very well. Stopping the alcohol might be a good plan. Are you drinking enough water? Also if you are working out very much are you eating enough calories. I know it's weird but sometimes I will lose the most if I eat more food. Not junk or high sodium food, but good quality food.

    @trooworld, WOW I watched that BodyPump video. Looks fun but really intense. I'm at the stage with weights where I look over at them when I'm on my treadmill. :D:D I like the sound of the new vending system you have. You still have to choose the right option but at least now you have that choice!

    @mjsunshine16, life with a new puppy can be challenging to say the least. We almost didn't survive those first weeks with our girl. It will get better! And good for you for working to control your eating even when life was giving you heck! It's so hard when we are under a lot of stress but so tempting too. I bet you feel really proud of yourself for saying no to Dominoes! B)

    This has been a crazy work week for me. I've been working hard with our children's director with all the new changes for our kids ministries. All good stuff but my goodness it felt never ending yesterday. I worked an extra two hours and still have a mile long list for Monday. Good thing I love it! <3 My husband got a stomach bug and I've also been playing nurse for him. Thankfully he seem much better today and was able to eat his breakfast and walk the dog. Yayy!!

    I'm going to hang out with some women from my church today and we are going to that restaurant I talked about the other day. I'm really going to do my best to make good choices and I plan to get a good workout in this morning. The scale was the lowest I've seen it in years and years and THAT is super motivating! :) Have a great day!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Morning all!

    I just did my morning walk around the's almost too hot to walk right now. Funny thing that my Fitbit says I walked 20 Feet instead of the usual 15 Feet..Not sure what that meant..LOL I am going to jump in the shower and get ready for my day...Worship practice this afternoon and then to get ready for the week.

    @krupalip I have found with plateaus you really have to make some changes...that are not normal. It's like if I would eat something totally that I don't usually eat. I think our body is like our minds....we create habits by repeatedly doing the same thing...we eat the same thing...our body says..oh this is normal.. NOT!!!! :)

    @mjsunshine16 I am so sorry for all of your life happenings...I can relate. I am currently unemployed. I used to live off of 3- 4 hours of sleep a night. I found one of my journals yesterday and started reading about the time when my life started going in the wrong direction...I was stressed, no sleep, adult children issues, workload unbelievable, I worked it felt like 24/7, never really being caught up...they took my job and made it 3 people when I went into sales...then after 30 1/2 years they let me here is why I tell you this. PLEASE take care of YOU and your household...your company really only cares about them. No I am not bitter, but it was a huge wake up call knowing how much I sacrificed and what I put below my job...I learned a hard but valuable lesson...I am in charge of my health, not my employer, not my children, and really not even my DH. I watched my Dad die of a stroke and a broken heart... Heart disease kills more women than cancer...please please keep on doing what you are doing for you and your health. You and your family will be thankful!!!

    Sorry for my soapbox...but this is why we all want to be healthy, not thin, healthy!!!

    @TeresaW1020 Do you work at your church? It sounds like you work in the Children's Ministry? Great job on your scale!! I am so happy for you!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    cbabie wrote: »

    @TeresaW1020 Do you work at your church? It sounds like you work in the Children's Ministry? Great job on your scale!! I am so happy for you!!


    Thanks Cbabie! I do work at my church. I've been the ministry assistant for almost two years now and still have to pinch myself to believe this is my life. I love it so much! :) I was in furniture sales before the church job opened up for almost 5 years and while the money was great I was miserable. My work with the children's ministries is all volunteer. I'm the 3rd-5th grade Sunday school teacher, one of the teachers for our children's church and the Awana secretary. I believe that God put me with kids for a very specific reason and maybe one day I will talk about that. :) Ohhh and I'm also the head of our women's ministry! :D

    So, you mentioned going to worship practice? You play, sing, lead? All the above? B)

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Ugh I have typed this 3 times now....

    @TeresaW1020. Lol we have a lot in common... I work for an office furniture company for over 30 years was let go last July. I currently volunteer at my church as the Children's ministry coordinator, l I am on the worship team. I sing and I do screens and scheduling of the team. I'm also the on the prayer team. I am also helping as a Service Production person for Sunday mornings.

    My plate is full, but I am happy. I love all of what I do. I bet we could go have a cup of coffee and visit for hours!!!

    I am happy that you are involved and enjoy it....
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @cbabie - it seems you and TeresaW1020 have loads in common. That is truly wonderful to find friends this wat

    @trooworld - Sorry about your gain but remember in the all days, you would not have gone to body pump the next day. You have come so far and I hope you pat yourself on the back occasionally.

    @theslightedgeforever - Yes I understand days when you just need down time. Epically when your sleep gets mucked up. I think it is harder to bounce back when you are our age then it was in our 20's

    @teresaw2010 - It seems like @cbabie - you have a lot on your plate as well. Hope your husband is over the stomach bug and you had a nice healthy time at the restaurant.

    @mjsunshine16. If your puppy is keeping you awake at night he is probably lonely and scared. I was advised to buy a baby size t-shirt and put it on him, tie a know where the t-shirt sits on his back, so it is nice and comfy. They do say that a low volume background music is also good - that way you both get a good nights sleep.

    Stuff is going on here that require my attention. I am getting on here as often as I can as I need the support you guys give me.

    That being said I lost 300gm this week

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    Cbabie. Good for you on doing your walk. Never too hot to walk just go early early. Drink lots of water Most important wear sunscreen. Surely I didnt get all the cancer genes.

    Mjsunshine seems like your willpower muscle is strong. Woohoo on resisting Dominoes

    Krupalip. You cannot control the scale but you can control your choices and actions. Hang in there and the scale will eventually move

    TeresaW1020. I’ve had the same experience. Eat a bit more food and lose weight. Hooray on setting a new record low for you on the scale

    Trishastime. Yes it’s harder to bounce back. I hope you are taking care of yourself right now. Awesome on the loss Every bit counts

    Fun fact: cbabie and I are sisters.

    I really must get back to my program.
  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Oh man it’s so good to be back and reading everyone’s updates, just read the last 4 pages. I’m just gonna go ahead and jump back in the mix. I stayed off the community boards here on MFP but I did continue to track my food/exercise every single day. I’ve been doing good with my food tracking with the exception of my short work trip to Canada which was difficult due to eating out every meal.

    On Monday my partner and I went on a 2 hour hike to a place called Inspiration Point. I was dying the entire time and there were several points where I wanted to quit. This was not a hike for beginnings despite what some of the reviews online said. We both pushed through it and when we got to the top man what a beautiful sight.

    My plan going forward is to continue tracking and also staying active on the community boards. Not only do I find this board incredibly supportive I feel like it keeps me accountable to check in with everyone here.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    @cbabie thanks. I really wanted to leave.

    @mjsunshine16 the yoga at work: it's offered once a week and the instructors switch off every other week. So, I'll go next week and hopefully it will be the other instructor. I've also ordered my own yoga blocks to help me do downward facing dog (I can hold dog a lot longer with blocks). Thanks for your support. It sounds like you had a rough day/night. Sleep is so darned important. I'm glad you were able to find some healthier alternatives to what you would normally turn to. Bravo! And bravo to not calling Dominos.

    @krupalip I'm glad you are feeling better. Thanks for your support. I've decided I'm going to skip yoga when I know it's that yoga instructor. I hope I don't get the weeks wrong and go when she's there lol.

    @TeresaW1020 BodyPump can be intense for sure but you are right, it is fun! :) Looking over at them, that is the first step. That's where I started! :D That's true about the vending system. And honestly, it is better than our cafe (we have a cafe at our work too, but the food is gross and not the most healthy). It's easier to work long hours when you love your job. But still...I hope things slow down for you soon! Congrats on the low scale and I hope you have fun at the restaurant.

    @TrishasTime morning! Thank you, you are right, I have come a long way. I need to look back at my NSV document and see how far I've come. Congrats on the loss. Are you feeling better now?

    @ChelleTrell Hi! Congrats on the NSV while you keep track of your NSVs? I have a document where I write down all my NSVs so that if I gain weight one week or am having a bad day, I can look back at all of my NSVs and see how far I've come. I'm glad you are back!

    Hi all. I was really busy yesterday, I went to BodyPump and then my WW meeting. I'm down -1.8 lbs so I lost the .8 lbs I gained last week plus another lb. Overall, I'm down around 33.4 lbs. I've got 19.1 lbs to go to hit my mini-goal of 30 lbs down by Feb 12 for my HealthyWage bet. After my meeting, I came home and got ready for company: my sister-in-law and brother-in-law came over and I cooked a BLT Panzanella salad and Instant Pot BBQ Meatballs (neither of which were particularly healthy-- 12 SPs for the salad and 5 SPs for the meatballs). We watched a movie and ate the food and that was fun. Now, today, I have to bust my butt meal prepping so that I can have a successful week. I'm making:
    • Turkey Garden Burgers + Corn Tomato Avocado Salad
    • Chick-fil-A Market Salad
    • Instant Pot Buffalo Chicken Rice Bowl
    • Chicken Shawarma Kebab Salad
    • Pita Pizzas

    If anyone wants any of the recipes, let me know, I'll share the links. Have a great day, everyone!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie, getting coffee and talking all things ministry would be awesome to do with you!! Is your church small? Mine is small, which means that the same people do 95% of the work. I love it all but there are days when I really do have too many balls being juggled and I'm always worried something is going to get dropped and my menopausal brain will never remember that I dropped it. :D:D

    @theslightedgeforever, cool fact about cbabie being your sister. Do you live close to each other? My sister is in another state and we used to be so close but then life took us both in very different directions and something got broke between us a few years ago. We are still in contact but it's just not the same and I miss it!

    @ChelleTrell, congrats on making it through your hike. I told my husband that I would like to maybe do some hikes in the fall. When the weather is WAY cooler than it is now! I agree with you that tracking and staying accountable is so important. I love this group and I have a couple of challenges that I'm doing, which help keep me mindful.

    @trooworld, so do you cook all your meals for the week on Sunday? I know that lots of people do that kind of meal prep. I eat the same foods for breakfast and lunch so I don't need to really prep them and then dinner is my time to cook, which I love. I do meal plan for the week but I've not prepped very often beforehand. Your menu sounds delish!!!

    Well today has been another long one. I was upstairs all morning in what we call the Treehouse. That's where all our elementary kids are. Then we had a three hour meeting after church for our Wednesday Awana. So much info overload and next Saturday the core teachers and me are going to an all day training. Seriously!! :#

    Last night went great! The comedian we went to see was hilarious! The restaurant however wasn't that great. There really were not many choices there weren't deep fried or covered in oil. But I didn't touch the desserts or breads so I was pleased with that. Of course my weight was still up almost a pound this morning. I know it's sodium! >:) I should go workout but I just don't feel like it, ya know? ;)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    ChelleTrell. Your hike sounds wonderful. In April I went and visited my kids on the east coast and my son was in MD at the time. He took us hiking along the Potamac. I was always in the back trying to catch up. He would say why are u so slow. Because I’m trying to breathe and climb at the same time. Your legs are twice as long lol. It’s a great way to exercise

    Trooworld. If one day you find yourself with that same yoga instructor just hold your ground and call her out on her BS. She is there to assist you. The whole point of yoga I think is being where you are in that moment not where others think you should be and one day you might look back and be farther along the path. Woohoo on your weight loss. I want the chicken shawarma kebab salad. I love shawarma. I like lamb better but the chicken is healthier for me.

    Teresaw1020. Ask cbabie about Trello while you are having coffee. It has helped enormously with my menopausal brain. Cbabie and I live far apart. She would hate it if I was close enough to nag her everyday. But we do videotalk on Marco Polo. I know that not wanting to work out feeling so well.

    I stopped taking my diuretic in my blood pressure pill on Wednesday because it increases my risk for skin cancer which I’ve had once all ready. Since then I’ve gained 6.6 lbs. I had pizza over the weekend but the rest of this better be fluid retention. I told cbabie I feel like I’m going to end up like the Michelin Man.
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone, had a good weekend, did go off track a bit but not much, did a weigh-in last evening and I was down to 53.5 kgs, which is good but this week’s goal is to be below 53 kgs
    Have a packed week ahead, hope I can keep away from the carbs and make the right choices
    Somehow Monday mornings aren’t very good for me but looking forward to my workout back and biceps today
    Anhyhow have a great week ahead everyone
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I do try to cook all of my meals on Sunday. I cook my dinners (and I cook 4 portions so that leftovers are lunch the next day), and usually breakfasts. I find I'm most successful when I do prep my meals ahead of time because I have such a long commute (1-2 hours each way a day). When I get home, I'm exhausted and I only have 1 1/2 hours before I have to go to bed so I don't want to spend my time cooking. That's great that you eat the same things for breakfast and lunch so you don't need to prep them. What kinds of things do you eat for breakfast and lunch? Thanks, I don't often repeat items on my menus with the exception of pita pizzas which are on the menu just about every week out of ease. That's good that your evening out went great. Good job not touching the desserts!

    @theslightedgeforever I can't see myself doing that. And nobody else in the class had a problem with what the yoga instructor was doing, so I don't want to ruin anyone else's experience, so I'll just either modify my experience with my own blocks, or I will choose not to go to her class. Here's the chicken shawarma kebab salad link: I'm sorry about the gain from the lack of you think that your body will settle and it will go away? What if you drink lots of water?

    @krupalip Congrats on the loss! Have a good workout and a good day.

    Hi all. Today is a BodyPump day. I've been having some problems with my forearm and so I'm going to go to acupuncture on Friday in hopes that it will help. I don't know if it is a result of BodyPump or not, but it didn't start until I started BodyPump so I think it is connected. My knee and shin is also bothering me, it only bothers me when I walk more than .25 a mile. My husband and I went to the beach yesterday and walked on the boardwalk and it began to hurt almost immediately but I pushed through. It was hot at the beach, which is unusual.

    It's supposed to get to 98F here and it's going to be very uncomfortable. It makes me glad I'll be at work in the a/c!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Morning all!

    I had a horrible headache all day yesterday. I have set up an eye appt for this afternoon. I have been putting it off because of finances, but my eyes are more important...kind of like our health. LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Yes my church, is about 200-300 people..we are going through some that always causes people to drop away AND some to come. LOL I am glad you are here!!

    @trooworld Great job on all your pre prep work. YOu are doing so great!! Please take care of your knee replacements are needed!!!

    @krupalip I don't really think most people like Mondays...LOL However, to me they are a fresh start day, so It gives me hope each week. Enjoy your workout...

  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Today was weigh in day and I’m happy to say I’m only .3 lbs away from losing 10lbs total since I started weighing myself. I have a trip to Disneyland this weekend for a bachelorette party. I’m going to try to eat on the lighter side throughout the week and work out everyday so the weekend won’t be too bad.

    theslightedgeforever. I’m a shorty too! Tall people will never know our struggles. lol

    trooworld. Ahhh it feels so good to be back and in a better state of mind. So thankful for everyone’s support. I put a page in my journal for NSV’s excited to start using it. Also I would love you Instant Pot Buffalo Chicken Rice recipe.

    TeresaW1020. Great job not eating breads and desserts when you went out! Both of those foods are my weakness.

    Krupalip. How was the back/bicep workout? I’ve been doing some small videos on Fitness Blender that involve weights and I’m really enjoying it.

    cbabie. Glad to hear you made an optometrist appointment, I hope your headaches go away soon.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    Krupalip. You are very close to that 53 kg. Just keep working your program

    Trooworld. Thanks for the link. I gained another 2.5 lbs today. Yippee. Not. Eventually it will have to leave, right? Right now I’m focusing on my behavior and choices. Which were good today. If your pain doesn’t go away go see a dr. Pushing through it is not always the best plan. I did that when I hurt my knee getting on an airplane. Eventually the knee pain went away but settled into my foot. Then went to my toes. I did something with a ligament or tendon because now after all these years I have a problem stepping up on a curb without tension. Maybe wrap it before going on walks

    cbabie. Glad to hear you are taking care of your eyes. You need them to roll at me when I nag I had a headache too. Mine was bp related. I’ll be glad when my body adjusts itself

    ChelleTrell. .3 is nothing. You’ll get there. Do you have a planned reward? I keep shrinking. I’ve lost 2 inches since high school.

    I started my weight training. Did all my “pushing” body parts. Along with a small walk and some stretching
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey all,
    @cbabie Monday mornings can be a drag no doubt but somehow the endorphins kicked in early during my workout and I felt so good about myself, my trainer increased the intensity of my workout yesterday and that gave me a boost too, as I realised I was pulling weights of 20 kgs plus which I haven’t ever achieved, so yeah going to look forward to Monday’s from now on. Hope you feel better soon

    @chellTrell hey how are you, congrats on meeting the 10 lbs goal it’s awesome, I had a great workout yesterday, started with dead lifts and did resistance workout on my biceps which is a killer, will check out fitness blender videos, everyone’s talking about them

    @trooworld you seem to be a fantastic cook, should take some pointers on meal prep from you for sure

    @theslightedgeforever how have you been, I am
    Hanging in there, every time I see the scale move down it gives me some sort of adrenaline rush to push myself harder and stay on my diet plan

    Have to travel this weekend on a big family trip, which is gonna be taxing with kids and in- laws to take care off

    Anyways guys have a great day, my leg workout beckons!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    @cbabie Was your headache related to your eyesight/vision? Or was it something else? Thanks so much for your support, I think the pain is just from me being overweight...I don't think there is anything actually wrong (I had my knees checked out by my doctor a few years ago and he couldn't find anything wrong). But still, I'll be careful. I like your attitude about Mondays!

    @ChelleTrell Congrats being so close to 10 lbs down! That sounds like a great plan for the week. I'm so glad you started an NSV won't regret it! Here is the link to the Instant Pot Buffalo Chicken Rice recipe (I cooked the rice separately, by the way):

    @theslightedgeforever I think focusing on behavior and choices is the way to go right now. I promise to see the doctor if the pain doesn't go away with a few acupuncture visits.

    @krupalip Thanks, I just follow recipes. If it weren't for recipes, I'd not be a good cook. My husband can cook without recipes. I can to a point, but I do better with recipes. You are doing great with exercise, keep it up!!!

    Hi all. I'm donating blood this morning and I'm hoping that I don't pass out (I have kind of low blood pressure). I also hope it doesn't make me feel icky all day. I'm doing it at work at 9:00 a.m. before my day really starts, so to feel sick all day wouldn't be good. Today is a rest day for exercise. I'm glad because yesterday's BodyPump class was brutal. Every couple of months, the class changes so that your body doesn't get used to the exercises, and yesterday was the 2nd day of the new version of the class..."BodyPump 106" it is called. It is so challenging but I made it through. I did have to take breaks here and there, though. Have a good day!
  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a good Tuesday so far. I’m about to get ready for work, I’ll be there all day. There is a farmers market today very close to my work so thinking of stopping there on one of my breaks to pick up some avocado and grapes. I like snacking on grapes cuz they satisfy my sweet tooth.

    theslightedgeforever. Ya know it’s funny I haven’t even thought about rewards. But now that I’ve almost hit 10lbs I do wanna celebrate that. What do you usually reward yourself with?

    krupalip. Fitness Blender is awesome. I have an Apple TV so I can send/watch the videos on my TV. I have a few Jenny Ford cardio videos I love so I pause them right before the “cool down” and do a short Fitness Blender video that involves weights. And then I finish the “cool down”. It’s been working for me pretty well.

    trooworld. Thanks for the recipe! Excited to start really meal prepping and also I just love the Instant Pot. I hope donating blood doesn’t leave you feeling out of it for the day.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    @ChelleTrell, Good job on almost getting to your 10 lb. mark! So what kind of foods do you make in your Instant Pot? I was dying to get one and now the most think I do is cook my dog's chicken in it. :/

    @trooworld, How did you do with the blood giving? That is so great that you give. I probably should but it's incredibly hard to find my veins and I just hate it! A couple of years ago I was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia and those people stuck me so many times trying to get a good vein that I came home looking worse than when I went in. :#

    That buffalo chicken recipe looks awesome! I pinned it for future use. <3

    @theslightedgeforever, what kind of weight training are you doing? I really do want to start doing something but no way am I up to what trooworld does with her BodyPumping.

    @cbabie, how did your eye appointment go? Your eyes are very important that is for sure, but yes it can be so expensive!!

    So, today was busy. I have Tuesday's off from work and went to my Weight Watcher meeting and was thrilled to have lost another 1.2 lbs for a total of 40.8! I've been on MFP for 27 days now and have lost 4.4 lbs. I really think this double tracking is paying off! There were two ladies in my meeting who are very new and we're talking about how the 0 point foods were so confusing for them and one lady had a big gain because for some reason she thought it was OK to eat all the 0 point foods she wanted. I told them both about my double tracking and how it's working for me.

    I also got my hair cut and colored and after that, I was starving so I went through the Chic-Fil-A drive through and I had it all planned out. I ordered a 12-piece grilled chicken nugget, medium fruit cup, diet lemonade, and a zesty buffalo sauce, which was supposed to be 4 points. But once I drove off and found a parking space to scarf my food down before going shopping, I discovered that I had 12 regular chicken nuggets. Ugghhh! Those suckers were 9 points!! But I ate them all because I wasn't getting back in that long line. I'm still all good with points and calories tonight. I just don't get a big bowl of popcorn tonight! :'(

    I hope you all have a great night!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    Krupalip. Sounds like you are enjoying your workout. Enjoy your time with the family.

    Trooworld. I’m the same way with recipes. When I do “wing” it my husband says this is good make it again. I say I can’t. I have no idea how Can’t remember what I did. I hope you enjoyed your rest day. I did

    ChelleTrell. I like snacking on grapes too. That’s my go-to along with 2 Oz light Gouda I have a list of rewards on my vision board. Different activities get different rewards. Activities are x number of days in cardio fit bit range, x number of days with blood sugar readings below 120, reaching a new decade of weight, I know there are probably 3-4 more on there. Then rewards are paired with activities. Some rewards include new pajamas new outfit. New pair of shoes. Earrings and necklace new magazine subscription or new Kindle book. Mainly it’s things that I normally wouldn’t buy because I say oh that’s too much or I don’t need it. Price tags don’t matter in this game. I earned it.

    TeresaW1020. I’m the same way with veins. But I used to give all the time because I’m O- Then I became anemic and now they won’t let me donate. I’m a baby beginner on weights. I used to lift regularly but haven’t in about 10 years Now that I think about it the weight piled on in the last 10 years. I made a Trello board just for my weights and put the exercises with the links on there for reference. 2 exercises per body part. I think it’s 5 body parts on Monday and Thursday. Then 4-5 on Wednesday and Saturday. I just googled the body part I wanted and chose. I didn’t want to do the same exercises I’ve always done. Although it’s much faster that way Eventually I’ll learn those too. It depends what kind of equipment you have available. Woohoo on your weight loss. Your plan is working