

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @TrishasTime Yes on the question do you think Our bodies get used to a certain level of intake. Same as exercise. That’s why I think it’s good to throw in a little maintenance period every once in a while so the calories are slightly higher. I’m doing a 5 day stint when this 100 days is done. Scary thing is what to raise the calories to.

    @TeresaW1020 I have the same plan. Basically see how much food I can eat and how little I can move and still lose weight. Lol. Life’s too short to stress myself out. But so far my plan is working.

    @trooworld The great thing about your lunches is that you already will have that food in your database because you tracked it the night before. So tracking should be a breeze for you. It’s just a matter of starting the habit. The fun part of daylight savings is it gives you an extra hour of daylight to go outside and take a walk.

    @gemwolf110 Great job on the Zumba. One day I’ll be a great declutterer like you. Just not today. 😬

    So weigh in..... I lost 0.8 lbs. I’m pleased I didn’t have to write in red on my chart.

    I stayed within my calories despite going out to a restaurant for a bday party. I ordered a cup of tomato lentil soup so I could have dessert. It was an exercise rest day. But did not meet my water goal. So that needs work. No journaling so I’ll have to catch up on that too. Little sticker day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @TrishasTime You reminded me to WI! I am up 0.8 lbs. :( It sounds like our rents might be comparable.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, exactly (tracking). re: an extra hour to take a walk ---> not so much...I get home anywhere between 6-6:30, have to eat, and then go to bed at 8-8:15 so not much room to take a walk. Besides, I'm trying to stay off my foot because of the plantar fasciitis, at least for a while. Although I am doing a 5K walk on Saturday which is surely going to make it worse. I gained your loss. ;) Congrats on the loss.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, I am sorry for being MIA..its been a weird weekend and yesterday ran out of time. I am still no sugar, I am still trying to find balance...ate too many carbs yesterday and I can feel it. I had some rice last night at dinner (pre package). so sodium was too much..feel that in my hands and legs..UGH..but the good news is I am still trying.LOL

    I know I won’t hit all the personals, so I am sorry if I missed something or someone.

    @TrishasTime congrats on the loss...I like you signed day 12..good way of tracking...I love this group you guys are so creative.

    @trooworld I hope you foot gets completely healed...I miss my really is my mainstay..It’s the easiest thing we can do. For our health!

    @theslightedgeforever ...I laughed it is so like you...(how much can I eat and how little exercise). LOL. how close to the edge can I stay without going over the cliff..LOL

    @gemwolf110 I have no rhythm So Zumba is out of my world..LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Yesterday we had a going away lunch for one of our pastors and our accounting guy says...I have never had cheesecake...I said are you kidding? He is really one of those that seems to not have tried a lot fo when I read your post about the pizza and cheesecake...I was. Like yes a girl after my own heart..except I don’t eat’s one thing I can say NO to.. :wink:

    @its_cleo Yes, I so want to’s time..I feel like I live in hoarderville.

    Okay gals, sorry if I missed someone...gotta run get ready for work

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member

    Love it!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld yes it is the build up of the day I think. When I get home I get hit with thinking I did everything wrong, and am going to get fired etc etc. It's kind of silly, and I know that but hard to stop. Anyway I get used to managing it, I'm sure you do too. I keep thinking maybe when I'm really old I can relax! I also hate the time change. I wish we would stop doing it.

    @theslightedgeforever congrats on the weight loss! For the maintenance- do you trust what MFP says or use it as a gauge? I've never tried so I don't know how close it is.

    @TrishasTime are you thinking of moving? I pretty much can't move. I live in downtown Toronto, same apt for 7 years or more, so if I moved to a new place the rent would be much higher. I thought about buying a condo a couple yrs ago, but chickened out as I'm on my own. I do like my place though, for the most part.

    Yeah the scale. So the gym scale is about a pound heavier than mine at home. But as you all probably know, weighing in the am can be drastically different than later in the day. So at the gym I weghed myself at 4pm. At home I will do it first thing, and there is like a 5 lb difference. So it looks like on MFP I lost a bunch of weight, but it was just the difference between first thing in the morning and later. So now I will be consistent again.

    @gemwolf110 how do you advertise your stuff? I use kijiji, but I probably don't get the best price. I mainly use it for stuff that is going to get thrown out if no one wants it, so even a low price works.

    @TeresaW1020 that sucks you didn't even enjoy the pizza and cake! That is the thing, our eating habits change so much the things we used to like make us sick! I find that too, with fast food especially. It's so disappointing :)

    Today I went to the gym with my trainer, did deadlifts and some core stuff. Tomorrow I may try going for a run for my cardio as the weather is good. Friday I'm going to Captain Marvel and am trying to bank some extra points to have dinner or dessert.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    edited March 2019
    @cbabie. You know I always take the road less traveled. Lol. There’s a method to my madness. As I lose weight my body will naturally need less calories to maintain that weight. Why cut them so stringently now. That leaves me no where to go later.

    @RastaLousGirl Welcome to the group

    @its_cleo on the maintenance question I honestly have no idea. It depends on how much I burn each day. I have my range at 1467-1660. I’m averaging 1376 cals per day right now but that’s with burning only 267 calories in exercise. If I would burn more I could eat more. I’ll keep increasing my exercise goal by 25 calories until I hit around 315. Twice a week I get close to the 1600. It gives me flexibility for my social life. I’ll probably add in a third day and see what that does. Keep my exercise at the same level. I’ll have 65 days this year to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t work.

    @gemwolf110 It’s good there are so many forums to sell things. What good choices did you make today?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld can you do chair aerobics in the meantime until your plantar fasciitis gets better? Something to burn off the calories

    I stayed within my food boundaries. Took another rest day. Just didn’t feel good but got in about 36 min walk. Just didn’t burn enough calories to call it an exercise day. Water seems to be a problem this week. Journal done. Little sticker day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Well done on the no sugar! :D Yeah, my foot hurts every day, pretty much all day to varying degrees. I hope it heals soon too. I still do walk some but it always hurts a lot worse afterward for a long period.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job! I could probably do that. I know there are a lot of YouTube videos on that. I'll check them out. Thanks for the idea. I miss going for walks with my friend. Water is a problem for me too, this week.

    @RastaLousGirl Hello!

    @its_cleo Oh no, I totally totally get that. I do the same thing! I wake up in the middle of the night ruminating about things, making mountains out of molehills so to speak. I limp by somehow. Maybe someday we can all get rid of the time change! :D I think TrishasTime is looking at apartments because I am going to be buying a condo and we were talking about the rents in Southern California and we were comparing the rents where she lives to where I live. I don't think she is planning on moving. I'm like you, I like to stay where I am when I move somewhere, so when we buy our condo, we will likely live there for many years. My husband really wants to see Captain Marvel, he's a comic book geek, and I'd like to see it too but I hate going to the movies because without fail someone talks or uses their cell phone/texts during the movie and ruins it lol. I prefer to wait until movies come out on Netflix. I hope you like it and get to enjoy dinner too.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! :)

    @cbabie, Great job sticking to your no sugar plan!! <3 I’ve been doing really good with mine too until I ate that cheesecake! I could eat pizza every day of my life. Fortunately, I do know how to make it much more healthy than Papa Johns. B)

    @its_cleo, it does suck that I can’t enjoy what I used to eat without feeling yucky. It would suck a whole lot less if I would remember that before I ate. :D I hope you love the movie! :)

    So, I lost a tiny amount yesterday and I have no one to blame but myself. :/ But I'm not dwelling on what I did wrong and instead I'm focusing on what I'm doing right. I've got a plan I'm excited about and it's a lifestyle. So, cheesecake and pizza will happen and that is OK. One of the things I'm thinking about, even though I'm NOT ready yet, is to quit WW. I'm wondering if the mental aspect of the Tuesday weigh-ins is doing more damage than good? Yesterday, I was so frustrated to only lose .2 lbs. and then this morning the scale is down 1.4 lbs. I don't know but I'm doing some serious thinking about what I want going forward. :|
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    edited March 2019
    @trooworld there are lots of states out there trying to get rid of time change. California wants to keep daylight savings time forever. Maybe one of these days. When do you expect you’ll be able to get back to exercising regularly? In the meantime your food intake has to be spot on. How many meals did you track today?

    @TeresaW1020 remember the other day when I made a joke about you changing your weigh in day at WW. Now it seems to be a pattern. Too much of a coincidence. Sounds like too much sodium the day or two before your weigh in day. What’s routinely on your schedule on those days? Is it possible to change your meeting to a different one. Or do you live in a small town where there’s only one? Is WW really helping you? The concept of freestyle, points, or is it just you like someone weighing you each week? Lots to think about.

    @gemwolf110 Good for you on your good day. Did you enjoy the donuts? You all know I march to a different beat. There’s a difference between 1 donuts and 3 though. Having donuts once a blue moon versus every morning on the way to work. It all needs to fit into your plan. So you took a pause on your plan. Now that you got that out of your system you can move forward.
    Ouch on puppy.

    Stayed within food calories. Did 46 minutes of exercise. Water goal met journal done and finally big sticker day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I could eat pizza every day too! I love it. Focusing on what you are doing right is a great strategy.

    @gemwolf110 I remember it being an all-day thing, too. Poor little guy!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I voted to keep it! I expect to exercise regularly when my foot pain goes away which could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to months. The last time I had it, it took almost a year to heal. I tracked zero meals. I need to get back to it. I know it. I did some chair yoga yesterday while at work. It was pleasant. I plan on doing it again. Congrats on your big sticker!

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld I see, well good luck with your condo hunt, I hope you find a great place. I don’t go to the movies much, but I tend to go to all the Marvel movies for the fun. Do you like baseball? Do you root for the Dodgers? I like the Dodgers, I’m sure that seems odd for a Canadian, but I just got into the team one year and I really like them. I mean I like the Toronto Blue Jays, but they always break my heart. So they I turn to the Dodgers for solace. Of course they break my heart too lol. I might be a jinx.

    @theslightedgeforever are you in California too? I can't remember.

    @teresaw2010 the scale is definitely a double-edged sword. For a long time I found it had a negative impact on me. What if you just did weighins every 10 days instead of a week? But losing a little bit is still better than gaining. You’re right those days will happen, we’re all human.

    @gemwolf110 hope the little guy recovers soon!

    Well today I was cranky and stressed and my go to food is Harvey’s like a bacon cheese burger and poutine. And I really wanted it. But I came home and had my boring old fish and a lentil salad. I also had lunch with a friend, and it was just a chicken wrap so not too many calories. So I feel good about today overall. I'm over but by 60 cals instead of 1000 which is what Harvey's would be.

    At the gym with my trainer today. We did modified pullups and pushups. One of my goals is to be able to do full pushups and pullups. I’m close with pushups but pullups are super hard. Not sure I will ever be able to, but it was a good workout.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Good for you on the chair yoga. As you age your body will thank you later. Too bad you don’t have access to a pool like a YMCA.

    @its_cleo Baseball. Yaaaay. I’m a huge fan Go Yankees. My DH used to coach my sons in Little League. 10 years my social life was spent at a ball field. I do miss it though. No, I’ve always wanted to go to California. Seems so beautiful over there versus the boring Midwest. At least the leaves are pretty in the fall. The grass is always greener as they say. So I’m learning now to appreciate what I have. So what is poutine? Great choice you made today on no Harvey’s. Keep working at those pull-ups and pushups.

    Stayed within my food boundaries but ate a whole bag of cheese popcorn for lunch. I’m working on eating just 1/2 a bag. That’s a lot of sodium I didn’t need. Exercised for 60 min. Water goal met. Journal done. Big sticker day
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Trying to recover from influenza/pneumonia/ bronchitis. Came to my daughters a week ago and have not been able to leave yet. Missed a whole week of work.
    I better be on the mend cause it is supposed to be warm on Monday and I want to get outside for a bit when I get off nights.
    Keep in working hard

    Karen in BC
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @its_cleo Thank you! I am not a sports fan, however, my husband is a Dodgers fan! That's funny you are an LA fan, but hey, I'm sure there are Tokyo sports fans here, etc so why not Canadian Dodgers fans, right? I've always wanted to try poutine. I've had gravy on my fries but not cheese curds and gravy. I'm sure I would love it! ;) Great job avoiding Harvey's! I think that you have excellent goals with your trainer. I would love to be able to do a pushup someday.

    @theslightedgeforever I do have access to a pool but I'm too shy to wear a swimsuit, I have a Y membership. I've tried. It's all in my head, but my anxiety takes over and ruins everything.

    @prisoner2food Oh dear, I'm so sorry you've been so sick. I hope you get better soon.

    Hello all. TGIF. Tomorrow, I am walking in a St. Patrick's Day 5K. My foot is going to hurt so bad afterward, I just know, I don't know why I signed up for this but oh well too late now. I am having visions of me having to call an Uber partially through to pick me up lol. Wish me luck!

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I don't mind the Yankees, except Tulowitzki he can suck it lol.

    Ah poutine- food of champions. Sorry this is so big! French fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It's actually from Quebec. Delicious but like a zillion calories. Some places add bacon crumbles on it....


    Good luck @trooworld! Just do the best you can.

    @prisoner2food that sucks, take care. Rest is the best thing.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good Morning everyone

    Sorry I have been MIA – Had a virus which involved throwing up etc – so I have been sleeping a lot. My 100 day plan went out the window, so I have started today from where I left off before I got sick.

    @theslightedgeforever – Congrats on your loss – well done. I do love your ticker. Great on the big sticker day. What defines the Midwest in USA??? That Midwest in Australia would be the a huge desert area we have in the middle of Australia (excerpt below)

    A full 35% of Australia receives so little rainfall, it is classified as desert. 70% of the country is classified as arid or semi-arid, which means it gets less than 500 mm of rain a year.

    @trooworld – Sorry about the gain, but I hope your feet hold up for the 5km walk. Can you not go in the pool in shorts and T-shirt over your bathers?. Remember anti-inflammatory cream is your friend and needs to be applied before you walk

    @cbabie – Was @theslightedgeforever always like that (seeing how close to the edge she can get?). I think that is a great way to live, dong just enough to get by and living life to the fullest.

    @its_cleo – I look forward to the day when I do not work. I think the politics at work wears us all down as we grow older.. No we are not moving – @troowrold is saving up for a condo and we were just comparing houses from one country to the other… Hope enjoy Captain Marvel.

    @teresaw2010 - Okay – you need to ask yourself – why are you continuing with WW.. Is it to get to lifetime status? Is it to prove something to yourself – is it worth the stress? Remember we all have to find the plan that works for us and if WW is not working for you then you need to let go. If it s LTM – I will send you something when you get there (promise)

    @gemwolf110 – Hope all goes well with the puppy, I hate to think of your vet bills at the moment. Do you have pet insurance over there? What is RI???

    @prisoner2food – Hello – I am sorry you are not well, it seems everything has caught up with you too. How are you doing on your goals etc and what is the one thing you are going to do today that fits in your plan before you got so ill

    Day 13
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @prisoner2food I hope you get better. I had a bad case of bronchitis one year. Took me a while to get over it. I’m glad you have your dd there to help care for. you.

    @trooworld Anxiety is a tough thing to deal with. But it can be overcome. They have those bathing suits with a little skirt on them. Mine is two piece but doesn’t show any belly because the top is like a long halter top. I got it at Walmart. So I’m really only showing my arms and mid thigh down. Do you have some good music ready for your 5K?

    @its_cleo Ha on the Yankee player. At least you didn’t diss them all like most people do. The poutine looks yummy. Better with the bacon probably. Now you’ve lost me with the duck poutine. 😀 I’m a simple eater. Although just thought I’m more complex than my sister who doesn’t like pizza.

    @gemwolf110 Great news on your sister wanting to get healthier. Invite her on here Insurance should pay for neutering. They just want more little puppies out there that need to go to the vet. More money for them. I have some cauliflower in the fridge I need to do something with.

    @TrishasTime My definition is probably different than the official description of the Midwest. I’m from Southern Illinois. Right smack dab in the middle of US. (Must go check google maps to see if that’s true or only in my mind) So Midwest to me is IL, IA. Oh just thought I’m talking to an Aussie who has no idea what these letters mean. 😂. Ok Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana. So think for the most part small towns, farming, cornfields, sticky hot summers, cold snowy winters, etc. we do have the occasional big city. Chicago of course is my favorite. Sorry to hear you were sick. So back to the 100 day challenge

    So as they say in 100 day challenge land, I took a pause. Big fat pause. Over calories by 300, no exercise, not enough water. I did journal though. But no sticker not even a little one. I also went back and reread my notes on Day 1. The question was what kind of behaviors in the past have made you put on weight. Almost everyone of those behaviors I did today. So this can’t continue. Back to doing what I have successfully done for 70 days.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @its_cleo YUM!!! I would love that. Thanks, I will hang in there!

    @gemwolf110 I'm glad the decluttering is going well. That's good you are going to buddy up with your sister, it's always good to have a partner. Thanks, I'm not trying to get through it quickly, just get through it lol. ;)

    @TrishasTime Oh dear me! I'm glad you are better now. Girl, I don't even own a pair of shorts, but no, the Y won't let you go in in shorts. You have to wear a bathing suit. I could probably get away with a shirt over my bathing suit, but I just have too much anxiety. A row of treadmills and exercise bikes is right in front of the pool angled at the pool like the pool is some kind of tv to watch...I don't know why they have it that way. It makes it incredibly uncomfortable to use the pool.

    @theslightedgeforever I have a little skirt on my bathing suit, it doesn't help my anxiety. I'm not comfortable getting in the pool (read the description of the pool environment in my comment to Trisha above). I'm walking with a coworker, so I will probably just talk the whole time. You've got this, I know you do!

    Not only do I have a 5K today, but we are celebrating my brother-in-law's birthday. Panda Express is being bought for the food and my husband is making him an ice cream cake.