

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Still here - just reading mostly cause typing is slow with one hand on the keyboard. More bruises are showing everyday :( Off to the occupation therapist shortly. So no exercise, mainly sitting with leg raised, hand raised. No steps that warrant mentioning

    As to heathy eating - I think I need a kick up the butt - @theslightedgeforever - I need your words of wisdom.

    Hello to the newbies - hope everyone is going okay

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @its_cleo We've only done it twice lol but it was fun! We plan on doing it again though. :) Let me know if you run into a paywall with any of the recipes that you are interested in and I will post the recipe (I've got them saved). I'm a member of America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Illustrated/Cook's Country and I get a lot of recipes from them, and they have a paywall. Thanks, I'm happy with, if I could just consistently lose that! lol I hate when I eat something that isn't worth the calories. :/ That's the beauty of tracking everything, you can look back and see what is going on!

    @cbabie Hello! You are right about the addiction and replacing thing, I think. Talk to you soon, thanks for stopping in!

    @TrishasTime That sounds terrible! I take it you are off work, too? Good wishes for a speedy recovery. Remember, nothing you eat is going to take that pain away and will only double your problems.

    I went for a 10-minute walk at work with a friend. It's not much, but at least I didn't sit at my desk all day. I'm going to try to take two 10-15 minute walks today at work. It adds up.

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Hi @cbabie thanks for checking in!

    @TrishasTime it's hard when you're injured, focus on healing.

    @trooworld Yeah I do that at work, just walk around the block or something in the am and pm. It does help. Thx I will let you knoe about the recipes- yeah I ran into a paywall.

    I'm really struggling, I feel like a dam has burst or something. Part of me is like - eat everything! Now! Before the will power comes back!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all... I sure do miss you ladies. It is important to have a support group. I am on a 30 day challenge with one of my oil groups. I am doing a 30 day gut health with them. It's mostly Young Living supplements, but it has also helped me to be in more control of what I am eating. I also went to my husband this morning and said LOOK I NEED arms look like my mothers now and I need to get rid of the fat. So he is helping me with my hand weights to do a routine every morning. My arms are shaking right now..LOL So eating was better last night. Instead of crackers to replace the ice cream/sugar/sweets...I had bought some fruit bars at the store. I saw one that said no added sugar and then looked at the ones I have always bought thinking they were great...well the difference in the sugar was a lot. So I chose the no sugar's makes me feel as if I am making better choices..LOL

    @TrishasTime I hope you heal quickly..please don't over do it. It's important for your recovery. My dad just wouldn't listen...

    @trooworld I love that you are always looking for new recipes.. I will get there some day...

    @its_cleo sometimes we go through seasons...but God says seasons...not lifetimes. So do your best each day to not eat everything and you will get your will power back in full force.

    @prisoner2food I pray you get better soon...

    @lisaandryan I had to laugh when theslightedge said YEA you are a data girl too...she needed someone else to join in with her. Welcome aboard!!

    @Nikki76mfp Welcome!!! you will love this group. You can always find a smile here!!

    @theslightedgeforever great job on staying in your food calories and your sticker....Mom should have gotten you stickers for your birthdays...LOL

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello Ladies! :)

    @gemwolf110, I hope your meeting has a great leader and good people in it. We are losing our leader soon and I’m so sad. She is awesome and I really hope her replacement will be someone I can connect with. I’m sure you will be very successful and yes your health is worth the price! :)

    @lisaandryan, I also double track with points and calories. It’s been interesting for me to see that there can be up to a 500 calories difference with the same points used. It’s a real eyeopener on why zero point foods have been such an issue for lots of people. Looks like you have a good grip on what you need to do to be healthy. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, Wow, I didn’t realize you were down 11 lbs. That is awesome!! And we still have 18 days or so left of the 100 day challenge. :smiley:

    @prisoner2food, so sorry you have been so sick. I pray you will start feeling better very soon! Take care of yourself. <3

    @Trooworld, Great job on your weight loss!! I think being able to sit on your porch with hubby and listen to music is awesome. I have been reading in my book that stress can play such a huge part in our weight. So, doing something relaxing is good for your soul and your body. :)

    @its_cleo, if your gym doesn’t offer a prize for the 30 day challenge you come up with one to give to yourself. Don’t let the dam burst! You got this!! B)

    @Trishastime, hello dear!! Hang in there and be kind to yourself. <3

    @cbabie, We sure miss you!! I just bought some new hand weights and my hubby has been helping me with having good form so I don’t injure myself. He knows me well!! :D Looking for replacements to sugar is a good idea. It's such a gradual process but we can do it. :)

    Well, I lost another .8 lbs this week. It would have been a pound but I forgot to take off my bracelet like I usually do. :D:# I went shopping and bought every kind of plain sparkling water I could find so I can try them all out and find the one I like best and can afford. I LOVE San Pellegrino but no way am I paying that much!! My IF group talks about this Mexican water called Topo Chico so I bought a six pack of that and will try it tomorrow. Good old Club Soda is pretty good! I like bubbly water if you haven't gathered. :D

    I then came home and spent almost three hours in my car downloading my new navigation system. Thank God for Hulu Plus on my phone and Candy Crush on my other phone. :D I did manage to do my Bible study and most of the next weeks too. o:)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @prisoner2food sorry to hear you’ve been sick. Have you seen a dr yet?

    @trooworld. Set your timer on your phone and you won’t forget to get up and move. Woohoo on your weight loss. Great job on your walk with your friend. It all adds up.

    @its_cleo. Do you have a set number of calories for each meal and snacks? Do you track as you eat vs tracking your food at the end of the day? Start plugging those holes in the dam. Otherwise you drown and die. I hear you loud and clear on the struggle. The willpower is always within us. It’s just when we decide to stop and choose to use it. The inner brat versus the healthy adult. The resistance monster in all of us wants to keep us fat so she stays in power. 100 day challenge. I’ve struggled at the end but the first 70% was really good. If I can just last 15 more days and not gain any more weight then I will have achieved my goal. Then I’m taking 5 days off and then starting the next 100 days. I’ve got my new book and will be ready to go. The 5 days off will be a test to see how much of this I've internalized. How much I have made it a habit. 5 days to experiment with maintenance calories.

    @cbabie. We win when we persist. In your journal write down all the reasons that you don’t track your food every day. Good for you on choosing no sugar added products.

    @TrishasTime It’s hard to feel motivated when you’re all laid up like that. When I get sick all I want to do is eat for comfort. You know I’m queen of baby steps so we have to start small. How are you getting your meals and snacks. Is someone bringing them to you? Do you have a bag of lollies sitting next to your bed?

    @TeresaW1020 Hooray on another week of weight loss. It’s called babystepping your way to success. Just keep at it. I need to get back into the habit of my moonshine. Herbal tea concoction with apple cider vinegar and stevia. It gives me the nice burn that diet cokes used to on a hot summer day I still drink the occasional one when I’m out to eat.

    I stayed within my food boundaries. Rest day for exercise. Water goal met and journal done. Big sticker day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @its_cleo Just let me know which recipes you want and I'll post the text of them here. :) I hate when I am feeling like that, I think the thing that helps me is just to keep tracking everything that goes into my mouth and to concentrate on one bite at a time. Distract yourself and keep busy.

    @cbabie What does your 30 day challenge involve? How many days are you into it? That's good you are really looking at what's in your food. You are really sticking with the no sugar, I'm really proud of you! <3 I'm always looking for new recipes, I get them via my email mostly.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I looooove sitting on my porch/patio and reading or just sitting there with my husband and listening to music. I'm a very anxious person, so that's interesting that stress can play a huge part in our weight. Once we buy a new place, I plan on taking over the second bedroom and making it a place to meditate and do yoga (shhhh...don't tell my husband my plans! ;) ). Congrats on your -.8! Your plan is working. That's good you are trying different waters. Did you get a new car or is it just a new navigation system on your current car?

    @theslightedgeforever That's a great idea. Thanks for the tip! :D

    Well, I didn't have/take the time to go for any walks while at work yesterday. I was really busy. I should have time today to, though. I have been eating pretty well lately. I can feel the difference in my stomach, meaning I don't have heartburn problems. That's how I can tell when I'm treating my body the wrong way: I have terrible heartburn!

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I considered going back to work part time but my hand is telling me no. I have the orthopedic appointment on Monday.

    @trooworld - Yes I am in a head game at the moment. I have taken @theslightedgeforever advise and baby steps. I no longer have lollies with me.

    @its_cleo - I am sorry to hear you are struggling too. As @theslightedgeforever says - baby steps. What is the one thing you can do. I remember in the 100 day step, it says when you are craving something, write in a special book and tell yourself you will have it later. It is just a mental thing of promising yourself you can have it but later, which is much better than denying it.

    @cbabie - see above - I have taken your advise in hand. I am so glad your husband is helping you with your routine.

    @theslightedgeforever - thankyou for your advise, I have sent you a PM re 100 days rather than clutter up here

    @TeresaW2010 - Congrats on the loss :) Shame about your leader, all the good leaders seem to move on.

    Hello to @lisaandryan and @Nikki76mfp - loking forward to getting to know you

    @prisoner2food - hope all is well


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld A yoga room sounds lovely. DH and I are toying with the idea of doing yoga together. That’s great your heartburn is less. Healthy bodies is what it’s all about.

    @TrishasTime I sent you a PM. I’m trying to tell myself these steps. It worked before. I still think it all goes back to habits. I’m trying to make habits of all these things so I just go on auto pilot and I don’t have to think about it so hard.

    I stayed within food boundaries. Exercised for 48 minutes. Didn’t meet water goal and no journaling. Little sticker day
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @TrishasTime So good to hear from you. Baby steps sound like a good plan. That @theslightedgeforever, she's a smart one. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I just have to convince my husband that that is the best use of that room. I don't think I'll have to try hard. ;) You and the DH doing yoga together sounds very nice...maybe my DH and I can do yoga together in our yoga room. :)

    Yesterday was a good food day, but I was not able to take any walks at work...too busy. I'm not always this busy, but I'm preparing for a researcher's visit, and have limited time to get ready. I do think I'll have time for a morning walk today, but not an afternoon walk: I'm going to a retirement party at work in the afternoon.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all!
    Yesterday was a blurh..I still ate too much PB yesterday. It's always something..LOL I did do my arm exercises...and will do them again this morning.

    @trooworld I hope you get your walk in...I still want to get my treadmill back in my life. That is really "my" exercise.

    @theslightedgeforever I can see you and DH doing yoga...LOL him telling you to move this way..:)

    @TrishasTime Yes baby steps and your body can't be replaced so take care of it!!! I love to hear you "talk" through the written word..lollies. I can just hear you saying that word! :lol:

    @TeresaW1020 Congrats on the loss..darn those bracelets. :lol: I bet if you and I lived in the same town we would have fun!!

    Okay off to getting ready for work.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good evening! I thought I better write tonight because I won't have time tomorrow. My to-do list is HUGE!!! :#

    @theslightedgeforever, I've been reading about apple cider vinegar and wondering if I should give a try. Dr. Fung is a fan too. Hmm? Your concoction doesn't sound as bad as just drinking it straight. :s

    @TrishasTime, don't rush yourself! Listen to your body and your doctor. :)

    @Trooworld, I think having room to call your own is a great idea. I have one in my house. It's my exercise, soap watching, clothes ironing, crafting, overflow junk room. Hubby isn't allowed in there unless he promises to not complain. I recently made the mistake of sending him into one of my craft "junk" drawers to find my glue gun. Big mistake!! :D:D I did not buy a new car. I just got an update on the navigation system since it's over 5 years old and I will be traveling to Florida in May.

    @cbabie, girl I have NO doubt that we would have some fun if were in the same town!! :wink:

    I went into staff meeting this morning with just a few things on my list and came out with two full pages. They decided to change up our entire bulletin and a bunch of other little things that added up to a lot. I can't really complain because when I put in my 2 cents, I ended up with even more work. But dang it, I have really good ideas! B) So, tomorrow will be a long day and I really have to get stuff done because I have to focus on the baby shower and getting my house clean! Not to mention that I have 200 empty Easter eggs that I have to fill with candy at some point this weekend and get them out of my house. I plan to fill them during my fasting hour so I won't be tempted at all. Did I mention that our children's director wants 9000 eggs for the hunt? 9000!!! :o

    On a happier note, hubby said I could plan a vacation for our anniversary in October. I'm thinking of Charleston, South Carolina. Who's been there? :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning all

    Off today for my 2 week xray - ( I hate the fact that the xray person cannot share the results) Thankyou @theslightedgeforever - I will reread the pages and my written notes today and I will go from there.

    @theslightedgeforever - About your "moonshine" is that something you drink throughout the day or just at night when yo go to bed. Interested to know the portion of apple cider and what herbal tea you use. Sorry I did not know it been a little battle lately with the 100 days - cheering you on for the next 15 days.

    @TeresaW1020 - Are you making your own chocolate easter eggs? 9000 eggs for a hunt - how many children are you expecting? I have an office, not a craft, come, ironing, come soap watching room. Maybe when I retire I can grab another room for sewing etc - that would be nice. Congrats on the loss

    @cbabie - I am glad I amuse with my straight talking Australiana (lol). Well not all Aussie's are straight talking - I imagine they are much more tactful then me - but what you see is what you get with me.

    @Trooworld - Hope you have a lovely time at the retirement party.

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    edited March 2019
    @gemwolf110 That’s a good idea trying different meetings. Kind of like trying out churches I think. You have to find one where you fit.

    @TrishasTime at first I read 2 week X-ray and then thought wow that’s going fast. Then thought you aren’t the one with your leg and arm in a cast. 😬 moonshine. I’ve dropped the habit of this during the winter but need to get moving on it again. I had decided to quit drinking diet cokes at home but needed a replacement. Water just doesnt do it for me. So I found a recipe for good girl moonshine. There are different concoctions.

    I use a combo of 3 teabags. Hibiscus, lemon/ginger, and orange steeped in 1 c boiling water. 1/4 c Apple cider vinegar, pinch of cinnamon, 6 stevia packets, then pour that into a 2 quart (2 Liter) pitcher. Fill the rest up with water and chill. I found some cute glass bottles once that I drink from. Always use a straw because of the ACV. The glass bottles keep it ice cold for the summer. It might be good hot like tea I’ve just never tried it. Strait talking Aussie. Maybe I’m half and didn’t know it. 😜
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Did you make good choices at the retirement party?

    @cbabie Concentrate on all the things you did right for the day. Small wins, remember? Yoga with DH and I. It might work but then that’s probably what will happen. I’ll be like you are ruining my zen moment just follow the guy on the TV. 🤐 My favorite instructor is Rodney Yee. His voice is so calming. I almost fall asleep at the end.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope your children’s director is planning on helping with those 9000 eggs. Prices will go up in your area because you’ve depleted the supply. Lol. Are you still working on the 100 day challenge? Getting close to the end.

    I had bookclub tonight and ate 1/2 quesadilla. We read Night Circus. It will make a great visual movie. Along the lines of Harry Potter. Stayed within my food boundaries. Took a rest day but got in my step goal and my 15 min exercise goal. Water goal and journaling not done. Have lots to catch up on.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Well...I walked around the building a little bit but not a full 10-15 minutes like I wanted.

    @TeresaW1020 lol you sent him to find the glue gun! That will teach him to look around where he doesn't belong!!! :D That's good you got an update on your navigation system, I'm sure a lot may have changed in 5 years. A Florida vacation in May? Sounds fun! Wow, 9,000 eggs!!! You've got your work cut out for you lol. Good luck with that!!! I've heard Charleston is really pretty but I've never been there. I think it would make an excellent anniversary trip.

    @TrishasTime I love that you are straight-talking, Trish! :) I had a nice time at the retirement party, but I couldn't stay long as I had to clock out.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I did. Luckily, it was easy as the retiree is on a weight loss journey so they bought things to support her journey. I had strawberries and blackberries, about 2 oz of turkey breast, a slice of cheese and a small roll. That's it! :) I'll have to look up Rodney Yee. I like when I almost fall asleep in yoga. I've always wanted to read Night Circus. I own the book, I should read it. But then again, I own a lot of books!!!

    I had another good eating day yesterday. I didn't track at all yesterday, but everything I ate was nourishing and my body appreciated it. I'm having a nice salad for lunch. Homemade fish tacos for dinner. It will be a good day.

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW2010 sounds like you have a lot going on for Easter! Filling two hundred eggs is a lot, and then hiding 9000?! Wow. It sounds like fun though. When I was a kid I never did a big Easter egg hunt like that.

    @cbabie I have a weakness for PB too. For the longest time I was addicted to peanut butter and chocolate ice cream…

    @TrishasTime yeah take your time to heal if you can. Is it your right hand that is hurt, are you right-handed?

    @trooworld a room to meditate and do yoga sounds great! I’m actually not very good at yoga, but I try to stretch a lot, and I try to meditate though lately I have not been consistent with either.

    @theslightedgeforever I usually track the day before, or sometimes during the day as I eat- but usually when I do that I know I am under bc I eat the same foods a lot ie 2 eggs for breakfast. I still need to do a check on some of the days where I am over and see. Sometimes I know- I drink too much so like my hiking club is fun but we hike for a pint which ends up being more than one lol. Sunday there were two guys with us and they actually got a beer ice cream float. Actually they got 2 each lol. I did not but it looked pretty good.

    Your hundred day challenge- do you do it all over again? I have the pdf somewhere I think.

    These are my challenges- planning ahead when I am going to be indulging and banking calories for it. This is new to me and I did okay a couple times, then really poorly this past weekend.

    Then some days I go over by 100-200 cals, not sure why. So this is where I need to spot check.

    I need to start making my own protein bars or muffins or granola bars or something bc I get very hungry in the afternoon. So I tried some muffins, but they were meh. Going to try a new recipe this weekend.

    Earlier in the week- thanks for the support! It helped me so much just to post here. I managed okay after that and I feel like I am back on track now. I just sort of lost motivation for a bit.

    Today I went for a run and it was tough bc I’ve been slightly off track with that too. But slowly getting back on track.

    Happy Friday everyone! :smiley:
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever – Ah… I see – you use it instead of water. I am a water girl when I am being good and a diet coke girl when I falloff the wagon. Although I do manage to get a couple of diet cokes in each day. Something to add on I suppose. Does Circus Night have the wizards like Harry Potter or is it just a great visual movie when it comes out. I had to google quesadilla as it has not been on my food list and found out that it was Mexican.

    @trooworld – Well done on a good eating day, how is the pain going with you r walking?

    @gemwolf110 - I am sorry – I was away – did you end up selling your wedding dress, are your puppies all good now?

    @its_cleo – Hi there – Yes it is my right hand which is my dominant hand and my left foot. Lucky I have an automatic car 😊. Like life there are ups and downs. The 100 day manual I am reading and following says to celebrate what you did successfully, remember how you felt and go from there.

    @prisoner2food – How are you?

    @cbabie – Are you busy at church with Easter coming up?

    Did well with following my plan and was rewarded with a big sticker again (thanks @theslightedgeforever). The downside is that my ankle is hurting and so is my wrist even though I did not do much yesterday except play on the laptop.

    Day 16
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @TrishasTime, no I'm not making chocolate eggs. I would eat them all!! :D The eggs I bought are those plastic ones that you put candy in. We are expecting close to 300 kids this year. We have been really promoting it in our neighborhoods. It's a fun morning with games, food, and of course epic egg hunts. My job at the hunt is to be my children's right-hand girl and to take a ton of pictures. Sorry to hear that you have been in pain but yayyy for getting your big sticker! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, That good girl moonshine looks great! She has so many options too. I'm putting ACV on my list today and plan to give it a try. I'm thinking that using plain sparkling water like club soda might be a fun addition to the drink too. I love anything fizzy! :) Yes, my children’s director has done more than anyone. The woman is simply amazing and has more energy than anyone I've ever seen. Whenever I think that I'm being overworked, I just think about her.

    @trooworld, The May trip to Florida is to visit my mom, sister, niece, and her two kids. I'm going down on Mother's Day weekend and will spend two or three days with them. I will, of course, stay in a hotel and get to stay up late watching whatever I want because hubby is staying home with the dog. :D Congrats on having a good eating day. Yum to fish tacos!! <3

    @its_cleo, I never did a big Easter egg hunt like the ones we have at the church when I was a kid either. Us kids would hide in the house and mom and dad would hide eggs around the yard for us to find. These were real, dyed eggs too and we always lost at least one and found it sometime in the summer. :s:D I do plan to do the 100-day challenge again. It helps keep me focused. I'm working on making a different chart because I want to track my weight on it.

    Today is a clean my house, fill those eggs, finish the crafty things I'm making for the baby shower, and work on next weeks grocery list. My husband asked me if there was something I should drop from my life and I just looked at him like he was crazy and told him that he can help clean the house. :D My intermittent fasting is going strong. I've decided to start watching my sugar intake even more than I have been. It's all the hidden sugars that are in foods that I need to also be more aware of. I've been so focused on watching my sodium intake but I'm learning that it's the rise in insulin that makes us retain water and sodium. It's all so interesting but the bottom line is that I just want this weight off!! ;)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all

    It’s so good to hear each of your wins. This 30 day challenge is not so fun. I text my daughter and said I feel miserable...legs ache. Lethargic, feel achy...she said it’s the detoxing....ugh...

    I too am trying to make Better choices on the sugar and hidden sugar....however..I am also praying about the stress in my life...that Inthink will almost kill you faster than sugar.

    @TeresaW1020 I wish we were going to se 300 kids...ghat is so great..we start out outreach next Saturday...I am the Children’s Pastor (one hat I wear) and I have to say I am behind in planning this year. We did a carnival last year..wore me out!!!! I just found a church that does a black light Easter egg hunt...I think we will do that next year.

    @trooworld you still walked that is what is important..

    @TrishasTime I am busy, but not like I should be...I got behind so now I will have to catch up..hope your exray comes back with great news

    @its_cleo yum PB and chocolate ice’s great to see someone else likes PB and ice

    @gemwolf110 I hope you find a church that fits....I go for a church that preaches the truth with no exceptions....sometimes we want to be told what we want to hear....I grow if I know where I need to Hope you find one soon...glad to see you on here help me to keep challenging myself!!!
