

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld The necklace looks really good! I don’t remember the restaurant we went to. I think it was right at the trolley stop. Your meal sounded delicious! We also went to Old Town. We took a trolley tour and learned a lot about the city.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hi all!

    Had a wonderful trip last weekend, been busy with work, going to the gym and life. Ate a lot of good food and NY bagels. Only gained 0.2 pounds. But back into a better routine this week. Did Zumba this morning, Monday I have Bible study, Tuesday vets, Wednesday?, Thursday Aqua, Friday?, Saturday Aqua and Sunday Zumba. Plan on walking my mile with my coworkers during lunch this week pending weather. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

    ~ Missy
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @gemwolf110 Glad you had a good time. .2 gain is not bad! It’s good to get into a routine.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @fabgeekmom Woohoo on your lost muffin top. Isn't that a great feeling?

    @trooworld That's neat that you made your own necklace. I really like the colors. Sounds like you got in alot of movement. That's really good. So let's both shoot for a lb loss this next week.

    @gemwolf110 Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Plus not gaining a bunch of weight on top of it is extra special. I usually do better on trips than at home. The bagels sound really good. I love bagels. A good plan to go for a walk with your coworkers.

    I walked up to the coffeeshop. Sat there for an hour reading and basically had a coffee for lunch. So at least I closed my exercise ring. I airfryed a turkey burger and had some potato salad with it.
    I've decided to count points for one week just to switch things up a bit. Water was 48 oz today. It's getting colder. I need to make me some soup I think this week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yeah the meal was delicious. Old Town is fun, huh?

    @gemwolf110 Sounds like life is good. 0.2 lb gain is not bad considering you went on a trip. Awesome!

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! I did, the whole weekend, the lowest step count I had was 9,422. Yesterday's was 13,488! I bet that was nice sitting there at the coffee shop. That's one of my favorite things to do, sit there and read. Soup sounds good. 48 oz of water is pretty good.

    Hi all. Well, my weekend flew by. I have to take my friend to the airport at 4:30 a.m. I got up at 3:10 a.m. for no good reason but I think because we have this stupid thick mattress topper on the bed and it is sliding off which makes me slide off the side of the bed and hate it. But at least I can visit with you guys and drink my coffee before I go. Yesterday, we went for a long walk on the beach and then had breakfast. Then we went to the farmer's market and walked around and then the mall and walked around. My foot was killing me so we took a break and later, I picked my friend up and we went for pizza. After that, we went for mead (honey wine). I came home at 6:30 completely exhausted. I have to work today so after I drop my friend off, I'll come home and get dressed.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I love coffee shops! So peaceful. The turkey burger sounds good. Potato salad, too. How did counting points compare with calories? Do you still have a WW membership? @trooworld Your weekend sounded like fun. Walking on the beach. I love farmers markets. I never have tried mead. It reminds me of when I taught senior English (in Beowulf everyone was drinking mead).
    Hi, all. I cooked last night as my daughter had a work trip. Broiled chicken, sautéed red onions, red pepper and zucchini and rice. I am finishing my coffee now. We have dentist appointments this morning. Oh, joy!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Afternoon all, I wanted to stop and check in. I am finally feeling like a person again. I had to call the Dr and they gave me a nose spray and said if I didn't feel better in 2 days, use the zpac they were calling in. I didn't use the zpac and I think that is a good thing. I haven't tracked or exercised. I am taking the baby walking every morning about an hour after I get home from taking Baby girl to school, so I am getting some movement in. I am actually exhausted. DH went to Alaska over the weekend, I pick him up tomorrow AM..not sure how it's all going to work, but it will.

    @trooworld I agree with @theslightedge the necklace and colors are great for you, great job.

    @fabgeekmom all your meas sound yummy. too bad you don't live next door, we could cook double and share..LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever Good for you for going on a walk while waiting on DD. My whole family hates waiting on people...but I just say...I can't change it, so I might as well cool my jets.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @ cbabie I’m sorry you are feeling bad. I’m glad you feel like getting activity in. I’m almost over my cold. My husband and son are hacking away. I hope we don’t keep on infecting each other. I’m fortunate that I’m retired and have time to cook. When I was working and raising a family I didn’t cook that much. I remember always being exhausted.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld You got a lot of movement this weekend. Good for you. What's your plan today for healthy food?

    @fabgeekmom points vs calories. Yesterday I went over on both but this morning was a bit of an eye opener at breakfast. I did carb cycling for so long that I'm just used to eating an omelet for breakfast and then adding a bit of meat on the side. Well when I counted points in my head before breakfast I underestimated the Lil Smokies. I did count out the 5 that was the serving size but it had more points than I expected. But when I logged the calories for the meal, it fit nicely in the calories allotted for my meal. Had I never decided to count points, I wouldn't have had the thought of what can I do to make this a healthier breakfast? Which I decided I could do 3 lil smokies and add a 1/2 c of applesauce. For the week that I'll be doing carb cycling, it will work as is. Your meal sounded really good. No on the WW membership. I'm just using the healthi app but using the WWBlue food list.

    @cbabie That's great you have found a way to get in some movement. Just little changes here and there helps. In lots of times I like waiting on others because it's like finding extra time that I wasn't planning on so I can do something and mark it off my list. Even if it's just sitting and reading my book.

    Finally stayed within my food boundary today. I basically asked myself what 0 point foods do I have in the house. I steamed some baby carrots, then added some white beans and 1 1/2 oz of seasoned ground turkey. Plus a container of unsweetened applesauce on the side. Exercise was a 20 min walk. Water was 67.2 oz
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was really fun! Mead is really good, it's sweet and fruity. Yes, I remember Beowulf! I had to read it in college. Sounds like a healthy dinner. My husband made turkey meatloaf, roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes. I hope the dentist's went okay, I have to go next week.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are feeling better. I've been thinking of you. That's great you are taking the baby for a walk, good for both of you! Thank you.

    @theslightedgeforever I did. For healthy food yesterday, I had a salad at lunch from the cafe. I preordered it. It said it had chicken on it and strawberries and feta with a raspberry dressing. When I got it, it had chicken THIGH meat, and red onions, and peppers. I hate thigh meat. I hate onions when they are raw. I do not like peppers on that kind of salad. I picked everything I hated off and ate the salad. I had barely any protein so I was hungry later but I survived. For dinner, my husband made turkey meatloaf, roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes. It was really good. Today, I have yogurt and blueberries (my old boring standard) for breakfast. Leftovers for lunch. I don't know what we are having for dinner, I didn't have a chance to go to the store while my friend was here so we are just winging it. Sounds like yesterday was a great day.

    Hi all. I set up my walking pad last night. I need to adjust the belt, it's crooked because I loosened it to add lubrication (as instructed) and I didn't tighten the belt up enough after. I walked on it for 20 minutes before dinner. It's a bit on the narrow side so I have to pay attention or I could walk off it lol. But I like it so far. My best friend ordered one so we are going to have a race to see who can get to the other person's house the fastest on the treadmill.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I’m glad the Healthi app is helping you to make better choices. I’m using what I learned from WW to do that. My breakfast this morning was about 5 points if I am getting it right and about 400 calories. A bit more than I would like but it will keep me satisfied. One egg omelet with mushrooms, onions, sun dried tomatoes and reduced fat feta, 2 slices of 647 ( low calorie) bread and coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. @trooworld That’s too bad about your salad. Your husband’s meal sounds good and filling, just what you needed. Hi, all. My dentist appointment went well. I forgot to mention earlier that my mammogram was fine. No doctor appointments until December! I’m going to the recreation center today. Tonight I am preparing the sheet pan eggplant lasagna from the Skinnytaste cookbook, Simple.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Afternoon all, I hadn't eaten all day and about 2pm grabbed what was on the counter..Ritz crackers...Oh well and the dinner we are having is worse...corn dogs..LOL I had a bad meltdown this morning...BEFORE I didn't pull the car in far enough and the garage door hit the back of my car...then I had another is sleeping and I thought I would get on here quick.

    @trooworld my portable under the desk treadmill in narrow too...I walk to close the to top is my problem (when I get on there). Dinner sounds good...too bad about your salad, I would have been ticked.

    @fabgeekmom I have never tried sun dried tomatoes...I should. where do you find them in the store?

    @theslightedgeforever good for always ask the right questions. LOL.

    Gotta run, baby just woke up crying..

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @cbabie Oh, gee, what a crappy day! I hope things get better. I buy the sun dried tomatoes ( the packaged ones that are not in oil) in the produce section.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    Hi, all! This is a picture of my eggplant lasagna I made tonight. It was very good. This is my first time attaching a picture. I hope I did it right!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld Your salad sounded good. That's a fun way to exercise: racing your friend to their house.

    @fabgeekmom I'm glad your mammogram was okay. Eggplant lasagna sounds good. This next year I want to find new recipes that I like that I can turn into my go-to dinners. Your lasagna looked really good. The pic didn't appear on the thread but I found it by clicking on the link.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you have had such a bad day. You could go on Pinterest and there are one week printed meal plans. Just add the ingredients to your shopping list. Saves so much time and you don't have plan out healthy meals for your family. It's already done for you. There are even 3 day plans.

    Today I had to dip into my weeklies. Thank God they are there. Dd took me to a Mexican restaurant. I ate half there but then ended up eating the other half of my tacos awhile ago. At least I didn't eat the other half of the beans and rice. I never know what to get at a Mexican restaurant. A salad would have been the perfect choice. But alas I had about 6 pages of items to look through. Ended up ordering what my daughter did. Street tacos. I did think the little tortillas were cute. I'd never seen any that small. Then realized later at home that alot of my thinking is "carb" thinking so a bit of cheese and sour cream doesn't matter that much. But I am not doing carb cycling right now. Only movement I got in today was shopping. Water was 61 oz.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    edited October 2023
    @fabgeekmom Your breakfast sounds really good. Yeah it was too bad about the salad. The meatloaf meal was definitely what I needed! That's good the dentist and mammo went well. I liked the sheat pan eggplant lasagna recipe but found it needed more sauce. Yours looked better than mine.

    @cbabie Oh my I've done that before. I'm sorry about your car. :( Yeah I think those types of treadmills are all like that, narrow. That makes them more portable. I was ticked about the salad and it's just another example of poor food from the cafe and why I shouldn't go lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Meh about the salad lol. My friend decided not to get the walking pad so I will race myself lol. I usually get shrimp or chicken fajitas at a Mexican restaurant when I'm trying to eat on the healthier side. Street tacos are good, too. That shopping movement can add up!

    Hi all. I wanted to get on my treadmill when I got home but my husband wanted ME to cook so I did. I made Skinnytaste baked chicken parmesan over protein spaghetti. It came out well. I don't know that I will have time to get on the treadmill/walking pad today, I have to work on a project when I get home. But we'll see. Maybe.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld Was the baked chicken Parmesan from a cookbook or the website? That sounds good. My family likes bucatini so that’s our go to pasta.
    Hi, all. My husband and I are going to our cottage that is near the Outer Banks, NC. We are not on the ocean side but the Sound side. He has some work to do on the cottage. There is a park with a walking track near the neighborhood so I will walk. The weather is going to be nice. I have leftovers from last night for dinner tonight. We will go get seafood tomorrow for lunch. Fried oysters for him, steamed shellfish for me.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was from the website: It would be good with bucatini. I've been to the Outer Banks, it's beautiful there. Have you ever eaten at the Weeping Radish? It used to be a German restaurant and brewery. It was in the Outer Banks. Looks like it is moving to a new location in 2024. Enjoy your time away!

    Hi all. I did really well yesterday except for water intake. I didn't get a chance to hop on my walking pad, we had to run an errand after work. I'm hoping to tonight but I have to cook, so we'll see. Last night, my husband made a stir fry with Shirataki "miracle" noodles. It came out pretty well. He made up the recipe.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I have eaten at the Weeping Radish. There used to be on in Manteo but that has been closed for a long time. There is one on the other side of the bridge in Currituck. I think they are closed for the season.
    Hi, all! It is beautiful here. I walked the track and could see the Currituck Sound as I walked. I also did a Peloton strength workout on a sheltered bench. We are eating at Awful Arthur’s for lunch today.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Ah ok. I have fond memories of going there with my family: my older brother used to have a house in the Outer Banks. Sounds like you are having fun.

    Hi all. We are celebrating Halloween at work today. I am dressing up as "DJ Dewey Decimal", an 80s-era librarian DJ lol. You see, I am a librarian in real life (although not a public librarian). It should be a fun day of not getting much work done. We have a dog training appointment tonight. It's been a while since we've had one. I made beef tips last night with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes. I made the beef tips in our Ninja Foodi using the pressure cooker function. It came out well. I gained 2.2 lbs this week which is not too much of a surprise since my friend was here over the weekend. Not that I'm happy about it.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."