

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie Glad you had a good walk even with extra weight to push. Burns more calories. Even I mentioned the "should" quote, he'd never remember it. lol I'd like to have some 70/80s too about now. I cook my frozen turkey burgers in the airfryer.

    @trooworld Just keep trying to make good choices each day. I was telling my son today that fall weather now isn't what fall weather used to be. I remember the leaves had changed by this time of the year.

    @fabgeekmom You will be our role model for maintenance. Sorry about your cane. When things like that happen I just think someone else who couldn't afford that item must have really needed it. That happened with my hat my last day in Italy. God blessed me to have the money to go buy a new one.

    So we went hiking today about 45 min. The good news is that I made it up to the top of the hill faster than I did last year. Although I had forgotten how straight up it is. I like a more gradual hike. But I did it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom Indeed. Oh no! I'm sorry you lost your cane. I hope it came yesterday for you. I love a good burger and fries.

    @cbabie Sounds like you had a great start yesterday. Ugh, 90s? LOL I'll send my 70s/80s to you. Maybe one of the other ladies can send their 50s/60s to me! LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Yes! And yes! Oh gosh, good job with the hike. I would have a hard time with that.

    Hi all. I started having heel pain in my left foot yesterday. It hurt so badly. I think it's plantar fasciitis rearing its ugly head again. I made Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup last night. I also air fried some chicken breasts with lemon pepper seasoning on them. It came out really well. Even though it isn't fall weather yet, we are having our first round of traditional turkey chili tonight.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the sore foot. That’s aggravating especially when you want to exercise. @theslightedgeforever Good job on the hike. Yes, that’s true about someone needing a cane. Hi, all. I got my new cane yesterday and took it for a test walk around the block. My son mage a special meal last night for my daughter’s birthday today. I went a little crazy with portions, especially with dessert. He’s an excellent cook or I should say, chef. I paid for the overeating with heartburn. There is dessert leftover but I am done. My husband and I are taking our daughter out to lunch today for her birthday. I will order a salad with salmon or shrimp. I have already looked at the menu online. I’m going swimming today so that should give me a calorie deficit.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about your foot. I'm currently dealing with a bit of that myself right now. I have been since last day of my vacation. I ordered my new inserts which really help while I use them but when I sleep at night and don't use them I get up and can't walk on my foot right away. But the inserts really help. I ordered off of Amazon. It just feels like a big rock in my shoes right now while I walk. But my heel doesn't hurt when I use them. lol Try 30's-50's. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and Friday. Good thing 40's or we just might have snow had it been today. That's not a good thing for my walking plans. I guess I'll take my umbrella or rain poncho.

    @fabgeekmom So glad you got your cane. I went crazy last night on calories. A bit better today but not where I want to be. My son left so that's one distraction gone. I made him pumpkin whoopie pies today. Good news is that they were too sweet for me and I only had one. Years past I would have had two. I'm done with them even though there are two left.

    No exercise today at all.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks, yes, it is! I'm glad you got your cane. I'm sorry about the heartburn. Good job looking at the menu already! Enjoy swimming.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah it stinks. I have inserts and when I wear the CORRECT shoes, like I did yesterday, it wasn't too bad. But me, Miss Fashionable, I want to wear cute shoes with my outfits so I caused this myself lol. Okay, 30s-50s is a little TOO cold lol. No, not good for your walking plans. Soldier on!

    Hi all. I wore my "podiatrist-approved" sneakers yesterday to work and my foot hurt a lot less. I just hate not being able to wear cute shoes. We are having a step challenge in my other MFP group and I committed to doing 7,000 steps a day but I can't do it with this foot. Maybe I'll drop down to 6,000 steps a day. I'm making coconut curry lentils for dinner, it's from the Skinnytaste Simple cookbook (p 116). I'll serve it with brown rice, I think.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld I get it about the shoes. But comfort and not hurting is more important to me.
    Hi, all! I enjoyed my meal with my daughter. I ordered the salmon on a salad. It was so good and better for me than the burgers on the menu. Dinner was leftover chicken. I did cook some rice with some broth leftover from the soup my son made. I ate a small amount of candy corn and couldn’t finish it as it wax too sweet. Instead I ate a small piece of dark chocolate. I’m cooking the turkey pot pie from the cooking using chicken. I don’t have the page number as I’m still in bed.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld Last time I had problems with my plantar fasciitis I found I could dance or march in place to exercise but walking hurt me. I think it was the motion from heel to toe. So see if you could try some of that to get in your steps for your challenge. Fashion is important. Someone needs to come up with transparent inserts that we can use for sexy shoes. Maybe they have and I don't know it. How were the lentils. I like curry and lentils, just don't know about the coconut.

    @fabgeekmom Your salad sounded so good. Plus the turkey pot pie. It's rainy and cold here. I seem to want all comfort foods. I'm making some turkey chili tomorrow.

    Still struggling a bit with the food. But I'll get there. I did force myself to the gym today. I am a person who goes consistently goes to the gym. I missed yesterday so I can't miss today too. But I just didn't want to go out in the rain and cold. Nor did I want to do my regularly scheduled program. But I said just do 30 min on the treadmill. You are still being consistent with your habit. So I went and actually did 45 min. I found some good music and just kept walking more.

    I read an interesting book today about being mediocre. Being content with where we are right now and never really changing even though we say we want to change. He was talking about it's not the tangible goal that we are really chasing but the feeling associated with it. How will we feel when we get there? So I was thinking about my "feeling" and I think it would be accomplished. So the next step is how to feel accomplished along the way? I came up with going to the gym or moving my body in other ways. Drinking my water. Learning new ways to cook the foods I love.
    Learning to like new foods. Final step would be to make a big deal about it. Acknowledge the win! Don't just concentrate on all the things that I did NOT get done today.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, I'm beginning to agree with you. Yay for a healthy meal out! mmm pot pie.

    @theslightedgeforever Well, I was able to get over 8,000 steps in yesterday. More on that in a bit. And I can do yoga and water aerobics, that's not going to hurt, I don't think. But I can only go to the gym on the weekends. I agree! The lentils were good but spicy. Do you like Thai curries? If so, you would probably like this, it doesn't have much coconut milk in it (1/2 c). It was easy to make. Cold and rainy = perfect time for chili. That's great you got yourself to go to the gym. Good job! Good observations from the book. I like your plan.

    Hi all. I gained 3.2 lbs this week. I think it was the Cincinnati chili. It could just be bloat from carbs. We'll see next week. Yesterday, a former colleague came into my work. She had retired. She explained that she had to have something to do, so she joined a virtual walking challenge and started walking. She was so happy and had these medals and explained about the challenges she had been in. The app sent her postcards from herself from various places along the trails she walked, and from within the app she could do Google Street View to see where she was virtually walking. I thought it sounded pretty cool so I signed up for the Dia de Los Muertos virtual walk. It's an app called "The Conqueror". I am walking through Mexico. It's pretty cool. I walked 10.52 miles yesterday, mostly just throughout my usual day but I was encouraged to go for a longer walk with one of my dogs. Here are a few pics from the app...

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld The walking app sounds fun. I usually listen to a book or do a Peloton walking workout. I’m not a fan of spicy and I know my menfolk would balk at a meal without meat. Too bad about the weight gain. It happens. @ the slightestedgeforever I agree about the self help book. A few goals are a good way to start. Hi, all. I have finally caught the cold my husband and son have. I guess it was inevitable. I’m taking cold medication. Hopefully I can get over it quickly and go back to the pool.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld I don't like Thai food. Now it's possible that the one time I tried Thai food I didn't like the sauce or some other taste I didn't like. So now when I see or hear Thai food mentioned I go blech! But I used to say the same thing about coffee and I've been occasionally drinking pumpkin spiced lattes. So you never know. One day I might be eating Thai food. But in general I don't like Asian food. Too bad we don't live closer and you could make me some nice Thai food. That is a neat walking app. I'll have to look into it. Yaaay on getting your 8000 steps.

    @fabgeekmom I mostly listen to podcasts while I walk. Occasionally music. I hope you get over your cold soon. I have a very sensitive tongue and don't like really spicy food like Indian. Sometimes even Mexican can be a bit too much for me. lol

    I'm hoping the rain has stopped and tomorrow I can out for a proper walk.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom It is fun! When I walk, I tend to either listen to a book or I listen to fast music. Hahaha yeah my husband had to make a side of fish with that meal, he is definitely someone that likes to get extra protein in. Yeah, I was disappointed by the weight gain but as you said, it happens. I'm sorry you caught the cold. I hope you feel better soon.

    @theslightedgeforever You don't? It's my favorite type of food besides American! :D You do never know. I would make you some nice Thai food, I do make good Thai food. I make a nice Tom Yum vegetable soup and the curries are good, too. I also have made noodle dishes that turned out well. Yeah, I'm really liking the walking app. It is encouraging me to walk more. If you want to sign up, you can save 10% by using my link: No worries if you don't sign up, though. I don't remember if I said but each challenge is $30. I hope the rain stops for you.

    Hi all. I am now past 23% of my virtual walking challenge. I am "walking in" Cultivos El Viejo now. This will be my 2nd full day and I have walked 22.65 miles. Here is a view from where I am walking, it looks peaceful. And here is my walking log I am keeping in October, as you can see, I have greatly increased my steps from the beginning of the month! My foot isn't hurting as much, maybe I didn't get full-blown plantar fasciitis. Maybe it was the universe's way of telling me to wear proper shoes lol. I am going to an "Exercise Lite" class today. I have no idea what it is. I called the Y to ask but she gave me a very vague description that I found online. So, I guess it will be a surprise!

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."



  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld Good job on the walking app. It’s always good to find something fun while exercising. @theslightedgeforever I don’t like spicy but I do like to eat at a Thai restaurant. I get the noodle bowl with tofu and lots of vegetables. My husband is not a fan but orders the chicken pad Thai which is not too spicy and doesn’t have ginger. Hi, all. My cold is about the same but not too bad. It’s raining so I am not walking outside. My husband and I are going out for lunch. He’ll get fried oysters and I will probably get salmon. Then we are going to Target.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Afternoon all, I am sorry I haven't checked in...I caught the cold my 2 little ones have had and the baby still has a runny nose. OMG, I felt awful day before yesterday...I cried, was freezing, I just wanted to slit my throat it hurt so bad..add that to getting up to a screaming baby all night the last 3 nights...I just got him in bed and thought I would check in. I haven't even cared what I ate as long as my throat felt better. LOL. I got on the scale today and I am surprised at my weight. this time last year I just couldn't break the plateau I seemed to be at for a year...and I am 6 lbs under that and have been here for a bit. so I must be doing something right... (could be a 13 month old that never sleeps and can't play by himself). LOL

    @trooworld sorry about your foot. That ap looks like fun. I might try that when me and the baby goes for a walk. At least I would get out of my neighborhood. LOL. I am starting to actually wonder about walking my neighborhood, it is typically a good neighborhood, but I have been reading about somethings going on around me and thinking I can't get too complacent, I have always felt "nothing" happens to me..LOL

    @fabgeekmom I use my air fryer a lot as well. I have meat eaters here too..Me I can eat a PB sandwich and be fine.. :). I would love someone else in my house to cook...sometimes it's a chore for me. I love to cook, but I like to have time to enjoy cooking. :). ooooh candy corn..I can eat the whole bag in one sitting...and so therefore, we don't buy it. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You are the consistent one at almost everything. Me not so much. You will get back to your normal and not be in vacationland. I have faith in you. what in the world are Pumpkin whoopie pies?

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @cbabie I have a cold, too. My son gave it to my husband and it was inevitable that I would one, too. So I know how you feel. I’m retired so I have time to cook even though I do get tired of it, too. But since I like to eat healthy I have to do it. Occasionally my son cooks. Since I have a cold my meals have been simpler. I hope you feel better soon.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld I looked up the walking challenge you were doing and then saw how much to pay for each one. You are doing so well with your steps. Keep it up! I'm glad your foot is not hurting any longer. The rain did stop and I took a 36 min walk. Cold and windy. My nose was running by the time I got home.

    @fabgeekmom I could do noodles and vegetables and eat that. I like soy sauce. Salmon sounds really good. Hope your cold gets better soon.

    @cbabie Well you don't sound good. Upside is down 6 lbs. That's always a good thing. Maybe I should borrow the baby. lol I say walk down the big major street. Lots of traffic and people around on that. oooh candy corn. I usually wait til after Halloween so I get it cheaper. I like to take out 5or so and eat one color part at a time. I did well last year. I had it on my stash shelf for months. Do I need it? No. If I was so consistent I would be at my healthy weight goal. I have persistence. I just keep trying to figure out the thing that will work. Pumpkin Whoopie pies. Imagine a round Suzy-Q that is pumpkin flavored and not chocolate.

    I got a new water app last night while looking at troo's exercise app. Waterllama I'd love it if everyday water was no problem. I did drink more water than yesterday so.......
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! Indeed. I love salmon. I hope you feel better soon!

    @cbabie Oh that sounds awful, I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Congrats on the loss! The app is fun. For each challenge and you can set your goal date for up to 24 months away from the day you start. I think it's worth the money, it is motivating me to walk more (even with plantar fasciitis). Yeah, I know what you mean about walking in your neighborhood. I actually live in an okay neighborhood but it's in a sketchy part of San Diego so I worry when I go walk the dogs at 5:30 a.m. when it is still dark. I don't bring any pepper spray and I should. I kind of feel like, "Well, if I am meant to be attacked, I will be attacked. If I'm not, I won't be" I know that isn't the best way to be lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah I know it may seem like a lot of money for the challenges but I think it's worth it if it motivates me to walk more (and it is). Oh my foot hurts plenty. It just hurts less than the last time I got plantar fasciitis lol. And when I wrote that yesterday, it was hurting less. Now it is hurting a bit more but still less than the last time lol. Yay for your walk! I think I've heard of Waterllama. I hope the app helps, let us know how you like it. I feel the same about water. I dropped my $50 Yeti water bottle on the concrete and it somehow made it so the lid wouldn't come off. I wrote to Yeti and they are sending me a new one but it isn't here yet so I haven't been so good with my water (I don't have another water bottle, I've been drinking out of a non-reuseable plastic bottle).

    Hi all. My foot still hurts but not as badly as the last time I had plantar fasciitis. I walked a lot yesterday, we took the dogs for 2 long walks and I did a lot of walking around. I am now 42% done with my walking challenge! I am loving the challenge: I love the idea of Dia de Los Muertos so I am enjoying learning more about it through the postcards that the app sends me from myself along the way. Today, we are going to the zoo for member day. For member day, we get to get in an hour before the zoo opens to the public, which is good because kids get in free all month long so we will cut down on slow foot traffic a little.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld I’ve been to the San Diego zoo and I remember it was fun. I was getting over a broken femur so I rode the tram a lot. Too bad about the Yeti bottle but glad you are getting another one.
    Hi, all. I’m still feeling the effects of a cold and maybe I am a bit better. The good news is that I still sleep at night. Since we ate out for lunch yesterday we had soup and sandwiches for dinner. I could not find my low calorie bread so I bought some rye bread. It was so good! And I found low fat cheese which is usually head to find.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes! I love the zoo. Yes, Yeti has an excellent warranty. The bottles are expensive but worth it, I think. I'm glad you are a bit better. Soup and sandwiches sound good. I made Sheet Pan Lasagna (ST Simple, p 135). It didn't have enough sauce but it was good.

    Hi all. I decided to order a walking pad. A walking pad is like a smaller more portable treadmill. I hope I use it and it doesn't become another piece of fitness equipment I don't use. I envision walking on it while listening to audiobooks with my husband or while watching TV. We attempted to go to the zoo yesterday but the road to the zoo was closed for a marathon so we couldn't go.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 481 Member
    @trooworld Too bad about the zoo. I hope you like the walking pad.
    Hi, all. I’m feeling better but still have a cold. My son and I are going grocery shopping for the week. I plan on doing a cycling workout. Meals have been quick and easy, not very imaginative. I have some chicken breast that I made into tenders,marinated, and froze. I put them in the refrigerator to thaw last night. I will throw them on the grill. I should have leftovers for lunches.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Afternoon all, I feel like the yucky part of the cold started all over again today. had a rough day yesterday. We had to put 2 of the 3 dogs we have down. Me I am not the dog person, the other members of my family are the animal lots of tears and now today me, I get the yucky head cold again. I am just starting to get agitated about. being it won't let me lay down and sulk..LOL.

    @trooworld let me know how you like the walking pad. So glad you are enjoying your walking ap.

    @fabgeekmom I hope you get over and stay over the cold..LOL. I am retired too, just have little ones that use up all my energy. :). I do get tired of cooking, but I am like you really wanting to get the health benifits from food and not be on meds. We eat a lot of chicken. I keep hamburger in the freezer, but ordered it yesterday and $50 for almost 10 lbs...not cheap meals anymore. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You make me laugh, I can see you eating the different colors one at a time. Me it's a HANDFUL at a time.. LOL. we are so night and day. I will look at the water app, even though I am in AZ, I still have access to good water every day. LOL

    Hope you all have a great day, Fall is here, if we just say it in our minds long enough it will be true. LOL
