Why are people so negative regarding clean eating?



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    dont listen to the bs. men around 10% bf eat mostly clean! of course they treat themselves from time to time. but their cals are so restricted that they cant blow 800 cals on a mcdonalds. unless the are runners and they can eat whatever.

    and that is not everyone's goal.... I have lost 312 lbs. and had 17 lbs. of skin chopped off and have been in maintenance for the past 9 months at 248 lbs. and am for the first time in my 43 years happy in my own skin..... So that Wendy's Pretzel burger, large fry, and large frosty fit nicely into my day..... and tomorrow I will down a couple pounds of chicken.... different strokes for ........ but agreeded you haven't met SideSteel......
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    Is today groundhog day?

    Ever day is Groundhog Day with this topic. I can't help myself. I keep checking these threads. It's a sickness.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Maybe it's because some of us are tired of being told that we are "poisoning" ourselves by a bunch of sanctimonious a$$hats when we eat an occasional Lean Cuisine for lunch, that's why.

    OR, its because a large proportion of the so-called "clean eaters" on this site still consume processed foods as part of their diets yet maintain their hypocritical stance.

    Then again, it could be the misguided assumption by the "clean eating" crowd that all the rest of us do is blithely shove whatever we want down our gullets in some hedonistic ritual to appease the Fast Food Gods, and we would never, EVER consume anything even remotely healthy.

    I have no problem whatsoever with clean eating -- to each their own -- but try to force your views on me by telling me that I'm an ignoramus who has no concept of what is healthy and that I will die an early and horrible slow death by "poisoning" myself?

    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out....

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Hello. Welcome to life, now that it has started for you.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    WHAT! I totally missed that!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Yes Yes there is!!!! Nom Nom Nom
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Hello. Welcome to life, now that it has started for you.

  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    The basic premise is that lots and lots of people here have lost weight with the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) way. This means that you can eat whatever you want, so long as you stay within your caloric/macro goals. In essence, this is really the way to go, because you're not depriving yourself of anything (like you would on a typical "diet"). Learning to eat in a way that you can sustain forever will give you the best chance of success.

    That said, the "clean eaters" do catch a lot of flack here. IMO if you're eating healthy foods and not restricting your calories to an unhealthy level, then it's all good. It's true that you probably can't eat 100% "clean" but if you're doing your best to eliminate over-processed foods and the like (provided that this is your goal), there's absolutely no shame in that.

    Just don't post it on the main boards. :flowerforyou:
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Meh, I say do whatever works for you.

    Also, oddly enough, I was just perusing the fig newtons before reading this thread but I opted to not buy any.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Because most people don't have self discipline!!! And just because a person looses weight or are skinny don't make them healthy!!! Good for you for having self discipline and being healthy!!!

    This is why.

    That said, I don't see people get "bashed" for eating clean. I see people get "bashed" for making statements like this, especially when in later posts they reveal that they don't eat "clean" all the time either, which just makes it hypocritical.
  • freebirdjones
    Because most people don't have self discipline!!! And just because a person looses weight or are skinny don't make them healthy!!! Good for you for having self discipline and being healthy!!!

    ^^This statement right here is why 'clean' eaters get attacked on these boards.

    Your opinion, someone who eats clean has discipline if they are staying away from trigger foods.

    I myself have a varied diet and think because I can have a bite of trigger food and then put it down I have discipline. So it's all opinion. How disciplined are you if there are foods you cant eat because you'll eat the whole box? Id say exercise your muscles but also exercise your willpower too :)

    Also just to note I don't have a side, ELE Everybody Love Everybody :D so now quit bashing both sides.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Fig Newton!!!! I have not had those in forever.

    Is it still a "Fig" Newton if it is blueberry? Would it not then be a blueberry Newton?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think it's the anonymity. People feel they can say anything because they can't/won't be held accountable.

    I'm new to clean eating, we are making slow changes to get there. Mostly, I'm realizing that being healthy is about so much more than the number on the scale.

    Sending all kinds of positive energy your way. :)

    Perhaps not true for everyone, but I'm *much* snarkier IRL than I am online.

    Oh, and in...

    ...to catch up on this thread to witness this issue being addressed, discussed, and finally resolved.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Fig Newton!!!! I have not had those in forever.

    Is it still a "Fig" Newton if it is blueberry? Would it not then be a blueberry Newton?
    No, when logging figs only figs count as figs. When you add blueberries to it, it stops being fig.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I try not to attack the clean eater zealots, but my personal opinions lie with the IIFYM crowd.

    My issue with the clean eating zealots is that the less educated bunch tries to claim that weight and fitness can be achieved SOLELY through this method, regardless of calories eaten, which is scientifically false. Clean eating at a calorie deficit is what causes the weight loss, despite the food eaten.

    That being said, I do believe that it is beneficial to have the bulk of your diet containing what people view as clean foods. There are health benefits outside of weight loss and muscle building that less "processed" foods offer. However, foods that are traditionally viewed as "bad" for you are fine in moderation. And when it comes to weight loss, you can have a diet based solely on these "bad" foods and still lose weight.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    HOLD UP EVERYONE!!! I was reading through and something just caught my eye.

    There's a BLUEBERRY Fig Newton? I know there's a strawberry one, but there's a blueberry one too??

    Fig Newton!!!! I have not had those in forever.

    Is it still a "Fig" Newton if it is blueberry? Would it not then be a blueberry Newton?
    No, when logging figs only figs count as figs. When you add blueberries to it, it stops being fig.

    Logic does not work on me. You are mean! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :laugh: :drinker:
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    In my seriously unbiased opinion based on what I read here on these forums, clean eaters get attacked more often than the other way around.

    I agree. Too often when I go to read a board posting about "clean eating" to learn something, it gets hijacked by hate mail. I do not know of the same is true about other nutrition postings--but this kind of thing is obstruction.

    It would be better if dissenters avoided postings contrary to their own diet philosophy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    In my seriously unbiased opinion based on what I read here on these forums, clean eaters get attacked more often than the other way around.

    I agree. Too often when I go to read a board posting about "clean eating" to learn something, it gets hijacked by hate mail. I do not know of the same is true about other nutrition postings--but this kind of thing is obstruction.

    It would be better if dissenters avoided postings contrary to their own diet philosophy.

    What I read "Well if you don't like what I'm doing then you should just shut up! Who cares if misinformation is being spread and people are driving themselves crazy trying to cut out the food they enjoy? Who are you to offer alternatives? Just SHUT UP!!! WHAAAA"

  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    In my seriously unbiased opinion based on what I read here on these forums, clean eaters get attacked more often than the other way around.

    I agree. Too often when I go to read a board posting about "clean eating" to learn something, it gets hijacked by hate mail. I do not know of the same is true about other nutrition postings--but this kind of thing is obstruction.

    It would be better if dissenters avoided postings contrary to their own diet philosophy.

    you can create private groups to discuss whatever you want and you can stamp out all dissenting opinions if you so choose.

    however the public forums are public because... you know... they're public. so anyone can make a comment about anything they want.