

  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    Funny because I thought forums were for sharing of information... It is my personal experience only and solely my opinions.

    So you shared some information and some opinions. Others, in return, shared some information and gave their opinions. The majority of opinions disagreed with yours, and the information presented a lot of very good reasons to why the information you shared was incorrect.

    I don't see the problem. This seems like a productive conversation to me. What sort of response would you have found acceptable? Nothing short of unquestioning agreement? That's not information sharing and it's not supportive. If I posted incorrect information, I would want to be told - and if I posted opinions, I would expect others to respond honestly with their own, not lie about their real opinion in order to flatter me. Disagreement is not attack.

    Tammy has left the building :p I was curious to know if she was one of Smith's 'GSC Leaders', but ah well, hope she does have continued success in what she does. And if she doesn't-she knows where to find us know it alls :D
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    "Our body naturally tries to eliminate toxins, but overexposure to any of them will slow down the body’s detoxification systems. The reality is that you can assist the body in detoxifying and eliminating toxins that cause weight gain and harm your health. You can and should detoxify and cleanse the body if you want to live better and live longer. After your body utilizes nutrients from the food you eat, it must dispose of the unused food particles and waste produced by the digestive process. Without proper and complete elimination, undigested food can back up and leave toxins and waste in your body. But thanks to green smoothies, you can get the fiber you need to cleanse your body, tone your digestive system, and eliminate toxins.”

    “Although our bodies have the ability to eliminate toxins, it’s when the body gets overloaded with toxins that it stores them in fat cells. Fat cells don’t get broken down very easily, so they literally weigh down the body and make it bigger.”

    Excerpts From: Smith, J.J. “10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse.” Atria Books. iBooks.

    Just my opinion but think some of you are being a bit too critical. Just because something isn't for you doesn't mean it isn't great for someone else. I came across JJ Smiths book when searching for Green Smoothie recipes, as I wanted to incorporate more of these into my diet. I very loosely followed the plan along with high protein meals as well as shakes (since I drink protein shakes after workouts). She doesn't say you have to strictly do the cleanse and gives information how to modify. The author is a certified nutritionist and explains in great detail the importance of greens in your diet as well as the elimination of foods out of your system. This book is about a lifestyle change, which is key to any success to weight loss and good health. Personally, I found the book to be extremely helpful for more than just some recipes. You can't assume we all have healthy functioning livers and colons, etc... and that our bodies are just going to naturally do all the work for us. For some of us we need to get our bodies to that stage so that we can enjoy that healthy functioning and this book helped me to do that. I did not lose a ton of weight but instead learned how to change what I eat, how it affects me and how to make sure it is eliminated properly. I lose about 1 pound a week. Is it completely because of this book? No, but I credit it with giving me a good basis to start with and educating me as to how to change my lifestyle. To me, that is important. If this or anything else helps someone on the path to better health and weight loss then all the power to them. If you feel it's not for you, then just do you.

    Except from a book one must buy. Yeah, legit AF.
    Yeah, strong first post, indeed. How about some actual scientific studies? Any bozo can write a book.

    And claim to be a "nutritionist" I could be one tomorrow... no make that today.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited December 2016
    kami3006 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    And yet, mfp is......free.
    But never cleanse free. :'(

    And the New Year is coming.

    Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. Have not been here that long so I can only imagine what it must be like. Might have to take a bit of a break so my head doesn't explode.

    I usually leave the boards around February because of the mass redundancy of crash diet, juicing, and the start of the "I need to lose 50 pounds by June because I bought a wedding dress two sizes too small" threads. I come back just in time for the "how to manage the holidays" threads.

    I suspect half of those posts are shills but I'm just an experienced cynic whose seen this all before so don't mind me. ;)
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    Funny because I thought forums were for sharing of information... It is my personal experience only and solely my opinions.

    So you shared some information and some opinions. Others, in return, shared some information and gave their opinions. The majority of opinions disagreed with yours, and the information presented a lot of very good reasons to why the information you shared was incorrect.

    I don't see the problem. This seems like a productive conversation to me. What sort of response would you have found acceptable? Nothing short of unquestioning agreement? That's not information sharing and it's not supportive. If I posted incorrect information, I would want to be told - and if I posted opinions, I would expect others to respond honestly with their own, not lie about their real opinion in order to flatter me. Disagreement is not attack.

    Tammy has left the building :p I was curious to know if she was one of Smith's 'GSC Leaders', but ah well, hope she does have continued success in what she does. And if she doesn't-she knows where to find us know it alls :D

    She's an obvious shill or true believer, but it's so hard to tell the difference between them.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I am currently on day 7 of the JJ Smith 10 day cleanse I can say that it has gotten me out of my Sugar/bread/meat cravings and I feel good. I am doing the full cleanse for 10 days then going to do the modified cleanse which is two smoothies and snacks and 1 clean meal. I think I have gotten control of my eating habits and I am ready to continue this lifestyle change of eating cleaner and staying away from foods that are unhealthy or at least being able to control my eating habits. I also plan on staying with a paleo with minimal dairy low carb clean eating lifestyle. Am I trying to do to much too soon?

    I think I understand what you mean when you say "cleanse" your not saying detoxing, the "cleanse" is more "mindful" and it is keeping you away from the foods you crave, its a healthier option that will assist in breaking of a habit of unhealthy food. I say good for you. You know yourself better than anyone and what will work for you. Good luck, I too am trying down thirty something lbs now. Still have a way to go.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    Not even worth my responses either. Bunch of closed minded know it alls who apparently must have degrees in nutrition themselves or be dietitians, etc... Guess one is not allowed to express their opinion or personal experiences on here without being critiqued by strong minded individuals who can't at least have replies that are not sarcastic or judgmental.

    Have a great day and I wish for positive vibes to come your way. How you treat others is a reflection of you and will be your kharma. Thank you all for making me feel so horrible about posting on here.

    I don't believe in karma....

    ...or detox smoothies.

    The concept of karma has really been twisted into something vengeful, which ironically would bring bad karma to the person wishing bad karma on the person who wronged them. I'll leave it at that, because I could angry rant about it for a while. Plus it's an unneeded tangent that would add nothing to the topic at hand.

    And would only bring bad karma back to you. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    Not even worth my responses either. Bunch of closed minded know it alls who apparently must have degrees in nutrition themselves or be dietitians, etc... Guess one is not allowed to express their opinion or personal experiences on here without being critiqued by strong minded individuals who can't at least have replies that are not sarcastic or judgmental.

    Have a great day and I wish for positive vibes to come your way. How you treat others is a reflection of you and will be your kharma. Thank you all for making me feel so horrible about posting on here.

    I don't believe in karma....

    ...or detox smoothies.

    The concept of karma has really been twisted into something vengeful, which ironically would bring bad karma to the person wishing bad karma on the person who wronged them. I'll leave it at that, because I could angry rant about it for a while. Plus it's an unneeded tangent that would add nothing to the topic at hand.

    Whew, that was close!