November 2016 Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @azercord OUCH! Take care of that toe and don't be stupid Man!

    @lissadecker Are you feeling better?

    @NikolaosKey Welcome :)

    I don't think I've properly congratulated @Stoshew71 and @ohhim so CONGRATS on your races.

    Nov 1 - 45 min light walking, not all at once
    Nov 2 - Rest day
    Nov 3 - 4 mile run and .75 mi walk
    Nov 4 - 2.5 mi run (went badly) and 1.5 mi walk, pilates
    Nov 5 - 1.35 mi run to Dollar General and back, 3.65 mi run with intervals, .8 mi walk
    Nov 6 - 1 hour indoor cardio/strength combo workout
    Nov 7 - 45 min light cardio.....3.1 mi run and a little more walking
    Nov 8 - 1 slow mile walk, BACK PAIN
    Nov 10 - NOTHING - BACK PAIN
    Nov 11 - 6 mi run, 3.6 mi walk
    Nov 12 - 4 mi hilly run, 2 mi walk
    Nov 13 - 4 mi run, .75 mi walk

    Running Goal 28.6/60 miles

    I'm on track to reach 60 again but I think I'm going to have to accept that 60 is my max and maybe even pushing it at times. My shin started hurting last night and this morning my back is super stiff and sore and cracking (that could be because it's freezing in my house! LOL). Friday it was my shoulder. It just seems like pain is becoming more and more a part of my life and I think I'll just have to be happy to run when my body cooperates and as much as my body tolerates.

    I really was enjoying my run last night though, not looking at my watch at all. The moon was bright and also people have started getting their professionally installed Christmas lights up :-p Since I've started running in the dark the past few months I think it's going to be fun watching the town get more and more lit up with Christmas lights while I run :)
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited November 2016
    @Azercord - hope the toe heals soon. Think I agree with your wife - if it was one of your other toes I'd have said try it out, but big toe is important for balance so may be a bit early for running. When I broke mine last year I couldn't even walk quickly for a few weeks.

    Completed my first planned double run day! Following my easy 5k this morning, I had a fast 10k planned this evening but brought it forward a few hours to beat sundown when my afternoon appointment got cancelled.

    At 10C and overcast with a mild breeze it was pleasant, but still very wet. Wasn't aiming to break any records, and didn't know how body would react to double run so set out aiming for anything sub 1hr 3min. Started off ok completing 5k in 29:45, but soon after 5k I was drastically overheating as I had dressed for rain. There was no way I would be able to keep up the pace so shed my outer layer and slowed right down to easy (practically walking) pace for 500m. Decided at this point to switch my workout to a circuit doing short fast intervals along half the lap (approximately 8 x 50m fast/50m MP - was between lampposts rather than measured intervals) then an easy pace round the other half the lap. Ended up being 1hr 4min, but my legs definitely know they've had a workout which was the aim of the session in lieu of doing a lower body gym session!

    2-Nov: 13.1k - 3 laps of hilly route.
    4-Nov: 6.26k - Planned 11k easy, but cut short as very stiff/tired.
    7-Nov: 11.25k easy.
    9-Nov: 6k fast
    12-Nov: 18k - longest run to date. Very wet.
    14-Nov (AM): 5.1k easy. Wet and sluggish (no warm-up)
    14-Nov (PM): 10k as 5k tempo + 5k intervals
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 I think Josh and I might have talked about that. I'll be waiting for you both at the finish line again this year at RCM. Skip is taking ACTs so she won't be running indoor that weekend. Try the grape especially, Skip highly disagrees but she snacks on granola so what does she know.
  • Redhouse6758
    Redhouse6758 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, I have been trying to find the main page for this challenge. I thought there was a separate web address. If so, if someone could direct me I would be appreciative.
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Goal: 50 Mi Run / 50 Mi Walk
    11/1 3.28 mi run 3.28 mi run total
    11/1 1.57 mi walk 1.57 mi walk total
    11/3 4.44 mi run 7.72 mi run total
    11/5 3.71 mi run 11.43 mi run total
    11/5 1.08 mi walk 2.65 mi walk total
    11/6 5.26 mi run 16.69 mi run total
    11/6 0.71 mi walk 3.36 mi walk total
    11/9 3.59 mi run 20.28 mi run total
    11/10 4.01 mi run 24.29 mi run total
    11/10 1.54 mi walk 4.9 mi walk total
    11/12 3.23 mi run 27.52 mi run total
  • Redhouse6758
    Redhouse6758 Posts: 30 Member
    @greenolivetree yes, this is what I was looking for. Thank you.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member

    Date .. Miles .. Total
    11/01 .. 05.6 .. 05.6
    11/02 .. Rest
    11/03 .. 06.5 .. 12.1
    11/04 .. Rest
    11/05 .. Rest
    11/06 .. 08.4 .. 20.5
    11/07 .. Rest
    11/08 .. 07.0 .. 27.5
    11/09 .. Rest
    11/10 .. Rest
    11/11 .. 04.9 .. 32.4
    11/12 .. 10.3 .. 42.7
    11/13 .. Rest

    150+ new posts, I am not gonna try catch up this time.

    I was finally able to fit the 10-mile run in. The first after the HM at the end of August. But 2 of my kids took turn getting sick and I skipped a run or two. So, my weekly mileage stayed almost the same with my long run almost half of my weekly mileage. I remember it is best to keep the long run no more than 1/3 of the weekly mileage. Can someone remind me why? Just wonder what kind of risk I was putting myself in...

    In the meantime, I was told that my friend's college age girl would like to run with my girl in the upcoming 5k in Thanksgiving. That means, I will have a chance to try for a 5k PR next Thursday. With less than 2 weeks, what types of runs may give me best chance of a PR? I have an average of 20 weekly miles the last 7 weeks.

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Well folks, it was bound to happen. I am getting burned out on running.

    Over the weekend, I did not run. I had a six-mile walk on Saturday and that was enough. I planned to run on Sunday but when it came down to it, I just wasn't feeling it. It was the first time I likened running to a chore. So I skipped Sunday, telling myself I would run on Monday. I still plan to run tonight, but I don't know how much. I plan to just let my body dictate how many miles it wants to do, and keep it at that.

    I'm planning to re-think my goal for the month. I may be pushing myself too hard, and that's why I'm feeling burned out. I will still keep my goal at 130 total miles walking/running, but I will probably wind up shifting more miles over to walking and less from running. We'll see. Who knows, maybe I'll come out of this funk stronger than before, but for the foreseeable future I do not think I want to run as much as I have been.

    I don't know. It could be the depression acting up. I don't have any injuries or fatigue. Just a nagging sense of ennui regarding running, and exercise in general.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RespectTheKitty we've all been there. Maybe try fartlek runs or other faster runs, just to mix things up? Other than that, switching to more walking will be good too. It's good to mix things up
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @MNLittleFinn I have never tried fartlek runs. That might be worth looking into, especially on the treadmill. It could also help me get more bang for my buck in less time.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MNLittleFinn I have never tried fartlek runs. That might be worth looking into, especially on the treadmill. It could also help me get more bang for my buck in less time.

    I really enjoy doing faster runs, Fartleks, tempo runs, intervals. maybe throwing one of those in a week would be good. Fartleks are easy, just vary your pace. Tell yourself you'll go faster for 30 seconds, or a minute, whatever, then go back to easy, wash, rinse, repeat.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @RespectTheKitty My actual desire to run is an ebb and flow. Switching things up can help - different time/different place/different workout (like fartlek or hill repeats). I've definitely struggled lately with days of waning desire to run. Your running is for you - just remember that. Do what makes you happy. I've been listening to Christmas music. LOL!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited November 2016

    Time for find your inner runner. This is different for different people.

    To me, the excitement of a PR at a race and seeing how much I have improved makes it all worth it for all the hard training I put in. Boston for me is a huge motivator for getting up early and getting it in.

    However, not everyone is wired the same way and different people find different "turn ons" when it comes to running or any type of physical activity.

    Running with a group and looking forward to the company of other runners is 1 great motivation. Getting out in the fresh air or changing up your scenery may do the trick. If you are stuck doing the same route in the same neighborhood day after day, that can become a drainer. If you are constantly in the gym on the treadmill looking at the same 4 walls all the time, that can be a drain too.

    If you are used to the roads, try a trail run. Try different pacing like @MNLittleFinn suggested. Try a different running group if there are other options. Try a different neighborhood. Or maybe cut back and refocus. Evaluate your goals. Maybe challenge yourself to a race or a new race distance.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @Stoshew71 despite not feeling burnt out right now, those articles were great for me too
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    11/1: Body Pump, 20 minutes on Stationary Bike (5.3 miles), and 1 mile on Dreadmill
    11/2: 45 minutes on Elliptical, substituted for 5 miles of running
    11/3: Rest Day
    11/4: 30 minutes on Elliptical, substituted for 3 mile run
    11/5: 1 hour 45 minutes on Elliptical, substituted for 11 mile run
    11/6: 3.2 miles: Dallas Marathon Social Run
    11/7: 45 minutes on Elliptical, substituted for 5 mile run
    11/8: Body Pump, 15 minutes on Stationary Bike
    11/9: 54 minutes on elliptical, substituted for 6 mile run
    11/10: Body Pump and 27 minutes on elliptical, substituted for 3 mile run
    11/11: Rest Day
    11/12: 3 mile run, 1:20:00 on Elliptical, substituted for 8 mile run, runners yoga
    11/13: 54 minutes on Elliptical, substituted for 6 mile pace run
    11/14: 3 mile run

    New Goal is to work in real running to the elliptical so I can still complete my upcoming Half Marathon. Old goal was to keep up with marathon training on elliptical until I can run again. I’m doing the elliptical based on average time to run scheduled mileage.

    2016 Races Completed:
    Buffalo Boogie (5K) May 7 – 23:42
    Marine Creek Trailhead Trot (5K) May 14 – 22:00
    Joe’s Run (10K) June 4 – 48:04
    Firecracker 5000 (5K) July 4 – 22:51
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (15K at Night) July 16 – 1:32:05
    Clark Gardens I’m Only Half Crazy Half Marathon/5K (HM) Oct 1 – 1:48:21

    Upcoming Races:
    BMW Dallas Marathon (HM) Dec 11
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Running update for Saturday and Monday: Had another good run this morning. I only felt a slight twinge of pain when I fell back into my previous running technique. Once I corrected to kicking back further on the toe off and using my glutes, the pain went away. I did have some tenderness in my hamstring after Saturday's run, but absolutely no pain while running. I also had a little bit of tenderness today after my morning run, but it totally went away by mid-morning so that's better than Saturday. The PT said I can gradually increase my mileage. We discussed long runs and my upcoming half marathon. Hopefully, my hamstring will hold up, but my number 1 goal is to be marathon ready by the end of February.

    @azercord Hope your toe heals fast. Years ago, I broke my toe in Mexico. LOL! I had the bright idea to play barefoot soccer on the beach. (I'm sure margaritas are to blame...) There’s no way I could have run with a broken toe. I could barely walk. I’m not sure I could have even put on a shoe other than flip flops.

    @respectTheKitty Sorry to hear you’ve lost that loving feeling. ;) As others have mentioned, maybe try something new…especially on the weekends. I love to go and find scenic places to run, such as parks with paths along rivers or lakes. Also trail running is super fun. I don’t even need music to keep me entertained when I run on trails. I just enjoy hearing the sound of my feet hitting the dirt, focusing on my breathing and the path I’m going to take, listening to the birds sing and trying to spot deer in the woods. It makes me happy.
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    @07KatieP13 - you're doing fab on your C210k. My distance is down today as I did it on the dreadmill - way too drizzly and damp here in the NW :/


    1st: 2.25 miles - MTD 2.25
    2nd: 1.18 miles, strength training and Pilates - MTD 3.43
    3rd: 2.51 miles C210k - MTD 5.94
    4th: 0 miles - MTD 5.94
    5th: 2.39 miles - MTD 8.33 Wk5:D3 C210k - as I get back to running
    6th: 0 miles, but some good miles walking - MTD
    7th: 2.53 miles run/walk, Wk6:D1 C210k, strength training and Pilates - MTD 10.86
    8th: 2.65 miles, Wk6:D2 C210k - MTD 13.51
    9th: 0 miles, stationary bike, strength training and Pilates - MTD 13.51
    P10th: 0 miles - MTD 13.51
    11th: 0 miles - MTD 13.51
    12th: 2.55 miles Wk6:D3 C210k - the MTD 16.06
    13th: 0 miles - MTD 16.06
    14th: 2.4 miles, Wk7:D1 C210k, strength training and Pilates - MTD 18.46

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2016
    November walking miles

    3---3.1 walk, 25 minute swim, 2.8 walk
    4--- travel
    6,7,8--- Nada, pt, Nada


    Not Advisable races:
    12/11/16 BMW Dallas Marathon, Half (registered)
    Run the year 2016  898.42/ 2016 (DNF)

    Advisable races:
    March 19th 2017 RNR Half Dallas, TX
    March 26th 2017 A2A 5k Ardmore, OK
    April 30th 2017 OKC Memorial Marathon, Half

    Hey, anyone streakin' this year? I think I'm gonna try again.