Culking Bishes!!! Winter2016 / Spring 2017



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Question for you guys? At what point do you consider someone having big arms? A young guy was complaining about how he didn't have big arms and randomly asked me how I got them (I let him work in while I was doing OHP). Ironically, I have only been training big for about 13 weeks and prior to that was programs like P90X and BodyBeast (you can stop laughing now). But even before then, i have 15" biceps and currently between 15.5" -16" since i started training. I didn't think that was big. I think they just look "big" as I have really lean forearms and well developed triceps/shoulders.

    I think mine are 17", but I dont train them with anything but I suppose chin ups when I do because genetically they grow like weeds and look ridiculous compared to the rest of my body. So that is when they are big, when they make the rest if your body look tiny.

    Yea, my program only has 1 isolation a week for biceps. Personally, i rather spend more time with compounds.

    Yep same here. I'm currently not even touching anything but the big three besides chins, back X and press as my accessories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Having the ability to cook = winning!


    Ahi Tuna Poke with an avocado mango salsa and rice.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Love the name change!

    @trigden1991 - Amazing definition in your legs!

    @Gallowmere1984 - I can't believe how quickly you have plowed through cutting! I admire your dedication.

    I am down about 3.5 pounds in 4 weeks. I started out eating 1450 calories - that did not last long! I am eating around 1600 calories now. I am *kitten* hungry. I am trying to hold out on increasing calories though. I need to be done with cutting by May. Mid May - August is one family celebration after another (lots of birthdays!). I do not want to be cutting during all these celebrations!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    Love the name change!

    @trigden1991 - Amazing definition in your legs!

    @Gallowmere1984 - I can't believe how quickly you have plowed through cutting! I admire your dedication.

    I am down about 3.5 pounds in 4 weeks. I started out eating 1450 calories - that did not last long! I am eating around 1600 calories now. I am *asparagus* hungry. I am trying to hold out on increasing calories though. I need to be done with cutting by May. Mid May - August is one family celebration after another (lots of birthdays!). I do not want to be cutting during all these celebrations!

    I've actually found this pacing to be the easiest and most beneficial for me. I'm in, down ten pounds, and out before I even start getting really hungry or losing any strength.

    The only challenging part for me, is the really slow approach that I take to reverse dieting back to maintenance. I'm almost a month in, and still shedding about a pound per week, which falls into the normal range for most people, but is only about 20-25% of the speed that I clip during the 11-12 RFL days.
  • AMSmit88
    AMSmit88 Posts: 100 Member
    Late to the party (as always) but loving the new thread name. Cutting starts today - leaping in at 1500 cals before a little diet break end of April. I'm going to Italy and there is no way I'm not eating ALL the pasta.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Gimsteinn1 wrote: »
    I'm so doing this wrong... Mind if I bug in here and ask you guys a question cause you all seem so pro in this :D

    I tried bulking and ate in surplus for 12 weeks but hardly gained any weight, around 5 kg or 11 lbs.. Then I started cutting and in the first week I lost 6.6 lbs or 3 kg and then nothing.. I keep loosing inches but my weight stays the same. I'm down a size and I keep getting smaller but I also keep getting stronger and my muscles more visible.
    I'm eating around 1780-2000 calories per day and working out 6-8 times per week with one rest day on Sundays.

    My profile pic is 2 days old and at the time I was around 18-19% fat (I think, was 19% 4 weeks ago). So I'm wondering if I'm eating to many calories and just recomping (I'm tiny so I might need less calories but I do a lot of intense workouts and lift heavy + I pole dance) or if it's just super hard when you get under 20% BF?

    Recomp means you are staying the same weight and slowly losing fat while gaining muscle. It kinda sounds like you are doing that if you are not losing weight but your muscles are more becoming more visible.

    Are you trying to get down to a certain body fat % for a competition? What is your goal?

    I know for me when I reach a lower weight (and body fat) it gets much harder. I have a lot less energy so I am not burning as many calories. I think about food ALL THE TIME so it is harder to adhere to my diet. So for me the question is is it worth it?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Diet break is going well; stuck to 10% under maintenance for 5 days and then averaged 7000 calories a day this weekend. Leptin and glycogen levels should be sorted now I reckon ;)
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    Weight has gone up and down like a yo yo since I came back from my trip 2 & half weeks ago but finally has started to settle down and the figures have become more consistent. Down 2kg/4.4lbs since I last weighed in which was the day after I returned from the trip. I imagine the rate of loss will slow down now to a normal level.

    Have 7 weeks from today before I head to Rome for a few days before my friend's wedding on the east coast of Italy. Operation defluff continues.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    I started my two week phase of Eat Less Exercise Less yesterday. The scale showed an 11 lb increase for last week, but I'm down 4lbs overnight. I'm already feeling tons better.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    leajas1 wrote: »
    Cutting blows. I can't believe that this calorie amount used to be a way of life for me. I'm seriously thinking about hanging out here (1450ish) through April and then doing Lyle M's Rapid Fat Loss for the few lbs I'll have left (Gallowmere - this is how you cut, yes?). I want it done so I can just maintain for the summer.

    Yeah, I use RFL for cutting. I shed ten pounds on my first 11 day run, then another two during the followup week of lesser deficit. Currently sitting at a moving average of 166.9 (from a high of 180.8), and I'll decide at the end of this week if I want a round 2, or if I am just going to sit at maintenance until December for my first PL meet.

    I had a quick look at what RFL is, I'd like to try that once....just to see if I could do it. LOL! It sounds like pure evil, but it's intriguing nonetheless.

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    leajas1 wrote: »
    Cutting blows. I can't believe that this calorie amount used to be a way of life for me. I'm seriously thinking about hanging out here (1450ish) through April and then doing Lyle M's Rapid Fat Loss for the few lbs I'll have left (Gallowmere - this is how you cut, yes?). I want it done so I can just maintain for the summer.

    Yeah, I use RFL for cutting. I shed ten pounds on my first 11 day run, then another two during the followup week of lesser deficit. Currently sitting at a moving average of 166.9 (from a high of 180.8), and I'll decide at the end of this week if I want a round 2, or if I am just going to sit at maintenance until December for my first PL meet.

    I had a quick look at what RFL is, I'd like to try that once....just to see if I could do it. LOL! It sounds like pure evil, but it's intriguing nonetheless.

    It is pure genius and evil rolled into 12 days (or more) of pain/suffering but you will make more progress than you've ever imagined.

    A few people on here have lost 5-10lbs of FAT and 10-20lbs of "weight" in one cycle.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    leajas1 wrote: »
    Cutting blows. I can't believe that this calorie amount used to be a way of life for me. I'm seriously thinking about hanging out here (1450ish) through April and then doing Lyle M's Rapid Fat Loss for the few lbs I'll have left (Gallowmere - this is how you cut, yes?). I want it done so I can just maintain for the summer.

    Yeah, I use RFL for cutting. I shed ten pounds on my first 11 day run, then another two during the followup week of lesser deficit. Currently sitting at a moving average of 166.9 (from a high of 180.8), and I'll decide at the end of this week if I want a round 2, or if I am just going to sit at maintenance until December for my first PL meet.

    I had a quick look at what RFL is, I'd like to try that once....just to see if I could do it. LOL! It sounds like pure evil, but it's intriguing nonetheless.

    It is pure genius and evil rolled into 12 days (or more) of pain/suffering but you will make more progress than you've ever imagined.

    A few people on here have lost 5-10lbs of FAT and 10-20lbs of "weight" in one cycle.


    It's DEFINITELY not for everyone, but if you can hack it and follow it to the letter, you absolutely will see results.

    I've now decided to end my exceptionally paranoid and slow reverse diet to maintenance. Haven't lost any strength, but no longer really progressing either.

    Been losing 1.1/week on 2400/day for the last three weeks. Bumping to 2850, changing macros to a more energetic split (30/50/20 p/c/f) throwing in some hill sprints after deadlift and squat sessions, and other than that, keeping my activity about the same (walking 8-10 miles per day). Might need to adjust up again, but we'll see in a couple of weeks.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm officially in a deficit.
    Over share- pmsing AND in a deficit is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman/lifter.

    Seriously- I can DEFINITELY tell I'm in a deficit- on top of the whole pms *kitten*- today can go get fkced and I'm usually not this ragey over just pms this late in the game. So- yeah- deficit hangry is real.

  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I'm officially in a deficit.
    Over share- pmsing AND in a deficit is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman/lifter.

    Seriously- I can DEFINITELY tell I'm in a deficit- on top of the whole pms *kitten*- today can go get fkced and I'm usually not this ragey over just pms this late in the game. So- yeah- deficit hangry is real.


    Eyes on the prize!!!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I'm officially in a deficit.
    Over share- pmsing AND in a deficit is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman/lifter.

    Seriously- I can DEFINITELY tell I'm in a deficit- on top of the whole pms *kitten*- today can go get fkced and I'm usually not this ragey over just pms this late in the game. So- yeah- deficit hangry is real.


    Think of the shreds though........
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I'm officially in a deficit.
    Over share- pmsing AND in a deficit is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman/lifter.

    Seriously- I can DEFINITELY tell I'm in a deficit- on top of the whole pms *kitten*- today can go get fkced and I'm usually not this ragey over just pms this late in the game. So- yeah- deficit hangry is real.


  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    Gimsteinn1 wrote: »
    I'm so doing this wrong... Mind if I bug in here and ask you guys a question cause you all seem so pro in this :D

    I tried bulking and ate in surplus for 12 weeks but hardly gained any weight, around 5 kg or 11 lbs.. Then I started cutting and in the first week I lost 6.6 lbs or 3 kg and then nothing.. I keep loosing inches but my weight stays the same. I'm down a size and I keep getting smaller but I also keep getting stronger and my muscles more visible.
    I'm eating around 1780-2000 calories per day and working out 6-8 times per week with one rest day on Sundays.

    My profile pic is 2 days old and at the time I was around 18-19% fat (I think, was 19% 4 weeks ago). So I'm wondering if I'm eating to many calories and just recomping (I'm tiny so I might need less calories but I do a lot of intense workouts and lift heavy + I pole dance) or if it's just super hard when you get under 20% BF?

    11 lb gain in 12 weeks would actually be considered decent, I wouldn't call it "hardly any gain", although from the sound of it more than 6 lb's of it was simply water retention, that kinda jump happens when you decrease the carb amounts.

    So seems you were on a smaller caloric surplus than you originally thought. I would take it as 13 weeks, 4.4 pound gain, about 0.34 lb/week, which equates to around 170 higher than your TDEE (Sounds like its in 1610-1830 range), so if you wanna bulk up 1 lb / week, you would go with 340 more, so 2120- 2340 calories/day.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I'm officially in a deficit.
    Over share- pmsing AND in a deficit is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman/lifter.

    Seriously- I can DEFINITELY tell I'm in a deficit- on top of the whole pms *kitten*- today can go get fkced and I'm usually not this ragey over just pms this late in the game. So- yeah- deficit hangry is real.


    Ughh...That was me last week. Luckily it passed and I am feeling OKish about my deficit this week. I sympathize - it sucks!

    I am starting to do 1 maintenance (or slightly higher than maintenance) day a week to see if it helps with diet adherence. I had a day where I kinda broke and ate EVERYTHING - gained 5 pounds of water/waste weight overnight. I was so incredibly bloated the next day. I felt fatter than when I was bulking!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I have not been here in quite a while. Finished my bulk this past Sunday. Total gained 14 pounds, date started Nov 4th.

    The last two 1/2 to three weeks I basically maintained at 2100 calories (nope, this shorty could not bulk above that, sad face)..

    Slow cut for me... backed calories from 2100 to 1800 not that bad (YET :# ), but mentally losing those calories has made me sad. :'(

    I did meet my "I have bulked till I can't stand myself any longer" BUT my starting point lean wise was a wise choice. Let the summer cut begin. :)