

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon~ I know that if I want to see a play or something, I can't just poof be at the Arlene Switzer? (spelling) Hall and see it. But I can see stuff at the Liberty Theater, and that is special in its own right. I do have a Fred Meyers, but our dear baker passed away in Astoria, so I'm sad about that, we don't have a mall which I miss sometimes, but we do have 2 movie theaters to choose from!
    embracing everything coastie....in

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hey everyone! Finally got caught up so can post a little. End of first week at work. Spent a lot of time doing forms for insurance etc. trying to find a person to talk to about how to coordinate my insurance from work with my Medicare. Got nowhere with Medicare people or our payroll so finally found the state rules about it. On Monday I will talk to the Health Care Authority and they will have the answers.

    Job is going well - coworkers are all friendly and glad to have me there to help on this case. I have been wearing my fitbit and I am getting in almost 7000 steps a day just at work. I think God had a plan for me to be so far away from the restroom! I set my fitbit with an alarm every hour so I get up from my desk even if it is just to go get water. When I worked before I spent way too much time sitting at my desk and not taking a break. Anyway I have lost 6 lbs so whooppee! I take my lunch and have almonds and craisins mixed for snacks.

    Sherry - I am so happy to hear that you are safe and happy!

    I wonder what has happened to Irish Terry - I miss her saying about being a cog

    Didn't open up something to write in tonight so can't respond to everyone but I did read all of your post so to all the newbies Welcome! To all of my established sisters - I wish you all well and am so glad you are in my life!

    Gloria in waiting for snow WA (of course my car heater is now acting up! Ugh!!!)winter-clothing-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited December 2016
    Peach - I feel so grateful for my grandchildren. To me it seems amazing to have them in my life. When I was a mum I didn't really enjoy small children (I was better with babies) , so it is an added bonus and delight. Your granddaughter is lovely! <3

    Verna - From one old lady of 67 to another -WELCOME! There are quite a few oldies on here. :D When I started on here over 4 years ago, at the age of 62 I definitely felt 80. I had severely compromised mobility. Even turning over in bed or getting in the car was a struggle. Now I am 57 pounds lighter and I feel 35 (most days! ) I used to be the world's most reluctant exerciser. Now I make sure I do it every day and my life has been transformed. I am largely pain free and able to move like a much younger person (though still with a dodgy knee) :laugh: I started slowly and built up gradually. This process is not instant, but persistence pays off.
    I hope you will stay with this thread and join in with our struggles to get and keep "fit for life".

    Love Heather UK

    PS - Gloria - So glad the job is going well! Wow! 6 pounds! :drinker:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2016
    My oldest sister fell last might and broke her ankle, the bone punctured the skin. They did surgery today, she is very very overweight and has COPD and has been on oxygen for many years. The surgery lasted five hours, she came out of it and seemed to be dong fine and eating dinner, but later became unresponsive and they had to call the emergency response team and move her to ICU. Please pray and/or send positive thots for her and the family.

    On a more positive note, I've lost 5 lbs since the day before Thanksgiving. Thankfully losing the water weight gain from being on the steroids. I need to keep it going in that direction.

    Having a two year old granddaughter in the house all day has worn me out. She followed me like my shadow, helped fold towels and wash clothes, fed me and her baby and "wiped" our faces endlessly and insisted on being lifted up several times during the preparation of dinner to see what I was doing. She's is a doll baby, very petite and talks non-stop, I understand about every third word. lol

    Janetr okc
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Gloria - I am so glad your job is going so well! And 6 lbs.....wooot!!!!! Sorry about your car heater....mine has been wimping out too....I think the heater core might be a little plugged or something, it doesn't get as warm as it used to, will have to get that looked at very soon as it is supposed to snow here in the next couple of days....

    I went by the market here like I said I would.....the lady behind the counter was very nice, a little eccentric, but very nice....her name is Willow, she is 62, and happens to live in the trailer next to me on my right.....the park manager (Ron) was right, they are a little expensive in there but not too bad....they have a little of just about everything in there so it will be a good place to pu oddball things I forgot or run out of and need....they have a small deli in there...might have to try it....I think it's open 7 days a week.....

    Went to the post office here too....no one there but you can get to the p.o.boxes on Saturdays....Willow said there is someone there Monday - Friday, she couldn't remember how much the boxes are....that's OK, I will find out and get one on Monday....

    After that I jumped in the car and drove in to The Dalles.....went to Home Depot and got everything I need for winterizing....the neighbors have planned to gather at my place about noon to start this little party....I stopped at Safeway, picked up my scrips from the pharmacy and some goodies for munchies for everybody for tomorrow....bought a cute pink sweater at the Salvation Army thrift store and 6 movies I haven't seen....went to Goodwill, didn't find any decent DVDs but did find a book titled "Karmic Astrology" that looked rather interesting so I bought it.....treated myself to a Mushroom Swiss burger at Dairy Queen for a late lunch....passed my step goal for today according to my Fitbit....I love this thing, I am so glad my former neighbor got it for me....she knows I would never buy something new like this for myself....why buy new when used will do?....returned "Nine Lives" to Redbox, if you haven't seen it yet and like cats you should see it, rented a couple more movies.....one was kind of boring and ho-hum, the other I had seen before but liked so I got it again....they need to get some new movies in those boxes....I've seen all the good ones....

    Then I came home and chowed on lots of broccoli, a sweet potato (you know I love my tubers!), some non-fat cottage cheese and just a smidge of Rocky Road ice cream for desert....managed to stay under calories, carbs, cholesterol and sodium today as well as made my protein and fat goals.....kind of a weird dinner but it suited my fiber and protein needs, what the heck anyway, I live alone and can eat whatever unconventional foods I want, right?.....then I watched both movies, chatted with you all a little bit during and now am tucked into bed with Missy right here with me....

    On the subject of quilting....when I was 11 I helped cut the shapes out of the materials for a hand sewn patchwork quilt.....does that count??......lol.....my Grammy taught me how to crochet but I haven't done that in a while.....I tried to learn how to knit once, but for some reason I just couldn't get the hang of it.....I really like to paint nature scenes on canvas with acrylics but since I moved into this motorhome there just wasn't enough room for all my painting stuff so I sold it all off along with what paintings of mine I had left....maybe someday I will get back into it again....

    Well, I think I have rambled on long enough.....this post is getting kind of long.....today has been busy and I am exhausted.....it was a beautiful day today here....time to go through all the newsletters I get in my email inbox and delete the ones I don't want to read....haven't been checking my emails the last couple of days so it's probably getting full....I hope everybody is having as good a weekend as I am....welcome to all the newbies....great bunch of gals here!....OK, that's enough....later all....

    Sherry and Missy in "big yawn" Dufur

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Sore throat & getting stuffier by the minute...ugh!

    Charleen/Joyce enjoyed reading your quilting stories. I have never quilted but like Barbie have knitted most of my life. I've got a number of projects going...socks for one of my sons, afghans for grandchildren ( two finished, five to go) and recently finished two baby blankets for a local charity. I've done counted cross stitch samplers which are framed & will go to my DDiLs eventually...too much sitting!

    Got to try to get a little sleep

    Lois cranky on the North Shore of Ma
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    janet sending strength and <3 for your sister's recovery. Glad you had your darling GD to keep your mind occupied, sounds like a busy bee and adorable :)

    Had a poor nights sleep, could have been that motivational cup of coffee to get me to the gym. It worked and I went and I'm going again today. Getting back on track is a one day, one choice at a time kind of thing.

    Did anyone else watch a program on pbs called food recovery? All about good food choices that heal, really informative, think I can add a few choices, chia seeds and pumpkin purée to a few meals. and of course it never hurts to hear the common strategies- drink water, eat your leafy greens etc

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Janetr - So sorry to hear about your sister. :'( Sending (((((((HUGS))))))) - big ones. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    JanetR - thinking about you and your sis...

    Lisa in rainy, cold, West Texas.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Happy Sunday girls
    Just got back from my first full session at the gym and I actually enjoyed it, did some cardio got the heart rate up and some resistance Wooh a first, proof it's never too late for us old girls

    I am going back tomorrow
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    lost the end of my post????
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen, Lisa, Heather thanks ladies for your kind thots and words, I appreciate it. You are all like extended family.

    Janetr okc
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Prayers for your sister's recovery. Isn't it great to have a cute toddler following in your steps?

    Heather ~ Yes, grands are the best. When my son was little, I spent too much time trying to be who I thought everyone expected me to be as a mother/wife/employee and I am sure he did not get the best love I could have given. I love him dearly though and he has turned out great!

    Katla ~ Your evening with friends sounds like fun. I am sure everyone will love the chilli.

    Sherry ~ Is Misty a cat? I am just assuming.
    My DH turned 69 yesterday! We did not really celebrate but DnL and grands are coming by after church and we will have cards. I have a large pot of turkey/beef vegetable soup which I will add a bit more stuff to (it gets even better after a couple of days) and we will get sandwiches from Subway to finish out the meal. Easy, Peasy!


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    :/ j
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJ LOL! You could write The Potty Memoirs. :D

    NYKaren Yes! about the single serving/portion control issue. And thank you for reminding me of a very successful strategy I had forgotten about. I have protein shakes at work for starvation emergencies, and drinking one of those on the way home would help me with evening temptations or late night eating (depending on which shift I work).

    Michele NC You & Vince are so wonderful. Your relationship with him is inspiring.

    Heather OMG thanks for posting that picture. Wowza! You were lovely - but now you are lovely and healthy.

    Mary So sorry that trying to help Sherry had a downside, that feels yucky, you were just trying to help. Two family members have committed suicide so I am very much in agreement that suicide talk should be taken seriously. Unfortunately the "abuse" button must have sounded like criticism rather than like help to poor Sherry.<3

    Janetr Ooooohhhh! That scenario of you arriving home made my cheeks burn! I let my stepson live in a house we weren't quite ready to sell and he left wet towels on the wood floor, trashed the room he slept in, didn't clean out the lint filter in the dryer, scuffed and dented the bamboo floor, didn't trim bushes or blow leaves off even though we left equipment and told him our expectations...so I completely empathize with you, it was so disheartening. He is 30, and I love him, but he lived there for free and left a mess! :s Sending a big hug!

    Going to work now, will read rest of posts later.

    Happy Sunday!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello! This is my first day back after a long hiatus from MFP. Gained a few pounds, stopped working out, just in a funk. So, my goal for today is to eat healthier, cut back on sodium, and get my body moving again! A half an hour a day does wonders for both my body and spirit, but I just can't seem to start. So today is a new day; taking things one day at a time.

    Suzy, PA
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Positive thoughts Janetr