30 Day Shred July 5th



  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    level 3 done this morning. and only a couple of 5 sec. breathers :wink: but my damn HRM said I only burned 101 cal :mad: I am returning it and just logging it as I was like it is 'circuit training' :ohwell:

    and i just bought the 'yoga meltdown' dvd today when i was at walmart. starting that after the shred. maybe i will alternate those dvd's at that time.

    keep up the good work everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    level 3 done this morning. and only a couple of 5 sec. breathers :wink: but my damn HRM said I only burned 101 cal :mad: I am returning it and just logging it as I was like it is 'circuit training' :ohwell:

    and i just bought the 'yoga meltdown' dvd today when i was at walmart. starting that after the shred. maybe i will alternate those dvd's at that time.

    keep up the good work everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Shell! That's what I've been doing. I bought the yoga meltdown dvd last week and having been alternating the shred and yoga every other day.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I'm burning fewer calories on level 3 as well.......any theories as to why? I went from 350-365 calories burned on levels 1 and 2 to 299 calories on level 3. :huh:

    Let me know how the meltdown is!!! :bigsmile:
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    I'm burning fewer calories on level 3 as well.......any theories as to why? I went from 350-365 calories burned on levels 1 and 2 to 299 calories on level 3. :huh:

    Let me know how the meltdown is!!! :bigsmile:

    I was thinking that I wasn't huffing and puffing as much during some of the circuits in level 3 as compared to level 2. But my HR seemed to stay up in the right zone more steadily, so who knows! :huh: :laugh:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Rocked it last night on Level 3!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm so proud of myself - did the first circuit (walking planks? I can never remember what they are called. The up/down/up/down thing.) Anyway... I did them ON MY FEET!!! YAY, ME!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm still doing the traveling push-ups (circuit 3) on my knees, but hey, some time with Natalie is better than nothing!

    I still don't have a HRM yet, so I have no clue how many calories I'm burning. Can't wait to get a HRM. I was going to wait to get it for a birthday present, but my birthday isn't until November. Don't think I can wait that long!

    One more Shred tonight!! Hoping to make it a good one!! After vacation, I just might have to come back and pick up where I left off with Level 3. I'm sure I'll be out of shape after being away for 10 days, but it's something to look forward to.

    Happy Shredding everyone!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello 30 Day Shred Group!! Is it okay if I join in? I was in another group but I went on a trip and they sort of quit on me. :huh: It looks like you gals are sticking with it which is what I need! I am on L2D13. I am moving on to level 3 tomorrow. I had to stick with L2 a couple extra days since a took a breaks for vacations. It looks like you are mostly to L3 so It will be fun to join you. Are you going to stay with the Shred or onto another program? See you tomorrow!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Awesome! I'm still on my knees for both! :wink:
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Hello 30 Day Shred Group!! Is it okay if I join in? I was in another group but I went on a trip and they sort of quit on me. :huh: It looks like you gals are sticking with it which is what I need! I am on L2D13. I am moving on to level 3 tomorrow. I had to stick with L2 a couple extra days since a took a breaks for vacations. It looks like you are mostly to L3 so It will be fun to join you. Are you going to stay with the Shred or onto another program? See you tomorrow!

    Welcome! :)
    I will be on level 3 for a bit longer, then on August 16th I am starting P90X!! :bigsmile: These ladies have been a HUGE support system for me! This is a great thread to join for sure!!!! SHRED ON!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    L3D10 done! One more time for me to get my 30 days in; since I only did 8 days on L1 and 11 days each on L2 and L3.
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    I'm burning fewer calories on level 3 as well.......any theories as to why? I went from 350-365 calories burned on levels 1 and 2 to 299 calories on level 3. :huh:

    Let me know how the meltdown is!!! :bigsmile:

    The meltdown is a very good workout. I've never done any kind of yoga before but I heard this is more "revved up". LOL. You definately feel it when she makes you hold each pose for 15 seconds!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    L3D1!! Wow that went fast but it was intense!! Love how soaked I am by the end. I will be able to stick with this through Friday and then Vacation! I plan to do a lot of walking and hopefully some running on the Pacific Beach Boardwalk. This 30 Day Shred will end up taking 70 days!! The measurements will tell the story.. Success or not??!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    L3D1!! Wow that went fast but it was intense!! Love how soaked I am by the end. I will be able to stick with this through Friday and then Vacation! I plan to do a lot of walking and hopefully some running on the Pacific Beach Boardwalk. This 30 Day Shred will end up taking 70 days!! The measurements will tell the story.. Success or not??!!

    Jealous!!! :wink:
    Enjoy your trip!!!!
    P.S. I noticed you are logging 20 minutes of circuit training.......if that is your 30DS log, it is actually more like 27 minutes! :bigsmile: Just thought you might like to add those extra 7 minutes.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    level 3, day 'something-or-other' done! today didn't feel as hard as before. still hate:devil: the rockstar jumps. but i agree that this 30 minutes goes by super fast!

    Happy Shredding everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did L3d2 yesterday. Killer again! Thanks susanl for the time correction. I can use all the credit they will give me! :laugh: I'm not sure if I will get to the Shred today :frown: The house cleaner is in the basement and it's hard to get back to it. Lots on the list today with leaving tonite. I should keep moving tho!! See all of you after a week. Please be here when I get back!! :heart:
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Well today was my final day of the 30 day shred. I took my after measurements and lost 2.5" in the waist and 1" in the hips. The rest of my measurements stayed the same and my weight stayed the same. Good time to finish it off as I am leaving the middle of next week on vacation to Florida. I will do my yoga meltdown till I leave now.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Well today was my final day of the 30 day shred. I took my after measurements and lost 2.5" in the waist and 1" in the hips. The rest of my measurements stayed the same and my weight stayed the same. Good time to finish it off as I am leaving the middle of next week on vacation to Florida. I will do my yoga meltdown till I leave now.

    Awesome results!! Cograts on making it through and have fun on your vacation next week. Maybe we should start a "meltdown" thread. I am going to start it next week.
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I had soooo much trouble pressing play today! BUT I DID IT ANYWAYS!!!!! YEYAH!!!!
    I was awake for 1 1/2 hours before I worked out! I usually hop out of bed and into my tennis shoes! LOL
    I pressed play and I conquered L3D26!!! Only 4 days left for me (and a 3 day river trip) before I start P90X!!! I HAVE to start eating better! I am still going over my calories almost every day. :grumble: I have proven that I am dedicated enough to work out each day......how the heck do I stay dedicated to eating fewer calories!?!? During the week I do well, but the weekends are getting out of control! Its like I have this "start again Monday" mentality that I don't even know where it came from! :huh:
    Any advice, girls and guys????????
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    I had soooo much trouble pressing play today! BUT I DID IT ANYWAYS!!!!! YEYAH!!!!
    I was awake for 1 1/2 hours before I worked out! I usually hop out of bed and into my tennis shoes! LOL
    I pressed play and I conquered L3D26!!! Only 4 days left for me (and a 3 day river trip) before I start P90X!!! I HAVE to start eating better! I am still going over my calories almost every day. :grumble: I have proven that I am dedicated enough to work out each day......how the heck do I stay dedicated to eating fewer calories!?!? During the week I do well, but the weekends are getting out of control! Its like I have this "start again Monday" mentality that I don't even know where it came from! :huh:
    Any advice, girls and guys????????
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Good job on getting the shred done today!! As for the weekends, maybe you could switch your workout schedule to include the weekends. Not sure if you are doing that already, but I know you have been shredding M-F (aside from today). I know if I get up and workout in the morning, it kind of sets my mind on the right path for the rest of the day. Even if it's not the 'big' workout like the p90x, it could be a walk outside or something. And I also noticed you end up drinking a lot of 'empty' calories in your 'beverages' list :wink: Maybe try to cut down on those and you'll have an easier time staying within your goals. Just a thought. You have been very dedicated to the workouts, just tweak a couple little things at a time and it will make a big difference in the end! :flowerforyou:
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Great idea! Once I start P90X, I'll be workingout every day but Sunday! I bet that will help!
    As for the empty calories.......I know. :grumble: I LOVE lambrusco!!!! Too much! :drinker:
    Thanks for the advice! :flowerforyou:

    Holy moly!! I just skimmed through the last couple of weeks and realized that I drank alcohol almost every night! :blushing: What a lush!!! Gotta save that for the weekends! :devil:
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day of shredding! I am glad too, as I am growing bored with it! :ohwell:
    I wish I could say I've lost tons of weight and lots of inches - but I haven't. :grumble:
    HOWEVER - I have learned to dedicate myself to a workout and to hit play EVEN WHEN I DON'T WANT TO!! This thread was a huge part of what kept me going!!!
    THANK YOU GIRLS!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am off to float the Illinois river.....leaving tomorrow after work - so unless my phone actually works in BFE, I won't be on here from Thursday afternoon-Sunday evening.

    Please keep in touch!!! Keep posting your workouts! Keep kickin booty!!!!! :drinker: