30 Day Shred July 5th



  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I sooooooo don't want to work out this morning!!!! I want to get back in bed........but I know I won't do it this evening.
    So.......here I go! UGH

    Whew!!! I am so glad I pushed through!!!! I am sweaty as heck.......but I did it!!!! YAY ME!!!! Usually I would have just went back to bed, but you ladies inspire me every day to give it my all!!!
  • NinaMyers
    NinaMyers Posts: 37
    I sooooooo don't want to work out this morning!!!! I want to get back in bed........but I know I won't do it this evening.
    So.......here I go! UGH

    Whew!!! I am so glad I pushed through!!!! I am sweaty as heck.......but I did it!!!! YAY ME!!!! Usually I would have just went back to bed, but you ladies inspire me every day to give it my all!!!

    Brilliant Stuff!!

    It's always the THOUGHT of the shred, rather than the shred itself that does it for me
    . The satisfaction at the cool down, such a good feeling!
    I went back to level 2 last night, and quite enjoyed it.

    Tonight will be day 17!!! Going to push on and work hard!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Exactly!! :)
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member

    Brilliant Stuff!!

    It's always the THOUGHT of the shred, rather than the shred itself that does it for me
    . The satisfaction at the cool down, such a good feeling!
    I went back to level 2 last night, and quite enjoyed it.

    Exactly!! Me too! Nothing better than that feeling at cool down!

    Sadly, I couldn't squeeze in the Shred last night. Just ran out of time and energy. :sad: :yawn:

    Hoping tonight, I can redeem myself and get back on track.
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    getting ready to do my shred. I am getting tired
  • blkgrlwithdreams
    Susan: Way to go!! I bet it's super hard to get up at 530 am but it definitely feels so much to get a good day's workout! :)

    MamaJess: Stay strong! All of us are with you on your journey you can do it!! :)

    Nina: That's awesome! Day 17.. keep up the hard work!! It'll keep paying off for you!

    Hey everyone! Sorry that I could respond to everyone's post.. for some reason MFP wont let me see other pages in the post! But def keep up the hard work, I completed day 2 today && I feel GREAT!

    Question! Are you supposed to move on when you feel ready for more of a challenge or is there a timeline for changing to the different levels! Thanks!

  • veracruz
    veracruz Posts: 104 Member
    I just started this last night and curious about anyone's success? Seems like you've been doing it for 3 weeks now - how's it going? By the way - Level 1 kicked my butt. It's embarrassing, I know!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I just started this last night and curious about anyone's success? Seems like you've been doing it for 3 weeks now - how's it going? By the way - Level 1 kicked my butt. It's embarrassing, I know!

    Level 1 kicked my butt too......but I have since move on! :) Now level 2 is kicking my butt! I promise it gets easier!!! :) Keep up the great work everytone!!! :flowerforyou:
    I am down about 2 pounds and 1 inch on my waist since I started 3 weeks or so ago. It works if you work it!!! :)
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Susan: Way to go!! I bet it's super hard to get up at 530 am but it definitely feels so much to get a good day's workout! :)

    MamaJess: Stay strong! All of us are with you on your journey you can do it!! :)

    Nina: That's awesome! Day 17.. keep up the hard work!! It'll keep paying off for you!

    Hey everyone! Sorry that I could respond to everyone's post.. for some reason MFP wont let me see other pages in the post! But def keep up the hard work, I completed day 2 today && I feel GREAT!

    Question! Are you supposed to move on when you feel ready for more of a challenge or is there a timeline for changing to the different levels! Thanks!


    No timeline......I plan on doing each level for 10 days.....but nothing is set in stone! I think you are supposed to do 30 days straight too.....but I take weekends off. :) It feels great to work out every weekday morning regardless! :bigsmile:
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    getting ready to do my shred. I am getting tired

    SHRED MAMMAJESS!!!!! You can do this!!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    YES! Level 2, Day 4 done!!! I gotta say, at the end during cool down stretch, I actually felt more flexible. And I did most of the plank jacks. I'm almost with Natalie on most of the moves! Slow, but steady progress!! Woo Hoo!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Stick with it ladies - you WILL see results, I promise!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    That is awesome!!!
    I agree!!! I finally broke through my plateau because of this workout and because of you ladies being so motivating and making me want to do my workout every morning!!
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Level 2 Day 14 DONE!!! YAY!!!! :bigsmile:
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    Hi All!

    I'm WAY late with joining you but started the Shred on Friday. I have to admit, I was sore and had a busy weekend but I got back at it this week. So far I'm only 3 workouts into it. BUT, I'm hoping you can help. I log it as 20 minutes of circuit training on here and it only says that I burn 163 calories. I know its based on your weight (I'm 136 now) but I feel like I'm going to die by the 3 circuit....how can it only be 163 calories? Any thoughts?
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm WAY late with joining you but started the Shred on Friday. I have to admit, I was sore and had a busy weekend but I got back at it this week. So far I'm only 3 workouts into it. BUT, I'm hoping you can help. I log it as 20 minutes of circuit training on here and it only says that I burn 163 calories. I know its based on your weight (I'm 136 now) but I feel like I'm going to die by the 3 circuit....how can it only be 163 calories? Any thoughts?

    I burn 364 on level 2 - but I also weight almost 200 LBS! Get yourself a heart rate monitor to avoid the MFP estimates....though I must say - with my workouts the estimates have been pretty close!
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Hello fellow shredders! I hope you don't mind I join your group, I belonged to another shred group but I think I'm the only left shredding since I started later than the others. I've been doing the shred since about the beginning of July six days a week (Sunday day off!). I haven't noticed any weight loss yet but am proud to say that I have lost inches. I just completed L3D4.
  • imartin765
    imartin765 Posts: 2 Member
    I just pulled this DVD out myself! Did it on Tuesday, not yesterday. Gonna pull it out now! Any guess on calories burned? Tried to figure it out, but 9 min. of strength, 6 cardio and 3 abs doesn't add up to a lot. I do sweat, and get out of breath. Lets see how it goes.
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    I never realized how many calories mowing the yard burned.OMG I am tired. I usually do half anf the husband does half but I did it all today just for the calorie burn. Now I get to go to the other house tomorrow and mow over there. Oh, Yeah. Add the shred to it and that = a very long day and one tired woman. LOL
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Hello fellow shredders! I hope you don't mind I join your group, I belonged to another shred group but I think I'm the only left shredding since I started later than the others. I've been doing the shred since about the beginning of July six days a week (Sunday day off!). I haven't noticed any weight loss yet but am proud to say that I have lost inches. I just completed L3D4.

    Welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    I just pulled this DVD out myself! Did it on Tuesday, not yesterday. Gonna pull it out now! Any guess on calories burned? Tried to figure it out, but 9 min. of strength, 6 cardio and 3 abs doesn't add up to a lot. I do sweat, and get out of breath. Lets see how it goes.

    Welcome! :happy:
    I burn 364ish doing level 2....but I weigh 191 LBS! :wink: I used a heart rate monitor that I got from Walmart for $27 to figure out my burn.....until then just put in "circuit training general."