what NOT to eat



  • leo0933
    leo0933 Posts: 21 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    leo0933 wrote: »
    Another idea may be your new shopping list should comprise of more water, lean cuts of meat, seafood, fresh vegetables (more green because of fibers), fruit, nuts (in moderation), and natural starches such as jasmine rice, sweet potatoes, and whole grains. Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits. Plus, if you are truly committed and want it, what is sacrificing a few bad meals in order to meet your goals. Let's face many people want to change because they have been eating the way they want for a long time and have not seen the results they want. In order to make changes you have to change some of the things you are doing for growth. You put in half way work you get half way results.
    I think what you really mean to say is that, if you have foods that you can't eat in moderation, you may want to stay away from them in the short term unless/until you learn how to make them fit into your calorie target. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of the foods you mentioned unless they lead you to overeat in a way you cannot control. People don't necessarily understand the difference between "that's a bad food that everyone should stay away from" and "that's a food I can't personally include right now," so that's where you get the people freaking out over bread and pasta unnecessarily. It's not at all that bread is bad, it's that you can't moderate your bread consumption. I personally have no issue with bread, but I did find out last week that I can't have Chex Mix in the house because I'll eat ALL of it. That doesn't mean that everyone needs to stay away from Chex Mix, though; it's just me.
    Hey Alice thanks for the reply. You are absolutely right. That is why I said not everyone is trying to be a bodybuilder or even just trying to make major changes to their body where they are cut up, ripped up, or etc. Therefore, a person should just do what works for them and what makes them happy. Like you said make moderation's to what you eat and just be aware of what you are putting in your mouth. Can even take the approach IIFIYM (If it fits in your macros) where it does not eliminate you from have something here and there. I am a true believer you still need to research nutrition to gain an understanding of food. As well as not being afraid of experimenting for trial and error. For example as you stated you found you can't have chex mix because it don't work for you. That was through your trial.

    Again I totally agree what you are saying and you are on point what I was saying. I think I was assuming which I may not have because she said she wanted to get "LEAN" I assumed she was trying to take her body to another level. Doing so nutrition plays a big part in that. But if you are just trying to lose weight and feel better then watch what you eat and make sure you are not taking in more energy (food) than you are putting out.

    Thanks again Alice I appreciate your response and comment.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I subscribe to the "IIFYM" (if it fits your macros) school of thinking and don't avoid any foods in particular but find I avoid foods because they're so high in fat I'd use all my fat calories in one fell swoop. For example, I don't intentionally avoid fast food, but if going to McDonald's will probably get a chicken sandwich just because a Quarter Pounder with cheese and fries will wipe out all my fats for the day so I'd have to live off chicken and rice for the rest of the day.

    As for alcohol...I drink but they're completely empty calories. Carbs, fats and proteins are required by your body; alcohol isn't. So with that in mind I just drink on the weekend and try to stay under my overall calorie target.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    There are certain things I eat way less of but I don't cut anything completely out. I know what are trigger foods for me so I don't keep certain things in the house sometimes.
  • leo0933
    leo0933 Posts: 21 Member
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    Thanks for your reply to my message. I appreciate it. I agree totally that if you do things in moderation you can still make changes and lose weight. You are right that cutting out foods can cause Orthorexia. On the other hand many people will use the reason of moderation to keep doing what they are doing. Which in turn causes them to continue to go down the same path they have been going. Rather good or bad if you are overeating you will gain weight. That is why educating yourself is very important to help you understand what to eat and how to eat it. Just as you stated people have had success doing things in moderation. People also have had success by cutting out things like soda, certain sweets, and etc. It is what works for that person and help them be successful.

    When I said cut it out for a little bit is because if you know if you are not able to do it in moderation then you may want to stay away from it until you get a grasp on it. That is why I said maybe have a cheat meal or etc so you don't feel deprived as just on example. I also assumed which may have been a wrong assumption when she stated she want's to get "LEAN" then I kind of thought she wanted to make MAJOR changes to her body. If that was the case nutrition plays a big role in that more so then just worrying about calories only. For example, because she said LEAN there is a certain amount of protein is needed for muscle growth and maintenance to allow her to lose body fat to get lean. But I also came back and said not everyone is trying to do a hardcore diet, be a bodybuilder, or make some super major changes to their body. Some just want to lose weight and feel better. Therefore, put a plan together for you which is sustainable. Do what is best for you and what makes you happy. You may do IIFIYM,(If it fits in your macros approach) be more aware of what you putting in your mouth, or whatever the case may be. Do what works for your needs, and goals. Most importantly what makes you happy on your journey of change.

    Thanks for your reply very much appreciated and enjoy the convo.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    leo0933 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    Thanks for your reply to my message. I appreciate it. I agree totally that if you do things in moderation you can still make changes and lose weight. You are right that cutting out foods can cause Orthorexia. On the other hand many people will use the reason of moderation to keep doing what they are doing. Which in turn causes them to continue to go down the same path they have been going. Rather good or bad if you are overeating you will gain weight. That is why educating yourself is very important to help you understand what to eat and how to eat it. Just as you stated people have had success doing things in moderation. People also have had success by cutting out things like soda, certain sweets, and etc. It is what works for that person and help them be successful.

    When I said cut it out for a little bit is because if you know if you are not able to do it in moderation then you may want to stay away from it until you get a grasp on it. That is why I said maybe have a cheat meal or etc so you don't feel deprived as just on example. I also assumed which may have been a wrong assumption when she stated she want's to get "LEAN" then I kind of thought she wanted to make MAJOR changes to her body. If that was the case nutrition plays a big role in that more so then just worrying about calories only. For example, because she said LEAN there is a certain amount of protein is needed for muscle growth and maintenance to allow her to lose body fat to get lean. But I also came back and said not everyone is trying to do a hardcore diet, be a bodybuilder, or make some super major changes to their body. Some just want to lose weight and feel better. Therefore, put a plan together for you which is sustainable. Do what is best for you and what makes you happy. You may do IIFIYM,(If it fits in your macros approach) be more aware of what you putting in your mouth, or whatever the case may be. Do what works for your needs, and goals. Most importantly what makes you happy on your journey of change.

    Thanks for your reply very much appreciated and enjoy the convo.

    I think you will find that many people here agree with you that there are multiple paths to the same destination and that people should educate themselves on nutrition and also experiment to find what works best for their satiety, performance, etc. The reason why you're getting these responses is that your initial post didn't suggest eliminating foods as one potential path for OP, it said that OP "must" eliminate certain foods.

    People have had success losing weight and transforming their body while eating those foods. Other people have had success losing weight and transforming their body while eliminating certain foods. There is no "must" that fits everyone.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    because everyone knows that processed foods contain magical properties that make you gain weight, even if you are in calorie deficit.

    Not everyone apparently but some people know that overly processed foods have most of whatever nutritional value they once had destroyed during the processing and that it will be for difficult to feel full for long after eating, increasing your chances of craving even more. For some people these foods trigger some people's brains to eat even more, much like an alcoholic can't stop at one or two drinks.

    If you can handle eating highly processed foods, fine. Great! Good for you! Realize not everyone is the same and some people actually do need to avoid these things if they want to reach their goals. And it's not a big deal to do it.

    how are you defining processed and highly processed?

    If I have canned vegetables is that bad because processed or good because vegetables?

  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    because everyone knows that processed foods contain magical properties that make you gain weight, even if you are in calorie deficit.

    Not everyone apparently but some people know that overly processed foods have most of whatever nutritional value they once had destroyed during the processing and that it will be for difficult to feel full for long after eating, increasing your chances of craving even more. For some people these foods trigger some people's brains to eat even more, much like an alcoholic can't stop at one or two drinks.

    If you can handle eating highly processed foods, fine. Great! Good for you! Realize not everyone is the same and some people actually do need to avoid these things if they want to reach their goals. And it's not a big deal to do it.

    how are you defining processed and highly processed?

    If I have canned vegetables is that bad because processed or good because vegetables?

    I said "highly processed" in order to avoid this inevitable question. I wouldn't consider canned vegetables "highly processed" but I would also say fresh is better. Call it my opinion.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    edited December 2016
    leo0933 wrote: »
    leo0933 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    Thanks for your reply to my message. I appreciate it. I agree totally that if you do things in moderation you can still make changes and lose weight. You are right that cutting out foods can cause Orthorexia. On the other hand many people will use the reason of moderation to keep doing what they are doing. Which in turn causes them to continue to go down the same path they have been going. Rather good or bad if you are overeating you will gain weight. That is why educating yourself is very important to help you understand what to eat and how to eat it. Just as you stated people have had success doing things in moderation. People also have had success by cutting out things like soda, certain sweets, and etc. It is what works for that person and help them be successful.

    When I said cut it out for a little bit is because if you know if you are not able to do it in moderation then you may want to stay away from it until you get a grasp on it. That is why I said maybe have a cheat meal or etc so you don't feel deprived as just on example. I also assumed which may have been a wrong assumption when she stated she want's to get "LEAN" then I kind of thought she wanted to make MAJOR changes to her body. If that was the case nutrition plays a big role in that more so then just worrying about calories only. For example, because she said LEAN there is a certain amount of protein is needed for muscle growth and maintenance to allow her to lose body fat to get lean. But I also came back and said not everyone is trying to do a hardcore diet, be a bodybuilder, or make some super major changes to their body. Some just want to lose weight and feel better. Therefore, put a plan together for you which is sustainable. Do what is best for you and what makes you happy. You may do IIFIYM,(If it fits in your macros approach) be more aware of what you putting in your mouth, or whatever the case may be. Do what works for your needs, and goals. Most importantly what makes you happy on your journey of change.

    Thanks for your reply very much appreciated and enjoy the convo.

    I think you will find that many people here agree with you that there are multiple paths to the same destination and that people should educate themselves on nutrition and also experiment to find what works best for their satiety, performance, etc. The reason why you're getting these responses is that your initial post didn't suggest eliminating foods as one potential path for OP, it said that OP "must" eliminate certain foods.

    People have had success losing weight and transforming their body while eating those foods. Other people have had success losing weight and transforming their body while eliminating certain foods. There is no "must" that fits everyone.

    Your right I did see that I "put must". That is what caused problems. Very good point about there is no one diet that fits all. There has be a consideration of metabolism, age, height, weight, lifestyle, etc that goes into coming up with a plan that works for you.

    Heck I seen a guy lose weight eating Mcdonalds as an experiment by tracking his calories. Now how his endurance, performance, and etc will be affected I am not sure how that will work. But like you stated with a plan that understands there has to be changes made because you can't out exercise a bad diet but if you make changes where you are aware of what you doing which is sustainable for your journey then by all means do you. All depends on each individual goals want's and desires. Again my apology for not explaining or using the correct word. Thanks

    I love all of your posts. I think you do a good job of explaining your position without sarcasm and condescension. You make a lot of sense.
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    My preference would be a larger portion of steak, I would be happy to pass along the dessert and beer to someone else but that might make be an enabler!
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    I retract my cake post and would like to replace it with this:

    Do not eat this:

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    because everyone knows that processed foods contain magical properties that make you gain weight, even if you are in calorie deficit.

    Not everyone apparently but some people know that overly processed foods have most of whatever nutritional value they once had destroyed during the processing and that it will be for difficult to feel full for long after eating, increasing your chances of craving even more. For some people these foods trigger some people's brains to eat even more, much like an alcoholic can't stop at one or two drinks.

    If you can handle eating highly processed foods, fine. Great! Good for you! Realize not everyone is the same and some people actually do need to avoid these things if they want to reach their goals. And it's not a big deal to do it.

    how are you defining processed and highly processed?

    If I have canned vegetables is that bad because processed or good because vegetables?

    I said "highly processed" in order to avoid this inevitable question. I wouldn't consider canned vegetables "highly processed" but I would also say fresh is better. Call it my opinion.

    ok, how are you defining "highly processed"...

    how exactly is a fresh green bean better than a canned green bean?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I just want to know how to get a truly fresh green bean in late December, but I suppose we don't all live in northern climes.

    We do get them trucked in "fresh" from elsewhere and I usually buy them since they work better for how I cook than frozen (and I dislike canned green beans -- blame my childhood), but I don't delude myself that they are really "fresh" or more nutritious than the ones preserved in other ways. (You can also question the environmental effects of trucks "fresh" all over vs. eating frozen or canned, I think, but that's a separate topic, although certainly one many would consider relevant to the question "what not to eat.")
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I retract my cake post and would like to replace it with this:

    Do not eat this:


    I'd try that once. Sounds like a good time.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    ^Beat me to it, @AnvilHead :laugh:

    Cake and steak with a beer. :)

    I concur! Steak sounds good but the cake looks good! So both it is! 1600 for a 7 layer piece of cake doesn't sound that bad plus sharing is caring. :wink:

    Or save half for the next day :blush:
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Your diet should consist of unprocessed foods.
    Why? So many "healthy" foods are processed, including the jasmine rice you mentioned.
    Bread, baked goods, pasta, cereal, regular soda, liquor, and desserts must be cut out entirely until get a grasp on how to incorporate cheat meals and days into your plan without reverting back to old habits.

    I incorporate these every day and and have lost a significant amount of weight. If you stick around for a while, you'll notice the majority of mfp-ers eat a balanced diet with their favorite foods in moderation. A healthy attitude towards food in general is a healthy approach to weight loss. Cutting out foods can actually cause some to develop orthorexia.

    I hate cheat meals and cheat days. I can easily undo my weekly deficit with those. I'd rather incorporate my favorites daily and NOT go over my calorie goal. I only have 4-5 IDGAF days a year where I won't count calories.

    Weight loss is ALL about calories, more specifically, having the right energy (CICO) balance, and nothing about the type of food you eat. Moderating all foods that one enjoys is a perfectly valid way to lose weight.

    The recommendation of cutting out foods and food groups to someone who is already stressed about weight loss in general is a sure way to stress someone out further. Weight loss is stressful enough already without having to throw rules and guidelines at it.

    because everyone knows that processed foods contain magical properties that make you gain weight, even if you are in calorie deficit.

    Not everyone apparently but some people know that overly processed foods have most of whatever nutritional value they once had destroyed during the processing and that it will be for difficult to feel full for long after eating, increasing your chances of craving even more. For some people these foods trigger some people's brains to eat even more, much like an alcoholic can't stop at one or two drinks.

    If you can handle eating highly processed foods, fine. Great! Good for you! Realize not everyone is the same and some people actually do need to avoid these things if they want to reach their goals. And it's not a big deal to do it.

    how are you defining processed and highly processed?

    If I have canned vegetables is that bad because processed or good because vegetables?

    I said "highly processed" in order to avoid this inevitable question. I wouldn't consider canned vegetables "highly processed" but I would also say fresh is better. Call it my opinion.

    ok, how are you defining "highly processed"...

    how exactly is a fresh green bean better than a canned green bean?

    LOL! Do your own research. I'm not arguing today. :smile: