

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Well another day. I am working the 6-6 shift today. Had to spend time on the phone with the national HR office as found out my employee that left April 6th was listed as on medical leave. So that is why my paper work for the two ladies to go from part time to full time had not been approved. Just love red tape and since it was not done local I wasn't aware.

    Mary--Sorry to hear you have lyme's. I have a younger brother that had that a couple years ago and he still gets worn out really quick.

    Barbie--Sorry to hear Jake is stressing out about things. I don't pay a lot of attention to news as nothing I can do about it anyway.

    Lisa--Sorry DH is having problems. I do understand as my DH can't do things like he used to. Sometimes I think it is harder on me as makes me face the fact we are getting older.

    Beautiful afternoon here and hope I get a chance to set on the front porch and rock before it gets to dark. Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly love all your pics. Baby Joaquin is scrumptious.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I made a folder with a bunch of my momma's pics for Facebook, I will make my page open until after Mother's Day, if you want to have a look see. Also if you wish to add me you can. My name is Becca Gossett, and my profile pic is this flowers pic!
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs everyone. Salad for supper then off to a meeting.
    Paula Y
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Becca - just saw the pictures on facebook, they are wonderful.

    Spent about an hour out in the garden after I sent DH to work. Now I need to get the grocery list finish, so that we can do the shopping tomorrow.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finally caught up. Been reading off and on all day. Two granddaughters here for a few days and I got behind.
    Happy Birthday to all I missed, I.e. Meg, Sharon , Yvonne. Loved Reading all the love stories. DH saw me reading all day and ask what it was about so I read out loud the Australia shed story. His comment was, you would have gone home. Lol. I thought it wAs rough to go from an active life in college to a small housee in rural FL with no phone or TV. One neighbor came over to tell me she did 't make friends with military people because they left. Then someone poisoned our rescue dog. Glad we moved the next year.
    Rori- will try to pm you tonight. Every time I talk to DD something has changed in the schedule.
    Been struggling since our cruise. Funny thing is I didn't gain but .6 on the cruise but for some reason have totally lost focus.
    Better go talk to DH for awhile.
    SueBDew inTX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,900 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Marti, thanks! It was therapy to make an album of all her pictures, when she passed away. I used many of her handkerchiefs as borders, which was fun. If you were my neighbor, we'd sit with tea and you could have a look see. I did that with one of my neighbors asking if she wanted to meet my momma. Then I showed her the album.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Becca I couldn't see your album on Facebook. Could you help!

    Machka I enjoyed your pictures of the Love Shack. My DH did too!

    It's starting to storm so I'm going off now. Good evening!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,441 Member
    edited May 2017
    Mary - thank you for telling us more about Lyme disease. I also have a schoolmate in Indiana who was stricken with it, quite ill for a while. I believe she’s in remission now. I am so happy for you – that you found the intermittent fasting is helping. I had how helpful fasting is for all kinds of reasons – am crossing fingers this gives you long-term relief. Hope you can meet up with Rori! I'm jealous!

    Becca – love the kitchen photos, the flowers, everything. I checked out your FB – we share the same tastes in so many things! And the anarchists – I remember attending a sheep show in Eugene in the late 80’s – we were warned not to go downtown because of the anarchists. Even back then no one knew what they were rioting about. Youthful exuberance fueled by a little too much booze and weed? They can march all they want but damaging property is a crime, I don’t care what the “cause” is.

    Lenora – you hit the nail on the head about changing what we can and accepting what we cannot. I believe prayer might not change things overnight but will give me strength faith to face whatever comes. Thank you for the reminder. :)

    Renee from Chicagoland – hope the diabetes shot does the trick for you. <3

    Heather – so happy the emergency cleaner did a good job for you! And great idea about putting a fuschia in front of the house – really adds a snazzy look, I’m sure. Once when we sold a house I made sure I had fresh flowers on the dining room table each day, I think it helped set the mood for potential buyers….plus I liked them too!

    Karen in VA – how neat is that museum???? Bet your grandson (Mr. Cutie!) really enjoyed it. Very talented people out there. Gives a person a lot to think about in terms of caring for the environment and damage trash does to the ocean-dwellers.

    WOW, I am loving all these “then” and “now” photos. <3 All of you gals are really too gorgeous. So nice to link up faces with names. I really feel like we are long-time sorority sisters. And the stories about where you lived and what you did – Machka, Dana, Kelly, Helen, and many I’ve missed. They are all special and I enjoyed reading them. <3

    GIRLS ONLY TALK HERE......On the topic of husbands and how their medical issues change them, my heart goes out to you. Lisa, Kelly, Becca, Beth – what saddens me is that their spirit becomes wounded as well. My DH was diagnosed with RA about 20 years ago and despite it, managed to keep active and it was always his goal to “do more than healthy men can who are half his age.” I knew he hurt but was not a complainer. That worked until he fell off the garage roof fixing shingles and broke his back – and other injuries that took a long time to heal. He’s now pretty fragile in body and spirit. I try to do what I can to cheer him up but when a person is so depressed…. I have found ways to “divert” his attention and try to bolster him as there’s no way he’d tell a doctor about it. But in other ways, he has become more understanding and mellow about things. I just hate to see him in pain and feeling bad that he’s so tired all the time and has become almost an agoraphobic – never leaving the house. I am grateful that we traveled a bit and did fun things when we were both healthy. In a way, I feel like I have a handicapped child here who I know won't get better. I hope he knows I love him no matter what and I am never disappointed that he's not superman. I need to remind him of that more.

    Last thing…we got a nice letter from the IRS today saying we failed to pay taxes on over $40,000 of income in 2015 so please send us a check for $4,000. Plus interest. I nearly fell over. First, DH’s taxable social security income was calculated incorrectly, likely due to this next paragraph.

    The bank where I had an IRA CD messed up – I switched it to another IRA so the 1099R should have said rollover and instead said distribution. I wheeled into the bank this afternoon and politely read them the riot act. I had noticed their error in early 2016 when I rec’d the 1099R, they said they’d fix it and even sent me a copy of the correction…. which was NOT marked correction and further, the amount was wrong- I hadn’t noticed it before! No wonder everything is flubbed up. I told them they were to give me a letter by early next week stating they messed up so I could send it to the IRS. I’m sure some heads got bonked after I left.

    It’s not the end of the world, just a hassle that will get fixed. I am grateful I have the time to delve into it and kept reasonably good records…normally I am not that organized.

    That’s it for now. Everyone have a good evening and thanks for listening to my “stuff”. :(

    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.34min. 14amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi = 116c
    apple watch- 93c
    day 19-Plyometrics exercises- 23min, 3sets of 10each, squats, burpees, running stationary lunges, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl toe touch single leg, hamstring leglifts, crunches, situps, push-ups, 111ahr, 138mhr = 148c
    apple watch- 139c
    Ski Machine- 12min, 4incl, 20resist, 121mhr, .61mi = 97c
    apple watch- 89c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.26min, 13.1amph, 132mhr, 1.4mi = 63c
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride from puyallup 2 sumn station- 14.50min, 12.2amph, 137mhr, 136ahr, 3mi = 159c
    apple iwatch- 115c
    jog station 2 wk- 4.42min, 9.10min mi, 133ahr, 151mhr, .5mi = 75c
    apple watch- 74c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.21min, 9.31min mi, 179mhr, ..4mi = 61c
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 21.07min, 7.5amph, 147mhr, 2.6mi = 187c
    Apple Watch- 154c

    total cal 906
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Well, going to try to catch up. Probably won't be in for the next few days.

    Wed. I did the South Beach Diet Super Charged DVD. Then we had a Newcomer general meeting, ceramics at night. Today I did a Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kelly Coffee Meyers Shape Up DVD.

    Volunteered at the Green Room today, then cut the grass.

    Tomorrow I'm driving to VA, will stay with Jess, then we'll drive to PA for a bridesmaid dress shopping, then back to VA. I was planning to come home on Sun but Jess asked me to stay so I can see her horseback riding lesson. I'll borrow her weights, exercise, then come home.

    Went to AC Moore tonight to go to a meeting where they help you with needlework, but there wasn't anyone there. Actually, that was a blessing in disguise so I'm making a pork roast for later in the week (something I won't need to rush to do when I get home), put water bottles in the car (for some reason I get so very thirsty in the car), got almost everything packed to take to Jess (just have a few refrigerated items for her), packed my food (I usually stop at rest areas to eat). Now I'm here trying to get caught up before I go to VA.

    Oh, let me tell you about Pete's mother's newest thing. Denise called here to ask us if we thought Jess would like this robe that said "Maid of Honor" on it. We did, but before Denise could order it, Pete's mother bought 3 robes, all of them saying "bridesmaid". Well, Denise told her that Jess' had to say "Maid of Honor" so Denise ordered another one. She texted us a picture of both of them and they are so very very different. Denise said that Pete's mother said the place where she got the robes didn't have a Maid of Honor one. Really? You have to have at least one witness to a wedding, so the chances of having a Maid of Honor are greater. There's nothing that says you have to have a bridesmaid.

    Anyway, Denise was going to ask his mother to return hers. While we were talking to Denise his mother called so Denise said she would call us back. When she did she said that she thought she'd keep the three that said "bridesmaid". After all (according to her, influenced I'm sure by Pete's mother) it's only one day and the writing is on the back, no one will see it. Vince was LIVID!!! Talk about a slap in the face to Jess.

    Then his mother says that she doesn't think she can return them since she threw out the packing material. Come on! She got them from Amazon. If anyone is good about returns, it's Amazon.

    This weekend should be very interesting. I understand that she asked Denise for Jess' phone number. My only guess would be that she's going to plan the bridal shower, and I know that this isn't going to sit well at all with Jess.

    We shall see what happens. Stay tuned!!!!!

    katla - her dogs also like the ribs from the head of cauliflower. Go figure!!!

    I wanted to make the hosts for Denise's wedding, and I sent her a sample. However, the priest said that he couldn't be absolutely sure about the ingredients so he nixed the idea. Really, if I was a regular parishioner there, he probably would have made an exception. But he doesn't know me. At least Denise knows that I wanted to and was willing.

    I did find this place in FL that would make the placq for me. Looks like we'll HAVE to go to FL (which is what I wanted to do anyway). Someone at the Green Room was saying that what they did for their daughter was take a big platter, everyone at the reception signed it, then she had someone go over the signature with black paint, had the platter glazed, fired, and gave it to the girl. When I go up this weekend, I'll run by Denise and ask her if she'd like me to do something like that. The gal at our ceramics place said that she'd write over the names. I told her that I'd pay her. At first she said "no" but I know it's very labor intensive.

    Sharon - happy belated birthday!

    It's a beautiful day today, but I understand that I'm going to be driving in the rain (boo).

    Made homemade dog biscuits to give to Jess (she'll be watching a dog) and to Denise. Also have chocolate chip cookies for them. Made this chicken alfredo to take to Jess and a chicken stir fry. I know that with Colby out of work, money is tight for her. That's one of the reasons I think she wants me to come up, so we can use my car/gas. That's OK.

    dana - doing a happy dance for you

    Welcome everyone new

    Lanette - I've gone to the shooting range with Vince. I tell you, by the time I get to pull the trigger, a robber would have come and gone.

    Cheri - congrats on your weight!

    Yvonne - happy belated birthday! Glad you enjoyed the yoga class even if it did kick your butt

    dana - I'm sorry your mom won't talk to you

    DJ - Jess likes the ribs on Romaine, too. It's just that this gal's dogs like them so much. If it weren't for that, I'd probably give Vince the ribs, too

    Just got the quad cane that we have to loan to a friend who had a stroke and is recovering. We usually give her a ride to the Newcomer general and Board meetings. We asked her if she'd like a ride to the baseball game that they're going to have tomorrow (which might get rained out) but she said she'd drive herself. Maybe she feels funny going with just vince since I won't be there unless it is rained out. Then I can probably make it for the rain date.

    barbie - I'm sorry to hear about the stress Jake is experiencing. I like Becca's idea of doing something funny when he gets stressed. It could very well change his demeanor

    machka - loved reading about your place. So sorry you had DVT, glad your hubby got you to the Dr.

    Allie and everyone else concerned about health insurance - remember that any bill goes thru the House and then the Senate. The Senate will propose their version which probably won't be anything like the one that went thru the House. It very well may take years before they come to something that both agree on, and it most likely won't look anything at all like what the House passed.

    dana - gorgeous picture of you and your hubby. Stay safe

    Lisa - so happy for Corey. I'm sure not being able to work drove him nuts (and you, too). I can totally understand your feeling. Vent anytime at all.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :'( Jake had a bunch of scary symptoms this morning...blood pressure and heart rate up and down, chest pain, and he fell at the grocery store. He called me and asked me to come home from walking the dogs early. I had him drink water and have an Isagenix shake and then check his symptoms before deciding to call 911. Food and water and comfort helped. He knows that he causes his own stress but seems unable to make the necessary changes. He knows that he should eat breakfast but he "forgets". I stayed home from line dance class in the morning and line dance practice for the Fair after lunch. He had originally planned to make marinara sauce and do part of the intensive carpet cleaning today. Instead he spent most of the day in the recliner watching TV. He, too, is discouraged about his loss of strength and his inability to do as much work as he used to.

    <3 Barbie
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Becca I couldn't see your album on Facebook. Could you help!

    Machka I enjoyed your pictures of the Love Shack. My DH did too!

    It's starting to storm so I'm going off now. Good evening!

    Dana in Arkansas

    I changed my security option, so hopefully now you can! Becca
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    (((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Barbie!!!!))))))))))))))
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: I'm sorry the bank messed things up for your taxes. Do you share the bank's name so that we can be sure not to open accounts there? :grumble:

    Barbie: Hugs and good wishes for Jake. Could a visit to the doctor do anything to improve his situation? :heart:

    I went in and picked up my new glasses today and I love them. I am having a bit of trouble with the computer screen just now. I wonder if my eyes are just tired because of the change in glasses. They're quite a bit different than the last pair & right now it feels like my eyes are working hard to adjust.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James