

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    barbie - I'm so sorry Jake had such a scare (and so did you!). I can tell how I've slowed down in the last 5 or so years, and you know me -- always on the go. It's depressing. But I can hardly imagine the feelings Jake is going thru. This getting old stuff sure isn't for sissys. I do hope he gets some of his strength back asap

    Michele in NC
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lanette - I am glad the curcumin pill is doing good things for you.
    How frustrating it must be for you to be dealing with the IRS on an issue caused by your bank. I hope it is all straightened out very soon.

    Barbie - I am sorry to hear about Jake's scare.

    Didn't go to work today. I think it is some kind of stomach bug. I hope I am done with it as I don't have the luxury of calling in again as I have to be there at 6 a.m. It was a 27*C here today. I was unable to go outside to enjoy the warm weather though.

    Yesterday was a day of frustration. Running people to the walk-in clinic, chauffeuring to dance lessons, trying to explain to DH why I didn't want to go for supper with a certain person, etc.
    We ended up going for Chinese food with my sister and brother in-law. It was okay and we did a little touring of the country side. I think my kids are planning something for Sunday.

    Talked to my DDIL and she is really having problems dealing with our DOS. He has been told that he needs to get treatment for PTSD but he is resistant. I am hoping they can weather this storm. We talked for about 2 hours. I just want to hug her but it is a long stretch to Richmond, BC.

    DH went to pick up the parts for our trailer as they had finally came in. He had to drive north of Calgary (more than a 2 hour drive) and then home. He unpacked the door and it opens the wrong way. After all this hassle and wait it is the wrong door. To say he isn't happy would be an understatement!

    Had to cancel my appointment with the weight loss nurse so no weigh in for me today.

    Take care all

    -Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- (((hugs))) I hope the situation with Kake improves.

    Gayle - great! It will be fun to get together! I'm glad you are able to spend time with your mom.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    BECCA - love the photo album of pics of your Mum, what a lovely way to celebrate Mothers Day

    Kate UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,834 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    was up early Fit Bit pooped out around 1:30 so I have that charging..
    took a shower..have my scrubs on for work.. and to nervous to have any breakfast.. will take a kind bar to have and then maybe something to snack on later. as I wont get to work till probably 10:30.. working till 5 and then up to Faith and Buddy for the weekend..
    Katla~ I have a notebook that I have kept for the past 6 months which I write in all things pertaining to Tom/ Money /stuff the lawyer should know.. have alot of stuff copied and our finances on a USB.. he now has everything password coded so I cant see anything,,, but have stuff from January . I am sure he used part of his 401k to buy his car and to pay mine off . i think after 64 1/2 he can borrow on it without penalty.. and so the more he spends the less I get...It is only gonna bite him in the butt... will check in tonight and fill ya all in.. keep me in your prayers please..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    Hello everyone.
    So sorry to hear of hubby problems. Barbie, Lisa, KJ, Katla, Beth, Joyce, Rori and so many of you. I think about you all a lot. Sending the (((((BIGGEST HUGS))))) ever! :flowerforyou:
    Currently my DH is well, but as some of you know, he has an Achilles heel with occasional bouts of severe anxiety. He does work at it and he finds chatting to me a great help. His other weak point is terrible posture, which sometimes gives him backache at night. If it weren't for his maniacal exercise regime I'm sure he would be a physical wreck. Rowing on our machine has saved him, I think. We count ourselves extremely lucky to be fit at 71 and 67 respectively. Sometimes I think we are crazy to work so hard at our exercising every day, but it is absolutely, definitely worth it.
    I still can't use the rower with my arm, but it continues to improve. I have a lot to do today with icing and decorating the birthday cake, cooking sausages and wrapping presents. With DH out at the cricket all day I think I won't do the grandkids room on my own - blackout blinds to put up, beds to drag out. :o I will lay the party table so I won't have to think about it tomorrow. I'm not going to do anything to hurt my arm as I am very pleased with its progress. I was a very grumpy bunny last week, being in pain and unable to do much, so I can quite understand the grumpy husbands. It definitely dominated my every thought. :'(

    The family are arriving 12.30 - 1, so we have a bit of time in the morning. I have a delivery at 10 - 11 with sandwiches, roulades etc. The party officially starts at 2 pm. I will have bread, cheese, salami on a separate table for the family if they are hungry before hand. They are bringing Bea's food.
    I am a bit nervous as the guests include my ex-husband and his 15 year old daughter. I like both of them. :D , but neither of them have been to the house before, which I find a bit bothering for my exacting standards of house prideness. :laugh: I can imagine him looking round quizzically, as I would do if I went to his house. :o:*;)

    Loving all the photos folks. <3 Babies, weddings, houses. <3

    Our viewers liked the house a lot. They live locally and haven't sold yet, so it's all still up in the air. Oh well.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ How scary for you and Jake. I am glad you were there for him and helped him feel better. As Katla said, perhaps a doctor's visit is needed.

    Heather ~ Happy that your party is coming together. I can see why you might feel stressed with your ex visiting for the first time.

    Allie ~ Good luck and prayers for you today.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    (((Barbie))) Never easy when your body let's you down.

    I use my dad as inspiration. He knew he had to keep moving as much as he could. When he could no longer take his long walks he would walk up and down the driveway and would do leg lifts in bed. He was mobile until the end. My mother on the other hand started refusing to push herself. She ended up wheel chair bound at the end. It is true move it or lose it. Movement of any kind makes you feel better too.

    Knee only has some stiffness now. I do my exercises everyday.

    DH is looking and feeling much better now that he has recovered from surgery and does not have to be on chemo. His teeth turned grey from the process. He is bleaching his teeth under the care of a dentist and is much improved already.

    :heart: Margaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :'( Jake had a bunch of scary symptoms this morning...blood pressure and heart rate up and down, chest pain, and he fell at the grocery store. He called me and asked me to come home from walking the dogs early. I had him drink water and have an Isagenix shake and then check his symptoms before deciding to call 911. Food and water and comfort helped. He knows that he causes his own stress but seems unable to make the necessary changes. He knows that he should eat breakfast but he "forgets". I stayed home from line dance class in the morning and line dance practice for the Fair after lunch. He had originally planned to make marinara sauce and do part of the intensive carpet cleaning today. Instead he spent most of the day in the recliner watching TV. He, too, is discouraged about his loss of strength and his inability to do as much work as he used to.

    <3 Barbie
    He's lucky to have u, hope he is feeling better
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My husband is 75; I'm 66 (I've been retired/disabled from my now for nearly 20 years); it took me a good 3 years to 'accept and understand' why I couldn't work'. When my boss was in 'private practice' and I had to be out; he'd continue paying me and hired a first year college student to work in my place. He then hired her full time when I came back. I had been 'out' during the first 15+ years a couple of times; but, this last time ... my continue employment was 'out of his hands'; but, with 'donated leave time' I was able to be 'vetted' and get a retirement check and apply for SSD benefits. When we got the back pay from the time I became disabled until I started my application, Louis took the money to put a down payment on this land. We put our house on the market one night and the realtor called another one who had been looking for a house to move in; wanting one that was 'move in ready'. She came over, looked at the house and signed a contract on it; and we had 45 days to move out. I don't remember the packing up or the move. When we moved, we moved in with DOS and family. I never felt 'welcome' there and as soon as my studio was built, we moved into it, all the boxes that were in storage got moved in, too; stacked 2 deep and as high as possible; with only a king-sized bed, a coffee pot and toaster, and my porta-john right outside the door. I'd go over to my son's house to watch TV during the day. I had to have been taken over there when Louis left for word. Like I said, never felt welcome there. DDnL#1 accused me of 'snooping' through their things if I made their bed for them, loaded the dishwasher, and did some 'light' housework. I would 'attempt' to watch their TV but; when I changed the channel, it would mess up (they had 3 remotes) and they had to each be used in a certain order for it to change channels. I finally told Louis that we'd either have to stay in a motel or something or I would 'go crazy'. That is when we moved into the studio while our house was being finished.

    The other night we met with our insurance agent; to find insurance that would cover Louis past the age of 80 and for 'hopefully' increasing mine. I got denied; but, had some with AARP; he bought some that will carry him until he dies. Quite expensive; but, it will cover the mortgage. Son wondered why we did it and of course, it was to cover the mortgage, if we can pay it down enough for the insurance to cover it (both of us). Of course, we'd have to have enough to pay for the funeral; past that - anything else would just have to be 'written off'. Or one that is left will have to pay it. Trey told me that 'if' there was not enough then our 'rich' son would have to supplement my income, because even after filing bankruptcy, they would not have any money. I told him that was fine; at least he'd be close enough to 'check in on me' which I knew he'd do. He got upset when I told him, that if I did not have enough to pay off the house & land, I would have to just sell it. Actually, he 'freaked'. But, now we know for sure that he has no desire to take over his Dad's business because he doesn't think he could find 2 other painters that would work and be dependable and honest. I told him, 'then, you need to start looking'. Of course, if he could go to technical college that would be a 2-year degree in something. But, I'm not going to pay anything towards it, I don't make enough.

    DDnL#1 had an interview for another job yesterday. Don't know how it went, what it pays; but, I do know they have health insurance because it is large enough they have to pay for insurance. But, depending on how much it pays ... and how much she'd be bringing home will depend on whether she takes it or not, if it is offered to her. At least she has talked to him about it. I think she realized that it was important. And, they, together can make that decision together. She took a certain kind of insurance that they have to pay their deductible up front before a MD will see them. Trey was upset that she did not take a PPO or something else, that would have paid the MD and then they could pay the deductible on time. She needs a hernia repair surgery; but, if they change companies; they will probably see it as a pre-existing condition and they will lose what they have paid the surgeon (all but $250). I think she should have it now that she will be paid when she is out of work with her job now. Or hopefully the other company will pay. I think she hopefully has finally realized that her quitting her job, simply because she got mad and walked out (without ever calling Trey) and telling him that evening is what 'pushed them over the edge, financially'. They had a huge fight about it a few weeks ago and she was 'upset' that others thought that 'she was the reason'. Basically, she was; but, won't take 'ownership' of it.

    I have been staying close to my caloric intake; but, not exercising daily. I just hope that I will still 'go down' and not the other way. Even 'if' I stay the same, I can handle that. Five more days to weigh-in. I also have an appointment to talk to my GP about my BP, which after he took me 'off' the medication because even after cutting it in half; my BP has been all over the place. Up and down. When the bottom number is less than 70; I feel worst that when it is above 85.

    The 'window' man who has rescheduled twice and just not shown up (even though he swears he called for 2 days) is also scheduled for Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon. IF he reschedules, this time I will demand that I talk to the owner. I am NOT a happy camper and neither is my husband. We should have been allowed to stain all 4 sides of the outside strips and paint all 4 sides on the ones on the inside and not have it show on both sides. The installer 'swears' that he told the owner it wasn't going to do because it was 'raw wood' and it had not been treated or stained. Louis stained the outside within 2 days; when he started in the inside is when he noticed the 'raw wood' had been used and some of the strips were warped. They better do whatever it takes to make us happy with the installation because that should be a part of their lifetime guarantee. I certainly have no reason to pay extra on something they should have known would be unacceptable.

    So much for venting! Other than that - not much happening. Hopefully, I will finish the book I have been reading, it has finally gotten really interesting. My reading has slowed down and it is aggravating me. Husband has been reading 2 or 3 books to my one in two weeks. But at least we can renew them twice before having them taken in to be 'checked in' and 'checked out' again (with 2 more renewals); provided they are not on a 'waiting list' anywhere in the State of Georgia. We were pleasantly surprised that they found all 5 books written by Bobby Cole. He is a good author of mystery book; 2 are stand alone and the other 3 are a series. Louis thinks, after reading the 3rd one that 'surely' he will write another one. Trey has the 3rd one; and hopefully he will finish it about the time I finish "Rented Mule".
