October 2017 Running Challenge



  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    10/1 – 6 miles
    10/2 – rest day
    10/3 – 8 miles
    10/4 - 5 miles
    10/5 - 10 miles
    10/6 - 5 miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - rest day
    10/9 - 6 miles
    10/10 - 7 miles
    10/11 – rest day
    10/12 – 6 miles
    10/13 - unscheduled rest day

    53 of 100 miles

    Total rant so feel free to pass and not read...I was supposed to run today but my yesterday was such a chaotic day that I'm exhausted. The quick version is, Skip had a meet at the University of Alabama about 2.5 hours from us. I take my car, she goes on bus, I set up the tent area waiting for bus (and other parents) go to get race packet for team and get told no we didn't pay the race fee. WHAT? Getting close to race time (like 45 mins) and no team. Go back BEG for packet, I'll give you my personal credit card to hold the number until you get the check. Woman feels bad for me and gives me packet. 30 mins....tick tick no bus Coach where are you, there soon. 20 mins before race, I'm freaking out, parent with tracker on their kids phone says Kathie they are going the wrong way WTF. Trying to give Coach directions. 12 minutes to race....run to 5 different officials begging to hold the start. Finally race director comes "where are they" pulling into lot... 7 minutes to start "they have 7 minutes" I'm almost crying. No kids No kids finally 4 minutes to start I see the JV girls coming over hill, parents throwing bibs and tracking tag on shoes, no no time to pee pee while running OMG. Girls get to start (not Skip's division) with 90 seconds to spare...no warm up, no stretching no nothing. Race director walks over gives me 5 five for getting them there. He said If they weren't there I would have strolled down to starter to "chat" for a few minutes to stall for time.

    I think I might have gotten Skip upset before her race because I was crying and so upset and want to punch the face of the school Principal who wouldn't let the kids leave 5 hours early only 4 hours which caused the problem. Then punch the bus driver who said "it's not my job to know the directions" What!

    Anyway..sorry for the long story. Skip ran great, not a PR but she finished 40th out of about 160 runners (some of the best in the state), she ran a 23:43 and said her calf didn't hurt at all. :smiley:

    short story - they will never allow Skip to attend U of A if they hear her name they will be oh no your mother is insane.

    @skippygirlsmom That sounds so stressful! I am glad the team made it to the meet - just in the nick of time to run. I would have been upset too. Feel free to rant away. :) Tell Skip great job for performing so well under pressure!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @skippygirlsmom UGH!!! Glad she made it in the end, but ugh. What a mess!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Thanks @amymoreorless I felt bad I let her see me so upset, one of her team mates said to her "it broke my heart to see your mom cry she does so much for us". Such good kids.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @skippygirlsmom wow, what a mess! I will not even try to understand the level of stress you've endured. Just imagining myself in your place for a minute gave me an anxiety attack. I am glad Skip ran well though, good for her! It speaks volumes when someone can perform well under crazy circumstances. Now go rest and have some wine ;)
  • icemaker1
    icemaker1 Posts: 14 Member
    51.2 miles
    going to take a rest day today. My legs felt pretty spent yesterday. Still trying to get used to a more regular routine.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @skippygirlsmom sounds like a bunch of people needed to be punched, that was a total mess. Glad to hear that Skip did well though. Now, get some rest and do whatever you need to destress!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Omg. That's nuts. They weren't even registered yet? Wow. One thing after another, hey? Sounds like you had to pull out all of your problem-solving skills. Congrats to Skip though; sounds like a tough field!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Thanks for the link to SPAM @shanaber. I got a bit confused and registered. Sorry @HonuNui if I should have only donated. The deadline has passed for sending the medal/t-shirt so hopefully it won't make a difference, right?
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    13 - 5.05 km

    MTD: 34.12/60 km

    My quads have been so sore this week and particularly today. I thought about skipping the run. I have a hard tempo track and field workout tomorrow and I am not sure how I'm going to fare. Coach wants to see improvement over last week's workout, and I fear I will be going backwards. But, I am just able to run without walking (50 mins today) so I didn't want to lose my distance improvement by missing.

    Question for all y'all in the know: I have been running by heart rate and it used to be fine. I would stop and walk and catch my breath. But my heart rate hasn't improved much, even though the effort level and breathing is much improved. Should I perhaps stop running by heart rate? Am I ruining my potential progress by trying to stay in what was once my tested aerobic zone? And if I switch, would you suggest I go by pace or effort?
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Speaking as one who arrives at a race at least two hours before the thing actually starts, I'm not surprised you were stressed. Hope you're able to relax now.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Thanks for feeling my misery everyone. We are getting ready to head to GA for our final college tour and she's is every excited. She has a meet/greet with at 8:30 with the XC/T&F coach, we tour, have lunch and then we are staying for their football. They just happen to be playing an Alabama school.

    On a side note, our kids were not allowed to leave for the meet (150 miles away) 5 hours early (almost 3 hour drive on a school bus plus 30 minutes to stop and get kids lunch), but today our band and football team left 6 hours early for a game 90 miles away. ugh!
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    1/1: 16.35k -Easy long run-
    10/2: 10.3k -Easy+11 strides-
    10/5: 10.6k -Moderate Tempo-
    10/6: 7.6k -Easy run-
    10/7: 15k -Intervals-
    10/8: 14.4k -Easy run-
    10/12: 10.6k -Easy run-
    11/12: 10.6k -Easy+13ST-

    I feel a bit tired but overall I do fine. I have a trail race in two days!

    Goal: 95.5k/180k

    Stay hydrated!

    Upcoming races:
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k: 49:47 (new PR)
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k: 1:17:59
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k: Not registered
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    13 - 5.05 km

    MTD: 34.12/60 km

    My quads have been so sore this week and particularly today. I thought about skipping the run. I have a hard tempo track and field workout tomorrow and I am not sure how I'm going to fare. Coach wants to see improvement over last week's workout, and I fear I will be going backwards. But, I am just able to run without walking (50 mins today) so I didn't want to lose my distance improvement by missing.

    Question for all y'all in the know: I have been running by heart rate and it used to be fine. I would stop and walk and catch my breath. But my heart rate hasn't improved much, even though the effort level and breathing is much improved. Should I perhaps stop running by heart rate? Am I ruining my potential progress by trying to stay in what was once my tested aerobic zone? And if I switch, would you suggest I go by pace or effort?

    Is your PACE and/or ENDURANCE improving? If yes, then keep at it. If no, then maybe reevaluating your training is required.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    10/01 - REST
    10/02 - 4m
    10/03 - CROSS // 20 mins mat pilates + walk
    10/04 - 4m
    10/05 - REST
    10/06 - CROSS // 60 mins Bodypump + 5 minute treadmill run
    10/07 - REST
    10/08 - 3.2
    10/09 - 4
    10/10 - CROSS // 20 minutes core/stretching work
    10/11 - 4
    10/12 - REST
    10/13 - CROSS // 30 mins TRX / 20 mins CXWORKS / .3 mile jog with dog

    Goal: 50
    MTD: 16.2

    Upcoming Races
    10/08 - (5k) Run the Rocks
    10/28 - (10k) Kooky Spooky
    11/18 - (10k) Turkey Trek
    12/09 - (HM) Fa La La Half Marathon

    LOVED TRX today. Going to try and work that in more. Finally got into a full squat with the help of the TRX straps, something I've never been able to do. Plus CXWORKS is killer for your core. I need to do more of that, too.

  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @PastorVincent I'm not sure. My pace is only slightly improving at that aerobic heart rate (143-158). But . . . I can go faster doing a run/walk than running without walking, so the running without walking is pretty new. Despite the heart rate not being much improved, my breathing is much improved and I am able to run in that zone without walking (50 mins today, albeit very slowly).

    I am not at all out of breath anymore. I only get a noticeable increase in my breathing once I am at the top of zone 3 (~178) . . . so perhaps my zones have changed. I used to be out of breath around 150 bpm. Do you think it would be better to go a little faster and run by pace or effort or just stay patient and go as slow as is necessary to stay in that 143-158 range?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @shanaber I am. Oh, that is cool! I have been to Lambeau once. It's always a good day when they beat the Vikings. I grew up on the boarder so knew a lot of Viking fans growing up.

    Catching a game at Lambeau is on my bucket list. I'm English and back in the 80s when Channel 4 started showing NFL games, I picked the Packers as 'my' team.

    Of course I now live in New England which makes me a Pats fan by default. But I'll always be a Packers gal, and I'd choose Rogers over Brady any day of the week.

    @BruinsGal_91 - I can't stand Tom Brady!

    Living in Idaho (no NFL team) growing up I was a 49ers fan and still follow them a bit. Living for years now in the Los Angeles area we had the terrible Rams that I was never a fan of and then no team for a long time and now the terrible Rams again and oh... the almost as terrible Charges. Both teams will have stadiums in downtown LA meaning for most people you have to commute and fight traffic to get to a game. Wish they would have located at least one stadium out in one direction or the other... I will remain a die hard Packers fan and if they happen to come to town I would consider driving in to see them beat whichever local team they are playing :grin:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - what a crazy experience! I would want to punch the coach and the driver both too! How could they not know where they were going?? Are they required to take the bus? I know they are here, but man, I would definitely complain! Also how do you not pay in time? Sounds like the coach and or athletic staff isn't very organized. I am glad it worked out and Skip ran well with no pain!

    @JessicaMcB - Wow look at that snow! Will you be running in it too? Yikes!