Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    No need to have anyone set anything up for you. Have a look at this thread for lots of different programs and just pick one that sparks your fancy. I don't go to a gym, I have adjustable dumbbells, my lounge and three judgemental cats.


    I've tried using a pictorial guide in the past, but even when doing the routines in front of a mirror, I was never sure my form was right. I have 0 experience at all with any kind of weight training, which is why I'd like a few weeks with a trainer to make sure I'm getting the biggest bang for my buck, so to speak and so I don't hurt myself in the process!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I have 6 feline babies. They're not exactly the judgemental type, but my oldest thinks that every minute of my free time not involved in feeding him should be in paying him attention, and he makes sure to get in the middle of whatever I'm doing to make his demands lol
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm in the US and lack judgmental cats. What's the conversion rate for one toddler who thinks mama doing squats is the most hilarious thing?

    My trainee's 2 y/o son is a regular member of training with us. The RPE increase is probably another +25% depending on the amount of extra wrangling... or when he wants to surprise sit on mom's bar just as she's about to pull her deadlift. But it makes recovery/rest time interesting since he wants to jump in and do sets of bench with a pvc bar lol.
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    edited November 2017
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Awesome updates @Leeg5656, @bmeadows380, and @ZoneFive :)

    Also mother to three judgemental/'helpful' cats. Mandy likes to climb on my back during yoga, best day was when I was doing Sphinx pose, and she was also doing Sphinx on my back. Push ups if there is a cat around I am expected to dispense head kisses at the bottom. Toby (youngest child, newest addition, ex-stray/'yard cat'/tried to pretend he was feral) is still a little wary of exercise and all it's associated equipment. Actually hoping that lasts.

    I'm thinking about recent weight loss vs Fitbit TDEE as I head to second diet break, and whether I'm losing a bit faster than predicted (I think so). I maintained pretty perfectly on the previous break, but may need to consider upping cals slightly. I'll crunch numbers again at the end of the week and see.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)

    Fair enough. It's definitely more expensive the later you get it.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)

    Yeah, I have an account for the cats, unfortunately I have two the same age (litter mates), so that could get fun. And having just dropped close to $1000 NZ on Mr Not Even Feral ('cept at the vets), I'm reconsidering for him. Though of course the crystals/cystitis issue would be considered a pre-existing condition now.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)

    Yeah, I have an account for the cats, unfortunately I have two the same age (litter mates), so that could get fun. And having just dropped close to $1000 NZ on Mr Not Even Feral ('cept at the vets), I'm reconsidering for him. Though of course the crystals/cystitis issue would be considered a pre-existing condition now.

    I wouldn't be without insurance now. 3 years ago one of mine got really poorly, like in the university specialist hospital poorly and the bill came out to £10k. No matter how many £15 per month I put away in an account for him it would never have touched that! So the insurance was worth it. And I got another 2.5 years with Dave the rave. Chilli, the old lady, is 11 now and she is the most expensive but all up it's £40 for three cats.

    Such a derail. I believe that's my fault. As is the case generally when conversations turn to cats.

    PS. Keep your toddlers, there's a reason I have cats and not small humans.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)

    Yeah, I have an account for the cats, unfortunately I have two the same age (litter mates), so that could get fun. And having just dropped close to $1000 NZ on Mr Not Even Feral ('cept at the vets), I'm reconsidering for him. Though of course the crystals/cystitis issue would be considered a pre-existing condition now.

    I wouldn't be without insurance now. 3 years ago one of mine got really poorly, like in the university specialist hospital poorly and the bill came out to £10k. No matter how many £15 per month I put away in an account for him it would never have touched that! So the insurance was worth it. And I got another 2.5 years with Dave the rave. Chilli, the old lady, is 11 now and she is the most expensive but all up it's £40 for three cats.

    Such a derail. I believe that's my fault. As is the case generally when conversations turn to cats.

    PS. Keep your toddlers, there's a reason I have cats and not small humans.

    Cats are never a derail :)

    I'm pretty sure Mandy and Mario are of an age where insurance would be pretty exorbitant (almost 13).
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    lol yall talking about fur babies ill add in my feather baby seems to want to stand on my big toe whenever im doing any form of exercise. Its a truely horrifying experience nearly stepping on a 4 inch tall baby birdy who wants to stand on your toe when your doing jumping jacks. I now keep her locked up when i exercise XD

    Yes, we must keep all our little buddies safe.. even at the expense of our own limbs >_<

    I often joke that I have health insurance -- Cat does not. So it's much cheaper to fix me up, and therefore her protection takes priority.

    Why not? It's very affordable. 15-30 dollars a month

    She's older -- 13. Would cost me around $80-$100 a month. I'm better off saving the money in an emergency account. (I've researched it -- we get it as a work benefit.)

    Yeah, I have an account for the cats, unfortunately I have two the same age (litter mates), so that could get fun. And having just dropped close to $1000 NZ on Mr Not Even Feral ('cept at the vets), I'm reconsidering for him. Though of course the crystals/cystitis issue would be considered a pre-existing condition now.

    I wouldn't be without insurance now. 3 years ago one of mine got really poorly, like in the university specialist hospital poorly and the bill came out to £10k. No matter how many £15 per month I put away in an account for him it would never have touched that! So the insurance was worth it. And I got another 2.5 years with Dave the rave. Chilli, the old lady, is 11 now and she is the most expensive but all up it's £40 for three cats.

    Such a derail. I believe that's my fault. As is the case generally when conversations turn to cats.

    PS. Keep your toddlers, there's a reason I have cats and not small humans.

    Cats are never a derail :)

    I'm pretty sure Mandy and Mario are of an age where insurance would be pretty exorbitant (almost 13).

    There was a time you couldn't get insurance, or at least a new policy, for any pet over 9. But I switched provider when Dave died and it was easy peasy to get her insured.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    We're looking at insurance for our menagerie -- it's just recently been offered through my husband's employer. Two cats --
    one lady of a certain age (I go by her name here on MFP) and one large dim boy named Stanislaus who has no grasp of consequences and frequently shuts himself into small dark places where he cries piteously. Then two young dogs who recently joined the household. Thaddeus and Dinah will probably benefit the most from the insurance, but we'll cover the lot of them.