November 2017 Running Challenge



  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    6.1 at 9 min/mile trying to get up a little earlier and manage a 7 tomorrow.
    @Orphia I love alpacas, they are a great animal.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »

    just an aside - you still use DDT? Wasn't that banned in the 1970's?

    OPS. Meant DEET. :D
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @JessicaMcB I just saw your story on my facebook feed!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    October goal: Not chicken out and Register for Zumbro. Start training for Zumbro and figure out real mileage
    Nominal Mileage goal: 100 miles???

    11/1- REST
    11/2- 3.1+ 20 minutes shoveling
    11/3- REST
    11/4- 7.8
    11/5- 4
    11/6- REST
    11/7- 5.8
    11/8- 4.1
    11/9- REST
    11/10- 4.1
    11/11- 6.6
    11/12- 6.3
    11/13 REST
    11/14- 3.3
    11/15- 4.2
    11/16- REST
    11/17- 4.4
    11/18- 7.3
    11/19- 7.2
    11/20- REST
    11/21- 7.3
    11/22- 4.6
    11/23- 6.4
    11/24- REST
    11/25- 7.4
    11/26- 10.6
    11/27- REST
    11/28- 4
    11/29- 4.3

    Total: 111.8

    Today's notes- Hit the ridge for my easy hour today. Got in 4.3 miles. Not a speed record, but not super slow. Had top be careful because, with the melt and refreeze, there was a LOT of ice on the trails. I may actually have to pull out my Yaktracks for trail for the first time. Anyway, a decent run, glad I ran better than yesterday.

    Have a Runderful day all!

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon 6:24:36
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k 18:15:51
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot???

    2018 races
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - Started month with unplanned rest day. Damn I hate colds!
    11/2 - 5 miles on a perfect morning to run (43° F and little wind)
    11/3 - Unplanned rest day...can't shake this stupid virus!
    11/4 - 5.1 miles.
    11/5 - Planned rest day / church, etc.
    11/6 - 5.1 miles. A bit chilly for November...wind chill was 19° F.
    11/7 - 5 miles. A little warmer today.
    11/8 - Overslept and didn't have time to run :-(
    11/9 - 5 miles. Wind was brutal.
    11/10 - 3.4 miles on treadmill, then upper body weights.
    11/11 - 4.7 miles.
    11/12 - Rest day.
    11/13 - 4.5 miles.
    11/14 - 5 miles. Warm enough to run in shorts!!
    11/15 - 5.1 miles. Again, shorts and a long-sleeve shirt! It was almost 50° F!
    11/16 - 5 miles on treadmill / Trek class, then upper body weights. Trek class kicked my *kitten*!
    11/17 - Rest day.
    11/18 - 3.4 miles on treadmill. Then upper body weights / abs.
    11/19 - 5 windy miles.
    11/20 - Woke up with some crazy pain in my right hip / glute. Not sure if I pulled something or what. Took some anti-inflammatory medicine. Hope I just need to rest / stretch.
    11/21 - 5 miles @ 45° F! Way warm for November. Apparently hip issue was weird DOMS from yardwork. It was good this morning.
    11/22 - 3.4 miles on treadmill. Then upper body weights / abs.
    11/23 - 5 miles. Turkey Trot with two of my kids, two nieces and SIL. The weather was gorgeous and it was fun!
    11/24 - Rest day.
    11/25 - Too much pie!
    11/26 - 5 miles.
    11/27 - 5 miles.
    11/28 - 5.5 miles. It was 51° F! Global warming is bad for the planet, maybe good for running. I wore shorts and a t-shirt...on November 28!
    11/29 - 4 miles on treadmill. Then upper body weights / abs.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2017
    Thanks @Orphia @_nikkiwolf_ @lporter229 @7lenny7 @kgirlhart and any one I might have momentarily forgot to tag.
    @skippygirlsmom You're so right, It miserable not being able to save your kids from pain, or illnesses.

    Thanks everyone.
    Not running related
    We hired someone to come clean a few months ago, she's made it 2 maybe 3 times. My daughter said she complains that our house is dirty, which is why she's not coming and offers excuses to not show up. Haha! Duh its dirty. And if you showed up more, it wouldn't be so dirty. :tongue:

    Looks like I'll be phoning the Merry Maids. They won't complain.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    @lporter229 – I used bluetooth headphones with an iPod nano and it worked fine. At least for the first two months until I accidentally washed the nano. I haven’t replaced it yet. I’ve thought about getting a shuffle. I didn’t know it wasn’t compatible but PastorVincent’s patch wouldn’t be too cumbersome. Would love to hear what you decide.
    @JessicaMcB – Congratulations on your article! Thank you for sharing your experience with all the world. Very inspiring!

    Got in a 5 mile run this morning before work. Now I just need 2 to meet my November goal! The plan is to get them in tomorrow after work.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @JessicaMcB I love the article, I cried when I read your race report and I cried again reading this. You are truly your Momma’s daughter. Congrats on being published. I love reading the blog I posted, glad you enjoyed it, besides just being in awe of what he does, I love the way he writes.
    @MNLittleFinn I would take the laces out and any inserts out before you wash the shoes.
    Getting old is not for sissies. @mobycarp – amen!
    @HonuNui I told Skip we would take out student loans and I would help pay them back, so I’ll be working until I’m 90 years old. Or well when I die she can pay them off, whichever comes first. Ha ha
    @rusgolden I got lost running in Hawaii, I’ve never been so happy to be lost in my entire life ha ha!!
    Go Kody! @7lenny7 I need one of those for Macy, she would love it!
    Super job on goal @sarahthes
    @girlinahat great explanation of technical trail
    @_nikkiwolf_ we are so opposite – I really don’t like to run later in the day. I have to start making myself do it because I’m just so used to going in the morning.
    @elise4270 OMG that is too funny, so you need to clean your house so the house cleaner can clean it ha ha!!! Best ever! If it makes you feel better my friend has had 2 quit because her house is such a mess they said they won’t clean it for $500 a week let alone the $150 they normally charge.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    We hired someone to come clean a few months ago, she's made it 2 maybe 3 times. My daughter said she complains that our house is dirty, which is why she's not coming and offers excuses to not show up. Haha! Duh its dirty. And if you showed up more, it wouldn't be so dirty. :tongue:

    Looks like I'll be phoning the Merry Maids. They won't complain.

    Wait... do people with ALREADY CLEAN houses hire people to clean for them? Where can I sign up for that easy money? :lol:

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    a good read for crazy people. yes, that means you @MNLittleFinn @JessicaMcB @7lenny7 @PastorVincent (even more you as you are coming over to the dark side) and all others with a tendency for length....

    I actually ran with this guy in my Dartmoor running weekend. Only annoyed that I was so far behind I didn't get the chance to talk to him much.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    a good read for crazy people. yes, that means you @MNLittleFinn @JessicaMcB @7lenny7 @PastorVincent (even more you as you are coming over to the dark side) and all others with a tendency for length....

    I actually ran with this guy in my Dartmoor running weekend. Only annoyed that I was so far behind I didn't get the chance to talk to him much.

    That's a good read... though, for a person like me, if I know what Aide Station I'm at, I know the distance left...LOL.... GPS is nice though.... Planning and eating enough are HUGE things to remember.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    11/1 - rest day, 35 min walking
    11/2 - rest day, 1 hour walking
    11/3 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/4 - 3 mi run, 1.75 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/5 - 3 mi run, 1.5 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/6 - rest day, 20 min walking
    11/7 - was supposed to run 3, didn't happen, but walked 22 min
    11/8 - rest day, 20 min walking
    11/9 - rest day, 30 min walking
    11/10 - 3 mi run, 1.7 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/11 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/12 - rest day, did nothing at all :-p
    11/13 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking warm up/cool down
    11/14 - 2 mi run, .75 walking warm up - run aborted, no cool down, household crisis :-p
    11/15 - rest day, 30 min walking
    11/16 - 3 mi run, 1 mile walking
    11/17 - why did I miss a Friday? I can't even remember!
    11/18 - 3.5 mi run, 1.5 mi walking
    11/19 - 3 mi run, 1.5 mi walking
    11/20 - 3 mi run, 1.25 mi walking
    11/21 - 3 mi walking
    11/22 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking
    11/23 - Thanksgiving, rest day
    11/24 - 3 mi run, 1.66 mi walking
    11/25 - 3.5 mi run, 1.6 mi walking
    11/26 - rest day, wish now I'd run, but I did get a Christmas tree put up
    11/27 - 3 mi run, .75 mi walking
    11/28 - skipped my run, but I put up another Christmas tree :-p
    11/29 - rest day, 30 min walking
    11/30 - rest day unless plans get cancelled

    Goal: 45.1/40 miles (only counting running)

    I passed my goal and doubled my mileage from Sept and Oct, but I was sorta hoping to hit 50 as a stretch goal. Didn't make it but maybe next month :) Just posting this early because I'm pretty sure I'm done for the month unless I happen to be free tomorrow evening, in which case would it be insane to run 5 miles when my max so far in my comeback is 3.5? I haven't run 5 miles since spring. LOL

    @elise4270 I think you're supposed to get your house super clean first and then the housekeeper just maintains it :) Sorry to hear of your/Alex's struggles. So sad. Poor guy and poor you too. Hang in there!
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    11/1 = 10 miles
    11/2 = strength training
    11/3 = 5 miles
    11/4 = 19 miles
    11/5 = rest day
    11/6 = 4.5 miles and strength training
    11/7 = 8.5 miles
    11/8 = rest day
    11/9 = 6 miles
    11/10 = Vinyasa yoga class
    11/11 = 13 miles (New Braunfels Half)
    11/12 = 6 miles
    11/13 = Kettlebell strength training
    11/14 = 6 miles
    11/15 = 8.5 miles
    11/16 = Strength training
    11/17 = 6 miles
    11/18 = rest day
    11/19 = 20.5 miles
    11/20 = 3 miles dreadmill and strength training
    11/21 = Vinyasa yoga class
    11/22 = 8.5 miles
    11/23 = 5 miles (Georgetown Turkey Trot)
    11/24 = 5 miles
    11/25 = rest day
    11/26 = 11.5 miles
    11/27 = Kettlebell strength training
    11/28 = 5 miles
    11/29 = 6 miles

    How is it possible that I am 6 pages behind in 24 hours. I can’t keep up! Lol

    T-minus 11 days until Marathon. The weather report is now predicting a 20% chance of rain. It is NOT allowed to rain. I also woke up this morning with a twinge in my hip, 5 sneezes, and a severe case of hypochondria. I work with kids so I plan to bath myself in hand sanitizer every chance I get today. The cute little Petri dishes are all exuding this time of year.

    157/175 (November goal miles)

    Upcoming Races:
    12/10 = BCS Marathon
    1/6/18 = River Road Run Half Marathon
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @Elise4270 so sorry to hear of your family woes. hopefully with the right diagnosis and beginnings of treatment for Alex things can start to improve. Also good you have 'positive' results from your MRI. I say 'positive' because although it's not great at least you know it's not all in your head.

    as to the cleaning, I'd always panic with a cleaner coming that I'd need to clean up beforehand. This probably goes back to my university days where a group of us were saving a half full jug of milk left out on the side as a forfeit one day. The cleaner got to it first. I felt really guilty as she was lovely and always went above and beyond what anyone should do in a university hall of residence...
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    11/1 10miles
    11/2 4miles
    11/3 12miles
    11/4 4miles
    11/5 rest
    11/6 6.62miles
    11/7 5miles
    11/8 7miles
    11/9 4miles
    11/10 14miles!
    11/11 6miles
    11/12 rest
    11/13 6miles
    11/14 5miles
    11/15 9miles
    11/16 5miles
    11/17 9miles
    11/18 rest
    11/19 rest
    11/20 4miles
    11/21 4miles
    11/22 4.73miles
    11/23 rest
    11/24 3.21mi
    11/25 13.1!!!
    11/26 rest
    11/27 4miles plus crossfit!
    11/28 6miles
    11/29 4miles

    A very slow 4 miles. I’m still sore from crossfit! Now I remember why I avoid it when I’m deep into my training!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @Elise4270 I am keeping Alex and you (and your family) in my prayers. I also was diagnosed with bipolar back in 2007 and it's no picnic. If you need to talk, please do not hesitate to PM me.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @PastorVincent you are 100% correct!
    @amymoreorless you should consider bathing in Lysol, kids are little germs in cute faces. Plenty of time for the weather to change again...and again....and again.