Snap Judgments



  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    I assume when I see a woman with ink, nipple piercings, a big butt, and a wicked smile that she wants to be the next ex-Mistah J.

    Never trust a big butt and a smile. (I say with my booty and a grin)


    How you doin'? ;)
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    I assume that women who insist on keeping a baby when the father doesn't want it are either after the father's money or they desperately want to create a bond with someone who doesn't love them.

    are they supposed to get rid of the baby just because the father is a POS?

    I think it is wrong to consider all men who don't want a baby is pos. Maybe he is not ready, maybe he wants to be financially stable before having a baby. I believe it is too selfish to keep an unwanted baby. That poor little thing needs a father.

    A mother is perfectly capable of playing both roles. Yes, having a father who's there for them would be the ideal situation but kids who don't have fathers involved in their lives can have just as much of a good life as kids who do.

    Yes, you are right. But i would feel sorry for my child when she/he asks about the father and i wouldn't want to lie to him/her so i wouldn't keep the baby to not face this kind of situations. Maybe i am not a strong woman, i don't know.

    I understand, everyone has their reasons and their own stories, I don't judge. I'm just speaking from experience, my biological father wasn't there for me when I was born but I was blessed with a amazing step father who did everything for me and I turned out ok.

    But you did have a dad. Statistics show that "kids don't need a dad" isn't a true statement.

    Okay but kids don't need a dad

    Then equally, kids don't need a mom.

    How about we all agree that what a child doesn't need is a parent who doesn't want to be in their life, regardless of gender?

    Agree? On the internet?


    You know me.

    Yeah, I know you. We've met a time or two lol

    Lol was trying to edit it before you saw it. Having gif issues
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I assume that women who insist on keeping a baby when the father doesn't want it are either after the father's money or they desperately want to create a bond with someone who doesn't love them.

    are they supposed to get rid of the baby just because the father is a POS?

    I think it is wrong to consider all men who don't want a baby is pos. Maybe he is not ready, maybe he wants to be financially stable before having a baby. I believe it is too selfish to keep an unwanted baby. That poor little thing needs a father.

    A mother is perfectly capable of playing both roles. Yes, having a father who's there for them would be the ideal situation but kids who don't have fathers involved in their lives can have just as much of a good life as kids who do.

    Yes, you are right. But i would feel sorry for my child when she/he asks about the father and i wouldn't want to lie to him/her so i wouldn't keep the baby to not face this kind of situations. Maybe i am not a strong woman, i don't know.

    I understand, everyone has their reasons and their own stories, I don't judge. I'm just speaking from experience, my biological father wasn't there for me when I was born but I was blessed with a amazing step father who did everything for me and I turned out ok.

    But you did have a dad. Statistics show that "kids don't need a dad" isn't a true statement.

    Okay but kids don't need a dad

    Then equally, kids don't need a mom.

    How about we all agree that what a child doesn't need is a parent who doesn't want to be in their life, regardless of gender?

    Agree? On the internet?


    You know me.

    Yeah, I know you. We've met a time or two lol

    Lol was trying to edit it before you saw it. Having gif issues

    I was assuming it was a peace, love, hippie kinda gif lol
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I assume that women who insist on keeping a baby when the father doesn't want it are either after the father's money or they desperately want to create a bond with someone who doesn't love them.

    You would be surprised how many girls try to get pregnant just to have a baby love them .

    Well I guess I would because I've never met one. I love my kid. But she's 11 and sure as heck doesn't always love me. So that woulda been a failed experiment.
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    I assume that women who insist on keeping a baby when the father doesn't want it are either after the father's money or they desperately want to create a bond with someone who doesn't love them.

    But hey, the guy dipped his wick & everyone knows what happens when ya don't use protection! Either buy condoms or buy a pram

    There are too many women who stop using birth control and hide it from their boyfriend and make the pregnancy look like an accident. I think we shouldn't always blame the men.

    I was actually aware of a young woman who was sleeping with a guy who already had a girlfriend. The girl was madly into him & obviously because he kept using her for sex, she couldn't see he was only using her. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the tool kit. I was at her house 1 night years ago with one of her friends, her friend told me to be quiet cos they were 'getting it on' in the bedroom. You could hear the groans and the sounds of them making a 4 legged monster! It was nasty !

    Anyway, the guy had always told her, I will never leave my girlfriend and don't you dare tell her! Fast forward and the girl is pregnant, she kept the baby and he denied any knowledge that it was his. But she was so in love with him that she obviously wanted the baby. Who's really at fault here? The daft lassy bessoted with the player? Or the guy for taking advantage of a girl who will happily open her legs so he can get his end away ??

    Either way it's messed up and the baby will undoubtedly suffer.

    I am sorry for the baby. I wonder how she or he will feel when she/he finds out the truth.
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    Damn. I'm starting to assume some of y'all didn't get hugged enough
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    By the way i had no intention to ruin a nice thread. My friend is facing a very high child support payment because of an one night stand, that's why i wrote what i wrote, i didn't want to start an argument or something.
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I assume that the fun threads will always get off track somehow.
    I also assume that no one *really* cares about my opinion or anyone elses and just wants to be the one with the loudest voice

    *Whispers* shhhhhhh I'm the most right
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I assume anyone who clicks my comments as being insightful are finding insight into what an idiot I am. :smiley:

    You can't worry about what others think on here . Be yourself :)

    I was just playing lol
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    When i see a young bald man, i assume that he shaves his head to hide premature hair loss.